I want to be emperor

Chapter 841 Silk Tea Protection Act

Chapter 841 Silk Tea Protection Act

Songjiang, in Xicheng Industrial Zone, Guangsheng Textile Company.

As a well-known textile company in the Xicheng District of Songjiang, they have thousands of employees, specializing in weaving and printing and dyeing, and finally produce finished cloth, which is then directly supplied to the consumer market.

The most commendable thing about Guangsheng Textile Company is not how good their weaving technology is. In fact, their weaving technology is only at an ordinary level. They use the weaving equipment produced by Lee's Iron and Steel Company, which can produce various standard specifications. machine-made cloth.

In terms of quality and cost, it is not much ahead of its competitors, but it is not far behind, and it belongs to the middle reaches of the industry.

The reason why Guangsheng Textile Co., Ltd. can survive in the highly competitive textile market and has a scale of more than 1000 people is because they have a very unique and advanced printing and dyeing process.

Using the same specifications of cloth, the same dyes, but the cloth they printed and dyed is of better quality.

The color is more vivid, does not fade, and the price can be lowered, and it also spends a lot of manpower and material resources to research popular patterns, frequently introduce new patterns of cloth, and then sell the cloth to the local market in Jiangnan through channel dealers consumers in.

Guangsheng Cloth is relatively well-known in several prefectures and counties in the south of the Yangtze River, and is widely praised by local consumers... especially female consumers.

The patterns are new enough, and there are all kinds of clothes, so that many female consumers can make clothes with new patterns, and the price is not expensive, and the price performance ratio is very high.

Unique printing and dyeing process, various new styles and high cost performance, this is the basis for the survival of Guangsheng Textile Company!

However, before printing and dyeing, they have to produce cloth of good enough quality and low enough cost... Weaving is their old profession, so naturally there is no problem.

But the quality of the cloth is closely related to the quality of the cotton yarn in addition to the weaving process itself.

With the emergence of new spinning equipment by Hantian Machinery Co., Ltd. this year, cotton yarn with better quality and lower price began to appear on the market!
This has led to Guangsheng Textile Company's natural tendency to purchase new cotton yarns when purchasing cotton yarns, in order to improve quality and reduce costs.

There is no need to order new spinning equipment like those large-scale integrated textile companies that have taken over the three major processes of spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing, and then they can follow up with new technologies in time.

All they have to do is order new cotton yarn!

It’s just that it’s been less than a year since Hantian Machinery Company officially launched the new type of spinning equipment. There are still not enough spinning mills on the market that have purchased this kind of equipment and successfully mass-produced it, and most of them are owned by those large comprehensive textile companies themselves. Spinning factory.

The spinning factories of these large textile companies usually produce cotton yarn to meet their own needs, and generally do not flow to the market, let alone supply large quantities to other weaving and printing factories...they are all competitors!

If Guangsheng Textile Company wants to obtain new cotton yarn, it can only find those independent cotton yarn factories in the market.

It’s just that it’s not easy for Guangsheng Textile Company to find and qualify independent suppliers... Despite the fact that there are many messy cotton yarn factories in the market, there are actually not many qualified suppliers of Guangsheng Textile Company.

Quality and cost alone are enough to eliminate 90.00% of all kinds of so-called cotton yarn factories on the market.

Because there are a large number of independent cotton yarn factories on the market, most of them are small, micro cotton yarn factories, or even family workshops.

There are generally problems of small scale, small production capacity, low capital, and backward technology. .

As the largest industry in the cotton spinning industry, the cotton yarn industry seems to have a low barrier to entry... almost all over the country, but in fact more than 90.00% of the cotton yarn factories are family and micro-factories.

Either it is a family workshop with a few people in a family, or it is a small, micro-factory with a dozen or more people.

After all, the threshold for spinning is really low... Many family workshops don’t even use hydraulic power, let alone steam engines, for spinning in many family workshops. People use manual spinning machines from more than [-] years ago, although the efficiency is not high. High, low output, very low per capita output value... But they don't really build any big factories, they just set up a small workshop to make a living.

These small or even miniature cotton yarn workshops and small factories usually do not supply those large factories...the quality and price are not good, and they cannot meet the requirements of large factories. They are generally directly oriented to the consumer market, or the same family workshops small and micro weaving workshops, or simply sell directly to local rural consumers.

Survive by local advantage!

The sale of cotton yarn directly to consumers may seem exaggerated to future generations, but in fact this is a normal situation in the contemporary Great Chu Empire.

In the contemporary Great Chu Empire, many rural women in remote and backward areas still weave cloth by themselves, and finally make clothes for their families in their spare time.

Although the finished machine-made cloth on the market is already very cheap, it is still expensive for rural families. Therefore, in the rural areas of the Great Chu Empire, especially in remote and backward rural areas, women in peasant families still retain The tradition of self-weaving... Anyway, their own time is worthless, and they can save as much as they can.

