Chapter 839
For several days in a row, Sun Xu traveled among many factories for interviews.

Some of these factories are located in the nearby Xicheng Industrial Zone, so they are quite convenient, but many factories are not in the Xicheng Industrial Zone, but in various places in Songjiang, and some of them are even more than ten kilometers away. out of place.

In order to participate in the interviews of these factories, Sun Xu traveled to different places in Songjiang City in a public carriage.

Although the public carriage companies in the Great Chu Empire are all government-run enterprises, even if they are privately operated public carriages, they need to be affiliated with the government-run public carriage company for management, and the fare is unified to reduce the price as much as possible. But the money spent on intensive car rides these days still makes Sun Xu very heartbroken.

This public carriage, if it is a short distance in the city, can often be used for ten yuan, and even if it is farther away, it will cost twenty or thirty yuan.

This price is not cheap for Sun Xu now!
There are only a little more than three Chu yuan in his pocket now.

In the currency system of the Great Chu Empire, it is stipulated that one Chu yuan = 3.5 grams of pure gold. In addition, there are two auxiliary currency units, jiao and wen.

One Chu yuan equals ten jiao equals one thousand wen.

Chu yuan actually evolved from the silver unit in the pre-Ming period. Before the early implementation of the gold standard, one Chu yuan was actually one tael of silver, the standard 37 grams of pure silver.

The small silver coin issued by the Chu State in the early days weighed [-] grams and was worth one-tenth of a Chu Yuan silver coin, also known as a dime.

The price of copper coins issued is about the same as that of the past, and one Chu Yuan is equivalent to one thousand coins.

Later, the gold-silver ratio fluctuated greatly, and the price of silver plummeted. The state of Chu officially adopted the gold standard system, stipulating that one Chu yuan was [-] grams of gold, but the unit of the auxiliary currency was still retained.

This series of changes has finally continued to the present, and there has been a currency system in which one Chu yuan is equal to ten jiao and one thousand wen.


If you find it troublesome, it can also be understood simply and rudely as ten coins is equivalent to a penny, a dime is equivalent to a shilling, and two Chu yuan is equivalent to a pound. Although the error is large, it is simpler and more convenient to understand, and there will be no price error . )
Currently, ten cents for a bus ticket in Songjiang City is not expensive in the contemporary Great Chu Empire, and certainly not too cheap... A short round trip a day is equivalent to about five or six times the income of low-income earners. one or so.

Generally, low-income people can't commute by public carriage every day, and those who commute by public carriage every day are generally middle-income earners.

As for the horse-drawn carriages on the street, they are more expensive. The starting price for the three kilometers in the center of Songjiang City is ten cents, plus forty cents for each kilometer.

Ordinary people can't afford to sit on this thing in their daily life, and they are reluctant...Usually only high-income earners can use a horse-drawn carriage as a daily travel tool, and some middle-income earners can occasionally ride it.

Horse-drawn carriages have never been a cheap means of public transportation, not to mention Chengshun’s 35-year-old Great Chu Empire, even in the 21st century, there are not many ordinary-income workers who take taxis to and from get off work every day, isn’t it...

Even public carriages are generally only used by middle-income earners, and low-income earners only ride occasionally.

Because Sun Xu has to attend interviews intensively, and some factories are indeed far away, he needs to frequently take public carriages to different factories for interviews.

But even if he could travel by public carriage, the intensive travel still made Sun Xu exhausted.

After all, people's public carriages just walk along the street, and they don't go directly to the gates of major factories. After getting off the public carriage, some factories still require Sun Xu to walk a certain distance to reach them.

Fortunately, the result of the interview is quite satisfactory!

After participating in the interviews of eight factories, Sun Xu relied on his relatively solid mechanical theory foundation and his attitude to be more sincere. He also showed good learning ability in the interviews. It is less, but it is still appreciated by the managers of many factory technical departments.

The heads of these technical departments also want to find a subordinate who has a solid foundation, is smart and eager to learn, and has a more sincere attitude, so that after a short period of training, he can train a very good mechanical repairman.

In particular, Section Chief Song of the Mechanical Repair Department at Anhua Spinning Factory, who was in charge of the interview, was very satisfied with Sun Xu.

At that time, he took out a stack of technical documents of the new spinning machine and asked Sun Xu to read them and propose solutions to some possible problems. , Sun Xu's answer made him very satisfied.

They even recruited them on the spot, and promised a lot of extra conditions, such as promising that if Sun Xu successfully enters the job and maintains this learning ability, then he will be included in the training plan for technical backbones.

