I want to be emperor

Chapter 895 Sun Xu's Helplessness

After breakfast, Sun Xu, who read the newspaper by the way, bid farewell to his pregnant wife, Sun Mengshi, and then took a long coat from Uncle Li and put it on, and put on a silk bowler hat. Put on a pair of black leather gloves.

After getting ready, he opened the door and went out. After opening the door, the cold air from outside poured in, but Sun Xu, who was dressed thickly, didn't feel cold.

In fact, this kind of weather is not too cold for Sun Xu, the winter in his hometown is even colder.

After going out, there was a two-horse four-wheeled carriage parked in front of the door. Uncle Li had already opened the door of the carriage one step ahead. After Sun Xu bent down to get on the carriage, Uncle Li closed the door, and then walked to the front to drive.

Under the urging of Uncle Li, two strong Fengzhou horses moved lightly and pulled the four-wheeled carriage on the road briskly.

Sun Xu turned his head and looked out of the glass window. His wife, Sun Mengshi, was waving gently at him in front of the large glass window in the hall.

He immediately responded with a wave of his hand!

Soon, the carriage was on the asphalt road inside the community, because it would be working time, and he also saw several neighbors' carriages driving out.

Dongqin Community is one of the representative communities of high-end communities in Beicheng District. More than 200 residents are high-income groups working in Beicheng District. Is the boss of ordinary small and medium-sized enterprises.

You say they are upper class, but in fact they have not reached that threshold... But you say they are ordinary middle class, and they are much better than ordinary middle class.

It belongs to the high-income class stuck between the rich and the middle class.

Their income can allow them to live in a good single-family villa, hire a coachman to keep a private carriage, and their wives are usually full-time wives, um, full-time wives who don’t have to do housework and take care of children.

There are often several servants in the family, usually a maid who cooks and does chores, and a male servant such as a groom, coachman and gardener. If the income is higher, then a personal scout is usually hired to follow the hostess A maid at your side; and another manservant who will serve beside the master.

Two to four servants, which is standard for many families in their neighborhood!

Sun Xu's family has invited two people now, one is a groom and coachman who takes care of the garden by the way, Uncle Li who also travels with Sun Xu on weekdays, and the other is a maid who cooks and cleans to serve Sun Meng's family.

The reason why there are only two servants is mainly because Sun Xu and his wife live with only two people, and they are both young people. Although Sun Meng is pregnant, the child has not yet been born... Unlike most other families, basically It is a big family with the elderly and children, and more people are needed to take care of it.

So Sun Xu and his wife only hired a young maid for the time being, who cooks, cleans and does some chores on weekdays, and Uncle Li who goes out and drives with Sun Xu on weekdays...

However, as his wife's belly gradually grows, it will definitely be difficult to move in the future, so he plans to hire another personal maid in the near future to take care of his pregnant wife at any time.

However, it is not easy to find a maid. After all, what he wants is a maid who can take care of the pregnant woman and the baby in the future. Not only is it difficult to find, but it is also not cheap.

Maids who can take care of children are not cheap... He asked a housekeeping company before, and the monthly salary was generally more than five yuan.

If it is professional care of mothers and babies, professional female nurses with a practicing certificate certified by the Home Economics Association are more expensive, and the direct price is more than ten Chu yuan... almost three times the salary of ordinary workers.

But Sun Xu thinks that if the child is really born, it is still necessary to hire a professional nurse. Although it is very expensive, it does not need to hire such a professional nurse for a long time, and it is about two or three months.

It's just that in that case, the family expenses will be relatively large after the child is born in April next year.

By that time, the wages of the servants alone will cost more than 20 yuan a month... This does not include food and drink for them.

According to the rules, servants generally have to be reimbursed by their employers for food, lodging, and clothing... This food, drink, and clothing is also a considerable amount of expenses. In the end, the expenses for servants alone cost more than 25 Chu yuan.

Even though his mother had written in a letter before saying that she could come to Songjiang from her hometown to help take care of the child, and she didn't need to waste money to hire someone.

But Sun Xu declined, mainly because his mother's health was not very good, and she was completely cured from a serious illness a few years ago, and her bones were already weak. In the past two years, he has sent money home for his mother. Buy supplements to condition your body.

