Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 584: Son of Krypton and Son of Earth

Chapter 584: Son of Krypton and Son of Earth

[In an iceberg on the Arctic Ocean, a polar bear is looking for food, and in the distance, there is a spaceship covered in snowflakes. 】

[But this does not prevent the polar bear from foraging, just as the polar bear will not prevent it from restarting. 】

【"Recursive program diagnosis completed"】

【"Navigation permission is confirmed."】

【"All systems are operating normally."】

【Clark looked at everything in the spaceship. He knew that the secret of his life experience might be answered in this spaceship. Although, this spaceship came more than [-] years earlier than himself. 】

[At this time, the door of the cockpit opened, and a figure walked in. 】

【"I'm so glad to see you grow up, if only Laura could see it with her own eyes."】

【Looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Clark was full of doubts. 】

【"Who are you?"】

["I'm your father, Carl." What the man said made Clark a little puzzled, but he still chose to listen, not only because it was related to his own background, but also because it had a lot to do with Clark's character. A man named Qingshan, wait a minute, I am your grandfather. 】

【"It can also be said that I am his shadow and his consciousness, my name is: Joe Al."】

"I thought it was a Jor-El projection, but this level of intelligence"

"It can only be said that Krypton's artificial intelligence level is relatively high, it's not a big deal." Tony said: "Before on Krypton, artificial intelligence butlers abounded. My artificial intelligence butler Jarvis, as long as I want, I can do it. Let him reach the level of ordinary people's thinking."

"The main body, Jor-El, can completely create an artificial intelligence like him according to his own consciousness structure, and then leave him on this spaceship. He will only appear when his son, that is, Clark comes."


【Jo Al called out the name they gave to Clark, facing this man who might be his biological father's conscious body, Clark told him that he now has a lot of doubts. 】

【"Where do I come from?"】

【"Why did you send me here?"】

[Hearing that Clark asked the second of the three major questions in life, a large number of gray metal particles appeared behind Jor-El. 】

【"You come from Krypton, where the environment is much harsher than that of the earth."】

[With the voice of Jor-El, the golden particles behind it turned into a planet, and then changed continuously. 】

【"A long time ago, in that era of expansion, our race spread across the stars, looking for new worlds to migrate."】

[The metal particles changed again, turning into a man and a woman, followed by expedition teams dispatched one by one. 】

【"Countless spaceships have been launched into the universe, and this is one of them. We are setting up outposts on other planets and designing large machines to modify the environment according to our needs."】

[The metal particles are changing again. This time, the environmental modification machine is modifying the core of a planet, and beside the environmental modification machine is the Kryptonian in a spacesuit. 】

【"In the next [-] years, our civilization flourished and developed many miracles."】

[The metal particles finally transformed into a prosperous Kryptonian civilization. 】

【"and after?"】

[Clark pondered for a moment, then continued to ask. 】

【"Perform population control."】

Thanos:! ! ! ! ! ! !
I won't be sleepy if you talk about this.

Although he is wandering all over the universe now, this does not mean that Thanos has given up his dream. On the contrary, he has made countless plans. As long as there is an opportunity, these plans will take root and sprout in an instant.

Thanos heard that the Kryptonians had encountered similar problems and carried out population control. He was eager to know how Krypton, which had a very similar experience, did it.

[The metal particles on the back turned into a man and a woman, and they held a semicircular ball together, with a baby inside, which is the prototype of the secret chamber of creation. 】

【"Abandoned space exploration outpost."】

【"We have exhausted natural resources, causing the core of the planet to become unstable."】

【"In the end, our military leader, General Zod, attempted a coup."】

[This time, it was Zod's head and a large number of Zod's army that appeared. 】

【"But it's too late."】

【"Your mother and I both foresaw the impending doomsday, so we took certain measures to ensure your survival."】

[A baby was put into an escape capsule by a man and a woman, and then the escape capsule was loaded into a spaceship, and the spaceship set off to fly to the endless sea of ​​stars. 】

【"This is a secret chamber of creation." Jor Al brought Clark to a secret chamber of creation and said, "All Kryptonians are born here."】

【"Every child is given a different mission before birth. Workers, soldiers, leaders, etc., your mother and I believe that Krypton is missing some necessary elements, and that is the factor of choice, chance."】

