
Chapter 1010 Weiyuan Camp, Honored

Chapter 1010 Weiyuan Camp, Honored
On the large field in the southern outskirts of Chicheng Castle, the Chief Military Officer of Xuanfu Town, General Zhenshuo, and Yongningbo Zhang Cheng publicly announced that the original cavalry camp, Chicheng camp, Dushi camp, and Dengfeng camp would be expanded into Zhuque, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu four camps.

All the officials and generals present were full of astonishment, mixed with happiness and worry, such as the officials and generals of the Xuan Mansion, who were all happy, seeing their own strength rising again, how could they be unhappy?

Jiang Yuxu, governor of the Xuanfu, had the most worried expression on his face. Although he had somewhat opened up his knots after talking with Governor Zhang Fuzhen last night, he still heard Zhang Cheng's thoughts on the expansion of the battalions in his ears. Worrying.

These four battalions currently have a total of more than ten thousand troops, but according to what Yongning Bo said, the expanded fourth battalion has nearly thirty thousand troops. Such a scale is far beyond the limit of a town's general army. How can he not be startled?
Jiang Yuxu glanced at the people around him, Governor Zhang Fuzhen's complexion seemed a little gloomy, as if he also had some worries in his heart, but most of the officials around him were only surprised.

"It seems that the governor also has doubts about this!"

Looking at Datong General Soldier Wang Pu and Shanxi General Soldier Li Fuming, there seemed to be a hint of excitement on their faces, as if the expansion of the Xuanfu Army had something to do with them.

Seeing this scene and thinking about the performance of the two of them, Jiang Yuxu suddenly woke up: "Could it be that Wang Pu and Li Fuming have already taken refuge in Yongningbo?"

But at this moment, there are still some old people in the Xuanfu army who are thinking about another thing in their hearts, that is, the guerrilla general Wei Zhice, the leader of the car camp, Xiang Wei, who is close to Zhang Cheng, has become a member of his core early on. How to place.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yongningbo has announced that the expanded fourth battalion does not include Wei Zhice's wagon battalion, but according to Yongning Bo's words, it seems that more than half of the wagon battalion will be split into the expanded fourth battalion. In the middle, the strength will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Wei Zhice, the former chief general of the car camp, felt uneasy when he was summoned to take the stage by the soldiers. Judging from Zhang Cheng's repeated announcements just now, his car camp was destined to be split up.

Although he is not a fan of the government, otherwise he would not have given up the right path of the imperial examination, and followed Zhang Cheng wholeheartedly to kill the slaves, but seeing his colleagues get promoted, his heart also had dark waves.

Just when Wei Zhice was at a loss, Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng announced loudly: "The above four battalions of Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque, and Xuanwu will be the main force of our Xuanfu's courageous army, and they will be stationed in four directions to protect the soldiers and civilians of Xuanfu.

In addition, Benbo will form another battalion based on the car battalion, the battalion number is 'Teng Snake', and he will be stationed and trained together with Benbo's central army. The "Teng Snake Camp" was led by the guerrilla general Wei Zhice. There were two cavalry divisions, two infantry divisions, one artillery vehicle division and three luggage division divisions in the camp. "

As soon as Uncle Yongning's words fell, there was a commotion immediately, everyone talked a lot, some were surprised at the "Teng Snake Camp" presided over by Wei Zhice, and its scale was far larger than the previous four camps.

However, some people seemed not very calm, they whispered to each other continuously, and seemed to have a slightly different view on Yongningbo's move to expand the army.

Just when everyone was pointing and pointing at Wei Zhice, Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng waved his hand to stop everyone, and he broke out another big news: "Ben Bo decided to use the Tiger Guards and the Chinese Army as the basis to form a 'Weiyuan Battalion', as Benbo's middle army, has two cavalry divisions, two infantry divisions, two artillery divisions, and three luggage divisions in the battalion.

The above six battalions are the basic strength of our brave army, and the "Weiyuan Battalion" is more important, it is the core of our brave army. , Operations Division and other important parts.

Therefore, "Weiyuan Camp" should have a mature, steady and capable person to sit and host for Ben Bo! "

When Zhang Cheng said this, he paused for a while, and everyone looked at each other in dismay. Some old people from Xuanbei who had followed Yongning Bo for a long time even cast their eyes on Jin Xinpeng and Yan Qingrong.

In the eyes of everyone, Jin Xinpeng and Yan Qingrong were the first people in Xuanbei to follow Zhang Cheng, and they both came from Kaipingwei commander Tongzhi and Qianshi.

