Chapter 838
On the sixth day of December in the 35th year of Chengshun, the winter sun rose from the sea in the east, illuminating the city of Songjiang with its light, awakening it from the night and giving it new vitality.

Early this morning, Sun Dawei went to the glass factory where he worked to apply for a day off. He said that since Sun Xu had come all the way to Songjiang to find a job, he naturally couldn't ignore it as a child.

I plan to take a day off in advance, and then take Sun Xu around for a while.

Going around here is naturally not about eating, drinking and having fun. Sun Xu didn't come to Songjiang to play, but to find a job and make money.

In addition, Sun Xu didn't have much money in his hands, but he didn't have any money left to eat, drink and play.

He also wants to find a job as soon as possible to make money, and then send the money home. He also counts on his younger brother to successfully apply for university after graduating from high school next year.

However, the tuition fees, board and lodging expenses of tens of Chu Yuan a year is not a small amount, even if his father works hard, he cannot raise it alone.

After all, there is a mother in the family who was seriously ill and is still in the state of recuperation... The mother who is in the state of recuperation is now non-stop soup and medicine every day, and the money for the medicine alone costs two or three Chu yuan every month.

He must find a job as soon as possible to make money so that he can help reduce the burden on his family.

And Sun Dawei also knew about Fa Xiao's situation, knowing that he was anxious to find a job, so he took Sun Xu directly to the Xicheng Talent Center.

This talent center is a talent center officially sponsored by the Yamen in Xicheng District, Songjiang. It mainly provides a place for companies to recruit and people to find jobs. Qualification review, while popularizing and explaining some of the empire's labor laws to people looking for jobs, and finally urging and supervising companies to sign legal and compliant labor contracts with employees after recruiting new employees.

After Sun Xu followed Sun Dawei to the talent center, he found that there were really many recruiting companies and people looking for jobs.

Before I went in, I saw people coming and going outside the building, and when I entered, I found that there were crowds of people. On the left and right sides were densely packed recruitment booths of various companies, and there were resumes, shuttling between different recruitment booths job seekers.

Sun Dawei said: "This is the place. This is the largest talent center in our Xicheng District. This is where I found my current job!"

"The recruiters here are basically companies from our Xicheng district, and many of them are big companies. Look over there..." Sun Dawei pointed to a big company booth on the right.

"That's Songjiang No. [-] Machinery Company. It's a big factory run by the government. I heard that there are thousands of people. The salary is very good, but the recruitment requirements are also high!"

Sun Xu took advantage of the opportunity to look over, and it was indeed a very impressive recruiting booth. When he took a closer look, he found that this large government-run factory mainly made heavy machinery, which was not in line with his Sun Xu's profession.

Although Sun Xu said that some common machinery and equipment can be repaired to some extent, he is limited to some general-purpose equipment. The real main focus is on various textile machinery and equipment, especially spinning equipment.

So the direction of his job hunting is very simple and clear, that is to find those textile factories!

Maintaining and repairing all kinds of spinning machinery and equipment is his professional direction, and he basically doesn't need to look at other things. He doesn't know how to do it, and he won't want you.

But what made him breathe a sigh of relief was that among the companies recruiting people here, many of them are textile companies, some of which are comprehensive large-scale textile companies that integrate spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing, but more of them are Small and medium textile enterprises specializing in a single business.

The textile industry is a huge industry with many subdivisions, such as spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing, waterproof cloth and wear-resistant cloth.

This is still talking about cotton spinning. In addition to cotton spinning, there are also wool spinning and silk spinning.

Then there are finished textiles, such as quilts, tents, garments and so on.

Sun Xu is most concerned about some comprehensive textile enterprises with spinning business and enterprises specializing in spinning, because only these two types of enterprises need to hire special spinning equipment mechanical repairers.

This professional counterpart, to be able to get a higher salary.

He can't find an industry he is not familiar with, and start from scratch to learn the repair of those unfamiliar mechanical equipment.

After a brief turn around, Sun Xu had a general idea, and then walked to the booth of a selected spinning mill. They wrote in the recruitment advertisement that they were recruiting a mechanical repairer specializing in worsted spinning equipment, and the salary was also good. Very good, it is said that ten Chu Yuan to fifteen Chu Yuan can be given.

But when I went up and asked, I realized that people don't want half-baked novices, but senior mechanical repairers who can serve as technical backbones.

