Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 661 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

Chapter 661 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

[Dawn of Justice, this is a story about the mutual rescue of those who have just embarked on this road and started to get lost, and those who have been on this road for too long and started to lose each other. 】

[Clark Kent, join the live broadcast room again. 】

[Clark: Hello everyone, I'm back again. 】

[Bruce Wayne: Clark, are you done with Zod? 】

[Clark: Well, Zod has already started to choose a suitable planet, and he will set off in the near future. 】

Bruce nodded, with the Styx blood oath, he was not afraid of Zod's sudden repentance, and he even wished Zod would do so.

[Thanos Thanos: A story about the mutual rescue of a person who has just embarked on this road and lost his way, and a person who has been lost on this road for too long?Also related to Clark? 】

[Thanos Thanos: If Clark is the one who just stepped on this road and started to get lost, then he has been on the road for too long and started to lose his way]

[Janata: Wait a minute, what way? 】

[Thanos Thanos: Dawn of Justice. 】

Not only did Thanos become a riddler, but Bruce seemed to understand something.

But in the next second, Bruce's face suddenly changed.

[At a grand funeral, people in black coats carried the coffin and walked towards the cemetery. 】

[A young child covered the tears in his eyes and fled here secretly.The person behind him called his name—"Bruce"]

【"Bruce, calm down, Bruce, don't do this."】

[At this time, Bruce, who was sad, ignored the people behind him at all, and ran towards the depths of the jungle alone. 】

[Bruce pushed aside the layers of branches that blocked him, and escaped from this place that made him sad. 】

[The picture came before the funeral, the young Bruce and his parents were happily playing in the street, their faces were full of smiles and looked so happy. 】

[But just as their family passed an alley on a street corner, the man who had been waiting for a long time came out of the corner with a gun. 】

[The robber raised his gun and pointed it at the Bruce family. Under the dark muzzle of the gun, Bruce's father showed his responsibility and father's responsibility, blocking the two of them behind him. 】

[Bruce in the jungle is still running, the dark woods seem to have no end. 】

[Bruce Wayne who was robbed could only hide behind his father. The robber saw Bruce's father resisting and shot subconsciously. Orange bullets sprayed out from the black muzzle of the gun. 】

[Bruce fell down in the woods, stood up quickly and then ran in the woods, and after a while, his feet fell into a pothole in the woods. 】

[The boy fell in the air and subconsciously waved his hands in the air, trying to grab something that could help him stop his fall. 】

【The shell of the bullet fell from the gun to the ground, and Bruce's father, who was hit by the bullet, fell back weakly.The weeping mother watched as her fallen husband mustered up the courage to run towards the robbers in front of him, trying to protect her child. 】

[The robber's cold gun pierced through the mother's long pearl necklace, and with another gunshot, Bruce's mother also fell to the ground, and the pearl necklace was also scattered on the ground. 】

[Amidst the boy's desperate screams, the parents who died beside the boy, the robbers who fled here, the lonely boy, on an ordinary night in Gotham, Bruce Wayne lost his parents forever. 】

[Bruce, who was trapped in the pothole, fell from the air, and it took a long time before he woke up from the coma. The dead branches and leaves covered his body. When he turned over and looked at the high pothole, his face was covered with with scratches. 】

[The sound of animals coming from the depths of the pit attracted Bruce Wayne's attention. Bruce carefully went to check, and there were dense bats hanging upside down in the cave deep underground. 】

【The boy looked at so many bats and couldn't help but let out an exclamation of fear. Although he covered his mouth in time, the bats, which are very sensitive to sound, still found him. 】

[Countless bats covered the sky and flew towards the little boy. At first, Bruce Wayne was very afraid that these bats would hurt him.He closed his eyes and waved his arms in fear, but after a while, he was not hurt as imagined. 】

[After opening his eyes, Bruce Wayne was surprised to find that the countless bats surrounding him did not hurt him, on the contrary, these hideous-looking bats were very friendly. 】

[Bruce Wayne tried to stretch out his hands, and countless pairs of bats surrounded him. With the help of the bats, the young boy flew up, slowly rising from the dark underground to a bright future. 】

【"In the dream, they fly me to the light, a beautiful lie."】


A wonderful transition, many people are not stupid, probably guessed what it means.

