I want to be emperor

Chapter 933 Real-life drama blockbuster

Chapter 933 Real-life drama blockbuster

In the winter in England, it is not only cold, but also rainy and often windy... How should I put it, the wind is gloomy and biting all day long.

Even if the temperature is not actually very low, the temperature in the south and other areas can still be above freezing in winter, but when it is rainy and windy, it will feel even colder.

The central and northern parts also have a lot of snowy weather.

To be honest, this kind of weather is not used to the more than 1 soldiers of the Chu army who landed to fight!

If it is a pure winter operation, even if it is fighting in the snow, it will not be a big problem for some of the main forces who have received special training for winter operations and have sufficient logistical support.

When we fought in France before, we fought in winter. It snowed in many places, but it still did not affect the actions of the Chu army's regular army. However, the servant army was more affected. However, because the overall intensity of the war was on the low side, It is low, so the actual impact is not big.

But this time when the 36th Division and the Indian 30rd Division landed in the UK, they were fully prepared. The previous [-]th [-]th Division also had the experience of being deployed in the northeastern region of the country and had sufficient experience in winter operations in low latitudes. of.

But after arriving in the UK, I still feel unaccustomed to it... It rains too frequently in this poor place in the winter, and it gets windy at every turn.

It was windy and rainy in winter... This made the soldiers of the 36th Division a little bit unbearable. No matter how thick the cotton-padded jackets they were wearing, they also had raincoats and other rainproof equipment, but what can I say... the air was so humid and cold, Even though the thick cotton-padded jacket has not been exposed to rain, it still feels damp.

During the early operations in southern England, the situation was pretty good because the local temperature was still slightly higher.

But when the Chu army advanced north and entered the southern region of central England, as the local temperature continued to drop and it was still extremely cold, the soldiers of the 36th Division had to significantly reduce their combat operations.

The humid and cold weather is really not suitable for marching operations, otherwise it is easy for the soldiers to catch cold and fall ill.

Colds these days are not so easy to treat. Even if the medical level of the Chu Empire has far exceeded that of the indigenous people of various countries, it would have reached the level of the late nineteenth century in the original time and space. Many modern drugs have been developed. came out, but in fact there is still no good way to deal with a seemingly common ailment like a cold.

Most of them are treated conservatively by alleviating symptoms, relying on the patient's own body resistance... For example, if you have a fever, you can reduce the fever, if you have a cough, you can use medicine to relieve cough and asthma, and if you have diarrhea, you can stop diarrhea and replenish water. But for the actual disease caused by Bacteria or viruses are basically helpless.

Because the medical research and development institutions of the Da Chu Empire still have not been able to develop antibiotics, let alone antiviral drugs...

Although the Department of Medicine at the Royal Institute of Technology has experimentally proven that some microorganisms can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, the scientific findings in these laboratories are actually difficult to directly apply to treatment.

Because a drug is to be used to treat a disease, you have to know why it is being treated, what ingredients or microorganisms play the role, and then there are two more important points: mass production and side effects.

After all, medicines are for human use. When killing germs, they cannot kill people at the same time...or cause serious side effects. So sometimes even if something is discovered that can kill germs, people can't. Take it directly as medicine.

For example, scientists from the Da Chu Empire discovered in the laboratory more than [-] years ago that a certain proportion of alcohol can kill some bacteria and viruses. This discovery also allowed them to figure out why alcohol can be used for disinfection. Effectively reduce external infection.

But... alcohol can only be used externally. You cannot drink high-purity alcohol directly to kill bacteria and viruses in the body... Not only can it not kill bacteria and viruses, drinking too much of this high-purity alcohol will damage your liver in minutes. , severe cases may even lead to death.

Wine is also an alcoholic beverage, so don’t drink so much alcohol every day, especially high-alcohol alcohol, otherwise your liver will develop over time, and things like cirrhosis of the liver will develop in a matter of minutes.

Alcohol can be used externally to kill bacteria and viruses, but it cannot be drank directly to kill bacteria and viruses in the body.

This is a very typical example. Not all drugs can be used to directly treat diseases.

