
Chapter 1009 Military parade, military expansion?

Chapter 1009 Military parade, military expansion?
On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, the large colony field in the southern suburbs of Chicheng Castle was crowded with people. Outside were soldiers and civilians watching the excitement, and inside were layers of armored soldiers. The scene was quite spectacular.


When a trumpet was heard, there was no sound on the South Campus, and everyone's eyes turned to the Qingshui River in the north.

At this time, Bo Yongning, Zhang Cheng, Xuanda Governor Zhang Fuzhen, and Xuanfu Governor Jiang Yuxu came out from the Dading Gate in the south of Chi Castle. accompany.

Behind them followed a group of generals in bright armor, and behind them were some sergeants riding tall horses. No matter the generals or the sergeants, they all had a big red flower tied on their chests.

Obviously they were all meritorious soldiers in the battle to aid Liao, and the people on both sides of the avenue burst into cheers when they saw them!
At the front of the line were four hundred tiger guard knights. Five of them marched in parallel, a total of eighty horizontal rows. They rode on the horses, and raised their tiger spears side by side towards the diagonally upward. Under the sunlight at noon , the tip of the gun flashed with dazzling light.

Behind the forest of spears formed by four hundred fine horsemen, Zhang Chengfang, a middle officer of Yongningbo, rode forward on horseback. He was also dressed in silver armor, quite reminiscent of Zhang Cheng's demeanor back then.

Behind him are [-] personal guards in the name of the sons, riding horses slowly on the left and right. The first two hold a big flag, with the words "Courage" on the left and "Weiyuan" on the right. battalion number.

After that, a tall vertical flag stood facing the sky, on which was written "Yongning Bo" in three big gilt characters, and the surrounding area was embroidered with patterns of tigers, leopards, bears and other ferocious animals.

Zhang Cheng, Zhang Fuzhen, and Jiang Yuxu rode on horseback, waving to the surrounding people continuously, and it was precisely because of his interaction that the surrounding cheers arose, wave after wave.

"Look...that courage...is the military name bestowed by the emperor...and Weiyuan...is also the battalion number bestowed by the emperor..."

"Hey, you look like an ear newspaper?"

"Crap...my nephew is the chief of the cavalry under Uncle Yongning...look...the one who rides a big horse...wears a big red flower..."

The applause from the surroundings rang out one after another, and among them were the voices of people's discussions, especially those with relatives in the Xuanfu army were full of airs, and they couldn't help preaching about Yongning Bo and his subordinates. Far Army".

Jiang Yuxu, governor of Xuanfu, looked at the excited people around, and his ears were filled with the surrounding voices, all of which praised Yongningbo and Xuanfu's army, how could one of them praise the court?

Of course, no one praised him as the governor of Xuanfu, let alone Zhang Fuzhen, the governor. In Xuanbei, the two of them were really transparent.

He couldn't help thinking about the governor's earnest words of warning last night, but he still felt very depressed when faced with such reactions from the people, and his old face was as pale as a pig's kidney.

But Wang Pu and Li Fuming, who followed the three of them, waved to the surrounding people with smiles on their faces, and their hearts became more determined to follow Yongning Bo.

May I ask, which general doesn't like the scene of being greeted by the people?

Although they knew in their hearts that the people on both sides of the avenue were welcoming the Xuanfu army, but inspired by the warm atmosphere at the scene, they felt that they were actually a member of the Xuanfu army.

Here, Zhang Cheng's war horse had just set foot on the stone bridge when he heard two loud bangs of "Boom... Boom!" from the south.

The south bank of the Qingshui River is more spacious, and there are more people gathered here. Every eighty or ninety steps, there is a pre-built pergola. On the side facing the avenue, there are several big drums, beating loudly.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are colorful flags on every pergola, on which are written the names of each shop, or painted with the unique logo of each shop.

These are all spontaneously organized by various shops in Chi Castle to cheer for the military parade in the southern suburbs of Yongningbo!

It is said that the businesses in Chi Castle are booming now, and all this is thanks to Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng, not to mention that most of them have participated in the mutual market in Dushi Fort, Zhen'an Fort, Shepherd Fort, Changzhong Bunker, etc. Border trade has benefited a lot from it.

Therefore, they are not only grateful to Zhang Cheng, but also hope that Yongningbo can live a long life. Only in this way can Xuanfu North Road be prosperous forever. into the pocket of silver.

It is precisely to keep this hard-won stability, and to express gratitude to Yongningbo, under the organization of Xu Qingyi, the owner of the Four Seas Automobile Dealership, a vigorous donation campaign was launched.

Such activities naturally greatly relieved the pressure on Zhang Cheng's money and food, but he also knew the truth that he could not exhaust the resources, so he made it clear early on that he was unwilling to accept donations from merchants.

But the merchants were not coerced into donating money, they were all out of their own hearts, that's why this matter has been in a stalemate. They made such a big show today, not only to congratulate the Xuanfu army, but also to show their hearts.