Although Sun Xu boasted that his skills were good, after all, he had only been a teacher for a year, and his overall skill level was still a bit far from what he expected.

Since this one doesn't work, then find another one...

After talking about three more families, Sun Xu felt that he was still very good. Of the three families we talked about later, one of them also disliked him for not having enough experience, but the other two said that Sun Xu's conditions were not bad. Ask Sun Xu to go to their factory for an interview in these two days.

The talent center here simply gives companies and job seekers a chance to get in touch. The follow-up interview is a test and the like, so naturally it won't be here.

Sun Xu felt a little relieved after passing the primary elections of the two factories.

It's just that he is still going to continue to look around. Looking for a job, he is in a hurry, but he shouldn't be too anxious. He must find a suitable one with better conditions in all aspects.

The distance between the two previous two is relatively far, and they do not provide accommodation themselves. According to Sun Dawei, the rent of houses near the factory is also relatively expensive, and an ordinary small apartment costs about one Chu Yuan. The wages paid by this factory are only ordinary. I paid a salary of six yuan and fifty cents a month, and after deducting the cost of renting a house, I was only left with more than five Chu yuan, which was obviously relatively small.

He ran all the way from his hometown in Shaanxi to Songjiang, not just to earn a salary of more than five yuan...

Another family gave a very good salary, saying that they could give seven yuan, and they could also provide board and lodging, and it was free... Just looking at the free board and lodging is very attractive.

These days, it is normal for enterprises in the Great Chu Empire to provide free accommodation, but food is generally not provided free of charge, because food is still relatively expensive these days, and the food expenditure of the people at the bottom often accounts for half or more of household expenditure.

If a company provides you with free food and drink, they will suffer!

Even if a canteen is provided, there is still a fee, but the price is relatively cheap, just a cost price.

So Sun Xu is more concerned about the factory that provides free board and lodging, but he may not be able to apply for the job... because Sun Xu saw several people applying for this position like himself, and one of them was an old mechanic with six or seven years of experience. .

It's normal for an old mechanic to look at such a job. If the board and lodging expenses are included, the comprehensive income of this job is expected to reach more than eight yuan.

This income is more than twice that of ordinary workers in the Songjiang area... An ordinary worker in Songjiang, without food and lodging, has a monthly income of only three or four Chu yuan.

Therefore, although he has an interview invitation, he still plans to look more, find more companies, and choose more.

So accompanied by Fa Xiao, he continued to look for jobs in it. In addition to looking for professional counterparts to maintain and repair spinning equipment, he also tried to find several other mechanical repair jobs, such as weaving equipment.

Although he is not very proficient in weaving equipment, he can barely do it.

After turning around in this circle, I got interview invitations from several good factories.

One of them, Anhua Spinning Factory, invited him for an interview. According to their person in charge, they are going to recruit a few young and studious people to learn the maintenance and repair of a new type of spinning equipment. The superficial threshold of recruitment It doesn't seem to be high.

But the treatment is very good. The starting salary is only [-] yuan. If you perform well and get started with the new machinery, you can get another [-] yuan. Dormitory can also be provided, but there is a fee.

Meals are not free, of course, but they also have an internal canteen, the price is very cheap, and it doesn't cost much if you just have a full stomach.

The overall treatment looks very good, Sun Xu is very tempted!
It's just that there are dozens of other people who are as tempted as him...

The salary is good, and there are not too many good jobs with harsh conditions, so it will naturally attract more people to try... Although I know that the chance of being admitted is not high, but I can't tell if I got the job?
After wandering around the talent center for a long time, Sun Xu basically looked at the recruitment of spinning equipment machine repair jobs, and then went to see other machine repair jobs... Not to mention, he also got two interview invitations .

After shopping around, Sun Xu got seven or eight interview invitations, and he was going to interview them all... After all, this was just an interview invitation, if it wasn't for someone inviting you to go.

Of these seven or eight interview invitations, I don't know how many of them were able to admit me in the end. It is not impossible for all of them to fail the interview.

This is also the reason for technical jobs. If Sun Xu is just looking for an ordinary unskilled job in Songjiang, if he is just an ordinary worker, there is no need for any interviews at all. So all can be.

Other factories don't dislike it... Anyway, if they are recruited, they are sent directly to the assembly line, and all the work is simple and repetitive.

If it is some heavy physical work, the wages paid by others are not low, and there are four or five Chu Yuan.

But for technical jobs, the income is higher, but the requirements are also high.

