Chapter 585 Leader or Shield?

"Achieve the effect of flying just by jumping?"

"You should have fully mastered flying by now."

"Um, yes." Clark looked at a husky who was smiling like a husky feeling the beauty of tearing down a house for the first time, and there was a hint of shyness on this big boy's face.

Because then he should be ashamed.


[Clark Kent, the result of the first flight: The plane crashed successfully and smashed a mountain along the way. 】

Peter went up and patted Clark on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, it's normal, it's too normal."

"Did you fall off the first time you flew?"

"No, I mean the crash is too normal. We used to see people crash." Peter said: "The first time I flew was to deal with a strange beast, I took it to the school playground and dealt with it." After I got it, I was busy dealing with alien beasts at that time, and I didn’t have any special feelings. It may be because my flying ability comes from the light given by Ultraman Noah. Flying is like eating and drinking for me. , nothing special."

"I really envy you. It took me a lot of effort to fully master this ability."

"Your ability is your own, which is different from mine. My ability was lent to me by Ultraman Noah. Each has its own merits."

【Clark crawled out of the big pit. The crash just now obviously did not cause any major damage to him, and even his hairstyle remained perfect. 】

["You will lead the people of the earth forward." Jor-El's words are still echoing in Clark's mind: "They will follow you, they will stumble, they will fall, but one day, they Will bask in the same sunshine as you, Carl."]

【"One day, you will help them create miracles."】

"These words have the feeling of what Zuo Fei said to Captain Sui Shui."

Peter said: "Sophie said at the time that he was looking forward to the day when he would travel together with human beings in the galaxy. Before that day comes, Ultraman will be the strongest shield on the earth."

"Your father should want you to be a leader who leads the people on Earth." Hikari said to Clark, "What about you? What do you think?"

"Leader." Clark bowed his head and said, "I thought about it at first, but now I think what that Captain Sophie said is more suitable for me."

"I want to be a shield, a shield that protects human beings. It is too difficult for me to be a leader."

"It's actually the best thing for you to have this kind of thinking." Constantine said: "I believe you have already known the situation of human beings in the past. Human beings themselves are constantly fighting in civil wars and cannot choose a suitable one." Leaders, it is even more impossible to accept an alien as a leader, especially when this alien is stronger than them, but happens to be only a little bit stronger, they will only turn into greedy demons, cramping you Peel off the skin, eat it and wipe it clean."

[Holy Master: Correct me, we demons are not as greedy as humans! 】

Watching Clark, Bruce's mental state is the same as his clenched and unclamped, clenched and unclenched fists, the same as riding a roller coaster.

[Video continues]

【Looking at the sun in the sky, Clark lightly closed his eyes, half squatted and knelt down, and lightly clenched one hand and put it on the ground. 】

[The surrounding stones and snowflakes began to shake, and the ground began to tremble. This time, Clark successfully took off and soared into the sky! ! 】

【No longer relying on strength to jump, but actually flying! 】

[Clark flew through the clouds, flew across the snow, and came to the African prairie. It was not difficult to shock the zebras. Then he flew across the strait, splashed a white line on the sea, and shuttled among the mountains. Finally, he soared into the sky and broke through directly. The atmosphere! 】

"Is it that strong?"

Peter was a little surprised and said: "Although I know I can fly out of the atmosphere, I haven't tried it, let alone being able to fly so fast when I just started to master the ability to fly."

"At the time, I was so excited."

[On the other side, Louis is still trying to find Clark. 】

【She knows that if she wants to find someone who has been hiding her tracks all her life, she has to start looking for everything related to him. 】

[For example, his friend. 】

[Obviously, as a reporter who has won a Pulitzer, Louis has a strong ability to find clues and successfully found some of Clark's friends. 】

[From his friends, Louis found more clues and heard more people's comments on Clark. 】

[For some, he's a guardian angel, for others, Clark's whereabouts are eerie. 】

[Following the clues, Louis successfully found a key person. 】

[Pease Ross. 】

"My God." Clark was shocked, and this female reporter named Louis was too easy to find.

"That person looks familiar."

"That's Ross, that is, the classmate who usually bullied me when I rescued the school bus."

[Finally, Louis managed to find a farm.Finally, in a cemetery, Clark met Louis. 】

Clark was truly amazed by this woman's perseverance.

She actually found her hometown all the way from the metropolis, not precisely from the Arctic Ocean.

"You look shocked?"

"I really didn't expect that maybe because of Mr. Wayne's actions, I didn't see Louis in my world."

"Actually, if you don't come to me, you will be able to see her soon." Bruce Wayne told Clark about Louise without reservation: "After I bought a lot of articles related to news, I was willing to put her on the shelf." After the newspaper reported about you, instead of stopping, she was more persistent in looking for your traces, counting the time now, it's about the same time."


"Maybe it's because I have some ulterior secret deal with aliens." Bruce Wayne said, "They always have various conspiracy theories. As the richest family in the world, the Wayne family is very suspicious. It's normal, especially since I bought various satellite-related companies first, and then bought a large number of newspapers in order to intercept news about Clark and the spaceship, of course she will feel that there is some kind of conspiracy in all of this."

"You also acquired satellite aerospace companies?"

"The main reason is that I have seen some stories of aliens invading the earth before, and I plan to take precautions." Bruce Wayne said: "Can you imagine the scene where two thousand space battleships are blown up by water droplets?"

Clark: "?"

[Seeing Clark, Louis rushed straight up, and the questions in his mouth started to output like a cannonball. 】

(End of this chapter)

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