The person in charge of the other party, Section Chief Song, felt satisfied. Naturally, it was not without reason. He simply felt that Sun Xu's knowledge of mechanical theory was already stronger than most students in secondary technical colleges majoring in mechanical repair. If he continued to maintain this learning attitude, then In a few years, it may not be possible to reach the level of college graduates majoring in mechanical engineering.

With a single-digit monthly salary, you can hire a technical backbone equivalent to a technical secondary school mechanical repair major, and this technical backbone may even go further in the future.

No matter how you think about it, you are making money!
After all, in the entire Anhua Spinning Factory, there are actually only three junior college students... all of them are senior managers, and one of them is the person in charge of the technical department, a proper senior engineer.

The chief of the mechanical repair department himself has only graduated from a technical secondary school.

Anhua Spinning Factory paid more attention to him, and this is not an exception... The person in charge of technical interviews in several factories expressed their appreciation for Sun Xu and their intention to recruit him.

After this trip, Sun Xu found that after arriving in Songjiang as an ordinary mechanic, he found that he was quite popular... Although many people have some concerns about their lack of experience and poor hands-on ability, they are basically Appreciate your solid theoretical foundation and ability to learn.

Someone even confirmed to him: Are you sure you just failed to graduate from junior high school?Instead of secondary school education?
What I said... It seems that Sun Xu deliberately lowered his academic qualifications, and then pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger. Education is related to work and salary. As long as he can get a high school or technical secondary school graduate, Sun Xu Will take it out without hesitation.

But that can't be taken out...

After winning job candidates from four factories in succession, Sun Xu also ushered in the troubles of happiness... because he has only one himself, and he can only choose to work in one factory in the end.

So after the interview, Sun Xu took Sun Dawei together and repeatedly discussed where to go.

After the final discussion, Sun Xu finalized his first career stop in Songjiang: Anhua Spinning Mill!
In fact, the salary offered by Anhua Spinning Factory is not the highest. The highest salary is a large textile factory. They give a basic monthly salary of [-] yuan, and there are some subsidies such as rent subsidies. Finally, the comprehensive income can reach About ten Chu Yuan.

But Sun Xu went to their factory and saw four mechanics in their repair department... This is very strange, there are only four mechanics in such a large textile factory... This is not normal!
Relying on these four machine repairs, there are so many mechanical equipment in the factory that it is impossible to complete the daily maintenance and safety inspection!
And the four mechanics were all stern, and they didn't look at the person in charge of the mechanics who took Sun Xu to visit... Sun Xu guessed that there might be something wrong with the factory.

Needless to say, a job with a real high income, promising future, and good benefits in all aspects must be fragrant. There will not be a large number of people resigning, and the relationship between all subordinates and superiors will not be so bad at first glance. .

Sun Xu was afraid that there might be pitfalls that he didn't know about, so he refused after careful consideration.

Sun Xu didn't think he was the chosen one, he felt that such a good job would definitely be his turn, and he didn't have any competitors.

Unlike the interviews in several other factories with good treatment, the competition was fierce.

When he was interviewing at Anhua Spinning Mill, there were as many as seven competitors. This is still the interviewing competitor of the day, and there will definitely be people interviewing at other times.

In the end, it is estimated that dozens or even more people compete for the same good job!

We ruled out the big factory with the best salary, but it is estimated that there are insecure factors, and ruled out two factories with deviations in salary, and paid less than [-] yuan without food and lodging.

In the end, Sun Xu chose Anhua Spinning Mill!

The basic monthly salary they finally gave was [-] yuan, with rest according to statutory holidays, ten hours of work every day, and overtime pay according to the statutory standard.

In addition, there is a subsidy for food and lodging.

If he does not live in the factory, he can also provide a [-] cents accommodation subsidy.

You can eat by yourself, or you can go to the canteen in the factory to eat.

Most of the factories in the Great Chu Empire had special canteens, and the prices were very cheap. Some factory employees even bought more food and took it home for their families after get off work.

Because the canteens in the factory basically directly purchase rice, flour and other ingredients in large quantities, and then cook them for employees at cost prices, which is even cheaper than buying rice and vegetables at retail prices for cooking.

Sun Xu thinks the overall treatment given by Anhua Spinning Factory is very good, and it can even be said to have exceeded his expectations... When he was working in his hometown machinery factory, his monthly salary was only more than three yuan, and it didn't include enough food or nothing. canteen.