He really couldn't bear to let his mother, who was not in good health, go all the way to Songjiang to take care of her... Besides, a mother who was not in good health couldn't take care of the mother and child.

How can you take care of women and children who are in confinement?

Therefore, it is very necessary to hire a personal maid in the near future, and to hire a professional nurse in advance when the labor is due.

And these expenses also have to be planned in advance...

Ordinarily, with such a high income, he doesn't need to be so cautious, but he always has no confidence in his future income expectations... always worried about losing his job.

Even in the middle of his year, he signed a new five-year guarantee contract with Anhua Textile Company. Compared with the old guarantee contract, his salary income has increased a lot, reaching the level of a thousand yuan annual salary, and there is still a lot of money. Other incentive bonuses.

But guarantee contracts are not everything!
Although from a legal point of view, a guarantee contract is a labor contract with a high degree of protection for employees because of its mandatory nature... Once this kind of contract is signed, as long as you do not violate the content of the contract, even if the boss wants to If you want to dismiss you, you must pay the remaining salary of the contract period in one lump sum.

There is no need to worry about the boss changing positions for you to do hard and dangerous manual work. This kind of guarantee contract stipulates the scope of work and duties.

But once the boss is really shameless and risking the reputation of the company and the risk of being fined a large sum of money in a lawsuit, he can still find some loopholes to deny this kind of guarantee contract, and some bosses want to get rid of this kind of guarantee contract. Employees often adopt soft strategies, such as bullying you in terms of personality, letting colleagues isolate you, and arranging jobs that are actually disgusting in your own job... There are always various tricks to think about.

For example, Sun Xu has heard that in order to get rid of a senior technical backbone who signed a guarantee contract, the boss of a textile factory directly arranged him in a new office. He was the only one in the huge office. The windows... don't arrange work, just let you stay in this small office all day long with nothing to do.

In the end, this technical tycoon really couldn't bear it, and he was even more unwilling to waste the remaining years of his contract time here by doing nothing.

In the end, he voluntarily resigned and left...Of course, he is a highly educated technical boss with a strong sense of law, so he went to sue for compensation against his backhand, and publicized the fact that his old company treated the technical backbone harshly and did not keep its promise.

Although the boss won the lawsuit legally, his reputation has been ruined, and he will not be able to recruit senior technical backbones in the industry... I heard that the boss has moved the factory to other provinces , There is no way, the negative reputation of treating technical backbones harshly, signing a guarantee contract and then backing out, has spread throughout the industry in Songjiang.

Seeing the boss like this, the remaining few technical backbones all found another job and quit, and the boss couldn't find a new technical leader, and the factory was about to shut down...

If you don't leave, the factory will be finished.

Therefore, in the Great Chu Empire, the mandatory and highly restrictive guarantee contract is a high-standard labor contract for senior administrative personnel and technical personnel. You either don’t sign it, and you have to pay honestly if you sign ...unless the business goes bankrupt.

However, even if the company goes bankrupt, the salaries of the employees are the group with the highest settlement priority during the bankruptcy liquidation, and the employees who guarantee the contract can still get the remaining full salary of the contract period from the bankruptcy liquidation.

Therefore, a company rarely signs this kind of guarantee contract with its employees. Generally, it is really short of people and urgently needs the employee to give this kind of contract... If it goes further, it is basically to give shares.

Sun Xu was able to sign this kind of guarantee contract purely because of the industry. There are too few professional technical backbones in the new cotton yarn industry... and the market demand is extremely huge. The surrounding enterprises are all staring at the Anhua Textile Company. Several technical backbones waved their thick heads every day to poach corners, and Wang Liqing had no choice. In order to retain such technical backbones as Sun Xu, he could only offer such a very passive guarantee contract for the company.

That's why Sun Xu himself sometimes feels that he is a lucky guy who just hit Songjiang and entered the new cotton yarn industry...

And this kind of luck is also the main reason why he has great anxiety about the future!
There are still three years left on his guarantee contract... Even if there are no problems within three years, but the guarantee contract ends after three years, can he still get such a high salary?
he does not know!Not even confident...

