I want to be emperor

Chapter 934 Looking down on Europe

With the Great Chu Empire conquering the resistance forces in the British region and gaining access to the market in this region, it can be said that half of the Great Chu Empire's free trade plan in Europe has been completed.

Next, we only need to follow the steps step by step, and then get the Habsburgs in Denmark, Sweden and Austria. Then the central and western regions of Europe are basically done, and the rest are the two more important countries in the east, Poland, Lithuania and Russia. .

Of course, these countries are not the only ones in Europe. In fact, there are various kingdoms in Europe these days, and there are no kingdoms in the name, but in fact they are still principalities, counties, and the like with independent regimes, such as in later generations. A large group of small, chaotic countries under the Holy Roman Empire in the German region.

However, these small countries are too weak and basically do not have the ability to resist the Chu State, so their strength and influence can basically be ignored.

As long as a few relatively powerful countries in Europe are dealt with, the European market will almost be completely opened.

For this reason, after the European Expeditionary Force defeated Britain, it quickly formulated military operations against Denmark and Sweden.

However, the Danish side is more cowardly. After seeing the rapid defeat of Britain, the country was divided into five kingdoms by Chu, and the original aristocratic group in the country was gone, how could the Danish royal family and their aristocratic group resist Chu? The confidence and courage of our country!

Anyway, those Chu people just want the market, just give it to them.

Although this will lead to the complete loss of the autonomy of the economic system and the complete loss of many of the original benefits, it is not impossible to survive, and after the original benefits are lost, there will be new benefits.

For example, after the Chu people's goods enter the local market in Denmark, they need to be distributed and sold... Anyway, when the Chu people come here, they can only be wholesalers at most, and they can't really sell the goods hand-in-hand to everyone. A Dane is not.

This means that after these nobles have lost part of their original benefits from the handcrafting workshop, they can completely switch careers as agents for Chu people and earn money from retail channels.

Thinking of this, many Danish nobles started to think about it.

It's good to do business with the Chu people if you don't have any resistance. Why do you have to seek death and engage in military confrontation with the Chu people?

As for taking the initiative to surrender and give up the market, the Chu people's behavior in the Netherlands is still relatively tolerant. Basically, they only need the market and a few coastal port leases, plus some extra-legal jurisdiction and the like. Everything else is very casual.

This means that if they voluntarily submit to the Chu State and liberalize the market, they will inevitably lose their economic autonomy, but their internal administrative, military and diplomatic rights will be retained to a certain extent.

Still taking the Dutch as an example, although the Chu people will also send consultant teams called consultants, which are actually supervisors, these consultant teams basically ignore the internal affairs of the Dutch and the Dutch and surrounding indigenous people. They only care about the Dutch. market opening issues, and then guide the transformation of the Dutch local economic model in order to provide what the Chu people need.

In other words, these countries that actively surrender can actually maintain their autonomy to a large extent.

This is also an important manifestation of the strategic policy of the Dachu Empire in Europe: I only want the market, and everything else doesn't matter. As long as there is a market, you natives can do whatever you like, and I don't want to bother with you.

This is not only reflected in the Netherlands. In fact, after the previous defeat, Portugal, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom, which were actually controlled by the Chu Empire and had completely become colonies, although the Chu people all sent governors Various regulations were carried out in the past.

But as long as you don't harm the interests of the Chu Empire, the Chu people are too lazy to care about the internal affairs of their natives.

Even when these colonial countries tried to rebuild their armies, the Chu people did not stop them... Instead of stopping them, they enthusiastically promoted weapons.

The newly established European Arms Trading Company has already opened branches in various colonial and indigenous countries, and has begun to sell weapons and equipment on a large scale in the name of rebuilding the military power of indigenous countries.

What is very funny is that the first batch of spot equipment from the European Arms Trading Company was not weapons transported from the mainland, but a large number of weapons and equipment seized by the military during previous operations in various European countries.

Naturally, the Chu army would not keep these messy captured weapons for use, and even servant armies such as the Indian Army would not use these junk.

But it won't be thrown away directly, or returned directly to these natives.

Instead, they were all given to the newly established European Arms Trading Company to sell them on their behalf, and then sold them to various indigenous countries.