After traveling about six or seven li, I saw a banner in front of me fluttering in the wind, undulating like the waves of the sea.

"Tom... tom... tom!"

Three trumpets sounded, and Yongning Bo, Zhang Cheng and other people also came to the boys' school grounds in a mighty manner.


Just north of the South Campus stands a high platform surrounded by military flags of various colors, and the three big flags on the platform are the most eye-catching. Sincere "Yongning Bo" banner.

In addition, there is also the big banner of "General Zhenshuo", which also stands on the high platform, fluttering against the north wind.

Under the high platform, military formations stood on the spot one by one, each with 500 people, and a battalion flag stood in front of the formation, and the battalion number of each battalion was written on it.

Today, what is held here is not only a commendation meeting, but also a flag-giving ceremony for each battalion!

From then on, each battalion will have its own battalion flag, and this battalion flag will also be awarded by Yongning Bo to the commanders of each battalion, and will accompany the soldiers of each battalion for life, recording their merits and glory .

During the entire flag-presenting ceremony, Yongningbo Zhang Cheng was the busiest person. After all, he was the head coach of the Xuanfu Army and the only founder of the Xuanfu Army.

The governor Zhang Fuzhen and the governor Jiang Yuxu were like foils, although they existed throughout the audience, they didn't have the slightest opportunity to express themselves.

The first to take the flag was Zhang Guangda, the commander of the cavalry battalion. Since the Battle of Julu, he has been in charge of the fine cavalry for Zhang Cheng. Apart from the Tiger Guard Battalion, he is the most powerful mobile unit.

Whether it was suppressing bandits in Xuanbei, sending troops to Yu Province to help suppress intruders, or resolving the siege of Jinzhou, there were cavalry battalions, and they performed well in every battle, making successive contributions.

"The cavalry battalion retains three divisions of heavy cavalry, light cavalry, and ranger cavalry, and additionally adds a chariot and a carriage. From today, the battalion will be renamed 'Suzaku Camp'. Anyone who goes out to battle must be the first to open the way for the army."

As soon as Zhang Cheng said these words, all the officers and generals present were all surprised, and they all cast envious eyes at Zhang Guangda.

One must know that although Zhang Guangda's cavalry battalion had only more than [-] troops before, it was already the most elite existence in the entire army.

But now, under Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng's order, not only was the cavalry battalion renamed Suzaku battalion, but its scale was almost doubled, and two wagon battalions were added.

There are 400 sergeants in a chariot and a luggage cart. They are highly mobile, and both the chariot and the luggage cart are equipped with artillery. In this way, how much will the battlefield firepower of the Qinglong Camp increase?
Moreover, according to Yongning Bo's words, the original heavy cavalry, ranger cavalry, and light cavalry are also likely to be strengthened. The strength of the Suzaku Battalion is likely to surpass the standard battalion of the Biezhen Commander-in-Chief.

The generals of the Xuanfu army were very excited. They saw that Zhang Guangda's cavalry battalion had been transformed into the "Suzaku battalion", and its size and combat power had more than doubled.

From this point of view, wouldn't he also have the opportunity to expand, even if it is not as powerful as the Suzaku Camp, at least it will be much stronger than it is now.

Most of Zhang Cheng's generals started from the bottom. They followed Zhang Cheng's command and accompanied him to grow and progress together. Now everything is developing in a better and better direction, and the cohesion is naturally stronger and stronger.

What's more, apart from Zhang Cheng, these people have no other support in the court or in the local area, so they can only keep everything they have now if they are loyal to Zhang Cheng.

Although there have been some people with suspicious identities who have been secretly trying to win them over this year, but compared to the uncertainty of the other party, they believe in Yongning Bo who has lived and died together.

Here, Zhang Guangda took over the "Suzaku Camp" flag from Yongningbo Zhang Cheng, and waved it in the air at the corner of the high platform, facing the phalanx formed by the soldiers in his camp.

The flag of the Suzaku camp, the flagpole is one foot and eight feet long, and the flag is rectangular and sticks out beside the pole. The flag is red and has red flame feet. , lined with red lantern tassels, below which is apricot yellow streamer.

On the side of the flag are embroidered five large gold characters of "Daming Bravery Army".

Because Zhang Cheng was afraid of giving others a handle, he only used the black bird pattern on the flag as his name, and on the flag was only the name of the army bestowed by the emperor, without the three characters Suzakuying.

He continued to Zhang Guangda with a solemn expression: "Zhang Guangda, when the official document from the Ministry of War arrives, you will be promoted to the rank of guerrilla general and the commander of the Zhuque battalion."

Zhang Guangda received the order loudly, raised his flag on the high platform, and returned to the front of his army formation. Immediately, a burly flag bearer stepped forward to take the battalion flag and stood at the front of the army formation.

