my age of magic

Chapter 879 380. Those barbarian slaves

Chapter 879 380. Those barbarian slaves

I stared at the savage who was squatting on the ground and still looked at me at the same level. He was really too tall.

Standing in front of Jacob, I felt oppressed that I might be crushed at any time.

The slave collar on the neck was worn to yellow and orange, and the lines of the magic inscriptions on the collar became somewhat blurred, but the magic fluctuations contained in the magic lines have never changed. Signing the slave contract means that Being dominated by life and death.

I can't imagine what the quartermaster in Ayr would think when he brought these six hundred barbarians who lost their left ears to the battlefield.

Look at the black magic lines on his face, covering his face like vines.

I asked him, "You want to be a group of real fighters?"

He proudly puffed out his chest, his strong body was like a wall in front of me, staring at me with cold triangular eyes full of karmic anger, his chest heaved violently like a bull, He restrained his anger and said to me: "Every barbarian here is the best fighter."

"Excellent? - Do you think you are really like this?" I asked him with a slight smile, pulling the corner of my mouth.

"Of course!" Jacob said, puffing out his chest. Even though he was a barbarian slave, he still had his pride.

He beat his thick chest fiercely with his fist, making dull noises one after another.

I said to Jacob the Savage, "I don't want fools who only know how to rush forward. Rather than take you to the battlefield to die, you'd better stay in the valley and dig stones for me."

After saying this, I turned around and led Kalantso out of the lumber field.

Jacob wanted to get up and catch up, but was stopped by the orc overseer in the lumberyard: "Squat down! Squat down for me!"

The whip fell on the strong back in the hands of the barbarian slave, drawing faint bloodstains.

At the same time, the slave collar tightly strangled Jacob's neck. It became extremely difficult for him to breathe, and his face turned purple. This kind of pain made Jacob the barbarian fierce. Feeling a bit hideous, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the collar of the slave, trying to tear the copper ring apart.

But when his hand just touched the slave's collar, suddenly, his whole body twitched violently as if he had been electrocuted.

He was hunched over, lying on the ground like a boiled shrimp.

There was some commotion among the other savages in the lumberyard. They no longer sat peacefully on the tree stump to rest, but surrounded Jacob.


A harsh whip whistle sounded in the air, and the orc overseer raised the long whip in his hand, and ran up with big strides, blocking in front of the crowd.

He raised his foot and kicked the front barbarian's leg socket, kicked him to the ground, and shouted at the same time: "Squat down, all of you squat down."

"Is this the so-called rights and interests you want to fight for?"

I stopped, looked back at the chaos behind me with a cold face, turned around and asked Jacob who was lying on the ground and moaning in pain.

Kalancuo, who was standing beside me, had already untied the two-handed sword behind her back. Although these barbarians had signed slave contracts, she was still worried about accidents.

Jacob's face had turned purple and black, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, eye sockets, nostrils, and pinnae.

Lying on the ground, he stretched out his hand with difficulty, trying to stop the impulsive barbarian slaves.

"You want to stand up and be a warrior?"

I walked back step by step and said to him: "You are not soldiers at all, you are impulsive, reckless, and short-tempered..."

Crouching in front of Jacob, I uttered a short incantation to calm the surge of mana on the slave's collar.

Jacob was lying on the ground with his hands on his chest, panting heavily, his eyes fixed on me.

"What? Do you think I've said too much?" I reached out and patted his rough face.

His eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his fierce gaze seemed to swallow me up in one bite.

I am not very afraid of these barbarian slaves. After all, I personally captured them from the outskirts of El City. I said to him, "Aren't you convinced? Well, I'll give you a chance."

He was lying on the ground, his breathing had gradually stabilized, but he was still staring at me silently.

I smiled and said to him: "I'll give you a chance to challenge me, but if you fail, then dig me a stone honestly!"

Seeing his hesitation, he probably still remembers my ice magic and doesn't want to be frozen into an ice sculpture again.

