Chapter 837
In the smoky meeting room, everyone looked a little heavy.

After a while, Wang Liqing, who was sitting at the top, put down the document in his hand, and said, "The current situation is very bad!"

"Our gross profit has further decreased this month, and I'm afraid we will lose money next month!"

"The new cotton yarns on the market today are too competitive, and our cotton yarn market is getting smaller and smaller!"

"Now the quality of our cotton yarn is much worse than that of new cotton yarn. In order to continue to win orders, we have to cut prices many times, which also leads to a further decrease in our gross profit. The factory is running all day long. It didn't make much money."

"More importantly, even so, orders are getting fewer and fewer."

"Before I had dinner with Mr. Li of Guangsheng Textile Company, which has a cooperative relationship for more than ten years, he has made it clear that their Guangsheng Company is undergoing transformation, and will gradually put into production new types of cloth made of new high-quality cotton yarns, and gradually reduce the cost of old fabrics. Cloth production, which means that there will be fewer and fewer cotton yarn orders for us in the future.”

"If we continue like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be no more orders. Even if there are a few orders, the more we do, the more we will lose. At that time, how will the hundreds of people in our factory support their families?"

"It is imminent to purchase new equipment, improve technology, and further improve the quality of our cotton yarn!"

"Old Tang, you are our finance committee, how about the funds for additional equipment, can you get it together?"

After the middle-aged man Wang Liqing at the top finished speaking, a half-old man below said: "President Wang, the funding problem is not easy to solve. Our factory's working capital is not much, and we have to set aside part of it to deal with the payment of goods and wages." , The monthly repayment at the bank, the funds that can be squeezed out to purchase additional equipment, may only be around 6 to [-] yuan, and this is not enough."

"The bank loan is not optimistic. The West City Branch of the Finance Bank has a very clear attitude. Our previous three mortgages have not been paid off, and most of our factory equipment has been mortgaged. Even if we can get a loan under such circumstances, I'm afraid it won't be too big."

"Under such circumstances, it is not easy to get together a loan to purchase equipment!"

Wang Liqing, who was at the top, said: "The financial bank can't do it, what about other banks? After all, we still have a piece of land in Nantong that can be used as collateral!"

Old Tang, who was in charge of the financial meeting, shook his head: "The financial banks that have cooperated with us for more than ten years have all rejected it, let alone other banks, let alone partial loans, even if they don't give it at all!"

"The land in Nantong, although everyone knows that we bought the land with real money, but after all, it is caught in a debt dispute. The lawsuit was not won. The bank will not admit the real ownership of the land. A mortgage on a piece of land."

At this time, a middle-aged man beside him said: "Oh, I knew I shouldn't have cooperated with others to set up a branch factory in Nantong. As soon as the money was invested in the front foot, the partner in the back foot had problems, and we were all implicated in it." , the land was frozen by the application of those creditors."

"Nowadays it is impossible to raise money to upgrade technical equipment!"

Another human said: "What's the use of talking about it now, who knows that Song's Commercial Bank, which has been cooperating for many years, went bankrupt as soon as it said it was closed, and it was involved in debt disputes, and it involved the Nantong branch factory we cooperated with."

"It's useless to say these things now. The most urgent thing now is to solve the problem of equipment funds. Since the new spinning machine of Hantian Machinery Co., Ltd. was put into the market, the spinning market is changing three times a day. The old equipment and old technology will not work."

"It's all the fault of Hantian Machinery Company. It's nothing to do with new yarn machines. In the past, even if there were new yarn machines, it was a minor improvement. I didn't expect that this time it would directly come out with a major upgrade, and the efficiency has been doubled. , and the quality of the spun yarn is much better!"

"That's right, they used to be quite good. Every year they said that the new yarn machines were upgraded, but in fact that's the case. If they didn't invest in the construction of a new factory, then the old yarn machines could still be used after tinkering with them!"

"But this year, the damn Hantian Machinery Company has launched a new type of yarn machine regardless of the life and death of many spinning mills. According to my opinion, after this wave, I am afraid that many domestic spinning mills will not be able to survive!"

"However, with Hantian Machinery doing this, the future spinning industry will definitely enter a new stage. The original spinning machine will soon be reduced to low-end equipment. Was completely eliminated!"

"Should we sell the old yarn machines we have now? After all, people in many remote places are still relatively obscure, and they don't know that new yarn machines have appeared."

"And even if they know that there is a new yarn machine, they will not all know the huge gap between the new yarn machine and the old yarn machine!"

"Maybe we can still sell it for a good price."

"By transferring the old equipment, we can also get back a sum of money to purchase new equipment!"