Other companies are not being taken advantage of. If the technicians hired for seven or eight yuan or even a dozen yuan are not good at technology, not to mention wage losses, the key is that production will be affected.

That day, after Sun Xu and Sun Dawei walked around the talent center, they went to the Xicheng Industrial Zone in the afternoon to take a look. There were also companies that posted advertisements directly at the entrance to recruit people.

Not all companies will go to the talent center to recruit people.

Even if you go, many companies will not send people to guard the booth every day!
Therefore, there are still many companies recruiting people outside, and Sun Xu has never seen it in the talent center.

It's just that the place is too big, and Sun Xu and the others can't see many factories just by walking on their feet, so there is very little harvest this afternoon... They didn't even find a spinning factory that recruited machine repairers, let alone an interview invitation.

From this, Sun Xu had to sigh, fortunately, there was the talent center in Xicheng District, so that he was able to see at least a few hundred companies' recruitment booths in just one morning, and selected a dozen of them. Inquired from [-] companies, and finally got interview invitations from [-] companies.

If there is no such talent center, I don't know how long it will take me to get these interview invitations.

And when you go out to find a job, you can't walk very far by walking on your legs. After all, Songjiang is too big... Not to mention Songjiang, even Xicheng District is very big.

Well, think about it, in an era when there were no tall buildings and people generally lived in bungalows, or low-rise houses with two or three floors, the population density was very low compared to later modern cities.

With such a low population density, Songjiang City has a population of more than 300 million can imagine how big this city is.

This is only talking about population and living. In fact, Songjiang City is a huge industrial city, and various factories are the mainstream here.

The factory covers a large area, and some large factories will cover an exaggerated area of ​​several square kilometers.

For example, Lee's Machine Tool Company, a subsidiary of Lee's Iron and Steel Company, their main production base is in the north of Suzhou in Songjiang, along the Huangpu River in the northern suburbs of Shanghai County. The entire factory area is 500 meters long from north to south and 800 meters wide from east to west. .

This area is actually considered small in large enterprises, such as the Songjiang Naval Shipyard, which alone covers an area of ​​six square kilometers.

Such a large number of factories occupy a large area, coupled with a large population, so the contemporary Songjiang City is actually a large urban area, and many places that seem to be rural areas are actually a bunch of factories. Although various buildings are scattered, But all kinds of commercial facilities are also very complete... It's hard for you to tell whether this is a rural area or an urban area.

Therefore, when talking about Songjiang City in the contemporary era, sometimes you can think of it in a narrow sense as just Shanghai County, a small area on the west bank of the Huangpu River.

But in a broad sense, it can also directly refer to the entire Songjiang Mansion.

Due to the limitations of the times, the large population and factories, the urban and suburban areas of contemporary Songjiang are huge. It is difficult to reach distant urban areas in a short period of time by walking alone.

This is also the reason why there are so many public carriages in Songjiang City...Because the urban area is too large, it is too difficult for people to travel by legs alone, and they must use carriages as transportation.

If Sun Xu wanted to find a job, he would not be able to walk all over Xicheng District in a short time, let alone the whole of Songjiang, just by walking on two legs.

But now that there is a talent center, there is no need to go to the talent center so much trouble, just go directly to the talent center.

It is convenient for job seekers, and it is also convenient for enterprises.

In the evening, in order to express his gratitude to Fa Xiao, Sun Dawei took a vacation to accompany him to find a job. After a tiring day, although Sun Xu was short of money, he still found a small restaurant to invite Sun Dawei to dinner.

Sun Dawei was delayed but agreed, but he was determined not to order expensive dishes, and he didn't order more. Even if Sun Xu ordered by himself, he stopped him.

After walking for a day, I drink too much water, my stomach is too full, and I have no appetite for anything, so I can just have a light bite or two.

Sun Xu didn't insist either... He knew why Fa Xiao would do this, so to speak... Sun Dawei also knew that Sun Xu didn't have much money in his pocket, so he wanted to save money for him.

It's just that I have already made up my mind in my heart, after I get my salary at work, I will treat him to a good meal when I have a little more money.

Sun Dawei said before that there is a newly opened Fengluan Pavilion, the girls in it are very good at playing, playing and singing, and I will invite him to listen to a song when the time comes, um, by the way, I will also go to see the prosperity of the big city!

He accepts him to settle down, and even helps him find a job. After he finds a job, he invites him to drink tea and listen to music...

Such a party is the friendship of a gentleman!

(End of this chapter)

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