Chapter 662 Eighteen Months Later

No matter how stupid Clark is, he still knows Bruce's other identity, that is, the former Dark Knight of Gotham City, Batman.

Batman became active many years ago. Clark was younger than Bruce. When Bruce first debuted, Clark had just experienced the pain of losing his father. In the days that followed, Bruce gradually disappeared and Clark also chose to continue to live. That ordinary life.

Until the screening hall made them meet.

(The timeline of Chapter 1 Bruce has been modified. Look, anyway, DC comics have changed the origin of Bruce. It is very reasonable for me to modify the timeline a little, right?)

[Video continues]

【18 months later. 】

[Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, two men are sitting on a small boat, and a man is wearing diving equipment ready to go into the water. In the distance is the endless ocean.The man dived to tie the rope to an object on the seafloor and salvaged the object to the boat. 】

[The item the two men brought up came to the shore.A professor cracked open the surface to reveal emerald green kryptonite. 】

[Nairobi, Africa, Louise wearing a black hood, was taken out of the car by a man with a gun.The man led the two people in the car to the building. 】

[Louis walked in front of the terrorist calmly, took out her notebook, and asked while sitting on the ground. 】

【"Are you a terrorist? General."】

【"They didn't tell me the interviewer was a woman."】

[The black man wearing sunglasses asked, looking at the calm woman in front of him. 】

【"I'm not a woman, I'm a reporter."】

[Louis replied calmly, and the person who came with him took out a camera and prepared to shoot.He was stopped by the people here and took the camera from his hand. 】

【"I am a man who loves his people, and nothing else."】

[Louis is talking with the so-called general. 】

【"Don't open it, you were just exposed."】

[The man wanted to stop the person here from opening the camera, but he didn't expect that person to just stop and drop the camera on the ground. 】

【"Who pays these mercenaries, General?"】

[Louis turns her head and takes a look when she hears the movement. 】

【"Who is paying for the drones flying over our heads? Everything happens for a reason, doesn't it?"】

[The mercenary at the side snatched the photographer's video camera and looked through it. 】

[On the other side, Louise chatted with the general. 】

【"Regarding the civil war in your country, America has declared to the outside world that it remains neutral in both policy and principle."】

Tony sneered disdainfully when he heard these words. As one of the largest arms chiefs in the former America, Tony knew how funny these words were. The gold content of these words was as delicious as looking up at the stars.

【"These sanctimonious and beautiful lies speak like the truth." The general sneered and said: "People with power will neither follow policy nor follow principles, Miss Lane."】

【"Everyone is the same."】

【"No one is neutral!"】

"That's the most important reason why I think you're a threat, Clark."

Because of the principle that Clark can't attack people on Earth anyway, Bruce opened up with Clark directly.

[Bruce Wayne: Your power is too powerful for the earth. Constantine is right, you are indeed saving the earth, but you are a huge threat to the earth.You can destroy the earth even inadvertently, with a lazy waist, a breath, it doesn't matter. 】

[Bruce Wayne: In front of you, human beings are as fragile as ants. No, too many ants can drown humans, but no amount of humans can hurt you, Clark. 】

In the Batcave, Clark wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say.

This is the root cause of his adoptive father's reluctance to let him show his abilities. Now that it was exposed, Clark knew Bruce's attitude towards him, and Bruce was trying to find a way to kill him.

[On the other side, the mercenary found a special tool in the camera, then raised it and said to the person next to him: "It's from the CIA!"]

【"They are following us!"】

【“You are so brave!”】

[The terrorists here rioted in an instant, pushed the man who followed Louise to the ground, took out his weapon and pointed it at him.Even Louise was under control. 】

【"It's none of her business! I'm just using her identity as a cover, she doesn't know anything."】

[After the explanation, the man comforted Louise: "It's okay, Louise, General, there is another solution to this matter."]

[As a result, Jimmy was directly executed by the general in the next second. Peng's gunshot sounded, and Louise also trembled. 】

[The outside responders immediately reported to stop the drone attack after realizing that their own people were dead, because there was still a civilian Louis inside, but all they got was an order to stand by, so they flamboyantly disobeyed . 】

[After the man was dealt with, Louise was brought into the room, but she was not executed on the spot. 】

【"I really do not know."】

【"Ignorance does not mean innocence, Miss Lane!"】

[The black general didn't intend to let him go after hearing what Louise said.The people staying outside were suddenly attacked by a mercenary. The mercenary was actually a U.S. military member. Caught off guard, fewer and fewer people belonged to the general. The general who was staying in the room immediately grabbed it after hearing the gunshots He picked up Louise, took a pistol at her and took her hostage, although he didn't know that the other party's mission was to kill people! 】

[Hostages are meaningless to them, and even the dead CIA agent Jimmy is a pawn! 】

[Because this was a wave of raids, these people easily dealt with them, and then left here on a motorcycle.As they depart, drones and drone-launched missiles appear in the sky. 】


[A red and blue figure smashed the missile at a faster speed and then smashed the drone casually, but both the mercenaries and the general sitting in the command room showed intriguing smiles. 】

[The roof is pierced by Superman's strong body, and the god of the world descends here. 】

【"If you dare to take another step, I'll blow her head off."】

【Looking at Superman falling from the sky, the black general can only threaten him with the hostages in his hands.Louise saw that the shortness of breath after Superman's arrival slowly calmed down, and watched Superman's eyes signal to her.Louise nodded tacitly. The black general couldn't react to Superman's speed and was directly dealt with by Superman. 】

When Loki saw this scene, he suddenly wanted to understand something.

(End of this chapter)

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