This is why he wants to repay the house loan as soon as possible. He is worried that after three years the contract will end and his income will be greatly reduced, so he will not be able to pay back the loan...

Fortunately, he has a stable job in the past year, and his own expenditure is not large, and he basically does not spend money outside. Although his wife, Sun Mengshi, spends small money more frequently in family expenses, she spends less big money. .

Generally speaking, there was no major expenditure in the past year. Except for daily household expenses, he saved all his income to repay the loan.

According to the current situation, if everything goes well, he will be able to pay off the house loan almost completely by next year.

At that time, there will be no debts, and life will not be so uneasy. Even if he loses his high-paying job in Anhua Textile Company, he will not have to worry too much. At that time, he will rely on his technical level to find a machine repair job in other textile companies. It is not a problem, at most, the income is less.

If the debt is paid off and the industry continues to thrive, and I can really gain a firm foothold in Anhua Textile Company, for example, I can be promoted to the position of deputy chief of the machine repair department, and truly become the core technical backbone of Anhua Textile Company, then He will consider improving the current living conditions and bring the daily living conditions at home closer to those of other families in the community.

Although his wife didn't say anything, Sun Xu had heard about it. After the couple moved into Dongqin Community, their wife's social life in the community was not going well.

It is mainly the daily life conditions of their family, such as furniture and decoration, and even the backwardness in the number of servants, which makes the wife feel a little bit embarrassed in front of the mistresses of other families.

Last month, Mrs. Sun Meng was invited to a small party at the home of a family in Building 56. In the small party, more than a dozen female relatives in the community discussed the topic of curtains, and discussed how to use curtains in winter. What kind of curtains are better, which ones make better curtains, and during the period, I made an appointment to visit other homes to see the newly changed winter curtains...

Someone also asked Sun Mengshi what kind of winter curtains your family changed, can you go and have a look at the reference... Sun Mengshi was very embarrassed, because their family didn't plan to change any winter curtains, they have always used them at home They were all purple curtains that were prepared by the original owner when the house was first bought!

After coming back that day, Sun Mengshi told him about it, angrily: The curtains are fine, and I like them very much, why do they have to be changed?
In fact, there are quite a few situations like this, and Sun Mengshi usually wouldn't tell him these things, but he could see some of them.

He was very helpless about this, changing the curtains was just a trivial matter, but there were too many similar things.

In particular, the living habits and chat topics that neighbors are accustomed to often require a certain level of economic support. If you don’t reach that level of consumption, you don’t even know what they say.

Moreover, this level of consumption needs to be maintained for a long time in order to form a habitual living habit.

And he, Sun Xu, seems to be earning a lot now, but he has only had a high salary for a year or two. His accumulation is too thin, and he can't compare with his neighbors in terms of family wealth, so he can't change much.

We can only hope that after the loan is paid off, the work will continue smoothly, so that the economic conditions of their family will improve significantly.

After the economy improves, it will naturally bring about an increase in living standards, or in line with the average living standards of Dongqin Community.

As for now, it is still in the accumulation stage, there is no way but to endure it first!
He has to fail to repay the loan, and then spend all his monthly salary, just to maintain a so-called decent life.

The most important thing at present is to study hard and work hard to maintain the current high income level, so after the carriage arrived at the Anhua Textile Company in the city, Sun Xu rushed to work.

First, Section Chief Wang and several team leaders in the Mechanical Repair Department held a simple morning meeting, mainly focusing on how to solve a steam engine that had failed.

Two days ago, a steam engine in the factory broke down, and the problem was quite serious. There was a serious problem with the cylinder.

After inspection, it was found that the two core components, the entire cylinder and the piston, could not be used... After all, it is an old machine that has been used for more than ten years. In the early years, the high-pressure power steam engine was not too mature. It's not easy after more than ten years.

In fact, it can be repaired, but because it is an old machine, there is no cheap spare parts supply in the market. You have to spend a lot of money to find outside custom-made core parts, or spend a higher price to find the original factory to order spare parts... But no matter which one Both are expensive.After all, it's not a small part that's broken, but the cylinder block and piston of the cylinder are broken together. These two things are basically the core parts of a steam engine.

In a simple calculation, the cost of ordering these two core components will exceed the residual value of this many-year-old machine.