【"If any child is unwilling to stick to the role that society has given him or her, if any child desires to achieve greater achievements."】

【"You are the embodiment of that belief, Karl."】

[Thanos Thanos: It seems that Krypton's method is not as good as I thought. 】

【Wanda: Are you still insisting on your Holocaust theory? 】

[Thanos Thanos: Of course not, although I don’t know what is better, but there are obviously better methods than mine before, why don’t I change? 】

[Thanos Thanos: But I don’t think Krypton’s approach is very good. It’s more like a dying old man continuing his life, rather than in a world that is moving in a better direction. juvenile. 】

[Wanda: It really shocked me to say this from your mouth, are you really Thanos? 】

【Strange: Anyway, as long as you are willing to correct your mistakes, that would be a great thing. As for the method, you can always figure it out. 】

[Thanos Thanos: That’s right, I’ve thought a lot during this time, if I just want to control the population, then I can do it now, at least on one or two planets, but this Not enough, obviously not enough, I am still thinking of a better way. 】

[Video continues]

【"You are the first child born naturally on Krypton in hundreds of years, so we took such a big risk to save you."】

【"Why don't you come with me."】

[Facing his child's questioning, Jo-El's conscious body obviously showed the same sad expression as the real Jo-El. 】

【"We can't come, Carl, no matter how much we think in our hearts, no matter how much we love you, your mother Laura and I, like Zod, are failures in our world and have died."】

【"So I'm alone?"】

【"No, you are a child of Krypton, and you are also a child of this planet. You can gather the essence of the two worlds. Your mother and I used our lives to protect this dream."】

[The iron door behind them suddenly opened, and a uniform appeared in front of Clark under the light. 】

"Brother Clark, these are your clothes!"


Clark sat on the sofa and nodded. This dress is the item that he can feel the most about Krypton, and it is also the channel through which he can feel his identity as the son of Krypton.

[“People on Earth are very different from us, it’s true, but I believe it’s a good thing, they don’t necessarily make the same mistakes we do. As long as you lead them, Carl, as long as you give them hope, it’s This is the meaning of this symbol, the meaning of the family emblem of the Ayer family is hope.”]

'hope? 'Bruce looked at the S on Clark's chest and thought in his heart:'It's not necessarily not necessarily?Jo-El, you underestimate the people of Earth. '

'Without Kal-El, Earthlings can still get hope for themselves. '

【"What is contained in the hope, the firm belief that human nature is good, you can bring them all."】

"Do you want to obey your father?"

Bruce asked abruptly.

Clark froze for a moment, then understood what Bruce meant.

"Wayne, I am a child of Krypton, but I am also a child of Earth. I have two sets of parents, Jor-El and Laura, and Jonathan Kent and Martha."

"I am a child of two planets, I am only a human being, not a god."

'hope so. '

After watching so many live broadcasts, Bruce was even more certain of one thing, that is - even a god, if he is killed, he will die!

Even if it is as strong as Manhattan, it will still be injured!When facing the hell card, the projection hall will also give a reminder that the card may be fatal.

Even if it is a screening room, it is not necessarily invincible!

If one day, they need to go to war, he will definitely ask Clark himself: "Are you going to die?"

[Video continues]

[The door of the spaceship slowly opened, and under the strong sunlight outside, a tall figure in the sun wearing a blue battle suit and a red robe slowly walked out of the spaceship. 】

[The cold wind was blowing, and the previous conversation still echoed in Clark's mind. 】

【"Why am I different from them?"】

【"Earth's stars are younger and brighter than Krypton's. Your cells absorb its rays, strengthening your strength, skin, and senses."】

【"Earth's gravity is weaker, but the atmosphere has more nutrients."】

【"You are much stronger than I believed. If you want to know how strong you are, you have to constantly challenge your limits."】

【Clark slowly walked to the middle of the snow, he raised his head and looked at the blue sky. 】

【He's doing something that he's wanted to do for a long time but hasn't done. 】

[The ground is cracked and snowflakes are splashing. 】

[A red and blue figure leaps up! 】

[A step of hundreds of meters, he kept falling and jumping up, falling and jumping up again and again, he raised his arms high and looked up at the sky, finally, he succeeded! 】

【He learned to fly! 】

[At this moment, Clark smiled like a child. 】

(End of this chapter)

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