I want to be emperor

Chapter 840 Local Protectionism

Chapter 840 Local Protectionism
Strictly speaking, Anhua Spinning Mill is a textile enterprise that is not first-rate or even second-rate in China.

It's only a third-rate level...maybe it's not enough?

This is not to say that Anhua Spinning Mill is too bad. After all, Anhua Spinning Mill is a company with more than 800 employees specializing in cotton yarn production.

But in the contemporary Great Chu Empire, the textile industry is too strong!
In today's Great Chu Empire, the textile industry is not only the largest industry in the domestic light industry, even if it includes heavy industries such as steel, chemicals, and shipbuilding, the overall volume of the textile industry is undisputedly ranked first!

Those famous steel and coal, known as the industrial foundation, and shipbuilding, military exploits, machinery manufacturing, etc., which seem to be more intuitive and reflect the strength of the industry.

In terms of overall volume, it is still not as good as the seemingly low-end textile industry.

This is also a very important characteristic of modern industry, that is, the textile industry occupies a very large proportion of the economic proportion.

The most famous one is the United Kingdom during the first industrial revolution. During the first industrial revolution, the textile industry accounted for more than half of the industrial economy. There is also a Japanese Meiji Restoration period that Chinese people are very familiar with. They all It relies on the textile industry to rise, and then drives the development of other industries.

At the same time, the textile industry also has a very obvious feature, that is, this industry is a labor-intensive industry. Through the development of the textile industry, it can greatly stimulate employment, provide the general public with employment opportunities and income other than the first industry, and further promote The economic model has changed from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy.

The large-scale textile industry not only directly employs a large number of people and provides a large number of jobs, but also the textile industry itself is a consumer industry of a large number of mechanical products.

This textile industry requires a large number of various machinery and equipment, such as spinning machines, looms, printing machines and, more recently, steam engines.

The huge machinery and equipment market required by the textile industry alone is enough to give birth to and support a whole set of machinery manufacturing industries!
And machinery manufacturing needs steel, and steel needs iron ore and coal, which in turn drives the most basic mining industry.

In the printing and dyeing process of the textile industry, a large amount of chemical products are also needed for dyeing. The military explosive picric acid in the original space-time was originally a dye... Some early drugs were actually discovered from dyes.

The huge demand for dyes in the textile industry has prompted people to develop various chemical products on a large scale, from plant extraction to artificial synthesis... The purpose is very simple, just to dye cloth!

Labor-intensive, low barriers to entry, huge market demand, and at the same time, because of their own needs, they drive the development of machinery, steel, mining, chemical and other industries.

This is the textile industry in modern industry!
In the original time and space, even at the beginning of the 30.00th century, the proportion of the textile industry in the entire industrial system can still reach more than [-]%!

This refers to the early twentieth century, when ships and trains traveled all over the world, automobiles were used on a large scale, airplanes were already on the market, the navy used dreadnoughts to fight wars, and the army used heavy artillery to fight... Even so, it is still impossible Shake the important position of the textile industry.

Even in the second half of the [-]th century, the textile industry is still an important industry in backward countries. How will China earn foreign exchange and upgrade its industry after opening up?
Textile industry!

Even in the 21st century, when some other backward countries industrialize, they cannot do without the textile industry...

Although the textile industry has undergone countless innovations and many changes in the development history of more than 200 years, its importance has never changed.

In the Great Chu Empire, which was still in the period of the first industrial revolution, the textile industry was also at an extremely important stage.

The textile industry in the Great Chu Empire developed extremely rapidly and on a large scale, and two leading textile enterprises were also cultivated.

Suqin Textile Company, this is the first purely private enterprise in the Great Chu Empire... Well, there are also Li’s Iron and Steel Manufacturing in name, but everyone knows that the current Li’s Iron and Steel Manufacturing is just wearing the skin of a private enterprise. Most of the shares in the world are controlled by various official capital institutions.

Therefore, few people regard Lee's Steel as a purely private enterprise.

But the Suqin textile industry is different. From the beginning to the end, they are very typical private enterprises, and they are also very rare family enterprises among large listed enterprises.

The Suzhou Qin family has firmly controlled the controlling stake in Su Qin Textile Industry from the beginning to the end, and the family's shareholding ratio has still reached 60.00% until now. Three!
You know, the contemporary Suqin Textile Company is a super enterprise with a market value of more than 2000 million Chu Yuan. It has branches in all provinces of the country and eight industrial bases in the country. Its business covers cotton spinning, silk spinning, wool spinning, leather and special textiles. It also has finished textile business, such as garments, quilts, tarpaulins, shoes, bags and so on!

The total number of employees has reached as many as 8!

The Qin family, which owns a controlling stake in such a huge enterprise, is truly the richest family in the contemporary Great Chu Empire!

