Chapter 587: A Person from Krypton

[Accompanied by Clark's mournful cry, Jonathan's figure disappeared in the boundless black tornado. 】

"I, I couldn't even apologize to him."

Clark didn't dare to look up at this scene. He lowered his head deeply and looked at the straight legs, even though he had become infinitely powerful.

No one asked Clark why Jonathan didn't let him save himself. Everyone knew that Clark was having a hard time right now.

【"I watched my father die because I believed in him, because he believed deeply. I have to wait. This world can't accommodate me, what do you think?"】

Clark very much hopes that he can travel back in time, even if he can't do anything, even if he can only talk to his father, even if he just asks himself to apologize to him and say sorry.

[Louis returned to the newspaper office, and the colleagues on the side told her to be careful, her editor-in-chief Perry was waiting to make trouble for her. 】

[Amidst the gloating laughter and whispering of colleagues, Louis walked into Perry's office without hesitation. 】

【"I told you not to publish it, what do you think you did?"】

[As soon as he entered the office, Perry scolded Louis overwhelmingly. 】

【"You let Woodburn spread this on the Internet, and now the publisher wants me to sue you!"】

【"If it can be redeemed, I will give up."】

[Perry was taken aback when he heard this. He knew exactly what kind of personality Louis was. He broke the casserole and asked the end. Killed himself there. 】

【"It's that simple?" Perry asked, "Where's your clue?"】

【"It's that simple, there are no clues, nothing interesting, the whole story is fake."】

【"Suspended for two weeks without salary, this is your punishment. If you dare to commit another crime, then this matter will not be so simple."】


Everyone can see that Perry is protecting his shortcomings. Under normal circumstances, this kind of situation is as high as a lawsuit.

【"Since you promised so happily, you will not be on duty for three weeks."】


["No, no, no! I believe what you saw, Louis." Perry took off his eyes and said: "But I don't believe that your clues were cut off just like that, but no matter what reason you gave up, I believe you It was the right thing to do.”]


[Now it's Louis' turn to be puzzled. 】

【"Can you imagine how people would react if they learned that there are such people on Earth?"】

"This editor-in-chief Perry is a sensible person." Bruce Wayne looked at Perry on the screen and said, "I will consider giving him a raise when I go back."

"I think he stopped Louis from publishing that report at the beginning because he knew how much social riots would be caused if such a report was published." Bruce Wayne said: "The Daily Planet is a very important newspaper. And Lewis himself is also a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and the combination of these two identities is very important.”

"Even if only some people believe it, it will cause considerable social unrest and riots."

[On the other side, Clark returned home and just hugged his mother. 】

【"A reporter came."】

【"She's a friend, don't worry."】

[Clark and Martha walked side by side under the sun, Clark told Martha excitedly that he knew them. 】


【"My biological parents, my people, I know where I come from."】

【"That's really great." Martha's expression was a bit complicated. While she was happy to find her child's belonging, she was worried that she would lose her own child. Blessing: "Clark, I'm so happy for you."]

[Clark looked at Martha, who had a strange expression, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"]

["When you were a child, I lay next to your cradle at night and listened to your breathing quietly." Martha told him: "It was difficult for you to breathe, you struggled, and I was always worried. "]

【"Are you afraid of the truth being exposed?"】

【"No, the truth about you is actually very beautiful, we will know it as soon as we see you."】

[Martha patted Clark on the shoulder and said, "We all know that one day, the whole world will see this."]

【"I'm just, worried that they'll take you away from me."】

"I can feel that your parents love you very much, Clark, no matter whether you are a son of Krypton or a son of Earth. You are really lucky and happy, Clark."

Clark nodded. He always felt that he was lucky, not because of his ability, but because of his parents.

"My mother was very worried at the time, worried that I would leave." Clark said: "Bruce, I heard at this moment that you found a private detective to discuss me a few kilometers away."

"Can't you turn off your super hearing?"

"It can't be turned off, I can only get used to it." Clark said: "After a long time, I will get used to it."

"This is the timeline we have experienced. As for what will happen afterwards, it is unknown to us." Bruce said: "Because of me, the direction of the story has begun to deviate, and the next story is very interesting." Probably nothing like what's happening in our world."

[Clark and Martha lived peacefully on the farm until]

【"Clark!" Martha called Clark standing in the yard. 】

[Clark, who was drinking in the room and watching the rugby game, quickly put down the bottle and went outside the courtyard. When he came to the courtyard, Clark followed Martha's gaze and immediately saw the spaceship. 】

[TVs all over the world were broadcasting this news, and at this moment, the power went out. 】

【Yes, there was a power outage, not only the TV at Clark’s house, but even a secret military base. 】

[Clark pushed open the door and walked in to check the cause of the power outage, only to see a sentence in various languages ​​played on the TV in a loop: "You are not alone."]

[Not just the TV in Clark's house, all the machines around the world that can receive signals and play videos are playing this sentence in a loop at this moment: "You are not alone."]

"That spaceship, isn't it a Kryptonian spaceship!"

(End of this chapter)

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