And in terms of "sophisticated and prudent", Jin Xinpeng and Yan Qingrong are also very suitable. Although Yan Qingrong is more in line with the word "capable" in "calm and capable", everyone knows that Yongningbo seems to value Jin Xinpeng more.

Just when everyone was guessing, Zhang Cheng revealed the answer for everyone: "'Weiyuan Camp' is not only Benbo's Chinese army camp, but also the battalion chief of the other five battalions, and also the old camp of my brave army. Military money and food expenditures, logistical support, etc. must be approved and written off by the Weiyuan Camp.

Therefore, the person who presides over the affairs of the 'Weiyuan Camp' must not only be mature, steady and capable, but also be proficient in military affairs and be loyal to Ben Bo. "

He glanced at the generals of the Xuan Mansion with bright eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Wu Zhizhong, where is it?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned. No one thought that it would be the one-armed general Wu Zhizhong, let alone an outsider, even Wu Zhizhong himself was stunned, looking at a loss .

Fortunately, standing behind him, Qian Mushi, the general manager of the central division of Yongning Buying, heard Zhang Cheng's words clearly. Naturally, he would gain something when his chief general was promoted, so he quietly stabbed Wu Zhizhong in the back.

In fact, it’s not that everyone deliberately ignores Wu Zhizhong. After all, he was also the old sentry chief who followed Qianzong Zhang Cheng to Jingqin King in the 11th year of Chongzhen. In terms of his status in the Xuanbei Army, he would only be above Jin Xinpeng and Yan Qingrong.

After all, in the past few years, Wu Zhizhong has been in charge of recruiting and training soldiers. How many soldiers in each battalion of the Xuanbei Army did not enlist in the army through his hands?

How many people were not trained by his one-armed old Wu?
However, it was precisely because Wu Zhizhong broke an arm in the Battle of Julu that year, so everyone preconceived that Zhang Cheng would not really be useful to him, and would only make him stay behind and specialize in recruiting and battalion operations. service.

Coupled with Wu Zhizhong's duty as a human being, he only concentrates on doing what Zhang Cheng ordered him to do well, and never participates in other affairs. Although he is also a figure in the core circle of the Xuanbei Army, he is not well-known outside, which is why everyone Selective forgetting.

Now that Zhang Cheng suddenly mentioned Wu Zhizhong's name, everyone was taken aback, but after thinking about it, Wu Zhizhong seemed to be the best candidate to be the commander of "Weiyuan Camp" with his ability.

Wu Zhizhong, who was awakened by his subordinate Qian Mushi, strode up to the high platform, and took over the banner of "Weiyuan Camp" from Yongningbo Zhang Cheng with a solemn face.

The flagpole of the Weiyuan Camp flag is five feet longer than the other five battalions, and it is two feet three feet long. The flag is also rectangular and sticks out beside the pole. The word "Weiyuan" is embroidered with a unicorn pattern on the side of the flag, covered with a golden gun, and lined with leopard tails as fringes.

With such a long banner, Wu Zhizhong held it steadily with only one left hand, which shows how amazing the strength of his left arm and wrist is. It can be seen that apart from recruiting and training soldiers in the past few years, he has not been decadent.

Back then, after Wu Zhizhong recovered from his injury, in order to be able to lead the army to kill the enemy one day, he begged Zhang Cheng not to let him go somewhere, but to stay in the army.

Although he stayed in the army as he wished and was responsible for the recruitment and training of soldiers, he knew very well in his heart that since he lacked a right arm, his desire to go into battle and kill the enemy might not come true.

But as long as there is one ten-thousandth hope, he will not give up. Therefore, after training, Wu Zhizhong began to practice the left-handed saber technique quietly, hoping to have another chance to fight.

The reason why he practiced swordsmanship was entirely because after losing his right arm, he was insulated from long weapons such as spears and spears, and only close combat weapons such as short knives, axes and hammers were still available for a try.

Melee weapons such as axes, hammers and whips mostly rely on strength to swing and injure the enemy. After his right arm was broken, it was difficult to control his body balance, and his strength was obviously weaker than before, so he chose the waist knife as a new weapon.

Wu Zhizhong persevered hard, and after getting through the initial discomfort, he gradually improved. With his unremitting efforts, his left-handed saber technique was really mastered, and his arm strength was obviously stronger than before.

However, even so, he saw that the battalion flag was firmly held in his hand, and he did not dare to wave the battalion flag like the five battalion leaders in front. Take over the Weiyuan camp flag and return to the front of the formation.


After the flags were presented to the battalions, the next step was to award honors to the brave soldiers who made contributions in the Liao War.