Bruce, Bruce Wayne.

The atmosphere in the screening hall gradually turned cold, and Ganata's mouth was stuffed with food by Peter and Hikari from left to right.

Tony wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. Bruce once revealed that he was an orphan, but he didn't expect his parents to be killed when he was eight years old, and it was in front of Bruce.

[In the Metropolis event, people recognized (recognized in passive voice) the existence of Superman. 】

[A helicopter flew down from the sky and landed on the tarmac below the building, and Bruce Wayne rushed down from it. 】

[After taking a look at the strange alien spacecraft in the sky, he entered the car that the staff had prepared for him.Bruce Wayne drove a car on the street and crossed a street, and a building next to the street fell down in front of him. 】

[I can only change direction but just turned around, and the road ahead is also covered by white dust, so I can only turn again, and take out the phone to ask the situation of the staff. 】



[Jack, who works in the building, asked after receiving a call from Bruce. 】

【"Listen Jack, I ask you to notify everyone to evacuate the building immediately, understand?"】

[Bruce, who was still driving over, hurriedly said that Jack on the other side saw a laser beam from the alien spaceship easily destroying a skyscraper in the building. 】

【"Get out quickly! Everyone get out, hurry up, the boss told us to evacuate the building, everyone, hurry up."】

【After seeing this scene, Jack realized the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly cleared the staff in the building.Bruce passed through many obstacles because of the car's excellent defensive ability, and rampaged through the streets and alleys. 】

[A huge alien spacecraft crosses the buildings in the city. The skyscrapers that human beings are proud of, in front of it, are like tofu dregs projects, which can be broken with a light touch. 】

[When Bruce tried his best to arrive, the street was full of people, and Bruce got out of the car to check the situation.The tall and strange alien spaceship that was originally standing in the sky seemed to be destroyed by people, causing huge waves. 】

[The car can no longer move forward in such an environment, Bruce can only get out of the car and run, hoping that he can arrive in time. 】

【Jack, who was still in the building, watched a building collapse inexplicably in front of him. A person in a red cape seemed to fly past him, and disappeared after blinking like his illusion. 】

【"Sorry the phone line is busy, please call later."】

[Bruce Wayne saw a hot laser cutting a building not far away, worried about Jack's safety, he made a call to get his news. 】

【"Almighty Lord! Almighty Creator! Bless my soul."】

【The laser light flew past Jack and destroyed everything it touched. The building made of reinforced concrete was sliced ​​into pieces like a piece of butter. Human beings can only pray for the blessing of the Lord in the face of such natural disasters. 】


【Watching the building where Jack was located fell down, Bruce Wayne couldn't bear it and ran towards the building desperately.The dust generated by the collapsed building swept in and people around were fleeing here.Only Bruce Wayne rushed in facing the white mist. 】

"This is the story of the Man of Steel!"

"And it's my perspective."

Bruce looked at himself on the screen with a cold face, driving frantically to avoid the destruction on the street.

If Bruce felt the destructive power of the opponent when he saw the Man of Steel for the first time, then now, Bruce felt his own powerlessness in the face of such things as an ordinary person.

Yes, powerless.

Whether it's Bruce Wayne, the billionaire world's richest man, or Batman, the strongest human being in the Dark Knight, he can only feel deeply powerless in the face of the natural disaster-like destruction caused by Zod and Clark.

"What are you doing?"

Tony couldn't help asking, even if Bruce had his own battle suit, it wouldn't be of much use in that environment. The steel suit was as fragile as paper and as thin as a cicada's wing in front of the real man of steel.

