Chapter 731: The rain is coming

"Dr. Stone, the father of the future Cyborg."

A Fu introduced to Bruce and others on the side: "At this time, Dr. Stone should have used the human mother box to treat his son, so the mother box will appear in the storage room of the Steel Bone House."

【"What is in the file of the Ministry of Defense of the No. 61982 item?"】

【The officer looked at the serial number on the box held by the assistant next to him and asked. 】

【"I have no idea."】

【"You do not know?"】

【"I don't know so I've been researching it."】

【"Doctor, what is your military rank?"】

【The officer's tone became very unfriendly. 】

【"Ryan, are you going to prepare?"】

【Dr. Stone dismissed the assistant who was on the side, and then went on to answer the officer's question. 】

【"Civilians! The Interstellar Laboratory is a private contractor, and we work for the Ministry of Defense to provide them with advice on xenoscience."】

[After Ryan left, Dr. Stone continued. 】

【"Alien science?"】

【"Alien Technology."】

【Looking at the officer's doubts, Dr. Stone took him to the takeaway to check. 】

【"For example, the Superman spaceship."】

[The iron curtain that blocks the view slowly rises, and behind the curtain is Clark's spaceship. 】

【"Eight people did not sign last night, doctor."】

【"Who is there?"】

【"People from the cleaning department, guards and several researchers."】

【"They should have been kidnapped."】

【"Are you sure?"】

【"The eyewitnesses have seen it. He escaped the kidnapping and is doing a sketch of the suspect in isolation."】

[After seeing the spaceship, the officer began to tell Dr. Stone about his discovery. 】

【"Know who that is? Or what?"】

[The people in the isolation room drew the sketch of the suspect on paper and let them see it through the glass, but there was a strange thing that didn't look like a person on it, and no one recognized it. 】

Bruce frowned. Although he knew that what they described should be a demon, no matter how they connected, they could only associate this sketch with a bat.

[Dr. Stone returned home, came behind Victor and said: "The box is not safe here, Victor."]

【"They went to the laboratory to look for it, and someone was captured by something like a monster."】

【"You know monsters very well, don't you?" The man called Victor slowly turned his head, half of his face showed some metal and dazzling red light: "Especially good at making monsters."】

[Because he was transformed into a half-human, half-machine, Victor's heart was extremely sensitive at the moment. Even if he wasn't talking about himself, Victor was still stimulated and closed the door without a sound. 】

[Amazon Temple, due to the appearance of the fire here, some police officers are on guard not far away, ready to investigate the arsonist, but the lax defense is as much as the air in Lay's potato chips, Diana almost It was as easy to come to the interior of the temple as to go home. 】

[Although in a sense, this is going home. 】

[Walking into the temple, Diana saw the bow and arrow stuck on the ground, picked it up, simply made a torch, came to a mysterious place, and inserted the bow and arrow into the organ. 】

[Following the dark corridor, he came to a secret room, surrounded by exquisite murals, telling an event that happened in the past, that is, the big event that Darkseid invaded the earth a long time ago. 】

[Here, Diana saw the mural of Dark Lord Darkseid. 】

"Next, will it be the story of the kid named Flash?"

"Well, it seems that you guessed wrong."

【"Help, help! My hull is split and sinking!"】

[A small ship in the vast ocean is about to sink into the sea, and a man is crying desperately and praying for someone to help. 】

【"Did anyone hear it?"】

【The man came to the bow and grabbed it tightly. A large part of the boat had sunk into the sea. Fortunately, Arthur arrived here and successfully rescued him. 】

[The two came to a tavern by the sea, and Arthur threw the man on his shoulders on the table in the tavern. 】

【"Whiskey! Tell him to fear the storm next time."】

【The tavern owner looked at this strong man with tattoos on his bare upper body and hurriedly poured him a glass of wine. Arthur picked up the glass and drank it down. After drinking, he took away a whole bottle of whiskey. 】

【"He treats guests."】

[Arthur was walking in the storm, and the background music was playing, this time it was a piano piece, and the bottle of whiskey in his hand was finished within two steps, Arthur was facing the wind and rain, with disheveled hair, a sense of freedom Emanating from his body, the stormy sea is a place of death for any ordinary person, but Arthur jumped down like a dragon entering the sea and a swallow returning to its nest. 】

[He is not crazy, he is the combination of Atlantis and human beings, and he is the son of the sea. 】

【Among the waves, Arthur's figure disappeared. 】

[A statue located on the bottom of the sea, the statue wears a crown and holds a trident in its hand. 】

[Although it is just a statue, it shows endless majesty. 】

【"Born to be a king but would rather be a mortal, the illegitimate child of a human and a sea queen, I wasted so much time trying to keep the promise I made to your mother."】

【An old man shrouded in a bubble leaned over and said. 】

【"Are you finished? Old man?"】

【Arthur walked into the bubble, which has the effect of isolating the surrounding water flow. 】

【"You never spend the night in the same place, but you always come back here."】

【"I like the cleanliness here."】

【"This is your bloodline, you are the legitimate king of Atlantis, and our people are miserable."】

[The man who also held the trident dissuaded Arthur, wanting him to be the king of Atlantis. 】

【"Your people? A brutal, despicable and superstitious race."】

[Arthur sneered and couldn't help saying. 】

【"Is there any difference on land?"】

[Vico feels that there is no difference between people on land and people in the sea. 】

【"No one calls me the king of the land, what's the matter with you, Vico?"】

【"The guards near the fortress have frequently disappeared recently, and the looters from above captured them."】

[Vico came to Arthur because a guard disappeared recently. 】

【"Speak to King Aum."】

【"Your half-brother, he has been trying to instigate war with the land, and he does not hesitate to use lies! Those looters come from the dark land, and they are looking for it. The mother box guarded by our people is not safe, go to Ater Fortress of Landis, protect that box.”]

【"The time has come! Pick up your mother's trident!"】

[Vico became emotional and handed the five-pointed trident in front of Arthur, but Arthur didn't take it. 】

【"You can't abandon this world forever Arthur! Whether it's on land or under the sea."】

[Vico threw the trident on the ground angrily and put away the air bubbles. That's all for now, the final choice is still in Arthur's hands. 】

"The Atlanteans on the bottom of the sea want to start a war with the ground?!"

Bruce stood up abruptly, he heard clearly what the old man named Vico said!
 Can you imagine the pain from being tortured by diarrhea at [-]:[-] in the morning to [-]:[-] in the morning?
  You can't.

(End of this chapter)

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