Or to use a simpler and cruder example, boiling water at [-] degrees can kill most bacteria and viruses...but can people drink boiled water at [-] degrees?Looking for death!
It's better to throw it directly into the incinerator. Under the high temperature in the incinerator, almost all bacteria and viruses can be burned to ashes!
Many methods that seem to be able to kill bacteria and viruses are not suitable for the human body, let alone used directly as medicine.

And what ingredients can effectively treat diseases?It can kill bacteria or viruses, or solve other diseases of patients... These all require scientific researchers to continue to explore and study over and over again, and finally find a suitable ingredient to use as a medicine.

Finding it is not enough, then we have to consider how to obtain the drug, and finally we have to consider large-scale mass production.

There are no shortcuts for these things, and they require continuous research by many scientific researchers and constant search for ways to improve.

A typical example of this is aspirin, an important milestone in the medical system of the Dachu Empire. This product was first extracted from willow bark by scientific researchers. After confirming that salicylic acid has analgesic and fever-reducing effects, scientific researchers began to study salicylic acid. The research really lasted for more than twenty years... After countless trials and errors, it was finally determined that after the synthesis of salicylic acid and acetic anhydride, an acetylated salicylic acid can be obtained, which is a kind of acetylated salicylic acid that can be Let people take it and get pain-relieving and fever-reducing medicine.

But at this time, in fact, this drug was still not really introduced to the market. For many years, it was only produced in small batches and supplied to powerful and wealthy businessmen at high prices.

Because the early preparation methods were very complicated and the yield was low, they were typical laboratory production and extremely expensive.

It was not until researchers from the Department of Medicine at the Royal Institute of Technology, after trying countless combinations and solving many production processes, that they finally figured out a new synthesis method for mass production.

In this way, this drug can truly have the possibility of mass production and supply to the general public.

In the 37th year of Chengshun, Jinling Pharmaceutical Company, the largest drug R&D and production company in the Chu Empire, obtained the patent authorization for this drug and began to mass-produce this epoch-making antipyretic and analgesic drug. The Royal Institute of Technology also received a high fee from it. In addition to the patent authorization funds, it can also continuously obtain patent authorization funds, and obtain sufficient funds to guarantee various subsequent medical research.

The R&D and production of aspirin lasted for more than [-] years, spending a lot of energy on many researchers at the Royal Institute of Technology.

This shows that it is not easy to actually develop a drug.

This does not include various clinical trials... In fact, up to now, aspirin is still in the clinical trial stage within the Dachu Empire, but because the effect is so good, and the previous phases of clinical trials did not find anything obvious, Because of the unacceptable side effects, although it is still in the clinical trial stage, it has been approved for marketing and can be prescribed and used under limited circumstances.

After all, this thing is really easy to use, and in many cases it is a life-saving medicine for contemporary Chu people...

When the patient's fever reaches [-] degrees or even [-] or [-] degrees, not to mention aspirin, which has no obvious side effects, or salicylic acid, which is difficult to eat even if it seriously irritates the gastrointestinal tract; or simply boiled willow bark in water Will be taken directly.

After all, saving lives is important!

The combat troops who landed in the UK were naturally distributed with new drugs like aspirin... But even so, the soldiers still did not dare to catch a cold easily.

Having a cold does not mean that the fever has subsided... If you are unlucky and the bacteria invade the lower respiratory tract or even the lungs, it will become a pulmonary infection... Once the lungs are infected, people with weaker body resistance I'm afraid they won't be able to bear it.

In order to avoid unnecessary non-combat casualties, the expeditionary force that landed in Britain officially stopped large-scale military operations one month after landing.

The several thousand main force of the 36th Division, with their respective infantry battalions as the core, are stationed in London, Birmingham and other relatively large and strategically important cities in the southern region.

They will not take the initiative to launch large-scale attacks in the short term. They are prepared to survive this cold and wet winter first.

Of course, although the thousands of regular troops stopped large-scale operations, the military infantry of the Chu army did not completely stop. They were just handed over to the servant army to carry out the operations.

The Indian Third Division transferred another infantry regiment from Spain, bringing the total strength of the Indian Third Division in the UK to more than 7000 people. These more than 7000 Indian legionnaires will actually undertake numerous combat tasks.

