I want to be emperor

Chapter 896 The Night of Songjiang City

Although Songjiang City is located in the Yangtze River Delta, the winter is far less cold than in the northern regions, but the wind is still biting at night.

When Sun Xu walked out of the office building and went to the Masi, he couldn't help but tighten his coat.

Although he wore a lot of clothes, gloves and a hat, he still couldn't stand the biting Night Breeze.

Under the faint light of kerosene street lamps, Sun Xu hurried to the horse shop of Anhua Textile Company.

As a large factory with more than 2000 employees, Anhua Textile Co., Ltd. has also established a large horse shop, which mainly supplies the parking needs of the company's senior management, technical backbone and external partners.

This is mainly because it is too troublesome to park a horse-drawn carriage in Songjiang City. There are few public stables outside that can be used for long-term parking of horse-drawn carriages. As for temporary parking on the side of the road, it is possible, but long-term parking is very inconvenient and requires someone to do it. care and management.

Because the carriage is not only as simple as a carriage, but also the horses that pull the carriage.

Even if the horses pulling the carts are professionally trained and docile, they are animals after all, and they will still go crazy when frightened. Therefore, the local traffic regulations in Songjiang City stipulate that horses must be supervised in public places. Do not leave the horse and leave.

At the same time, horses are not something that can run just by charging or adding gas. They also have to eat, drink, and excrete at the same time. If no one is in charge, problems will easily occur.

This series of restrictions has also made it very difficult to park a horse-drawn carriage in the city for a long time these days. This is also the middle-to-high income group in Songjiang City. very few.

Not to mention whether you can afford a private carriage, you can't solve it just by parking.

Generally, only those with a high income or above who live in a detached house in the suburbs and own a private stable can own a private carriage... This standard is basically based on people like Sun Xu.

If Sun Xu lived in the urban area, it would be very troublesome to own a private carriage even with a salary of thousands of years, because there are very few real estates with private horses in the urban area, and most of the residences in the urban area belong to the third or fourth floors. floor apartment.

It is not to say that there are no real estate properties in Daimasi, there are still some, or they are old buildings in the old urban areas. Many old buildings in such places have yards, but the environment is really unsightly... and some environments Well, a detached villa in a high-end community with a good location is very expensive, and Sun Xu can't afford it.

In fact, those who can afford it will not often live in these so-called single-family villas in the core areas of the city.

There is a phenomenon in Songjiang City, that is, few rich people will live in the urban area... High-end single-family villas in this urban area are very expensive, so generally only the truly rich can afford them, but they will not These expensive single-family villas in the city are used as permanent residences, and they will not place the whole family here. They are generally used as temporary footholds when they go to the city to do business and socialize.

As for the reason, even outsiders know the air quality in Songjiang city...it's hard to explain.

Even the so-called high-end communities in the city seem to have a good environment and the location is in the core area, but you can't stop the smell of coal burnt and horse urine that permeates the entire city... and when you encounter some unprofessional It is easy to get foggy in the urban area... This kind of fog is not the pleasing Jiangnan water vapor in places with beautiful mountains and clear waters... but soot!

Take a sip, that is the most mellow charcoal smell!
Otherwise, those rich people would not have fled the city like fleeing famine, and moved to the suburbs of the city.

Not to mention the real rich, even Sun Xu, a high-income group working part-time, moved out of the city as soon as he made money.

At the same time, there are more people with an annual salary of two to three hundred yuan, that is, various middle and low-level managers and technical backbones. After they get married, they often buy real estate or rent houses in the suburbs of the city.

High-end detached villas are unaffordable, large-area townhouses are unaffordable, but ordinary apartments can still be bought or rented.

After all, in the outskirts of the city, the most common communities are four-story buildings with multiple households on each floor, and ordinary apartments with two or three rooms per household. The people living here are generally ordinary middle-class people.

They belong to the middle-income group that is more deficient than the top and more than the bottom.

If Sun Xu didn't have the opportunities of the previous two years, but was just an ordinary mechanic who worked step by step, and after working for a few years to become a senior mechanic with a monthly salary of around [-] Chu Yuan, then there is a high probability that he would choose this kind of job in the future. Buy real estate and settle down in an ordinary apartment community in the suburbs.

This is the common choice of many middle and low-level managers, grassroots technical backbones, low-level officials, and small bosses.

And these people also formed the Great Chu Empire, or a relatively unique group of middle-income groups in Songjiang City.

