my age of magic

Chapter 880 381. Good times in the valley

Chapter 880 381. Good times in the valley
A group of us came to the lake and admired the blue lake. Although there was no sunshine, the lake was still warm.

In the center of the circular valley is a clear lake, which looks like a magnificent sapphire shining in the night sky from a distance.

A long golden river flows in the sky.

In the surrounding four fields, the mountains are hiding each other.

The whole forest seemed to be cheering for our arrival, it was a place of peace.

Looking at the past, there is only a World Tree over [-] meters high standing on the small island in the middle of the lake. It is hard to imagine that such a big tree that requires more than a dozen people to surround it is just a young seedling .

Kalantso took us along the huge arched stone bridge, crossed several small lakes, and saw a green wheat field on the shore of the lake. Oh, how could it be a wheat field? It was a nursery of magical herbs. A piece of herbal nursery has taken up the entire western shore of the lake.

Many kinds of primary magic herbs are scattered all over the shore of the lake, including hemostatic grass, clover, Ningshenhua, kudzu root, etc. These primary magic herbs are under the cover of the first lord halo of the world tree, "plant growth", The growth cycle was shortened by nearly half the time.

Kalancuo led us down from the arched stone bridge and stood beside a field of dark green magic herbs.

Ying Li bent down and squatted in front of a magic herb, she gently plucked the oval leaves of a magic herb, a faint bitter medicinal fragrance filled the air.

She is very familiar with the magic herbs in the nursery, so she picked off a leaf, put it under her nose and smelled it, and said to me: "These primary magic herbs should be kudzu root, they are the medicine of the lion king potion..."

The Lion King Potion was originally just the most common strength potion, and not many people paid attention to it.

It wasn't until later that people discovered that apprentices of ninth-level fighters drank this strength potion, which had the auxiliary effect of helping them to become fighters. People gradually paid more attention to this kind of strength potion. The price of Lion King potion became higher and higher. also become less and less.

The unique growing environment limits the popularity of these magic herbs. Unless they are planted in a magic ecological garden that simulates a specific environment, it is difficult for them to grow in a general environment.

Ying Li stood up, looked into the distance like a golden field, let out an 'ah', and ran over with surprise on his face.

"Jijia, are the golden needles growing in this field? If the scholars of potion science in the imperial capital know that you have cultivated the main medicine of the spirit potion, I don't know what they will think." She said excitedly loudly, stretching Spread out your hands to feel the mana contained in the air.

Confused, she took out a medicine hoe from her magic pocket, dug out some moist soil from the edge of the field, stretched out her hand and gently crushed the wet clods, but she didn't seem to feel any difference.

Ying Li looked around, but still didn't see why, so he asked me: "I didn't expect there to be such a large herbal garden here. This is not a magical ecological garden. How can so many kinds of magical herbs be planted?"

"The mountains, forests and fields of Xinliu Valley were originally very suitable for the growth of those magic herbs. I still remember when we were studying at El City War College, and we happened to catch up with the tide of time once every ten years. When we entered this world together, that At that time, the mountains and plains were full of primary magical herbs. Now with the help of the World Tree, I just chose to open up a nursery by the lake, which is probably not unusual!" I explained to Yingli.

"Wait until the next ten years, those magic scholars in the ivory tower in Sloit City probably won't think that this floating mountain range has a new owner." Ying Li sighed.

Immediately afterwards, the expression on her face was a bit tangled, and she asked me: "Tell me, what should the magic apprentices who enter here through the portal do, especially when they find that there is nothing here, will they be extremely disappointed in the end?" leave?"

Hearing what Yingli said, I began to think about how those young magic apprentices would feel when they entered Xinliu Valley and saw that the mountains and forests were cleaner than a dog's lick, and they could no longer find a single magic herb.

Funny just thinking about it.

But when I think about it the other way around, I feel that it is a bit cruel.

Those young magic apprentices just rejoiced that they were able to catch up with the once-in-a-decade time tide and could enter Xinliu Valley through the portal, but when they entered Xinliu Valley, they found that all the magic herbs in this mountain had been picked clean. , I wonder if those young children will be so sad that they will cry out loud.

I turned my head to look at Kalancuo, and joked to her with a smile: "When those apprentices find the orc village by the stream, they will definitely mistake it for the aborigines of Xinliu Valley."

Kalantso stood aside and said: "At that time, I will restrain the orcs in the village and not hurt those young apprentices, unless they do something out of the ordinary!"

Delicate dimples appeared on Ying Li's face, and her smile was full of demureness.