There are only three days off in a month, and I have never seen overtime pay!
More importantly, Wang, the head of the machine repair department of Anhua Spinning Factory, admired him quite a lot and promised to let him learn about the maintenance of new spinning machines. Can go up another dollar.

Eighty-five yuan plus this one, that is ninety-five yuan, and if the accommodation allowance is included, then the monthly salary is ten yuan.

This income is much higher than that of his shoemaker father who has worked all his life.

Even in Songjiang, the income is actually not low, basically above the middle level. After all, ordinary unskilled workers in Songjiang City only earn three or four yuan a month.

Even the low-level officials in Songjiang City, such as the low-level clerks in the yamen, actually earn about this amount, and these are decent officials in people's eyes.

Therefore, Sun Xu is very satisfied with the salary he can get!

After making the final decision, Sun Xu changed into his well-kept business attire in the morning of the next day, and was ready to go to Anhua Spinning Factory to join the job and sign a formal labor contract.

This set of professional attire was made by a tailor in the county when I was a teacher at the beginning of the year, with the support of my master and father, plus some small savings of my own.

The whole set includes woolen double-breasted jacket, woolen trousers, and a high-quality white cotton shirt inside.

This suit was Sun Xu's most valuable possession, and the total cost reached seven Chu yuan, which was equivalent to two months' salary of an ordinary worker.

Then put on a pair of black leather shoes, which were made by his father using high-quality cowhide material, and it was his teacher's gift. If it is really a matter of money, the customer should ask his father to order such high-end leather shoes, at least a price. Yuan.

After putting on the shoes, I put on a black silk hat with a round top and a wide brim. This thing is not cheap, costing five hundred cash.

He also hung a small jade pendant around his waist. This thing was a 16-year-old coming-of-age gift from his mother, and it was six hundred coins when he bought it.

Then he took a Wudi rice paper fan. This folding fan is not cheap. He spent more than 400 Wen to buy it himself last year.

The total price of this outfit is close to ten Chu Yuan, and it is the most expensive thing Sun Xu has owned in his entire life.

When he was looking for a job and interviewing before, he basically wore this suit... After all, he was looking for a job, and he was not an ordinary worker, he was considered a technician, so he still needed to be decent.

If you dress poorly, people will think you are not skilled enough to make money!

It's just that every time I wear this clothes to go out, I am very careful, for fear of getting dirty, I will take them off immediately every time I come back, and then simply wipe and clean them, and then use Sun Dawei's hot water iron for simple ironing.

This was all he had of decent clothes, and if it got dirty he would be reduced to his ordinary cloth business suits even when he was out looking for work.

This ordinary fabric business suit is cheap, and it only costs more than one piece for the whole body. After that, he will officially go to work. In fact, he wears this ordinary fabric business suit every day in the factory.

As for the woolen business attire he was wearing now, it was actually something he would wear on formal occasions, and he was reluctant to wear it on weekdays.

Today, he went to Anhua Spinning Factory to finalize his employment and finalize the labor contract... Naturally, he should be more considerate in this kind of formal occasion, so he won't wear such a woolen business suit when he officially goes to work.

This is dealing with machines. If the clothes get all kinds of lubricating oils, they can't be washed off.

After officially going out with a folding fan in hand, Sun Xu hurried to the platform of the public carriage at the intersection of the street to wait for the bus.

When they arrived at the platform of the public carriage, they found an acquaintance... In fact, it was not an acquaintance, but a female neighbor who had only met three times in the past few days.

The first time I saw him, it was Sun Xu standing in front of Sun Dawei's apartment in a panic, almost being regarded as a bad guy.

The second time we met, Sun Xu was waiting at the door for Fa Xiao Sun Dawei to come back. The woman opened the door and gave him a cup of tea.

The third time I see you is now...

In Sun Xu's line of sight, she was wearing a decent sky-blue lotus flower swallow shirt with a stand-up collar and large sleeves, a medium-sized woolen cloak on the outside, and two pearl flower and silver thread pendants in the front and back of her hair. Hairpin, hands with sky-blue tulle gloves, and a small silk bag.

When Sun Xu looked over, it happened that she also turned her head slightly to look over... The moment Sun Xu met her eyes, Sun Xu felt that the sky had lost its color!
So much so that after taking a deep breath, he came back to his senses and took two steps closer, and was about to speak, but at this moment, he saw a two-wheeled taxi approaching.

The woman should have recognized Sun Xu at this time, nodded slightly immediately, and then turned around and got into the taxi!

Only Sun Xu was left alone on the platform of the bus station in winter, and he couldn't calm down that restless heart for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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