Wang Liqing, who was sitting on the top, listened and said: "This is a feasible way, so Zhao will handle it, you go outside to contact and find a sale for the old equipment we have on hand!"

"Old Tang, continue to contact various banks. Although the scale of our Anhua Spinning Mill in Songjiang is not too large, it is also a time-honored brand for more than [-] years. See if we can apply for an equipment loan and directly use the new equipment as collateral. !"

"Financial bankers have great careers, and now they look down on us, so don't go to them, go to other banks, especially Guangtong Bank, they are a foreign bank that has just entered the Songjiang market, and when they officially need customers, tell them if If they can agree to the loan this time, then we will have a strategic cooperation with them!"

"Minister Li, your technical department immediately contacted Hantian Machinery Company. We still have a batch of funds on hand. Use these funds to order a small amount of equipment first. When you bring them back, let the engineers familiarize themselves with the equipment and start training the workers. They signed an intention order, and put our order first!"

After arranging many affairs, Wang Liqing waved the crowd to disperse, but he himself did not leave directly, but continued to sit in the conference room and lit another cigarette.

The smoke continued to fill the conference room, and after a long time, the middle-aged man could be heard sighing.

Wang Liqing, the founder and general manager of Anhua Yarn Factory, a time-honored yarn factory in Songjiang City... This looks like a dog, but in fact, Wang Liqing was just a mud leg in the past, and he couldn't eat it every day. full meal.

He wasn't even from Songjiang... but from Xiangyang in northern Chu. His hometown was hit by a disaster in his early years and he fled to Mount Funiu.

Later, when the Son of Heaven started an incident at Funiu Mountain, Xinli Huaxia recruited troops, and Wang Liqing was also hungry at that time...he followed the thief regardless...ah, Conglong!
Wang Liqing, who became a leading soldier from the Queen of the Dragon, is not sure if his luck is good or bad.

I was lucky because during the unification war for several years, they were basically stationed in the rear, so I didn't fight a serious battlefield, and I didn't die or get injured... I got to the rank of sergeant major one after another.

Bad luck...of course it's because he's just a sergeant major...he's an old man from the dragon in the Funiu Mountain period!
Among the thousands of people who were in Conglong in Funiu Mountain back then, as long as they didn't die in the unification war, and didn't retire due to injury in advance... they stayed until the end of the unification war.A mixed general with good luck and strong ability, who is almost a school officer, and a lieutenant who is even worse... It is really rare to be a leading soldier at the end of the unification war!

After all, during the Funiu Mountain period, a large number of dragon people, generals, cabinet ministers, and feudal officials were arrested... there were thousands of school officials and lieutenants!
Boss, that's really not many!
Of course, although there are not many, there are still after all!

There are still hundreds of people who have been stationed in the rear for a long time due to coincidences, have no chance of meritorious service, or have been left behind due to various other reasons... Wang Liqing is such an unlucky guy!
Wang Liqing has been in the army for several years, and he has been stationed in the rear with the third-line troops for a long time. He has never been on a formal battlefield, and he has never encountered such things as suppressing bandits or suppressing armed tax resistance... In terms of military merit, he really can't get it It's really hard to get promoted in the Chu army, which values ​​military merits!

By the fifth year of Chengshun, the Great Chu Empire had gained a firm foothold in the south of the Yangtze River, and he was still a sergeant major in the second-line army.

Later, when Luo Zhixue discovered that there were still such a group of people, in order to reward the loyalty of these early soldiers, he specially opened several sessions for those veterans who were not promoted due to various reasons. A crash course for Army officers... just to solve the problem of military rank and subsequent retirement benefits for them.

What, people followed you when Luo Zhixue had only a few thousand people, and now you have seized the world and sat on the throne of the emperor, you can't treat the old courtiers too badly, right?

Moreover, these people have not made any major mistakes, and Luo Zhixue can't ignore both emotion and reason.

It was against this background that Wang Liqing enrolled in the crash course for officers... This was also the last time a crash course was set up on a large scale in the Military Academy of the Great Chu Empire.

In the future, the crash course, which is a typical training mechanism for special officers during the war, will be revoked, and subsequent meritorious soldiers will be directly enrolled in the formal class of the Army Officer Academy.

During Wang Liqing's crash course for half a year, with his status as an army officer of the Great Chu Empire, he married the only daughter of a textile merchant in Songjiang.

Later, within two years of being an officer, he encountered a large-scale reorganization of the army after the Dongyao War. His unit was stationed in the rear of Jiangxi for a long time, and was directly abolished and merged... Although he could continue to serve at that time, But the C-class division who was going to be stationed in a remote place in Yunnan and Guizhou... After discussing with his wife, he simply retired and changed his career.