They live a much better life than ordinary workers, staff, farmers and other low-income groups, but they still need to be careful in their daily lives... so that they can barely maintain a certain level of decency.

But fortunately, Sun Xu stood on the cusp of the times, was blown by the wind and flew up, directly crossed the middle-class group and became a member of the high-income group.

So on this bone-piercing night, Sun Xu didn't have to brave the cold wind for more than ten minutes and wait for a long time on the main road outside for the night shift public carriage. Instead, he could go directly to the large stable inside the company.

When I arrived at the horse shop, I found that the private carriages of other company executives or technical backbones parked in the horse shop had all gone, leaving only my own car alone.

In the driver's lounge beside him, after seeing Sun Xu's figure, Uncle Li put on a thick coat and went out to pick up Sun Xu.

Sun Xu said while getting into the carriage: "Uncle Li, it's getting late now, let's go back as soon as possible!"

It took him too much time to work overtime to deal with the failure of the production line, and it was already past ten o'clock after the problem was solved. Although there will be no horse-drawn carriages on the road at night, and there will be no traffic jams when he gets off work in the morning and evening, but he has to go all the way back Some time, after going back, it is estimated that it will be more than eleven o'clock.

And his wife, Sun Mengshi, is a person who likes to wait for him to come back. Sometimes he works overtime and goes home. Although Sun Mengshi is lying down, she usually reads a book and waits for him to come home.

Now that his wife is pregnant, he is worried that she will wait too long as usual, and going to bed too late will be bad for her health.

Uncle Li responded immediately, then closed the carriage door, and got into the front driver's seat of the carriage.

Wearing a thick padded jacket, a large waterproof cape, gloves, a hat, and a scarf, Uncle Li raised his horsewhip against the biting night wind.

Two Toyosu draft horses stepped lightly on the concrete floor, pulled the carriage forward slowly, and then gradually accelerated into the night. The kerosene lamp hanging on the carriage illuminated the carriage with a thin light And the road near the front, so that the carriage will not be completely plunged into blackness.

The carriage first drove onto the concrete road in the industrial area. This section of the road was wide and flat, and there were also many gas street lamps.

Although it was already night, many places in the industrial area were still brightly lit, and there were still many carriages pulling goods on the road.

Although limited by the lighting conditions, many factories do not have night shifts. Even if they work overtime to produce, they usually start when the sky is just dawn and stop when it gets dark.

For example, there is no such thing as night shift in Anhua Textile Company. After all, textile factories are actually potentially flammable and explosive places. If the ventilation measures in the workshop are not good, then a large amount of cotton wool will float in the air. If it is not, it will deflagrate when it encounters an open flame... At that time, with a bang, the entire factory will be reduced to nothing.

In the early years of the Great Chu Empire, several textile companies have encountered similar deflagration accidents, causing huge economic losses and casualties. After experiencing painful lessons, they dig deep into the reasons and make corresponding improvements. Entrepreneurial implementation.

One of the most important points is that textile factories, especially spinning workshops, must be kept well ventilated to avoid the accumulation of a large amount of lint in the air.

For the sake of safety, the production workshop of Anhua Textile Company has huge fans driven by steam engines during production to keep the workshop air circulating and avoid excessive cotton content in the air.

In addition, open flames are prohibited during production in the workshop... let alone night shifts with dangerous things like kerosene lamps or gas lamps.

However, not every industry is the same as the textile industry. Some industries do not have any risk of open flames. If there are too many orders and they are too busy, they will use gas lamps as lighting for night shift production.

There are also some factories that carry out cargo transportation or production line maintenance at night, and Anhua Textile Company often takes advantage of the night to carry out maintenance on the production line, which is why Sun Xu often works overtime at night...

Therefore, even though it was past ten o'clock in the evening at this moment, there were still many vehicles running on the road in the industrial area, and a few factories were still brightly lit.

Coupled with a large number of still bright gas street lamps, this makes Songjiang Beicheng Industrial Zone feel like a city that never sleeps.

If this was changed to other places, it would have been completely dark, and even the bustling commercial center in Songjiang City would have closed its doors early.

But in the Beicheng Industrial Zone, the lights are still brightly lit.

This is the power of industry!

Sun Xu has long been accustomed to all these scenes, after all, he is no longer that young man with dark eyes who just came to Songjiang.

