Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 231 The man who must listen to music when running 1 is hot

Chapter 231 The man who must listen to music when running is hot
"Reversing life and death? This my peer has experience."

Strange said: "In Kama Taj's magic book, all magic related to life and death is absolutely taboo, even the level of time is not as high as life magic."

"If it's undead magic, then it's fine, but to truly resurrect a dead person and turn him into a living person, and still without the means of reversing time, then the difficulty and taboo levels are too high." Strange said: "The subject of life, resurrecting the dead, has always been called God's forbidden zone in the medical world."

"It is also reasonable for many people to insist on opposing research in this area. Once this method of resurrection is developed, ethics, morality, and social order will lead to a huge impact."


"The most basic thing is resources." Thanos said: "If the old life does not die, and the new life can continue, then the resources are definitely not enough. According to the reproduction speed of life, crowding the entire universe is Easy things."

"That's why I have to (start singing.)"

"Actually, if human society really develops this immortality technology for resurrecting the dead, it will definitely not be used by all human beings. Only the highest level can use this technology. If you don't mention resources, it will be zero consumption. There is no need to worry about insufficient population resources, it is definitely impossible for the people at the top to accept that the ordinary people at the bottom will also live forever."

"Because they are all immortal, who still hangs them!"

"Without the oppression of death, without the pressure of life, the first thing human beings must start is a complete carnival."

"I can't die, so who is still working, and who is worried about bullets."

"Actually not. I think that once the immortality technology appears, the high-level people will control the lower-level ordinary people more tightly, because they have to work for them if they don't want to die, and they will still have to work under them after they come back to life, forever! "

"It's better to die!"

"I'm afraid it will be hard to think about death at that time. They will let the labor force drain away? They will definitely promote what not to commit suicide, what suicide is a felony, what this, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, and so on, using all kinds of thoughts to control people, let the social class Completely solidified, and in turn maintain their rule!"

Peter was horrified as he listened to the world of grown-ups.

He began to wonder if such immortality really made sense?

Is the person who survives like that a human being, or a tool that works for the guys at the top? (Note 1)

"In theology, the life and death of life are managed by God." Constantine also said: "If human beings want to get involved, I am afraid that the whole heaven and hell will come to the world and destroy them together."

"That's right, if humans really want to revive the dead, the two places that collect souls must be the first not to agree. Humans can control life and death by themselves. Who cares about God and Satan."

"Why do I feel that compared with you humans, my methods of enslaving humans are so backward." The Holy Master said depressedly: "Compared with you, we are simply too kind."

Yes, the old devil, the Holy Master, felt that he was very kind at this moment.

The Holy Lord decided that if he had the opportunity to go out, he must learn from those human beings and learn from them how to enslave human beings correctly. They do not need powerful power to enslave human beings, but only need something called capital.

No, capital seems to be their name, they use money to control human beings.

He has no shortage of this stuff!
No need for magic and spells, just a piece of waste paper can enslave human beings and make countless human beings willing to work for them.

I have to learn this magic contract too!
Watching a group of people begin to discuss the topic of life and death, Hikari and Ace looked at each other.

Should we tell them that we have developed life-solidification technology long ago, and it is complicated to resurrect the dead before they cross the galaxy to visit the earth. . .

[Video continues]

[After arriving at home, Vision found Wanda who was busy in the kitchen. 】

[Vision wants to confess directly to his wife, but he still asks about the children. 】

[After a few simple chats, Vision still chose to enter the topic. 】

[“I chatted with Norman, and I discovered his suppressed personality. I was not under your supervision when I talked to him.” Vision suppressed his anger and said, “He is in pain.”]

["Vision, can we."]

["What? Go to TV? Or go to bed? So you can change everything again?" Vision chose to showdown: "No, Wanda, you can't control me like you want to control others."]

["Really?" Wanda asked back, and then said, "I'm going to bed."]

【“No! We’re not finished yet!”】


["What is the Mark Mosif Vision!" Vision said excitedly: "I can only believe all this, no matter what is going on, it was subconscious at the beginning, and you only realized it recently."]

["Aware of what?"]

["Norman has a family, Wanda!" The vision broke out, he lifted the human mimicry, and roared angrily at Wanda: "He has a family, and he can't see them now! It's because of you Don't let them go home!"]

【"I do not understand what you are saying!"】

【“Don’t lie to me again!”】

[Vision gas gritted his teeth, and the whole person flew up on the spot, and Wanda also flew after seeing this. 】

["All of this is for us! So let me handle it."]

【“What on earth is outside Xijing Town?”】

[“You wouldn’t want to know, I assure you.”]

【“You can’t make decisions for me, Wanda!”】

【“You never spoke to me like that before.”】

[Hearing this, Vision became more and more irritable and irritable: "What before, when, I can't remember the days before I came to Xijing Town! Who am I?!"]

[Wanda sees this and can only comfort Vision: "You are my husband, Tommy and Billy's father."]

["Why aren't there any other children in Xijing Town?" Wanda's words calmed down Vision, but after calming down, Vision quickly discovered another doubt. 】

[There are no children in the town. 】

[Wanda heard the words and explained helplessly that she didn't know what happened in the first place, and she didn't know how it all came into being! 】

[Visions can only change their identities with Wanda, from the one who is comforted to the one who comforts people. 】

[At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly. 】

[Wanda opens the door and is shocked to see the guy outside the door. 】

[It was a young man with silver hair and a leather coat. 】

 雷神三:诸神黄昏 4D版:BV1ax411j7G3
  you deserve to have
  Note 1: I remember reading a comic before. The style of the painting should be Mr. Sun Zha. It is probably an employee who was resurrected by the company and turned into an undead after working overtime and suddenly died.

(End of this chapter)

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