Next is Zhang Guodong, the leader of the Chicheng camp. He has returned to Zhang Cheng since the Julu War. After that, he led the soldiers of the Chicheng camp to follow Zhang Cheng in the southern and northern wars, with outstanding military achievements.

"The Chicheng Battalion has been renamed 'Qinglong Battalion' since today, and has been expanded to five thousand headquarters, plus one division each for cavalry, artillery, and carriage..."

The Chicheng Battalion had only three thousand headquarters before, with a total of only [-] people in the battalion, but now it has expanded to five thousand headquarters, and with the addition of three additional cavalry, artillery, and carriage divisions, there are seven soldiers. More than a thousand people and horses.

One must know that in Daming, even if it is a general of a town, it may not be able to directly lead [-] powerful elite soldiers on horseback!

The flags of the Qinglong Camp are the same as those of the Suzaku Camp in terms of shape and structure, both have a pole length of one foot and eight feet, but the flag of the Qinglong Camp is green in color and has the same red flaming feet. Claw squat dragon.

Suddenly, Zhang Mingyuan, Zhang Cheng's adjutant in the Chinese army, stood up holding a new military flag in his hand. While Zhang Guodong was in a daze, Zhang Cheng announced loudly: "The Chicheng camp is fighting slaves in Liaodong. Nearly half of them are injured, and they are still fighting to the death. His loyalty and bravery show the perseverance of our Xuanfu army, and this commander specially awarded the honorary battle flag 'Iron Army' as a token of appreciation!"

Zhang Guodong took a closer look and saw that the flagpole of the flag was a long spear measuring one foot and two feet. The flag was hung at a height of one foot and one foot.

Zhang Guodong hurriedly handed over the Qinglong camp flag he had just received to the soldiers behind him, and took over the honor of "Iron Army" from Zhang Cheng with a very dignified and respectful expression.

There were bursts of cheers under the high platform again, this was the first time the Xuanfu Army awarded the honorary battalion title, not only the soldiers of the Qinglong Battalion were excited, but also the generals and non-commissioned officers of the other battalions were extremely excited.

After Zhang Guodong retreated, Chen Zheng, the leader of Dushiying, was summoned to the high platform next.

He led the Soldiers of the Dushi Battalion on the Changling Mountain in Liaodong. Facing the attack of slaves several times larger than himself, he still held on to the mountain for five days. Manchuria Zhenghuang Banner Gushan Ezhen'a Mountain.

According to Zhang Cheng's unified deployment, Dushiying was renamed "Baihuying", and it was also expanded to five thousand headquarters, plus three divisions of cavalry, artillery, and carriage.

The flag of the White Tiger Camp is the same as that of the Qinglong Camp in shape, except that the color of the flag is white, with red flaming feet, and the center of the flag is painted with a pattern of a crouching tiger.
The White Tiger Camp, like the Qinglong Camp, was also awarded an honorary battle flag "Panshi" by Yongningbo Zhang Cheng. Since then, the Baihu Camp has had the nickname "Panshi Camp".

And Qinglongying is often called "Tieying" by everyone!

Behind him was Li Jiyu, the leader of the Dengfeng battalion and the guerrilla general Li Jiyu. He was full of excitement but also a little puzzled. He thought to himself that he was the latest to join Yongning Bo, so why was he summoned to the stage now?

Unexpectedly, Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng renamed Dengfeng Camp as "Xuanwu Camp". Not only did he stand side by side with Qinglong and Baihu Camp, but he also became one of the main forces of the Xuanfu Army. All this made him feel very flattered.

His eyes became moist immediately, no matter what, he never imagined that one day he would be side by side with Zhang Guangda, Zhang Guodong, Chen Zheng and other close friends of Yongningbo.

In fact, the reason why Zhang Cheng supported him so much was naturally because Li Jiyu and Dengfeng Ying performed very well in the battle of Liaodong, but more of them were for outsiders to see.

It can be said that supporting Li Jiyu is not only to accept his heart, but more importantly, he wants to make him a signboard and show it to outsiders.

This is to show that the Xuanfu army is not exclusive, no matter which side it is, regardless of the official army or the bandit army, as long as they are willing to surrender and loyal to Yongningbo, they will have the opportunity to be promoted.

The Xuanwu Battalion, like the Qinglong and Baihu Battalions, was expanded to five thousand headquarters, plus the strength of the cavalry, artillery, and carriage divisions.

The flag of the Xuanwu camp is black in color, with red flaming feet, and a spirit beast with wings is painted on the center of the flag.

But there is one thing that Li Jiyu has never thought of now, that is, while the Xuanwu camp is expanding, Zhang Cheng will definitely add sand to it, and will never make the Xuanwu camp completely under Li Jiyu's control.

In fact, it's not just his Xuanwu camp, the other three camps will also be mixed with sand. Zhang Cheng will disrupt and reorganize each camp while retaining the basic structure.

(End of this chapter)

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