At that time, in order to encourage military officers to take the initiative to retire and change jobs, the remuneration for retiring and changing jobs was still very good.

If he was assigned at that time, he could choose to be the deputy head of a patrol station in a certain town in Jiangxi. This position is actually not bad... equivalent to the deputy head of a police station in later generations.

In the local area, they are not big or small, and they can be regarded as individual face-official family members.

Or take a large sum of money to retire directly, and settle the matter with the official...

Wang Liqing has been afraid of poverty all his life, and he is very tempted by the large amount of retirement money.

And for him, Jiangxi was just a place where he had been stationed for more than a year, and he couldn't even understand the locals...

At the same time, his wife didn't want to live with him in a small remote place... She persuaded him to move directly to Songjiang, saying that his father would help him arrange a career and start a spinning mill.

So he simply took a large sum of retirement money, took his wife and children to Songjiang... and then founded Anhua Spinning Mill with the help of his father-in-law.

Under the guidance and escort of his father-in-law, he started his business career!
A few years later, Wang Liqing's father-in-law became addicted to drinking and sex, and finally died contentedly in the small blue building... His father-in-law was jealous of his younger sister, fought with others, and drunk himself to death.

The father-in-law's youngest son died early, and the mother-in-law died early. There was only Wang Liqing's wife as an only daughter. The considerable assets left by the father-in-law naturally fell into the hands of Wang Liqing's wife.

Relying on the support of his wife's private assets, Anhua Spinning Mill has grown rapidly. In just a few years, it has grown from dozens of people to more than 200 people, and has continued to grow steadily all the way.

Up to now, the total number of employees in Anhua Spinning Mill and several subsidiary factories has reached more than 800.

Although this scale is not considered a large spinning mill, let alone a large enterprise in Songjiang, it is still acceptable.

Only after it developed to the present, Anhua Spinning Mill encountered its first real crisis.

Wang Liqing is very aware of the crisis brought about by the innovation of spinning technology. If this wave can be improved in time, it may be able to reach a higher level, and truly become a spinning factory in the first echelon of Songjiang City.

But if you fail to follow up in time, you will become one of the countless victims of technological innovation!
So this time the spinning technology innovation brought by Hantian Machinery Company, no matter what, he must follow up in time!
The only problem is that there is not enough funds, and it is very difficult to get a bank loan, especially if there is no guarantee.

After much deliberation, I'm afraid I still have to ask my wife for help with the financial problem...

His wife doesn't know how to do business, let alone a strong woman. In the early years, she invested part of the inheritance from her father-in-law in the spinning mill to support her husband.

For the sake of safety, she basically used the rest to buy land, houses, shops and other real estate...

In the early years, real estate in Songjiang was very cheap, especially in Xicheng District, which was still a rural area back then, and the land was very cheap... Even the places along the Huangpu River were not that expensive... His wife took the money back then , was fooled into buying a dilapidated house along the Huangpu River on the north bank of the Suzhou River, with the rotten land along the river attached.

That's okay, but Wang Liqing's wife continued to be fooled by others, sold other assets, sold a lot of jewelry, raised money to push the original old house, and built three four-story cement and brick buildings with other land ...It is said that after repairing it, it will definitely make a lot of money for renting out.

Wang Liqing also said back then: Don't be afraid, even if these three buildings are in vain, I can support you in the future...

But who would have thought that before the house was repaired, the government would start developing the north bank of the Suzhou River... and build a bridge over the Suzhou River that could pass horse-drawn carriages.

Unfortunately, the three new buildings built by his wife are at the other end of the Suzhou Creek Bridge... As a result, these three unfinished buildings instantly became fragrant momos!
In one of them, Wang Liqing's wife hired a manager and opened a high-end hotel integrating accommodation and catering. This hotel is also considered a famous hotel in Songjiang City: Suzhou Creek Hotel

One building was leased to Songjiang Branch of Finance Bank as its headquarters.

There is also a building leased to Lee's Iron and Steel Company as the headquarters of the Songjiang branch.

Today, the three buildings together with the Suzhou Creek Hotel are worth more than the Anhua Spinning Factory!

In other words, Wang Liqing's wife is richer than him, no matter in terms of total assets or liquid cash!
Thinking of the scene of finding his wife for money after returning home, Wang Liqing couldn't help frowning.

Although he knew very well that his wife would be very supportive of him, let alone ridiculing him... But, this is really too shameful!
As agreed, you are in charge of being beautiful, and I make money to support the family...

But over the years, it seems to be the other way around...

Could it be that Wang Liqing has a bad stomach?Can only eat soft rice?
(End of this chapter)

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