Chapter 732 · "No Kryptonian"

"The Atlanteans are going to wage war on the earth?"

Diana also didn't understand Vico's words. The peace agreement between the three clans was signed five thousand years ago, and no one has tried to break it for five thousand years, but the one that Arthur and Vico called King of Orm's guy.
"It seems that this involves another game of political power." Loki smiled. As a [-]-year-old prince with a prince brother above him, he has seen too much of this kind of thing .Combining what Vico said to Arthur before, he quickly had a suitable answer in his mind: "Obviously, Vico said that Arthur is a mixed race of ground people and Atlanteans, and Arthur's parents One party is definitely of Atlantean royal blood, if it is an ordinary person, Vico would not be able to find him specifically."

"And Aum should be the current heir to the royal family of Atlantis, and I'm afraid there is something wrong with Aum's rule, so that Aum chose to use foreign wars to quell internal conflicts."

"And Vico is a conservative, determined not to break the treaty five thousand years ago, that's why Vico approached Arthur and hoped that Arthur would go back and defeat Orm, regain the throne, and get everything back on track."

Loki sneered: "A cliche thing."

Rocky's analysis is indeed well-founded. Bruce said: "I once found a large number of high-data combat units in the depths of the ocean. Diana, how is the combat effectiveness of the Atlanteans?"

"Ordinary Atlantean soldiers should not be as strong as Amazon soldiers, but their royal family is very strong, but they can't live long."

Because Diana was not born that year, Diana's understanding of Atlantis can only be learned from some information about the Amazon female warrior and Paradise Island.

"You don't have to worry at all." Loki said at this moment: "Even if Atlantis in your world really invaded the land, will you let Clark fly around them and finish soon?"

Loki's words hit the nail on the head. If Atlantis really invaded massively, let Clark go there and fly around and stare. Although the data given by the combat power tester shows that the opponent has a lot of high-end combat power, this high-end combat power is only Compared with ordinary humans, there is no one who can compare with Diana, let alone Clarke.

"I still hope to use more peaceful means." Diana said, "The contract between the three clans has been established for thousands of years. I don't want it to be broken. If that day comes, let me go."

"Also, I guess Arthur should defeat Orm in the end and settle all these disputes."

"Oh? The old-fashioned Prince's Revenge?"

"The mother box stored in the fortress of Atlantis that Vico said, there should be a video of a demon-like attacking Atlantis next." Bruce thought of this and cheered up. Demons used the strength of the Atlanteans and Amazon female warriors as a standard to deduce what level of plan they should prepare.

[Video continues]

【"De Sadd! De Sadd! I summon you."】

[In the base that has been transformed into an outpost and a base camp by Steppenwolf, there are countless demon-like flying around, and Steppenwolf summoned an important person on Apocalypse through the technology of Apocalypse: Desaad, the Darkseid military strategist, The demon-like legion is the masterpiece of this person. 】

[The special metal plate in front of Steppenwolf transformed into a demon-like creature with a hood and flames all over its body. 】

【"Steppenwolf, have you started to conquer the real world?"】

[Steppenwolf reported on the progress of De Sadd's work: "This world is torn apart, they are all backward species, have not evolved, and are at war with each other, a piece of scattered sand cannot be unified, they must be deprived of their free will just like in other worlds , the only way to be forgiven is to have a glorious belief, and that is to be loyal to him.”]

【"Where's the mother box?"】

【“I found one of the three, it woke up and called me, the other two were still sleeping, but the demons could feel them, they searched the sky and caught the person with the smell of the mother box. I Build a fortress in his honor."]

【"Very good." De Sadd expressed his satisfaction with the Steppenwolf's work report. At this moment, he suddenly said: "The mighty Steppenwolf could have sat beside the Dark Lord, but he was exiled because of his conceit."】

【De Sadd told the reason why Steppenwolf appeared here. 】

"Steppenwolf should be Darkseid's general." Diana speculated: "I don't think Darkseid can be so merciful. Darkseid's expulsion should be based more on his own strength. That’s why Darkseid spared his life and came to Earth to make atonement.”

"It's a good thing that Darkseid won't come to seize the mother box himself." Bruce didn't feel any shame in dealing with a young man. The most important thing was to protect the earth, and other problems were not a problem.

"The Steppenwolf can only summon Darkseid if he collects all three mother boxes. Is there any secret in the mother box?"

How could Bruce keep the mother box in a laboratory after he learned the importance of the mother box? Except for him, the only one who came into contact with the mother box was Ah Fu, not even Clark.

He also tried to analyze the mother box, but this technology and the earth technology did not seem to be a system, Bruce did not dare to use force, for fear of activating this thing, so the current research progress is still relatively slow.

【"De Sadd! I kneel before you, please let me intercede with him. Please let me go home after I conquer this world in his name."】

[The proud Steppenwolf knelt down in front of De Sadd and begged for his help. The tone of this terrifying, murderous existence was full of pleading and sadness at the moment, like a person who was exiled and longed to return home. The true feelings in it can even make unknowing people cry. 】

【"You betrayed him! Your own family."】

【De Sadd angrily accuses Steppenwolf of the mistake he once let go. 】

【"I am aware of the mistakes I made, but I also killed those who coveted his throne."】

【"You still owe the monarch more than [-] worlds. When you pay off your sins, he will listen to your request."】

【"I will definitely find the mother box to unite them. There are no guardians, no Green Lantern Corps, and no Kryptonians here."】

【"This world will eventually fall, just like other worlds, for Darkseid!"】

【"For Darkseid."】

"No Kryptonians?"

Hearing this, I don't know who laughed in a low voice.

Now there is, not just one, but a group, although they are not on the earth, but they can be swung over to be gold medalists at any time.

"It seems that at least the Steppenwolf suffered a lot from the Kryptonians."

Thinking of this, everyone is even more afraid of that civilization collector with a level [-] wisdom. A guy who dares to kill a Kryptonian from the legion that can make Apocalypse suffer, even if it is a trick, it is nothing simple characters.

"However, did he say that there are [-] worlds before?"

 Change Chapter [-] and see if I can make up [-]

  Do you know what day it is?

(End of this chapter)

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