In other words, it would be cheaper to go directly to the market to eliminate an old steam engine of the same model!
Regarding this matter, after a discussion in the morning meeting, the Mechanical Repair Department reached a consensus: this broken thing is no longer worth repairing, so just take the opportunity to replace it with a new steam engine. After all, this old machine is too expensive to repair, and after all It's an old guy, and there are problems every three days. The daily maintenance costs are already high, and it also affects production.

Might as well get a new one, once and for all!
After discussing this matter, Section Chief Wang talked about the work arrangement, and then got up to announce the end of the meeting. Section Chief Wang took the documents and prepared to go to the company to assist in the report on the replacement of the steam engine, while Sun Xu left the meeting room and took himself The three members of the group started to work, carrying out daily inspection and maintenance on the running new cotton yarn production line.

The new cotton yarn production line is very important to Anhua Textile Co., Ltd., and there must be no problems. Therefore, daily inspection and maintenance are very important.

This is also Sun Xu's most important job in normal times: to ensure the stable operation of the new cotton yarn production line!
He took his subordinates to inspect the surrounding area, and after the production lines in the several workshops he was in charge of had no problems, he went to a workshop next door that hadn't started and started to get busy.

This is a newly constructed workshop, which belongs to one of the projects that Anhua Textile Co., Ltd. continues to expand this year, and is currently installing and debugging new equipment one after another.

Sun Xu is currently leading people to be responsible for the installation and debugging of the production line in this workshop!
This is also an important reason why Sun Xu can earn thousands of Chuyuan's annual salary. At present, in Anhua Textile Company, except for Section Chief Wang, he is the only one who can lead a team to install and debug the new cotton yarn production line in the entire workshop.

Although the installation and commissioning of the production line will involve the engineers of the equipment manufacturers, these equipment manufacturers are not the same family, one is the steam engine, the traditional system is the same, the spinning machine is another, and many other equipments also have their own. Suppliers, which require their own mechanics to coordinate installation and commissioning.

Anhua Textile Company did not find suppliers who directly packaged and supplied the entire production line. The premium was too high, and the production lines produced were often following the trend, which could hardly meet the many detailed requirements of Anhua Textile Company, and it was easy to cause Craft leaks.

Cotton yarn seems simple, and even the equipment used by everyone is similar, but there are huge differences in the specific cotton yarn produced. This is the technical difference of each cotton yarn factory.

After two years of long-term exploration, continuous adjustment of equipment and improvement of technology, Anhua Textile Co., Ltd. has produced new high-end cotton yarns of very good quality, comparable to the new high-end cotton yarns produced by some large-scale textile companies with strong technology. , which includes a series of very high-tech production processes.

To produce this new type of high-end cotton yarn with its own special technology, it is not enough to rely solely on the so-called mainstream cotton yarn production lines that are all over the street. It is also necessary for its own mechanics to conduct in-depth adjustments to the production line based on the detailed parameters of the product.

This is one of Sun Xu's main jobs.

During this day, the production lines in the several workshops he was in charge of did not have any problems and were running safely, so he asked several subordinates to take turns to watch the production lines and pay attention to the status of the equipment, while he himself was in the new workshop , with a team of engineers from equipment manufacturers to install and debug the new production line.

This is a very energy-intensive and even physical-consuming task. Many devices require him to install and debug them himself, which is very troublesome.

I was busy until noon. After eating in the management canteen in the factory and taking a nap in the cubicle lounge in the office, I continued to work on the new workshop in the afternoon.

It's just that when he was about to leave work, one of his subordinates rushed over to call him in a panic, saying that the production line in workshop No. [-] had something wrong.

He went over and saw that the production line was still running, but the quality of the cotton yarn produced had plummeted... After inspection, the workers' operations were in accordance with the standards and there was no problem, and the raw materials were also fine.

He also personally checked the adjustment parameters of many equipment in the production line, and everything was normal.

But when everything is normal on the surface, the cotton yarn produced has become a defective product... Sun Xu frowned and looked at the many equipment in front of him, and then ordered: "Stop the machine first, and prepare for a comprehensive inspection!"

According to his prediction, if nothing unexpected happened, he might have to work overtime until very late today.

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