Chapter 588 - A young man in fresh clothes

【"I am General Zod."】

[A figure that was so distorted that it could not be called a human appeared on all the screens. 】

【"I come from a distant planet, I cross the sea of ​​stars and come to the earth."】

["For some time, your world has sheltered one of my people. I ask you to return it to me". 】

【"For some reason, he chose to keep his identity a secret from you. He must try his best to integrate into you. He will look like you, but he does not belong to you."】

【"For those who may know his current whereabouts, the fate of your planet is in your hands."】

【"Listen well, Kal-El, surrender within twenty-four hours, or let the whole world bear the consequences."】

"It's coming soon." Bruce looked at General Zod, who had announced to the world, and said, "According to the fastest calculation, Zod's spaceship came to Earth to announce your existence in a few days."

"We still have Diana and Ah Fu in our world, so the passage of time will not stop, we must start preparing!"

"Actually, General Zod may just want to find me." Clark couldn't help but said, "I just need to meet him when the time comes. There's no need to make it like an interstellar war."

"No, you're wrong, Clark." Bruce said, "General Zod was not kind, although I don't know how he escaped from the Phantom Zone, but General Zod is the general of Krypton, and he will definitely revive Krypton. Xingxing, the secret code is on your body, and now there is a brand new, suitable planet for him to transform, he will definitely choose to directly transform the earth into the second Krypton! Then use the secret code and creation chamber to survive in large numbers A brand new Kryptonian, when the time comes, the earth will be a Krypton that Zod will completely control!"

Clark still wanted to argue, but he couldn't open his mouth, because at least one thing Wayne said was correct, that is, General Zod would definitely choose to revive Krypton, and if he wanted to revive Krypton, then what would be revived was a brand new planet? Krypton or a Krypton completely controlled by General Zod?
Obviously, the answer is most likely - the latter.

[Video continues]

[Whether it is Clark's father, Jonathan, or the editor-in-chief of the Planet Daily, Perry, they are right, that is, the world is indeed not ready to accept Clark. 】

[The existence of Clark caused an uproar, and countless people were discussing this matter. 】

[A talk show is being broadcast on TV, and the content is naturally related to General Zod's previous remarks. 】

【"We know almost nothing about him, right? If he really has no ill intentions towards us, then he should instinctively turn himself in and bear the consequences. If he doesn't realize it, maybe we should send him away."】

【"Louis Lane, a reporter from the Daily Planet, knows the identity of this person. We should ask her for the answer."】

[That's right, the person being interviewed is Woodburn, the director of the marketing website that Louis found before. 】

【"Wait, you said it was Louis Lane, a reporter from the Daily Planet?"】

[Louis was watching the interview on TV at home, with a look of fuck on his face, and it was his phone that rang, and Perry called Louis directly. 】

【"Have you watched the news? It's been on TV all morning." Perry said anxiously to Louis: "I completely agree with Woodburn this time. Have you seen him? Do you know where he is? "]

【"I don't know, even if I knew I wouldn't say it."】

[Perry felt dizzy for a while, and quickly persuaded: "Now the whole world is under threat. This is not the time for you to show journalistic ethics. Now that the problem is aroused Louis, the FBI is here, and now they plan to give you security. A crime of treason.”]

【"I'm going to hang up!"】

[Louis hung up the phone, turned around and ran away, but if the FBI can't even block a female reporter, it would be too lucrative. 】

【"FBI! Hands up!!!"】

[Louis was blocked by the FBI before he ran out of a small alley. 】

【"Hands up! Put the bag down!"】

[A group of heavily armed FBI directly put a gun against Louis's head, then handcuffed him to death, and put him on the armed transport vehicle on the spot. 】

[In a church, Clark also heard a discussion about himself on the radio. 】

【“Because we know very little about these visitors, and the official information is that the visitors do not pose a threat, even though they don’t sound friendly, then obviously everyone will have such doubts, this Kal-El Who is it? Does he really exist? How could he have been hidden for so long?"]

[Clark's thoughts are flying, and he returns to the rainy day when he was a teenager. 】

[Clark was dragged from a car by a group of gangsters, and he still held a copy of Plato's book "Utopia" in his hand]

【The leader of the gangster threw him on the barbed wire fence, and said viciously: "Come on, fight back, Clark!"】

【"Get up! Kent!"】

[Campus bullying is everywhere. 】

[When the gangsters saw Clark, they just looked at them in silence, even more arrogant. In their impression, this was a sign of fear. This kind of silence was the best stimulant and the most helpful movement for them. The person they are bullying can knock them out of shape with a single punch. 】

【"That's it? Is this what you're capable of?" The gangster in charge is still provoking, he's still outputting! 】

【"Come on! Come on!"】

[Facing the constant provocations from the gangsters, Clark can only endure, because he knows that if he hits someone, it will not be as simple as campus bullying. 】

[This world is very interesting, people who eat sugar are always bad people. 】

Looking at that memory, Clark just smiled, it's all over anyway.

[Logan: You are so kind, really. 】

Logan was convinced and admired Clark from the bottom of his heart.

Although the old Logan has a bad temper and low cultural level, at least he understands the truth. When he said that Clark is a good person, he did not mean a little bit of sarcasm, but really admired Clark's kindness.

As long as Clark's temper is a little bit worse, not to mention that he is the same as him, even if he is a normal person, none of those little bastards just want to live.

So Superman is unique, and the vast majority of people can only be natives of the motherland.

If the current Clark has grown up, then at that time Clark was young and full of vigor and blood. It was the moment in a person's life when he showed his sharpness. Don't bully young people, because young people don't have the pressure of life like middle-aged and old people. , their edges and corners have been smoothed by society, they have no fear, and unlike children, they still have the ability to commit crimes.

Therefore, Clark's kindness is recognized by everyone just like Thanos' perseverance.

It’s not about status, it’s about recognition from the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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