Chapter 158

【"My God..."】

【Angela opened the door, but saw that Constantine was emitting white smoke all over his body, and he was still coughing continuously. 】

【"You are twins."】

【"God, what are you talking about."】

【Konstantin coughs and hands the ring to Angela. 】

【"She committed suicide, so she was punished to hell."】

[Of course Angela knew the bracelet, it was her sister's bracelet, and Isabella's name was printed on it. 】

【Angela believed Constantine's words, but she still didn't understand why her sister committed suicide. 】

【"how can that be.】

[Konstantin did not answer Angela, but said: "I want to eat."]

[On the other side, Constantine's priest friend came to a morgue. 】

【The priest found Isabella's body in the morgue. He held Isabella's wrist tightly, rolled his eyes, and tried to read some information. 】

[The next second, a dark mark appeared on Isabella's wrist. 】

【The priest fell directly to the ground. His spiritual vision has a very magical ability, but once he is targeted by a demon, it is very likely to bring disaster to himself. 】

【There is only one way for the priest to exit the spiritual vision state, and that is to drink, but when he took out the wine glass in his arms and wanted to drink, he found that he couldn't drink any more. 】

[The priest ran out in a panic, picked up the wine from the store outside and poured it into his mouth, but a scene that violated the laws of physics appeared, that is, the wine could not be poured out! 】

[The priest was in a hurry and smashed the wine bottle, but the wine just couldn't come out! 】

[And outside the store, a man in a suit came over. 】

[It is Balthazar! 】

[At this moment, Father David has fallen to the ground and twitched continuously. He has entered the same situation as Isabella before her death, that is, drowning! 】

[Yes, drowning on land. 】

"Do not!!!"

Seeing the death of Father David, the calm Constantine was no longer calm.

Father David is one of his few friends. Although he is not a big fan of selling his teammates, he is selling himself!
Selling yourself and your teammates being killed by the enemy, can this be the same!


[Video continues]

[Because I went to hell, Constantine, who was very hungry, took Angela out to eat, and told Angela his own story while eating. 】

["I can see things that humans can't see, shouldn't see, and don't need to see since I was a child." Constantine said: "My parents are normal people, so they did what most parents would do. things."]

["Add fuel to the fire, send me to a mental hospital, and let me receive electric shock therapy."]

【"When a person is tortured beyond endurance, he will seek relief."】

【"You want to commit suicide?"】

【"I didn`t try anything"】(I always feel that the translation of this passage is not quite right. Can anyone give me a suitable translation.)
【"Strictly speaking, I died for two minutes."】

【"But when you cross that limit, time stops."】

【"Trust me, two minutes in hell is as long as a lifetime." Constantine said indifferently: "When I come back from hell, I will know that what I see is real."】

【"Heaven and hell are all around us. Angels and demons cannot appear directly, but they can give you courage with one word, or turn your favorite pleasure into your worst nightmare."】

【"Those who have the power of demons, like those half-angels, live around us."】

【"They call it: Balance."】

【"But I call it hypocritical bullshit."】

【"So if there are hybrids who break the rules, I will kick them straight back to hell."】

【"Although there will be fish that slip through the net, I want to get rid of as many as possible so that I can retire early."】

【"I do not understand."】

【"I am a suicide, Angela, according to the rules, there is only one place to go after I die."】

【Angela immediately understood: "You want to increase your chances of going to heaven through atonement."】

【"If you were locked in a prison, and half of the prosperity inside was locked in by you, what would you do?" Constantine said: "I have no choice."】

[Angela told Constantine that Isabella could also see all kinds of weird things when she was a child, so people also thought she was mentally ill, and then sent her to the hospital. 】

[Just then, a phone call came. 】

["The guard found him groping for the body, then ran to the convenience store across the street, drank all the wine in the store, and died of alcohol poisoning."]

[At this time, Father David's preliminary autopsy report. 】

【Konstantin followed and walked in. He squatted beside David and took out the amulet. 】

【"Why didn't you call me, bastard."】

[Konstantin's hands are shaking, he knows that his friend was killed. 】

【Suddenly, he saw the marks on David's hand. 】

[That was a clue that David desperately left behind before his death. 】

[He asked a scholar friend to investigate this symbol, but what Constantine didn't know was that he indirectly killed this scholar friend. 】

【After the phone call, Constantine is going to see the scene of Isabella's death. 】

[The two continued to chat about Isabella on the road. At the same time, Constantine said that Isabella must have left some clues for Angela, because they are twins, and twins are always the same.Relying on a set of forced psychic methods, they finally found an important clue on the glass of Isabella's ward, that is, Chapter 17 of [-] Corinthians. 】

【"John, there is no chapter 17 in [-] Corinthians."】

【"But there are 21 chapters in [-] Corinthians in the Hell Bible."】

[Yes, the Hell Bible. 】

[In addition to the human version of the Bible, there is another set of Bibles, the Hell Bible. 】

[In this Hell Bible, the world is not destroyed by God in the end, but is occupied by demons and turned into a purgatory on earth. 】

[On the other side, Constantine's scholar friend is flipping through the Hell Bible. 】

[He found this sentence in Chapter 17 of [-] Corinthians in the Hell Bible: "The sin of the father is only overtaken by the worst of the son."]

【"Whose son? Son of God?"】

【"No, it's another one. Satan also has a son, but it is impossible for him to cross the barrier and come to the world."】

[The scholar told Constantine by phone that the symbol on David’s hand belonged to Satan’s son Mammon. According to the records in Chapter 17, Mammon was extremely dissatisfied with the bet and rules made by his father Satan and God, so he He wants to come to the world and build his own kingdom of blood and fire here. 】

【"Among the many demons, Mamen is definitely the one we don't want to descend, but if he wants to descend into the world, he must possess a powerful psychic."】


【Angela instantly realized that her sister was likely to become a sacrifice to Mammon. 】

【"No, but that's not enough. To pass through the barrier, Mammon still needs the help of the gods."】

 I saw the fried egg sandwich they were eating, and I was hungry too, so I turned on my phone to order a takeaway, and saw the price of KFC.Why don't you grab 20 yuan for a broken burger.

  That's outrageous, brothers, twenty yuan is enough for me to eat a meal of braised pork ribs, and they even give away rice.

(End of this chapter)

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