Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 232 Call my name out loud - Quick Silver!

Chapter 232 Call my name out loud - Quick Silver!
[Wanda looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, and when the other party saw Wanda, a smile appeared on his face. 】

[He walked over slowly and said to Wanda: "A brother who disappeared for a long time, came to give his stinky sister a tight hug!"]

[Wanda asks tentatively, "Pete?"]

[Kuiyin nodded, and in the next second, the brother and sister hugged. 】

"Is that, Wanda's brother?"

"No, Wanda in our world is my sister."

"The Pete of our world doesn't look like this."

Wanda, who was sitting in the back row with Vision, was also a little strange to see this scene. They wanted to attribute all this to the differences between the multiverse, but the next scene made them realize that something might not be right.

[In the Tianjian Bureau base, Daisy saw this scene and said, "Wanda has changed roles for Pirot."]

"Change, role?"

"Isn't this Pirot genuine?"

"The original Pirot was not said to be given by Ultron before, so this Pirot must be resurrected!"

"No, resurrecting Vision is because Vision's body was snatched from the Heavenly Sword Bureau by Wanda, resurrecting Pirot? Is there Pirot's body here?"

"Even if there is, there should only be bones left."

"In our world, Pilot died in the Battle of Sokovia, and in the end Sokovia was blown up by Thor, the god of thunder. Logically speaking, there should be no bones left."

"Moreover, people outside should have information about Wanda and Pete. Obviously, the reason why Daisy said that Wanda changed roles for Pete should mean that Pete has become different."

"So how did this Pete show up?"

"Two possibilities, one, because Wanda was constantly being questioned about her brother before, so she subconsciously used the power of chaos to create a Pete, and two, Wanda pulled one from other universes because she missed her brother too much. elder brother."


"The power of chaos itself is very incredible, so why can't it be magical, such as creating a life out of thin air? After all, Wanda has already created two, not worse than this one, or the power of chaos has contacted a parallel universe, from there Pulled in a parallel universe Pete, and the outside world also said that people in different universes also have differences."

[After the brother and sister hugged, Pete asked Wanda, "Who is this popsicle?"]

【Vision: Helpless.jpg】

【As time goes by, Halloween has arrived. 】

[The twins are discussing whether Halloween should be about costumes, scary or candy. 】

[The two came to the sofa and looked at Pete who was sleeping soundly, not only feeling that his uncle was really cool. 】

[Pete heard what his two nephews had to say about him, so a happy Pete decided to scare the two children. 】

[Pete used his extreme speed and had a great time with the two children, and Wanda happened to walk downstairs at this time, wearing a rather retro superhero shirt. 】

【“Mom, are you Old Red Riding Hood?”】


[Hearing the child's unintentional question and the ruthless ridicule of his unfortunate and cheap brother, Wanda said seriously: "I am a fortune-teller in Sokovia."]

[“Wow.” Pete sneered mercilessly: “It’s so stupid, it’s even uglier than the clothes our mother made for us when we got typhoid fever.”]

[Wanda recalled the experience of becoming a Viking pirate with Pete when he was a child and going to ask for candy, but he came back with a bag of fish. 】

[The two children went to play electric games. During this period, Billy said in one direction: "Since my uncle came, my mother has become very strange, and he is the so-called 'big boy'."]

[Then, Vision came out wearing a set of superhero shirts that not only looked retro but were also extremely stupid. 】

[Pete sends out a second round of ruthless taunts: "What a great outfit, brother-in-law. Let me guess, are you a traffic light?"]

【Vision Helpless.jpg】

【"Half peeled corn!"】

【Vision Helpless × 2】


[Vision decides to let him stop brainstorming before he comes up with more damaging words, the ghost knows what the next word will be. 】


["Okay!" Satisfied Pete went to find his two nephews to play electric games. 】

[Vision looks at Pete, who is getting along with the two children, and says from his heart: "You never told me that he is so good at taking care of children."]

[“Yes, he is full of surprises.”]

[At this moment, Billy whispered in one direction: "Since my uncle came, Mom and Dad stopped quarreling, but it just changed."]

"Who is that kid talking to!"

Such a strange scene instantly caught everyone's attention.

That direction, but no one, or that direction has been called the camera or the audience.

"It should be Billy who sensed the existence of the Heavenly Sword Bureau." Bruce Wayne put forward a guess: "Billy should have inherited some of Wanda's superpowers, such as extremely keen observation, or a special feeling."

"Spiritual sense or sixth sense." Strange took over the conversation and said, "So Billy should have felt the observation of the Tianjian Bureau, but he didn't know what it was. Because of the child's temperament, he put the This is regarded as a kind of secret, often speaking to the air, in fact, it is the agent of the Tianjian Bureau."

"Children's souls are pure and sensitive." Constantine said: "Children's souls have just been born in this world, and they still have the light of heaven, and heaven and hell have reached an agreement that they cannot go to Harm children, adults should not involve children, so the devil will never tempt ignorant children, and the devil will not hurt children who are not in the world."

"Then you were."

"Because the goddamn rules are made by TMD heaven!"

[The family was very happy, but Vision said that he needed to join the community defense and patrol with other residents to ensure that no one would hang toilet paper on the tree. 】

[Wanda is upset because she thinks Vision shouldn't miss the children's first Halloween. 】

[At this moment, Pete came to relieve the siege. 】

["What's the problem? My brother has something else to do, and the twins need a father figure tonight." Pete pointed to himself and said, "It's okay sister, your brother and I also have XY chromosomes!"]

["Uncle Pete is needed to save the scene at this time!"]

[Vision hits Pete's shoulder with a punch, and says happily: "That's it, the problem is solved."]

【“Have fun at night, kids!”】

[Then, Vision and Wanda showed their affection in front of Pete, and a handful of dog food was too big for Pete to fit in his mouth, so they parted with satisfaction. 】

[In response, Pete chose to use a grimace to respond to the malicious behavior of his sister and brother-in-law. 】

[The effect was very successful, and Wanda was so frightened that she screamed. 】

【"do not do that!"】

[Wanda is very angry. 】

[Pete happily explained his spoof plan to Wanda, wait, it seems that today is Halloween instead of April Fool's Day. 】

[Wanda said, "You don't even have any clothes."]

[Pete laughs dismissively, pulls up Tommy and turns away, the next second. 】

["Call my name out loud - Quick Silver!"]

(End of this chapter)

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