According to Zhang Cheng's instructions, the staff had already prepared the list of meritorious officers and soldiers of each battalion, and the representatives of each battalion's meritorious officers and soldiers would come to the stage to receive awards, and the heroes who had made outstanding military achievements in the Liao War would come to the stage alone to receive awards.

Yongning Bo Zhang Cheng, Xuanda Governor Zhang Fuzhen, Xuanfu Governor Jiang Yuxu and other officials and generals will respectively honor and honor the heroes of each battalion and distribute rewards on the spot.

For example, Li Mingjiu, who hit the red flag inlaid in Manchuria with a shot from a hundred paces away, was assigned Shiku.

There are also Zhang Jintai who was bravely injured when he encountered a slave bandit when he went out to spy, but he was able to fight to the death without retreating; and many other brave soldiers who fought to the death on the battlefield.

This time, a total of 28 heroes of the Liao War were selected. Among them, there are Li Mingjiu, Fang Sihu, and Zhang Jintai who can come out to receive the reward, and those who sacrificed their lives on the Liaodong battlefield can only be received by their family members instead. reward.

The medals that Zhang Cheng prepared for the meritorious officials refer to the style of the meritorious medals of later generations. They are made of all copper and can be displayed on clothes for others to see.

In the middle of the medal is a pattern of intersecting tiger guns and firecrackers, and under the pattern is engraved with the words "outstanding military exploits" to commemorate the soldiers who have made great achievements on the battlefield.

Under the full attention of nearly ten thousand soldiers, the awarding ceremony went smoothly. The soldiers were very interested in this novel form, and they were very envious of the heroes who could come to the stage to receive the award.

When Yongningbo Zhang Cheng awarded honors to each meritorious official, some officials read aloud the heroic deeds of the meritorious officials on the high platform to demonstrate their merits.

Of course, the most important thing is to encourage all soldiers in the army to worship honor through this kind of ceremony. In this way, there will be more heroic soldiers on the battlefield in the future, following the heroic deeds of today's role models, and stepping forward. Fighting bravely, hoping to be rewarded on stage like them.


The majestic courtyard of Baozhong Temple is shrouded in warm sunshine, especially the plaque of "Baozhong Temple" written by Xuanda Governor Zhang Fuzhen, is even more shining under the reflection of sunlight.

Three days ago, Yongningbo Zhang Cheng held a large-scale meritorious service awards ceremony in the large school field in the southern suburbs of Chi Castle, the lively and festive atmosphere inside and outside the castle has not dissipated.

At this time, the Yin Gong Sacrifice Ceremony had just ended, and the inner and outer courtyards of the Baozhong Temple were filled with incense, and there was an endless stream of soldiers and civilians who came to offer incense to their relatives every day.

Especially on the back hill of Baozhong Temple, there is a sunny flat land where dense tombstones of fallen soldiers stand.

An old woman was offering incense in front of one of the tombstones, and there were also many people offering incense in front of the nearby tombstones. The green smoke was accompanied by the ashes of the paper money, blowing in the wind.

"My place, the general said that your memorial tablet will be placed in this Baozhong temple. From now on, the general will come to offer sacrifices to you every year, and the priests will continue to offer sacrifices in four seasons. You will enjoy the blessings there." Bar."

"You don't need to worry about the family affairs, you have given us the reward for killing the Tartars, and the money for beard stroking, which is worth dozens of taels.

The general also exempted our family from land tax for three years. There is no need to worry about farming. Our fort has also become a mutual aid society. There are young and strong people who help our family plow the fields. .

Oh, by the way, every month, the Fort also distributes food and rice for our family. My grandson and I won’t be hungry. You can enjoy the blessings over there, and remember to keep Huzi safe and sound, when he grows up Mother even sent him to serve as a soldier for the general to kill the enemy..."

The old woman babbled on in front of the tombstone, not only thinking about her son, but also looking forward to her own future. After talking for a long time, she suddenly called the boy beside her and said to him: "Tiger, come and give me a hand." Your father kowtows."

The boy next to her was born with a thick head and a tiger head, about eight or nine years old. After hearing what grandma said, he knelt respectfully in front of the tombstone and kowtowed several times.

He raised his head, his childish little face was full of solemnity, and he said loudly: "Father, don't worry when you grow old, Hu'er will take good care of grandma when Hu'er is sensible.

When Hu'er grows up, he will follow his father's example and join the army, to kill Tartars for the general! "

Looking at her sensible grandson, the old woman showed a very gratified smile on her face.

When his son was alive, this grandson was still very naughty and ignorant. He didn't even go to the free school in the castle.

But since the news of the baby's father's death came back, overnight, the baby seemed to have grown up and matured a lot. Now, in front of his father's tombstone, he said that he would take good care of grandma .

(End of this chapter)

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