Of course, it is impossible to be as rich as an enemy... The net worth of 1000 million Chu Yuan is nothing compared to the official capital of the empire.

The contemporary Great Chu Empire is not a purely capitalist country. A large amount of wealth is not in the hands of capitalists, but in the hands of official capital.

The so-called capitalists in the Great Chu Empire, the super rich, etc., are not worth mentioning in front of the official capital.

But it is still amazing that a private family has such a huge wealth.

Suqin Textile Industry is also a super enterprise. Together with Hantian Textile Company, it has become the only large-scale comprehensive textile enterprise in the Great Chu Empire.

In addition to these two unique textile enterprises, there are also a large number of textile enterprises in the Great Chu Empire, most of which are privately owned.

Of course, although some of them are private enterprises, official capital will also invest, but this kind of investment is basically a move made by the local government to support the local textile industry, drive employment and tax revenue.

In the entire empire, there are more than a dozen super-large textile enterprises with more than [-] employees, such as Jiangnan Textile Company in Songjiang Mansion, Huating Oriental Textile Company, West Lake Textile Company in Hangzhou Mansion, Lili Textile Company in Tianjin, an important economic center in the north. Da Textile Company, Zhujiang Textile Company in Guangzhou, a major economic center in the south, Dongjiang Textile Company in Dongguan next door, and so on.

These more than a dozen large-scale comprehensive textile enterprises, together with the two major textile companies Su Qin and Hantian, constitute the first and second echelons of the textile industry in the Great Chu Empire.

Then there are a group of large-scale textile enterprises with a scale of more than [-] people and less than [-] people. There are also many of these large-scale textile industries. Each of them is a well-known and important light industry enterprise in the province in their respective cities, a large taxpayer and employment. Big family.

In many provinces, just racking their brains, they will support the development of a large local textile enterprise, not to mention various preferential policies, and often set up some trade barriers that cannot be put on the table...

For example, in official procurement, the governments of the Great Chu Empire have always followed the principle of local priority when conducting various official procurements.

For example, the core weapon used by the patrol police: the revolver...

Everyone knows that the Tian-[-] revolver of Hebei Weapons Company is the best among all kinds of messy revolvers in the contemporary era. The Type [-] revolver is used as an officer's issue weapon.

However, the Hebei Arms Company's Tian-[-] revolver is so powerful that it still can't win orders for pistols from patrol police in Jiangnan Province, Yingtianfu, Hantianfu, Guangdong, Shaanxi and other places!
Why?Because there is a local weapon company that also produces police revolvers... The local government will basically give priority to local products, unless the product performance is too poor to support the wall with mud!
Behind this is the local taxation, employment, and the development of the industrial chain. Few local officials will throw procurement funds to foreign companies, and then watch the companies in their jurisdiction go bankrupt.

However, in the textile industry, local barriers are actually more serious... Because the textile industry has a low threshold, it can create more jobs and promote the development of local industries more obviously.

Many local prefectures and counties can only hope that the only textile factory in the jurisdiction will drive the development of the entire local industry.

Under such circumstances, local officials did not ban the products of non-local textile enterprises, which is already very political...

Otherwise, these local governments will be so ruthless that even a single cotton yarn from a textile company from other places will not be able to fly in!

And this kind of local protectionism is also a headache for officials in large industrially developed cities... Every day and every day, they shout about breaking down barriers and not engaging in local protectionism.

However, the officials of ordinary prefectures and counties all snorted at this. If you don’t engage in local protectionism, your big companies will bankrupt all the small businesses in my family. You have made money, but we will be unlucky .

Regarding this situation, Gyeonggi also turned a blind eye to it. After all, the development of large enterprises must be taken care of, and the development of small enterprises must be taken care of even more.

Moreover, the development of the industrial and commercial economy of the empire cannot be based solely on those few large enterprises... It is stronger than the Suqin Textile Company, which has only [-] employees.

In fact, a large number of local small, medium and even micro enterprises are the main body that provides a large number of employment and tax revenue.

From the perspective of the top management of the empire, in fact, the role of big companies is just like that!

Anyway, the Great Chu Empire does not need to use the power of the whole country to cultivate large-scale enterprises with stronger competitiveness, and then compete with foreign companies... The enterprises of the Great Chu Empire are abroad, and there are no competitors.

Therefore, compared with external competition, the Great Chu Empire cares more about healthy internal competition, so it turns a blind eye to some local protectionism. As long as it does not violate laws and disciplines, it does not go too far, such as using some administrative It doesn't matter so much if it interferes with the local operations of foreign enterprises.

As for the official procurement of local governments, they love to purchase products from local companies, and you can't say nothing about it.

