Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 539 Deadpool, Steel Armed!I'm tired, wow, just a big tree!

Chapter 539 Deadpool, Steel Armed!I'm tired, wow, just a big tree!
Yes, what Deadpool took out from his crotch this time is the nano suit.

[Deadpool presses the core of the nano suit to his chest. 】

【"I'm so tired, I'm just so big!"】

[I saw metal particles flowing from Deadpool's body, and finally formed a brand new metal armor. After putting on the metal armor, Deadpool took out his long knife and went up to close combat with it, easily chopping off all the enemies one by one. dog head! 】

【"Ah, damn it." Deadpool kicked a headless corpse aside and said, "That bastard Francis should have appeared in the convoy this time."】

【"Hey, do you really want to know who Francis is now?"】

"No, we just want to know what you are now."

【"Oh, that's great, you guys want to know." Deadpool was about to say something when he saw someone coming over. 】

【"Ah, it's really annoying. It's just as annoying as the stupid author who sent the contents of the fifth volume to the sixth volume with trembling hands."】

【"Wade!" A big man with metallic luster all over his body walked over with a girl in black with short hair and a cute girl with pink hair. The girl with short hair looked indifferent, but the big metal man was full of face of anger. 】

【"Why kill people, Wade."】

【"Hi! Wade!" The pink-haired girl greeted Wade enthusiastically. 】

【"Hi! Xuexu! Do you know why I have to say hello to you every time I meet? Because you are very polite, and you don't want to keep a dead face like that stupid big guy."】

[Deadpool turned his head and said: "Let me introduce to everyone, this big stupid guy with stainless steel all over his body is called Colossus, and he is a member of the X-Men. Just like you, Logan."]

【"Thank you for introducing me to the air and these headless dead men, Wade."】

[Colossus didn't care about Deadpool's weird behavior. In their eyes, Deadpool was an out-and-out mental illness.Since he is mentally ill, then whatever he does is reasonable, the ghost knows what a mentally ill is thinking. 】

【"Don't be so cold, let me tell you, this guy's whole body is metalized, even his penis is metalized, hey, I really didn't think about this, is your penis metalized? "]

【"Wade!" Colossus glared at Deadpool, and at the same time signaled that there are two girls here to make him restrain himself a little. 】

【"Oh, dude, I really don't know if the metallization of your whole body has metallized your brain. Of course, your brain may also be the result of being trampled by the sentries. What about your EQ!"]

【"Listen to Wade, my dual quotient is normal."】

【"Oh?" Deadpool asked with great interest: "Then can you see the relationship between the tomboy and Xue Xu?"】

【"They? The two of them are comrades-in-arms and classmates, or very good friends."】


[Deadpool laughed even more when he heard the words, rolling on the ground laughing.Heihou and Xuexu also smiled helplessly. 】

[Colossus grabbed Deadpool and said, "Enough Wade! I don't know what you're laughing at, follow me right now!"]

【"Don't buddy, you should ask me what I'm laughing at!" Deadpool said angrily: "Dogecoin author, don't play if you can't afford it!"]

【"Listen to me Wade." Colossus squatted down and said patiently: "I know your story, and I'm also very sad that your face was disfigured, but I won't discriminate against you, X Academy."】


[Deadpool suddenly took off his hood, his pitted face was like mud, giving people a rotten face like smelling rotten eggs in the dog days and canned herring exposed to the sun for three days and three nights. 】


[Colossus throws up. 】

【"Look, what's your name, you're called a fucking duplicity!"】

[Colossus wanted to seriously look at Deadpool's face and try to explain, but when he saw Deadpool's face from the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but knelt down and vomited. 】

【"Well, actually, I also know this feeling." Deadpool said helplessly: "I ate quail eggs again before, but I ended up eating a rotten rotten egg. I feel like vomiting when I think about it now. "]

[At the end, Deadpool paused and cursed: "The dog author abused my body again!"]

【"Wade, what are you talking about?"】

[Deadpool heard Xue Xu's voice and quickly put on his headband and said: "It's nothing, Xue Xu, it's nothing. Well, dear Captain Deadpool is leaving, after all, not everyone is as capable as the world's richest man Bruce Wayne I have nothing to do all day, and I have to go home and cook!"]

【"You can't go, Wade." Colossus stood up with his last breath and said sincerely to Deadpool: "Come with us, go back to X Academy, where we can help you."】

【"Wow, you are such a good person, really." Deadpool suddenly burst into tears: "Really, I was touched! You are so kind, you must not come from the DC universe!"]


【"But I'm different!"】

[Deadpool compared his hand to the shape of a bat and said, "I'm Batman!"]

【Deadpool, break the link】

【Ten minutes of rest, I will connect Deadpool again.】

After a moment of silence in the projection hall, the pot exploded.

【Logan: That bastard is talking nonsense!I like women! 】

[Magneto King: I once swore that if mutants are not happy, if I don’t have a family, I can’t fall in love with a man! 】

[Thanos Thanos: Did that guy say that I gave him eternal life?But I can't live forever myself, how can I give eternal life to others? 】

[Janata: Can you take your hand away? 】

[Ah Guang: What are blueberries, are they delicious? 】

[Janata: Delicious!Where is the delicious food! 】

[River God: Such an interesting person, I really want to be friends with him. 】

[Captain America: Interesting?I feel like my spirit has been polluted! 】

【Holy Lord: What exactly is that guy?I haven't seen anything so strange in all my years of life. 】

[Loki Odinson: All the creatures in the Nine Realms combined cannot be as crazy as him. 】

[Diana Prince: Mr. Clark said he still wanted to ask, what are we usually watching. 】

[Bruce Wayne: That guy mentioned me, is it something from our world? 】

[Diana Prince: Don't. 】

[Magneto: No, it must be from our world. Let’s not mention that guy knows Logan. The X Academy is the school established by Charles, and it is also his painstaking effort. The Colossus must be a mutant, and the other two are similar. It seems Deadpool didn't have to run away either. 】

[Loki Odinson: Are all of you mutants like this? !I searched all over the Nine Realms and couldn't find anything weirder than this! 】

【Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): Is this the price for ordinary people to break the wall? 】

【Wanda: I thought it would be good to break the wall, but now it seems that I should forget it, not only will I become so ugly, but my mind will also go crazy. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): But it seems that this power also has certain limitations. Although it can detect our existence, it cannot physically break through the wall, otherwise it can directly enter the screening hall. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): Of course, it does not rule out that the auditorium is of a higher level. Deadpool can break through the wall, but it cannot break through the defense of the auditorium. 】

【Strange: I'd rather go to negotiate terms with Dormammu than have such a thing by my side, I think my brain will explode. 】

[Konstantin: I still care about the names that guy said, Neo, Jonathan, and John Will. 】

 heed what bruce said
  Take a look at the Super Galaxy I wrote, it was very tiring and hardworking.
(End of this chapter)

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