Chapter 159 Physical Exorcism Fist

[That is to say, if Mammon wants to cross the barrier, he must need the power of God. 】

【"The power of God?"】

【"But how can God help the devil? And help the devil break the rules?"】

[At this moment, the scholar felt an enemy approaching. 】

【"Listen John! I know you've never had much faith, but that doesn't mean we don't believe in——"】

[The phone went silent when it got here, and Constantine immediately knew that his friends were in danger. When they felt there, the scholar was dead and his body was full of bugs. 】

"Don't eat sour radishes!"

Constantine finally couldn't restrain his anger when he watched another friend of his die.

That's his friend!

Although he cheated on his teammates, it's not like he can watch his friend die in front of his eyes without changing his face!

Not even another universe!

At this moment, Constantine is already planning how to send that bastard back to hell.

"Calm down, you need a calm mind even more if you want revenge."

"I know." Constantine took a puff of a cigarette and said, "They are all devout believers, and I didn't see how that old hanging hair in God blessed them, but let them die on their favorite things .”

"This is how God loves the world?" Constantine said mockingly, "Oh, yes, I'm about to die from cigarettes too!"

"But you really can't smoke anymore! You're really going to smoke yourself!"

[Video continues]

[The death of his friend made Constantine very painful and full of anger. 】

[At this moment, Angela told Constantine that she was also a psychic before, and was more powerful than Isabella, but she rejected her ability, and Isabella chose to accept it. 】

[So she is still alive, but Isabella is dead. 】

【Angela now wants to regain her abilities, and then come to find out the truth about Isabella's suicide. 】

[Under Angela's pleading, Constantine finally warned her: "Once you start, there is no turning back. Your power is stronger than Isabella. You rejected the power, so they will not come to you, but you Once they accept this power again, they will find you again."]

【"And, it is very likely that it will never be stopped."】

【"When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you."】

[But at Angela's insistence, Constantine held an awakening ceremony for her. 】

[Although the process was a bit bumpy and almost killed, Angela successfully awakened. 】

"My God, does it have to be like this?" Peter looked at the picture of Constantine desperately pushing Angela into the water on the screen, and suddenly felt creepy.

"This is the simplest and most effective method." Constantine said: "Her situation is quite special. She was originally a person with spiritual power, but she chose to seal herself, so to awaken her ability, she only needs to let her feel Just feel the feeling of dying, just take a look at hell for yourself."

"Water is the medium to connect to hell, so holding her in the water is definitely the most effective solution."

"By the way, are there many such psychics?" Bruce Wayne said suddenly, "Is there any way to detect it?"

"It's hard to say, the two of us are not in the same world. You said before that even Satan and God don't exist in your world. I don't know if psychics exist."

[Video continues]

[Angela struggled in the water, this was her survival instinct, but Constantine continued to hold Angela emotionlessly, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from Constantine's ruthless iron hand. 】

[If you want quick success, you have to pay a little more. 】

[Finally, a powerful force erupted from Angela, not only broke free from Constantine's ruthless iron hand and knocked Constantine into the air, but also blew up the bathtub by the way. 】

【At this moment, Angela understood everything. 】

【Angela's face is suddenly enlightened at this moment. She finally understands why her investigative skills are so strong all these years. Apart from her own quality, she can always see those ghosts unintentionally. 】

[Why she was able to find out the truth quickly, because those ghosts who were murdered were guiding her, making her know from the beginning that she should investigate in that direction. 】

[When shooting, she can also know where to shoot and where to avoid like a foreknowledge. 】

【"I always knew where they were, always knew..."】

【Suddenly, Angela said: "Someone has been here!"】

【Angela slapped the ground with her hand, got up instantly and rushed out. 】

[She ran to the place where Constantine's scholar friend was killed and found a coin. 】

[Konstantin immediately recognized whose belongings it was at this time. 】


[Constantine dug out a bunch of equipment from here, the holy water shotgun, the magic finger tiger, and rushed into Balthazar's den with weapons. 】

【"That bastard killed my friend, I killed him just to restore the balance."】

[A sneak attack on the holy flame sent Balthazar flying away who was looking in the mirror, Constantine asked with a weapon in his hand, "How did Mammon pass through the barrier, you bastard."]

[Speaking, he also smashed a bottle of holy water on Balthazar's face. Holy water is no less powerful to demons than nitric acid and humans, but a powerful demon like Balthazar is more resistant to holy water. Be stronger. 】

[Relying on the power of the knuckles, Constantine beat Balthazar completely with a physical exorcism punch. 】

【Balthazar doesn't panic at all, he is a demon anyway, returning to hell after death is equivalent to returning to the fountain to read the article. 】

[But how could Constantine not have thought of this move, so after subduing Balthazar, instead of shooting him down, he took out a Bible and prepared to read his dying prayers to Balthazar. Heaven. 】

"You still have this ability?"

Looking at the miraculous show on the screen holding a bible and preparing to send the devil to heaven, everyone said that the strange knowledge increased again.

"Transcendence can be used by everyone, as long as they are innocent and can recite the correct spell." Constantine said, "It's just that that guy can't go up, I'm lying to him."


"Because the forgiven must take the initiative to forgive, that is to say, if you want to send Balthazar to heaven, you must have Balthazar's willingness." Constantine said: "If you can casually put Just send those guys up there, I won’t have so much trouble dealing with demons in the future, if I meet demons, I’ll just send them to heaven for those angels to deal with.”

 I set Constantine in the standalone world and Bruce Wayne in the Justice League world

(End of this chapter)

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