On the contrary, self-spinning has become very rare, because the cotton yarn produced by the factory is too cheap... Even poor farmers can afford the price of buying cotton yarn.

Behind this is also related to cotton prices, cotton imports and other factors. Today, North America and India are important cotton import origins of the Great Chu Empire, especially India... The Great Chu Empire spent a lot of effort in the local area. Promote cotton cultivation.

Today, the Great Chu Empire imports a huge amount of cotton every year, and the import price is very cheap.

The CIF price of cotton imported from India in Songjiang is cheaper than that of locally produced cotton in Songjiang...

Therefore, no one in the south of the Yangtze River grows cotton on a large scale. Basically, in addition to growing staple food, they grow mulberry trees or other economic crops...

By the way, the Great Chu Empire has never promoted the technology of planting mulberry and sericulture in other foreign countries. It’s not that the capitalists didn’t want to, but it was strongly resisted by the domestic sericulture industry... This has caused a lot of disturbances.

In the end, the government officially issued a ban on the export of silk-related technologies, including a series of related technology protection laws such as mulberry tree planting, silkworm seed outflow, silkworm breeding technology, and silk textile technology.

Domestic enterprises are also prohibited from importing cocoons, raw silk, silk, etc. from abroad.

Basically... Regarding the silk industry, only finished silk products are allowed to be exported, and other silk-related trade transactions are not allowed, and domestic companies are not allowed to promote mulberry and sericulture in overseas indigenous countries.

This is the "Silk Protection Law" officially launched by Chengshun in 26 years.

This is the protection made by the domestic officials to protect the domestic silkworm farmers... It concerns the pockets of tens of millions of silkworm farmers. Even if it seems unreasonable, it will become legal and reasonable!

The empire encourages and allows large-scale imports of cotton, but does not allow large-scale imports of cocoons, raw silk, and silk!
After all, these things are two different things... Cotton is a mass consumer product, and machine-made cloth is also a bulk export product. In addition to meeting their own needs, imported cotton will also be processed into cotton cloth for export.

But silk is different, it is a luxury item.

Furthermore, with the development of the empire's economy, most of the domestically produced silk was digested internally, and not much was exported... Of course, this is also related to the poor consumption ability of foreign countries for silk, a luxury.

The silk consumption capacity of the whole of Europe is not as good as that of Xicheng District in Songjiang Mansion!
There are few exports, and most of them are digested internally, but silk is not a necessity of life. This thing is a luxury. There is no need to reduce the price of silk by importing cocoons and raw silk on a large scale, and then meet the needs of the people!

The officials of the Great Chu Empire do not have the awareness to let the people wear cheap and affordable silk...

The officials of the Great Chu Empire would rather keep the price of silk at a high level, so as to protect the interests of tens of millions of silkworm farmers in the country!

This is also why the Great Chu Empire issued such a wonderful law as the "Silk Protection Law"... nothing else but to protect the interests of domestic silkworm farmers.

There is not only the silk protection law, but also a similar tea protection law...the process is similar. A few years ago, some people found that some people in India were particularly suitable for growing tea, so they wanted to run there to build tea plantations, and then the news spread back to China. It aroused strong protests from the tea industry... Finally, the empire enacted a tea protection law, prohibiting domestic enterprises from promoting and planting tea abroad, and also prohibiting the import of tea...

How many places in the country are counting on tea as a cash crop to develop their local economy, and at the same time relying on tea processing to develop local industries. For example, the Heyuan Prefecture where Wang Tu worked in the past, the tea economy is a major economic pillar of the local area.

Although Wang Tu has been transferred from Heyuan Mansion to take up the post of Guangdong Councilor in Guangzhou City, he still strongly opposes the overseas promotion and import of tea.

What an international joke, he was engaged in the tea economy in Heyuan and gained enough political achievements, and then he became a third-rank high-ranking official.

You engage in tea imports and destroy the local tea economy. This is slapping Wang Tu in the face!

There are countless local officials like Wang Tu who support the tea protection bill, especially in Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, and Yunnan, which are important tea producing areas and are the core provinces against overseas tea.

Eventually, the Tea Protection Law was formally promulgated and became law.


In terms of economic crops, the Great Chu Empire does not tend to import everything, but out of a game between interests... Cotton is similar, there are those who support cotton imports, and naturally there are those who oppose cotton imports. However, the domestic support for cotton imports is currently the mainstream.

The cotton spinning industry supports cotton imports, because in this way they have cheap and high-quality cotton available.

At the same time, a large number of domestic officials and agricultural experts who are concerned about food security also generally support cotton imports... because in their opinion, if cotton is not imported, the huge domestic demand for cotton will quickly increase the price of cotton, and everyone Grow cotton instead of food.

Just like the Jiangnan area in the early years, with the rise of the textile industry, there was a phenomenon of cotton cannibalism. In the end, cotton was imported on a large scale, and the price of cotton fell. At the same time, the government increased the supervision and support of grain planting. turned things around.