There are also preferential policies. It is their business to give preferential policies to local companies!

If you can't see it, you can also run to set up a factory locally, and the local government will definitely give you various preferential subsidies.

Well, this is also the reason why many large enterprises, especially large textile enterprises, often like to set up production bases in different provinces... If you don’t set up production bases locally, how much market share do you expect to occupy in the local area?

And this is what many local governments are willing to see, and even very much expect!

If you come here to invest and build a factory, so that the local area has tax revenue and employment, the local government will definitely welcome it a hundred times.

After all, the so-called local protectionism of the local government does not mean protecting local capitalists, but protecting local employment and taxation.

It will give preferential policies to whoever gives it employment and taxation!
It's just that those who can go to other places to invest and build factories are all big enterprises, but for third- and fourth-rate textile companies like Anhua Textile Company, they don't have such ability.

Previously, in order to open up the market in Jiangbei Province, I tried to go to Nantong, a new textile industry, to open a branch factory with my partner for many years. As a result, the partner went bankrupt and directly implicated the joint venture company.

The Anhua Textile Company that was engaged in this wave was disgraced, not to mention that the division was not built, and the land purchased for the construction of the factory was involved in debt disputes.

Not to mention wasting a lot of time before and after, it also led to certain losses and potentially larger losses... Whether they can get back the land that they spent more than [-] Chu yuan in the end is another matter.

After all, they are still in a lawsuit with the creditors of the joint venture branch. It's hard to say who will win.

The failure of this investment also made it very difficult for Anhua Textile Company to purchase new spinning equipment for technological upgrading.

In the end, Wang Liqing, the founder and general manager of Anhua Textile Company, lost face and found his wife to take a sum of money to use as funds for the purchase of new spinning equipment.

Even though they are a husband and wife, it should be said that there is no need to divide money so clearly. Even Wang Liqing's wife said in a harmonious voice, my money is your money, why should you and me be divided between husband and wife? You can use the money boldly, if it is not enough, I still have...

Wang Liqing's wife is really rich. The Suzhou Creek Hotel under her, as a well-known high-end hotel in Songjiang City, has always had a good business. Although the operating cost is also high, the profit is very stable.

And there are two buildings that can get a lot of rent every year.

Wang Liqing's wife doesn't have any other investment directions, and the rent and hotel profits she gets will often be invested in stable investment channels.

For example, buying all kinds of real estate... After his wife made a lot of money buying real estate in the early years, she was particularly interested in buying real estate.

These real properties can bring her stable rental income every year.

This is going on, Wang Liqing's wife spends more and more money...

Sometimes Wang Liqing himself sighs that he has worked so hard for 20 years spinning... the result is not as good as his wife collecting rent lying down.

But no matter what, relying on his wife's loan... well, as Wang Liqing said, the money was borrowed from the factory. When the factory equipment is upgraded and the business is good, the money earned will be returned to his wife.

Wang Liqing's wife just smiled at this...

After the order for new equipment was placed, Wang Liqing was busy preparing for equipment upgrades. To carry out technical production, new equipment alone was not enough.

It is also necessary to train workers to familiarize them with the production of new equipment, and to adjust the production process of cotton yarn according to the performance of the new equipment, so as to produce new cotton yarn with better quality.

There is also the training of technical personnel... Anyway, you have to make the new equipment run smoothly without any problems.

It was against this background that Sun Xu joined Anhua Spinning Mill!
He was recruited, and the reason why he paid more attention to his theoretical level and learning ability was to allow him to get familiar with the new spinning equipment as soon as possible, and ensure that these new equipment can be put into production on time.

It's just that Sun Xu is not a manager of a factory, he is just an ordinary technician, and naturally he doesn't know the many situations behind it.

Now Sun Xu, who was wearing a woolen business attire, got out of the public carriage, and after arriving at Anhua Spinning Factory, he successfully finalized the labor cooperation.

After signing a formal labor contract, Sun Xu was led by Chief Song to meet several other technicians in the Mechanical Repair Department.

Then he left Anhua Spinning Mill, and he will not go to work until tomorrow.

Before leaving Anhua Spinning Mill, Section Chief Wang asked him if he would like to live in the factory. It is convenient to live in a dormitory at the factory, and there is also a single room specially provided for technicians, so you don’t have to share with ordinary workers. Also live in a collective dormitory with multiple people.

If they do not live in the factory, the factory will provide a monthly accommodation subsidy of [-] cents.

At the beginning, Sun Xu actually planned to live in the factory, which would save money and save him from commuting to and from get off work every day.

But after he considered it, he finally decided to live outside.

When thinking about this question at the time, for some reason, the young figure he saw on the platform of the bus station suddenly appeared in his mind!
(End of this chapter)

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