I glanced at him contemptuously, then pointed at Kalancuo beside me and said, "Or are you here to challenge her?"

Jacob struggled to sit up from the ground.

At this moment, unfortunately, before my words fell, a rash barbarian slave walked around me and looked at us in astonishment.

He didn't seem to be in a high-definition state yet, but he was punched in the stomach by Kalancuo. With just one punch, the barbarian who weighed six or seven hundred catties was knocked out of the ground with his feet flying into the air.

'ah! The barbarian slave screamed, but his tragic fate was not over yet, and Kalancuo also rose into the air. She nimbly pressed her hands on the broad shoulders of the barbarian, and a blow followed. Incomparably violent 'knee hit'.

Her knees were covered with the spider warlord's hard leather knee pads, and with a violent cracking sound, she slammed into the chin of the barbarian slave.

The head of the barbarian slave was tilted back, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood and two cracked molars, as if there was a crisp cracking sound from the cervical spine.

When Kalancuo easily landed next to me and held the double-edged sword stuck in the ground again, the reckless barbarian slave fell to the ground on his back and fainted.

For a while, the entire logging camp became silent.

The Barbarian Horde is a world where the strong prevail.

Almost every barbarian here has had a taste of ice magic, so they won't try to challenge me until their strength grows.

Similarly, when Jacob saw such a violent side of Kalanzo, the hope lit in his eyes was once again disillusioned.

The only thing around me is the rustling of leaves as the wind blows through the trees.

In the distance, there was the sound of little Ella and Deborah playing. Deborah was like a child, following behind little Ella all day long like a little tail.

I stood up straight, looked down at the barbarian slave Jacob who was half lying on the ground, and said to him: " can accept the training I arranged like the soldiers of the Grimm Empire, if you can complete the training , I can consider giving you a chance to participate in the battle."

The emotions on the faces of these barbarian slaves finally showed obvious fluctuations, and they became a little eager to try.

As I turned around, the barbarian slaves cheered as if they had won.

Then I turned around again, looked at the barbarian slaves who had won their rights, and said to them: "I will give you a piece of advice. Although those trainings are the most basic for our fighters, they are very important for you barbarians." However, it will be extremely difficult, of course, I hope you can give up and just lie down in the quarry digging stones...or simply die!"

Together with Kalancuo, walk out from the logging camp.

I suddenly thought of Knight Disraeli, the commander of the heavy armored infantry regiment in the plane of Hierro at that time. I don’t know how he is doing in the plane of Hierro now, and he conducts the most basic training for soldiers , I think no one is more suitable than him.

"Are you really going to train those barbarians?" Kalancuo stretched her body, the hard leather armor like a corset set off her already swollen chest. When she stretched out her hands to expand her chest, The pair of peaches almost jumped out of the breastplate.

Seeing me staring blankly, Kalancuo's face turned slightly red like honey wax.

I said to her: "Then let's arrange these barbarian slaves to carry sleepers in the underground caves first. When Bernd is free, let him rectify. These barbarians still need a long period of tempering, otherwise in the The battlefield is just a mess of loose sand."

I don't pursue personal heroism. Although every barbarian is very powerful individually, if they can't be twisted together on the battlefield, they can't resist a charge of the constructed knight.

I touched the genuine earl medal on my chest, and continued: "In other words, if these barbarian slaves pass the training and still have no major changes, they won't do much when they are brought to the battlefield. I don't want to At the risk of being appealed to by the Quartermaster of Ayr City, release them from the Valley of Simwill."

Think of the irascibility, impulsiveness, and dissoluteness of savages, and immediately think of the Yero natives.

They are just the opposite of the barbarians. They are simple, honest, hardworking, and like to accumulate daily knowledge in life. If they are willing to train them, they should be a group of obedient soldiers.

I looked at Kalancuo and said, "Actually, have you noticed that the natives of the Yero plane are not bad in physical fitness. I want to train them into a reserve army of archers, and they should be pretty good too." Yes, what do you think?"

