I want to be emperor

Chapter 387 Hit the head to death in the hall

Chapter 387

To put it simply, what Luo Zhixue is currently doing is managing people, not affairs, and now he seldom manages a certain thing himself.

If you really let him take care of things directly, then the massive and complicated affairs in such a huge empire can directly overwhelm him.

But it is easier to manage people, you only need to firmly control the general direction in your own hands, if the direction is wrong, then change someone to correct the direction.

At the same time, some major issues are often discussed in the council meeting, and Luo Zhixue will not personally participate, but wait for the ministers to argue and play, and then choose a result that suits their own interests to set the tone. In the end, he was not satisfied, so he called back and let the ministers discuss...

If you are still not satisfied...then discuss it with someone else...

After all, it is possible to draw a conclusion that satisfies Luo Zhixue.

This is also the reason why Luo Zhixue seems to have direct control over so many institutions but not similar ones... In fact, it is impossible for him to directly manage so many things. He manages people and those important ministers more in his daily life.

The emperor, the most important thing is to employ people.

If people use it correctly, then things will be right, and if people use it wrongly, then things will naturally be wrong.

Implementing various policies by employing people, this is Luo Zhixue's current way of governing, instead of doing all the big things by himself as before...

But this way of managing people and not doing things can easily make Luo Zhixue out of the grassroots, and all he gets is the fabricated feedback from the courtiers.

Therefore, Luo Zhixue also needs other channels for sources of information, such as the secret book system.

It also needs a certain deterrent force to make other officials vigilant and even fearful, such as the Internal Affairs Investigation Section of the Imperial Academy.

With both kindness and power, while generously managing people and delegating power, at the same time sending countless spies to collect the movements of subordinate officials to prevent any negative incidents from appearing.

What matters is a balance.

Through two or three years of hard work, Luo Zhixue initially built a stable structure for the coexistence of multiple factions in the Great Chu Empire, and through the method of work division, he adjusted the duties and powers of the ministers under his command at any time to balance the factions.

In today's Great Chu Empire, there are different institutions, and different ministers have their own ideas, and then they are softened to work together, and the only thing they have in common is that they revolve around Luo Zhixue, the actual representative of imperial power.

Once they leave Luo Zhixue, they are all rootless duckweed.

This is why it is important to have a balanced multi-factional political structure. Both are indispensable, and any party that wants to grow will also cause confrontation among other factions.

As for Luo Zhixue, he always sits firmly on the high platform, pulls on whoever is weaker, and suppresses whoever is stronger, always maintaining a multi-party balance.

The participation system is also a concrete manifestation of this balanced system!
The same is also why Luo Zhixue included Xu Zhixian and Wei Kaifu, two of the military generals, as the Minister of Counsel.

This is also to maintain the balance of the power structure.

The military must have its own voice in the Senate, the top political platform in the empire, to safeguard the rights and interests of the military.

However, it is only limited to maintaining the military's own interests. Luo Zhixue is still promoting the separation of military and government on the other side.

The local governors no longer have the power to command the troops. The civil servants in Gyeonggi-ri, even Guo Quanshu, also have no power to dictate military operations. Conversely, the military cannot dictate local government affairs.

Therefore, in most of the imperial council meetings, Luo Zhixue generally did not announce the two ministers of the military.

Xu Zhixian, Chief of Staff, and Wei Kaifu, Minister of Military and Political Affairs, naturally understand why, so they don't go to the staff meeting very often on weekdays. Even if they do, as long as the discussion does not involve the military, they will not speak. Purely as a tool person, when it comes to some links that require voting, they often abstain directly and let the five ministers of the civil service system fight for themselves.

But when it comes to the interests of the military, they will stand up without hesitation, and then spray what they should...

For example, at the end of last year, when discussing Chengshun's fiscal budget for the third year at the Imperial Counselor's Meeting, because of the military budget, these two military bosses ran wild with saliva and quarreled with Guo Quanshu and the other civil servants. .

At that time, Guo Quanshu and other civil officials felt that in the third year of Chengshun, 500 million military expenditures would be about the same. Woolen cloth.

And it's just conventional military spending!

When a fight really breaks out, all kinds of enemy assets will definitely be confiscated on a large scale. At that time, part of these one-time income will be used to subsidize the military.

Just like in the second year of Chengshun, the rated conventional military expenditure was only 500 million taels, but in the Battle of South Chu and the Battle of Dongjin, the Great Chu Empire obtained tens of millions of one-time confiscated income, plus Dong The cost of entering the war is too much, and the original additional military expenditure cannot support it.