For example, after the Kingdom of Spain underwent a large-scale purge by the Chu Empire, the newly established Kingdom of Spain also began to rebuild its army.

And they also have an urgent need to rebuild the army, mainly to suppress the various resistances that have emerged in Spain in the past year... After Spain was forced to fully liberalize the market, it faced not only the impact of Chu's industrial goods, but also various Various economic issues.

For example, in order to guide some local people to raise sheep, the Chu people would deliberately dump grain in these areas and raise the purchase price of wool. This resulted in local farmers and even nobles who originally focused on growing grain suffered heavy losses, and finally had to Large-scale conversion to sheep farming.

In this process, there will naturally be people who continue to resist... Well, it's not about resisting the Chu army. In fact, the Chu Empire's expeditionary force stationed in Spain basically did not deal with the local Spanish indigenous people. They even ignored the Spanish indigenous people's rebellion and basically just stayed there. In barracks in certain strategic cities.

Even the servant Indian Legion is gradually withdrawing from the occupied cities and handing over local security to the army formed by the Kingdom of New Spain.

This kind of handover process also put a lot of pressure on the top leaders of the new Kingdom of Spain... and even felt reluctant to let the Chu people withdraw their troops on a large scale.

How should I put it? Before, when the Chu people were stationed on a large scale all over Spain and were responsible for garrisoning, patrolling, suppressing and other tasks, the top leaders of the New Spanish Kingdom made various promises on the surface, but they were still unwilling in their hearts. .

How should I put it, the colonial kingdom is still a kingdom after all, and they are also eager to take back more power.

Therefore, they have been striving to allow the Chu State to withdraw its troops on a large scale and transfer public security to the New Kingdom.

Later, the Chu people fought more wars in Europe, especially after France and Britain started fighting one after another. This force was not enough, so they agreed to Spain's request, began to gradually withdraw their troops, and transferred their troops to the British in the newly occupied area. As well as going to France.

Then the top officials of the Kingdom of New Spain were quickly dumbfounded... Why didn't they see so many mobs and rebels when the Chu people were here? But once the Chu people left, all kinds of mobs and rebels started to appear. Molecules emerge.

Rebel: Haha, you think I’m stupid. I’m trying to resist when the people of Chu are here, so I’m not looking for death... But you?Haha, I can't defeat the Chu people, and I can't defeat this Chu people's bitch?
As a result, when the Chu army withdrew, Spain was in chaos. Later, the Kingdom of Spain had to take the initiative to request the Chu army: Brother, don't withdraw so fast. There is too much territory here. I won't be able to hold on. Already...

This is also the reason why the Chu army only sent an infantry regiment from the Third Division of the Indian Army to the British side in the middle and late stages of the British Campaign, instead of transferring all other troops of the entire Indian Third Division to the British side.Thousands of troops from the Third Indian Division must be left to garrison Spain and help Spain's New Kingdom...otherwise the chaos will become huge.

During this process, some generals in the European Expeditionary Force lamented: They fought too hard at the beginning. If they had known this, they would have left a main Spanish regular army in the New Kingdom instead of destroying them all!
In order to make up for the 'mistake' of hitting Spain too hard, the expeditionary force quickly introduced remedial measures and allowed Spain to send workers to replace the original prisoners of war.

The Chu people have always liked to use prisoners of war as labor force. Most of the tens of thousands of prisoners of war captured in Spain were used to build various infrastructure in the Port of Cadiz and other ports controlled by the Chu army.

But now the New Kingdom of Spain lacks well-trained soldiers and officers, and the newly recruited soldiers have no time to train to become combat effective.

Therefore, after negotiations between the European Expeditionary Force Command and the Kingdom of Spain, the New Kingdom of Spain exchanged labor for a large number of prisoners of war, and used these prisoners of war to select personnel and form more military units, which were then used to suppress many internal forces within them. move.

Of course, forming an army requires weapons and equipment. As for the weapons handicraft workshops in the Kingdom of Spain, they were basically destroyed in the war... The Chu people did not allow their colonies to retain weapons production capabilities!