After all, the Chu Empire was still at war with the British, and the war would not stop just because the soldiers of the No. 30 Sixth Division stopped attacking.

So this winter, the British are miserable!
I don’t know how many people died in this wet and cold winter with constant rain!

But don’t think that the soldiers of the No. 30 Sixth Division who came from afar are not adapted to the local climate. Just think that the local British can run around shirtless in the windy and rainy weather in winter... On the contrary, there is a lack of warmth. The local British natives, who were equipped with clothes and waterproof tools, also suffered from the effects of this kind of ghost weather in this war, resulting in heavy non-combat casualties.Although the Chu people are not adapted to the local winter climate, they are not short of logistical support... Numerous huge steam transport ships continuously transport large amounts of military supplies from far and wide, and there will be no shortage of these things.

After all, quilts are not something that consumes too much. The cotton-padded jackets issued to the soldiers can last a whole winter as long as there are no major accidents.

It's not like bullets and cannonballs. Once they are fired, they will be fired...you will have to replenish as much as you shoot out in front.

Not to mention cotton-padded jackets, in fact, the Chu army's rear organization prepared military uniforms for the regular troops in the European Expeditionary Force, ranging from summer clothes to autumn clothes to winter clothes, including various sun protection, defense and the like.

As long as you prepare in advance, supplying these clothing materials is not a problem.

Therefore, Chu's regular army's logistical support has always been very sufficient... Even though the Indian Army's treatment is much worse, its logistical treatment is not comparable to that of the indigenous army.

Servant armies like the Indian Army were just underdogs in the Chu military system, responsible for secondary wars, that is, cannon fodder for sporadic small-scale battles... But when compared with those indigenous armies, they still all beat the indigenous people of various countries.

So despite the fact that the Great Chu Empire used the Indian Army, the North African Army, the Fuso Army and other servant armies as cannon fodder and miscellaneous jobs, its combat effectiveness was actually quite good, at least in Europe against the Spanish, French and now the The British are playing pretty well.

So when the Third Division of the Indian Army began to take over the main battles in the British area and continued to attack northward in the winter, the British on the opposite side were still very uncomfortable...

Although the Indian Army on the opposite side was a line unit like the British, they still couldn't defeat it.

But at any rate, it will not be as desperate as the regular army that encountered the Chu people before... At any rate, you can still see the figures of those Indians during the battle, and occasionally they can form an infantry line formation to fight with the opponent. There is back and forth.

But when it comes to fighting against the Chu army's regular army... in most cases, the Chu army's large-scale infantry is not even seen, and they are bombed inexplicably.

Although there were a few cases where Chu army infantry was seen, usually they just met and their own soldiers were knocked down in pieces by the opponent's bullets at a distance of about a few hundred meters.

The war modes of both sides are not on the same channel...

The British used a line war model, while the Chu Empire used a skirmish war model. They were not the same routine, so there would be examples that were very exaggerated and even unbelievable.

Under such circumstances, the British were naturally more willing to face the Indian servant army than the regular army of the Chu people.

But even so, the British could not stop the continuous offensive of the third division of the Indian Army. It did not take long to capture several important towns in the central region, including Sheffield, Manchester and other towns.

Among them, Manchester is an important textile city in contemporary Britain. It mainly produces textiles such as woolen cloth, felt hats and cheesecloth. It is not only used to supply the UK, but also sold to Europe.

Of course, this so-called textile city of the British is still stuck in the very backward hand-woven era, and it has been declining under the continuous impact of Chu's textile industry.

At that time, European countries, including the United Kingdom, did not fully open their markets to Chu. Although Chu's textile products could also enter Europe, various costs, especially tariff costs, were relatively high, and they also faced strong local competition. Protectionist suppression.

For example, in the UK, Chu textiles have been introduced on a large scale before. The Chu textiles imported into the UK are basically high-end textiles, but ordinary, especially low-end textiles are difficult to enter.

Similar situations still exist in many other industries.

After all, Europeans, including the British, are not stupid. They will not easily open up the market to let people in, and then kill their own handicraft industry and related industries.

But they underestimated the Chu people's determination to gain market access. In order to open up the European market, they did not hesitate to launch the European Trade Free Plan. They started planning the operation in the 37th year of Chengshun and have been in the 40th year of Chengshun... And look at this The situation will continue to continue in the following years until the entire European market is captured.