He has been in Songjiang City for two years, and he has long been accustomed to the many special circumstances of this city.

The carriage drove out along the concrete road in the industrial area, and then entered the main road in the northern city. This main road in the northern city is a very wide concrete road.

It's just that the road is wider, but there are more cars...

During the day, there are countless horse-drawn carriages, including public carriages, private carriages, and freight carriages. All kinds of carriages are crowded on this main road, making this main road the widest and most congested in the northern city. the road.

When commuting to and from get off work on weekdays, in order to avoid morning and evening peak hours, Uncle Li generally does not drive on this main road, but chooses to take a few detours on roads with less traffic. Although detours are required, they are needed during morning and evening peak periods. even less time.

During the morning and evening rush hours, there are already many cars on the main road of Beicheng, and the speed of the cars is slow. If there is any traffic accident, the traffic jam will be even worse.

But it was past ten o'clock in the middle of the night today, and the main road in Beicheng was no longer crowded with traffic during the day. Although there were still a lot of vehicles, it was not crowded compared to the wide road, and it was even considered to be very smooth.

Uncle Li drove the carriage at a relatively fast speed all the way to the north along the main road of Beicheng, all the way to the suburbs and then turned into a smaller cement road.

At this time, there were no gas street lights arranged by the government on the road. Although there were lights from many buildings on both sides of the road, it still looked a little dim.

After walking along this road for about two quarters of an hour, the carriage drove onto an asphalt road that was not spacious but had better road conditions.

There is also a sign at the intersection of the road: Dongqin Community.

This actually belongs to the internal road of Dongqin Community. There are gas lamps on both sides of the road. After walking about 300 meters, the carriage entered the intersection gate of Dongqin Community.

After arriving here, the street lights are more dense, and coupled with the light emitted by the houses on both sides of the road in the community, it is basically possible to walk on the road without lighting tools.

Soon, the carriage drove into Building 170, Dongqin Community, which was Sun Xu's home.

"Uncle Li has worked hard, and it's late, go to rest earlier!"

When Sun Xu got out of the car, he gave Uncle Li an order, then opened the door and entered the living room of the main building.

Multiple candles were burning in the first-floor living room, as was the fireplace.

Let the film space be brightly lit and warm like spring, keeping the darkness and cold outside out.

Taking off his coat, hat and gloves, Sun Xu asked the maid Liu Ma, and when he learned that his wife was already lying down in the room, he was slightly relieved, and then went upstairs with ease.

When I came to the master bedroom on the second floor, I gently opened the door. In the room, the candle lamp beside the bed was still shining. My wife had already fallen asleep, and there was an open book on the bed.

Slowing down, stepping on the carpet and walking over, he leaned over and picked up the book on the quilt and put it on the bedside, but although his movements were gentle, it still woke Sun Mengshi up, and she was half-opened in a daze. Focusing: "Are you back? Have you had dinner? I'll ask Mama Liu to make you a midnight snack."

Sun Xu bent over and sat on the head of the bed, stretched out his hand to stroke her hair: "Well, I'm back, today the production line broke down and I have to work overtime, you can continue to sleep, don't worry about me."

Following his caress, Sun Mengshi hummed in a daze, and fell back to sleep.

Sun Xu stroked it for a while, then got up to take a hot bath and change clothes. On the first floor, Mama Liu had already prepared a supper in advance.

When Sun Xu came back late after working overtime, he had the habit of eating supper.

After telling Mama Liu to leave him alone, he went to rest on his own, and he sat down at the dining table to eat a little, and then sat down on the sofa in front of the fireplace in the living room.

Looking at the charcoal fire in the fireplace, Sun Xu relaxed and slumped on the sofa... The surrounding was very quiet, the lights were dim, and everything seemed peaceful.

Sometimes when he comes back very late and his wife is already asleep, he likes to sit alone on the sofa in front of the fireplace, thinking about nothing, doing nothing...just shrinking himself into the sofa.

About two quarters of an hour later, he extinguished the fireplace downstairs, got up and went upstairs to the room, lay down next to his sleeping wife, and blew out the candles.

It's just that although the body is tired, but the mind is very clear. He opened his eyes in the dark, looking at the dark ceiling...

After a long time, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

As the sound of breathing gradually calmed down... As usual, Sun Xu's peaceful and busy day passed by like this.

It's just that when he went to work the next day, Sun Xu received a piece of news that he didn't know whether it was good or bad!

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