"I have businesses and buildings in Metropolis and I'm going to save my employees."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone admired it.

At the very least, Bruce, the boss, is quite humane. (Note 1)

[After entering, the thick dust hindered the realization, and the visibility inside was very low. Bruce Wayne even saw a horse passing in front of him. 】

【"Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne! I can't feel my legs, I can't feel my legs."】

[Not far away, Bruce's employees were crushed by a thick steel bar, lying on the ground in pain, shouting his name and begging for help. 】

【"Come and help!"】

【Seeing the miserable state of the employee, Bruce Wayne hurriedly stepped forward to try to help him, but unfortunately the steel bar was too heavy, and he couldn't move it by himself. 】

【"Help me! My leg, my leg!"】

[The employee grabs Bruce's hand and yells in pain. 】

【"You're fine, did you hear that? Wallace, what do they usually call you, Wally?"】

[Bruce, who has no other choice, can only comfort his emotions. 】

【"You have the final say, boss."】

[Wallace also knew that Wayne had nothing to do, so a few helpers rushed over at this moment, followed Bruce Wayne to remove the steel bars, and dragged Wallace out. 】

【"God, I can't feel my legs, my God!"】

[Wallace, who was rescued, couldn't feel his own legs, and could only repeat the tragic fact. 】

[After rescuing Wallace, Bruce Wayne saw a girl standing alone among the ruins not far away, a dangerous building above her head seemed to be falling down. 】

[It was a steel bar, and the steel bar happened to form a cross. The cross fell, and it was about to kill the suffering mortals. The little girl was still standing there stupidly, not realizing the danger of the matter. At this moment, Bruce saw this scene, He rushed over and hugged the little girl to avoid the dangerous cross. 】

【"It's okay, it's going to be okay. Don't be afraid, okay? We will definitely find your mother."】

[Bruce Wayne comforted the poor girl in front of him, looked at her alone, and asked. 】

【"where is she?"】

[The little girl didn't speak or cry, she just pointed her finger in one direction.Bruce Wayne looked in the direction she was pointing at. It was a half-destroyed building. 】

[There is no need to ask now, the girl's mother is in danger.Bruce could only hold her in his arms, staring at the sky with his eyes wide open. 】

[Countless flaming meteors fell in the sky and bombarded the dense buildings in the city.In the sky is Superman and General Zod fighting, and the reason for all this destruction is because of them. 】

[Bruce Wayne: If I kill you in the next story, I will not apologize to you, Clark. 】

[Konstantin: God thought he was saving the world, but all the world saw was destruction, Amen. 】

Clark looked at everything on the screen. He never thought of seeing himself from the perspective of an ordinary person, and it turned out to be like this.

He thought he was saving the planet, even though he was.

But there are still people who suffer from disasters.

He knew that he was not a god, but all this was not what he wanted to see.

It would be great if, if only, he could pull his opponents down to a deserted place during the battle.

Looking at Bruce's eyes full of anger on the screen, Clark knew that he couldn't hide the eyes of someone who wanted to kill himself.

Fortunately, none of this has happened yet. Thanks to the changes brought about by the screening hall, everything is different.

Zod didn't land in the metropolis at all, and he didn't fight Zod, and even the earth and Krypton signed a friendly agreement. All this is moving in a good direction, isn't it?

Although Clark felt chills about what Bruce said, he didn't think Clark could kill himself without the help of the auditorium.

Clark suddenly thought of something.

The screening hall said before: This is a story about the mutual rescue of those who have just embarked on this road and started to get lost, and those who have been on this road for too long and started to lose each other.

Could it be that Bruce is the one who has been on this road for too long?
 Note 1: It may be that the more you lack something, the more you have to show something. Anyway, Bruce is a really good boss, and he is really kind to his employees. Don’t talk about Batman, at least working for Bruce doesn’t have to worry about being sent to society as an excellent talent.

(End of this chapter)

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