In addition, the navy has also launched a large-scale shipbuilding and expansion fleet, which also requires a lot of military expenses.

Therefore, several batches of additional war expenses were successively allocated to the military, with a total of about 1000 million taels.

That is to say, in Chengshun's two years, the actual military expenses received by the military was as high as 500 million taels.

This does not include a large number of materials seized by the military that are directly used for war, including guns, swords, armor, rations and even mules and horses seized from the enemy.

According to the rules, these trophies were supplemented to the frontline troops on the spot and were not included in the financial statistics.

Therefore, the total military expenditure and materials received by the military last year exceeded 500 million taels.

When formulating the three-year military expenditure for Chengshun, Guo Quanshu and other civil officials believed that the rated military expenditure of 500 million taels was already quite a lot. And get a lot of money.

However, the military believes that the reason why it was able to obtain tens of millions of taels of additional war expenses last year was because it fought in Jiangnan last year.

This place in the south of the Yangtze River is very rich, so there is a lot of profit from confiscation. Only in this case can we get an additional 1000 million war expenses.

But where are you playing this year?
They are all poor and remote places. There are mountains in Guangdong and Guangxi.It is definitely a loss-making business to fight Guangdong and Guangxi.

Fujian and Zhejiang?It is also a poor place, and the prefectures in northern Zhejiang are barely rich, while the rest of southern Zhejiang and Fujian are places with many mountains and little land. .

According to the military's statement, with this calculation, they will not be able to get much money from fighting Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian and Zhejiang. Instead, the local terrain is complex, supplies are difficult, and combat difficulties will cost more.

Once in and out, the military will lose to grandma's house...

What about Jiangbei... The military does not shy away from the fact that Yangzhou and Huai'an are rich, but the generals in the military insisted that that place was a fortress that the Ming army had run for a long time, and Yangzhou in particular was a tough place. It's really hard to beat the tough bones.

There is a high probability that it will be taken down this year.

Besides, it's just two cities, even if they are all copied, how much money can they get?

Therefore, the group of generals in the military firmly insisted that there is a high probability that the Jiangbei Campaign will not be able to obtain a large amount of confiscated income.

It is estimated that the additional war expenses cannot be much, so the regular rated military expenses will have to be increased, otherwise the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the army, navy and guards will fight hungry...

These words, Guo Quanshu and the other civil officials all had black faces.

It all shows that the civil servants at the court are all shameless, but when it comes to our Great Chu Empire, the shameless ones have become generals.

In the end, the two sides discussed and discussed. The civil officials represented by Guo Quanshu said, don’t you want to increase conventional military expenditures?


Subsequent copying will not earn any points.

But the military is still dissatisfied, insisting that the regular military expenditure is 3000 million, and the follow-up will be split [-]-[-]...

Although the military was not satisfied with this, but Yuan Gaofeng's bad temper came up at that time, and he yelled directly at the pillars on the side hall: "If you want money for fighting, don't the rest of the country have to live?"

"No relief? No more water conservancy? No more imperial examinations? No more farming? No more Dangtu Industrial Zone?"

"Take all the money to fight, and let the people in the rear starve to death, are you satisfied?"
"Let me put my words here. If you continue to threaten, people's livelihood cannot be achieved without money. I, Yuan, am ashamed of His Majesty and the people of the world. I might as well smash myself to death here. I want to see, when the time comes How do people see you!"

After Yuan Gaofeng finished speaking, Xu Zhixian sneered directly: "If you have the ability, you can hit me. If you can't hit me, I can help you. Don't learn nothing, just pretend to be a group of Donglin Party who only talk but don't practice!"

After hearing this, Yuan Gaofeng screamed angrily, and rushed out in agitation. It seemed that he was really going to bump his head against the pillar...


This is purely self-indulgent!
He had just got up and hadn't taken two steps when he was stopped by two powerful imperial guards behind him...

Luo Zhixue frowned at this scene!

Yuan Gaofeng's acting is a bit fake, you don't want to pick so many big pillars in the hall, you have to choose the one closest to the door...

There are two imperial guards standing on duty on this big pillar!
In the end, they quarreled and quarreled, and in the end the two parties reached an agreement in the dispute, with a rated military expenditure of 800 million, and only [-]% of the follow-up confiscation proceeds.

After finalizing the allocation ratio of administrative funds and military expenditures, the subsequent allocation of funds to various ministries was also spent in a noisy environment.

The Army, Navy, and Guards quarreled.

Other departments such as the Ministry of Taxation, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry are also noisy!
The noisy student Luo Zhi has grown up!
(End of this chapter)

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