At the same time, the European Arms Trading Company provided a large number of excellent and cheap weapons and equipment to the New Kingdom of Spain. Most of these weapons and equipment were previously captured from the Spanish!

To put it bluntly, after seizing the Spanish weapons and equipment, they sold them to the Spanish.

In the end, the Chu people got real money and silver, and Spain got another batch of weapons and equipment.

This is the case in Spain, and it is also done in Portugal.

This is now also being done in the four new kingdoms of France.

From this point of view, the Chu army is actually not opposed to retaining troops in the colonies under its control. Of course, in the early stage, these armies cannot be used to resist the Chu army and must accept the leadership and command of the Chu people on specific matters.

According to a series of agreements signed between the Great Chu Empire and these colonial kingdoms, especially the military agreements, the Great Chu Empire will establish a joint command with the indigenous kingdoms, with Chu people holding key positions, and the Chu Kingdom has the power Mobilize these troops to cooperate with the Chu army to participate in the battle.

The Chu Empire had command authority over the armies of these colonial kingdoms.

In other words, the armies of these colonial kingdoms are technically servants of the Chu army, and they are servants who do not have to spend their own money...

It's just that in actual operations, the Chu State will not interfere with their command of some internal military operations... they don't bother to care.

Chu people are very realistic in Europe. They only care about their own interests. As for the conflicts within the Europeans, their life and death, in fact, the Chu people don't care very much...

As long as you are willing to open the market and not resist the Chu Empire, there are many things that Chu people don't care about.

It was precisely after seeing this that the Netherlands and Denmark chose to voluntarily surrender, open their markets, and accept the advisory group sent by Chu.

And when the British were finished and Denmark chose to voluntarily submit, the pressure would be on several other European countries with certain strength.

For example, the Kingdom of Sweden, which had performed very ferociously in the Thirty Years War, also faced the threat of the Chu State, and vacillated between actively opening up the market, accepting supervision from the advisory group, and forcefully resisting, maintaining its independence.

The war faction and the peace faction within them were at loggerheads and could not make up their minds for a while. In response to this situation, the Chu people came up with a new method on Sweden.

The Chu people did not directly send troops to launch a war of conquest, but contacted the peace faction within Sweden, and then expressed their willingness to provide them with weapons and equipment, and even sent a certain number of intervention troops to help them obtain the power of the Kingdom of Sweden, and It was promised that even if these people failed, the Chu army would be able to guarantee their absolute safety and even their future rights.

Because the Chu Empire would never allow Sweden to let the warring faction take control of power.

If the peace faction within the Swedes cannot control power and then lead Sweden and the Chu Empire to sign a series of market opening agreements, the Chu people will not mind participating in person!

Of course, by that time, the Kingdom of Sweden will not be a complete Kingdom of Sweden... You can refer to France and the United Kingdom for the specific outcome.

The people of Chu only want the market, and the natives do not resist themselves. The methods of operation around this goal are also relatively flexible. Sometimes it is not necessary to go through war, but can also be achieved through some diplomatic means.

The Swedish peace faction received support from the Chu people, especially after military assistance, and they simply raised troops to attack the war faction. So in the spring of the 40th year of Chengshun, a civil war broke out in Sweden...

At the same time that the civil war broke out in Sweden, the Chu Empire's layout in Europe continued.

He turned around and ran to the Lithuanian region in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea. He found some ambitious local nobles in Lithuania... What were they doing?Naturally, they were provoked into rebellion.

The Great Chu Empire began to turn its attention to Eastern Europe!
Lithuania these days is not independent, but belongs to the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania.

The Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania is considered a relatively large country in terms of area and population in contemporary times... Although its internal and military strength are not that good, the Chu Empire will not allow such a large country in Europe.

Therefore, Poland and Lithuania must be divided!
Either the Chu army personally killed them and classified them, or they provoked internal turmoil and split them.

Due to cost considerations, the expeditionary force advocated the use of diplomatic means to achieve this goal, and some of the great nobles in Lithuania were also ambitious in wanting to be kings and get rid of Polish control.

The two sides hit it off immediately, so the Chu people sold them a large amount of equipment and sent a certain number of Indians to help them train line troops.

The civil war in Poland and Lithuania is also about to break out.

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