Previously, we fought in North Africa, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and France.
Now it's Britain's turn.

According to the Chu army's action time and plan, if the winter in the UK was not too uncomfortable and the Chu army actively prohibited further attacks in the winter in order to avoid a large number of non-combat casualties, it is estimated that the British would not be able to survive this winter.

But only this winter.

When the weather eased slightly after spring, the Chu army couldn't wait to launch a new round of offensive. This time it hit the northernmost part of Scotland in one go, capturing and killing the British royal family and nobles who had been resisting... …

During this period, they also landed on the neighboring island of Ireland, easily defeating the resistance of the local defenders... It is worth noting that many local nobles in Ireland directly served as the guide when the Chu army landed on the island of Ireland... These people were also dissatisfied with British rule and wanted independence.

Of course independence in the true sense is impossible... But instead of being a colony for the British, it would be better to be a colony for the Chu people!

After the military problems in the British area were almost resolved, the expeditionary forces of the Chu Empire were also satisfied and sent large and small bags of loot back to their country. Then they settled in several important strategic locations, especially port cities, and began to take a vacation. Back to daily training...

As for sporadic wars within the vast British region, such as garrisoning cities, clearing out remaining rebels, and daily patrols, the servant army of the Indian Third Division is responsible.

As for the regular army's mission, it is already over, and they have begun to rest and wait for the next combat mission.

After the military issue was roughly resolved, the follow-up treatment in the British area was quickly finalized. The Chu people were not used to the recalcitrant British kings or nobles. They were immediately slapped after being caught, and they would also conduct confiscation of their homes and extermination of their families.

After going through this process, it was discovered that less than [-]% of the local nobles were left. They were all local nobles who actively or passively surrendered to the Chu people during the war.

Therefore, several leaders of their respective forces were selected from these nobles and awarded the title of king respectively. The reason why there were several kings was because the Chu State directly divided the United Kingdom.

A kingdom was established in the southern part of England, a kingdom in the middle, a kingdom in the north, a kingdom in the middle and south of Ireland, and then the northern part of Ireland and part of the western part of central England were merged into one kingdom, and finally four small kingdoms were created.

And what’s very interesting is that these four kings are not consistent with the main groups or interest groups in their ruling areas. For example, in the newly established kingdom in the south, most of the indigenous people here are Protestant, but the king is Catholic. ... In the northern part of Scotland, most people are Catholic, but the king is a Protestant.

There was even a king who was originally just a minor noble. He took advantage of the chaos to gain momentum and was valued by the Chu people, but his prestige and strength were average... There were many big nobles in his kingdom.

The reason why this situation occurred was naturally intentional by the Chu people. They used various colonial methods such as divide and rule in the colonies and used a few people to rule the majority. The Chu people were now very successful.

Among them, the Chu people, who are the most typical, generally choose the untouchable class to serve in the army or even serve as low-level officials in the colonies in India... The untouchable class, which has a low social status and a small number of people in the local area, serves as the new ruling class in the Indian colonies.

The effect of the rule can be said to be quite good, and occasionally you can see some entertainment shows with great dramatic effects. For example, a certain Indian untouchable who was hungry and illiterate was casually rewarded by a passing Chu people one day. Official hat, became the local colonial indigenous low-level officials.

As a result, this untouchable who once gained power began to take crazy revenge on the local middle and high caste people who had oppressed him in the past...

The entertainment effect is superb, and it can be called a blockbuster drama staged in reality.

Nowadays, reality-based drama blockbusters are very popular in India. Many of them made mistakes and were sent to the colonies. Don’t expect the colonial officials who were transferred back to their homeland to entertain themselves with these boring and boring entertainment programs when they were bored. Hope time.

Now, Xu Jialiang, who had just been transferred from India to work in the UK and had no hope of an official career. He planned to ruin it completely. He played this game with great interest and promoted a few oppressed lowest-level untouchables in the UK. He gained a lot of power from them...and then started eating melon seeds and watching the show!
This was one of the few joys he had in life when he was sent to this miserable place in England.

(End of this chapter)

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