Therefore, many domestic officials and agricultural experts are now very cautious about those economic crops that can affect domestic food cultivation and domestic food security.

This has also led to the fact that the income from domestic cotton cultivation is not as good as the previous year.

So up to now, except for the cotton farmers who specialize in large-scale cotton cultivation for a living, ordinary peasant families actually don’t grow cotton very much... If you want to grow cotton and spin it in a small way, it’s better to order a variety of fruits, vegetables, peanuts, etc. sell things, and then buy cotton yarn and weaving cloth.

This land also has a cost, and farmers are not stupid!

This series of phenomena finally led to the large-scale entry of cotton yarn into the rural market... This is also the basis for the survival of countless small and micro cotton yarn workshops and factories in China.

In contrast, the finished cloth is much smaller in the rural market.

That is to say, in the past ten years, after the continuous development of the economy, the continuous development of railway and river transportation, the price of machine-made cloth has been further reduced, and the income of the people has continued to increase. After a series of factors, the finished cloth has gradually opened up the rural market.

In some rural areas with better economy, such as the eastern part and the Yangtze River Basin, it is almost impossible to see rural women spinning and weaving by themselves, and they all buy machine-made cloth to make clothes.

However, in areas with average or even backward economies, such as rural areas in the southwest, west, and north, finished fabrics still have not been able to fully occupy the market, and local rural women still retain the tradition of spinning and weaving by themselves.

However, according to the current economic development and technological development trend of the Great Chu Empire, it is estimated that in another ten or eight years, even rural areas in remote and backward places will no longer see rural women spinning and weaving by themselves.

This series of phenomena has also led to the fact that most of the textile industry in the Great Chu Empire, especially the spinning industry, exists in the form of family workshops and micro-factories, and they are directly oriented to the local consumer market.

In fact, there are not many large cotton spinning factories that can achieve real industrial production, participate in fierce market competition, and provide cotton yarn for those large weaving enterprises.

It seems that the threshold is very low, but in fact the threshold is very high.

There are great demands on the supply chain, factory management, and technical management!

This is not to say that cotton yarn is difficult to make, but that it is not easy to make cotton yarn with low enough cost and reliable quality...

This industry is a very typical industry with fierce competition and low gross profit. In this industry, if there is no solid foundation at the beginning, it is actually very difficult for latecomers to enter... It's not that they can't do it, but they will lose money!
Anyone who comes and spends money to engage in the cotton yarn industry will find it difficult to compare the quality and cost with Anhua Textile Co., Ltd., a professional cotton yarn factory that has been playing with cotton yarn for more than [-] years.

If Guangsheng Textile Company wants to purchase new cotton yarn, it can only find a professional cotton yarn factory like Anhua Textile Company.

Of course, Anhua Textile Company is not the only supplier, they also have several other suppliers, but the other cotton yarn suppliers are not doing well now. In order to maintain market competitiveness, Guangsheng Textile Company only It is possible to purchase new cotton yarns at high prices from suppliers who do not have many cooperative relationships.

Even so, the supply of new-style cotton yarn is very troublesome, not to mention the high price, and the supply is so unstable that they can't even produce new-style cloth stably.

Therefore, when they heard that Anhua Textile Company was purchasing a large amount of new equipment and upgrading its technology, they quickly dispatched an inspection team to investigate Anhua Textile Company, an old partner.

The company made it clear: if the inspection situation can satisfy them, Guangsheng Textile Company will give Anhua Textile Company a super large order!

The top management of Anhua Textile Company attached great importance to this, and this attention was eventually passed on to other departments, especially the Mechanical Repair Department, which was responsible for maintaining new machinery and equipment, and felt the pressure from the top management of the company.

Even Sun Xu, who just joined the job, started working overtime every day!
Sun Xu has no complaints about this, and is even quite happy...Why?
Because people pay overtime pay!
Normally, the overtime pay is [-] times the basic salary, and it is double the salary during statutory holidays. Sun Xu thought that with such an overtime situation, his first month's salary might be able to reach twelve. Three Chu Yuan.

With a monthly salary of more than ten Chu Yuan, Sun Xu is very happy even if he works overtime until midnight every day!

Hitting workers, who doesn't want to make more money, as long as they are paid, working overtime is nothing.

Whether it is the seventeenth century or the twenty-first century, although people are different, the truth should be the same!

This is not what it says:
The monthly salary is 30 to [-], and the boss is my father. You can do whatever you want, and you can work overtime on your knees!

The monthly salary is [-] to [-], the boss is my brother, and my good brothers will carry it together, so working overtime is not a problem!

The monthly salary is two to three thousand, and the boss is my son. It's annoying to look at, so I need to work overtime, get the hell out!

The monthly salary is two or three hundred, and the boss is... hang him on the street lamp to dry!
(End of this chapter)

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