Kalancuo listened very seriously, "Jijia, have you noticed that these natives of the Hierro plane prefer wooden weapons, and there are a lot of ironwood in this mountain forest, we can cut down some to make ironwood hard bows, thinner ones Branches can also be used to make arrow shafts, hey, why did you suddenly think of this?"

Naturally, I wouldn't hide anything from Karan, so I said, "I'm planning to travel to the Vashj plane during the two months of summer vacation. It's not very peaceful there, so it's always good to be prepared."

Kalancuo asked me strangely: "Why do you suddenly think of going to the Vashj plane? Didn't you want to go to the Emerald Bay of Palestina before?"

I told Kalancuo about meeting the dean on the night of the summer festival. The endless sea is completely controlled by the Naga clan. It is impossible to find the sea monster in this sea area. I want to find the soul Horn, there is only a glimmer of hope in the Vashj plane.

Yes, at least the Vashj plane can still give me a glimmer of hope in my heart.

"No wonder you are willing to spend such a large amount of money to make such an exquisite set of magic patterns for me. I was quite touched at first, but now..." Kalancuo glanced at me lightly, and quickly came together. Come over, kissed me lightly on the cheek, and then whispered: "It's also very touching, thank you for the gift, Jijia."

Hearing what Kalancuo said, I realized that it seems that I have never bought any serious gifts for Kalancuo. Perhaps the only time I had a meal with her in a high-end restaurant with a plateau flavor, but At the end of that meal, it was a pity that someone messed up the situation.

After passing through a piece of ironwood forest, I saw a group of people from Yingli waiting for us quietly beside the mountain road in the round valley. This is the only way to the round valley, so I quickly walked up.

Looking up at the high mountain above the head, the towering old trees embellish the entire undulating hills with emerald green. It is majestic, quiet and beautiful, and several peaks even soar into the clouds. Only this road can go all the way to the pass. There is still a mountain city there. Unfortunately, the foundation has not been built. I need an architect who is proficient in architectural design to help me plan this mountain city.

Helena ran over with her long skirt, put her arms around my arm, and walked back smiling.

Katerina was chatting with Yingli, and the two stood there talking and laughing.

I didn't expect the two of them to be very familiar with each other. On the other hand, Qige and Yingli should have known each other a long time ago. The Prince of Wales is the bond between them. It is not difficult to understand that Li knows Katerina.

What's more, two years ago, the Prince of Wales always thought that Katerina would become Qige's dowry to marry him, but unfortunately that dream was shattered now.

We turned onto a forest path, narrowed and steepened by trees that shaded some of the light.

The breeze was blowing, and the mountain flowers were swaying. I saw a few small pops of cloth on the road, and some of them crossed the path.

After reaching the top of the mountain, the air was much cooler but full of tangy fragrance, wild flowers bloomed brilliantly in the grass, we passed through a narrow canyon with high and towering cliffs on both sides, I just wanted to build a mountain city here, Block the only passage leading to the circular valley.

Looking at those huge stones, Ying Li couldn't help asking me in amazement: How did they move them up?

We didn't stop at the pass, but passed through the canyon on the cliff, turned a corner, and the view became wider.

There is a round valley in front of you. Looking ahead, a quiet river flows through the mountains, and the mountains are undulating, just like an old oil painting of Yossen.

Several small islands stand sporadically in the water of the lake. The pine trees and layers of shrubs on the islands add a bit of seclusion to the place. The sunny grassland extends to the white stone path, stretching into the distance.

The lake was oval in shape, and the surface of the lake closest to them was sparkling, while the cliffs in the distance looked gloomy and dark.There is a large island at one end of the lake, and there are huge round arched stone bridges standing amidst the greenery. These arched stone bridges have a short span of several hundred meters and a long span of several kilometers, which is unique.

These are the rhizomes of the dead world tree, because the entire Xinliu Valley was broken into nine sections, and the ground veins were broken, so the roots buried in the ground will be revealed...

(End of this chapter)

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