I had an idea, half-jokingly, and said to Ying Li: "Maybe we should open a goblin store at the underground entrance of the tree hole. You said those young people saw a goblin sitting in front of the store counter in a serious manner, would you think What kind of mood is it?"

Ying Li didn't answer my question, but blinked at me, and then continued my topic: "You can put some magic potions in the shop, such as spiritual power potion or lion king potion."

Helena beside her poked her head over and interjected: "You can also put some magic materials, such as the fur of the white-spotted saber-toothed tiger, magic red copper, and malachite."

Becky on the side also said: "You can also put some elementary magic pattern structures and magic scrolls, iron and wood hard bows are also fine, but it must be a specialty of Xinliu Valley..."

I suddenly thought of a kind of "treasure hunting game that I have seen many children play in the streets and alleys of El City". , Every child in El City will have an experience in childhood.

So I said: "Yes, I think they can also be given appropriate discounts, such as the first magic apprentice who finds a goblin store, half price for magic items, and the first warrior apprentice who finds a store, half price for magic pattern construction and weapons , when the time comes, I just hope that they can carry enough gold coins and magic crystals, and see who can be the luckiest person!"

Katerina stood aside, didn't speak, just looked at me with a smile.

Kalancuo carefully wrote down what I said. After all, among us, she is the real manager of Xinliu Valley.

At this time, a beast girl wearing a long linen dress straightened up from the nursery's ditch, looking at us with a ignorant face, holding a hoe in her hand and a handful of weeds in the other hand, Her thick hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and her tanned skin gleamed under the stars.

Afterwards, her eyes fixed on Kalancuo in the crowd, and she immediately showed a relaxed smile, held up the weeds in her hand, and waved to Kalancuo with great joy.

Kalancuo didn't seem to disturb the manager of the herb garden, but just waved to her, signaling that she didn't need to come over, just work over there.

Those of us just want to wander around the fields and see this beautiful valley.

Later, Ying Li was pleasantly surprised to find a seedling of flame grass and wild steel flower.

"Oh, what's that over there? Flame flowers? There are wild steel flowers. I heard that the scholars of Albert University have cultivated some second-level magic herbs in the water ecological garden in the Royal Academy of Magic. I didn't expect you to have them here!" Looking at the nursery, she said excitedly.

In fact, I really want to tell Ying Li that the seeds of these magic herbs were stolen from the medicine garden over there.


A pheasant suddenly emerged from a bush, and it panicked through a piece of grass, stepping on the sand with its slender claws, leaving a series of clear footprints.

Little Ella stood up from the bushes, held a small hunting bow in her hand, and shot five arrows in one breath, but unfortunately all of them fell on the sand behind the pheasant. He returned his fist fiercely, and probably spit out a sentence of orc slang, but he didn't make a sound.

At this time, the bushes trembled again, and Deborah also got out of the bushes, but she looked a little bit embarrassed, with a bloodstain on her face, and a few grass leaves on her hair.

Her eyes were also fixed on the fast-running colorful short-tailed pheasant, and she watched the pheasant galloping on the sand with a look of surprise.

This is a kind of sand chicken that was born and raised in a round valley. It has a light body and is not only good at running on the sand, but also can fly nearly a thousand meters with its wings spread. It is not only rare to see, but also difficult to catch.

However, there are also excellent orc hunters who specialize in catching this colorful short-tailed pheasant for fun.

They like to make the tail feathers of this sand chicken into a headdress, and they also like to use this sand chicken to make soup.

According to little Ella, this colorful boka pheasant is very delicious.

Seeing that the colorful short-tailed pheasant had already run to the lake, it did not slow down at all, but continued to speed up. At the last moment, it kicked its legs hard on the ground, soared into the air, spread its wings and flapped towards the lake. Fly to the opposite side.

Little Ella put down the hunting bow regretfully, and looked disappointedly at the golden pheasant that was gradually flying away.

"Ella, I want some chicken."

"But it flew away and couldn't catch it!"

"I'll catch it..." After Deborah finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and tore off the gray magic apprentice robe on her body. The wings hidden in the robe suddenly spread out, one wing was white, and the other wing was white. It is a black-gray meat wing, and the two wings are clearly separated.

There is also a stark contrast between her delicate and innocent fair face and her enchanting and sexy body, but the wildness in her eyes at this time is like a hawk flying high. She bit her lip and stared at her. Looking at the colorful short-tailed pheasant that flew away, its wings shook violently, and a whirlwind blew up out of thin air.

Under the surprised eyes of all of us, Deborah spread her wings and flew up, flapping her wings and turning into a phantom to chase after the colorful pheasant flying across the lake. The speed was so fast that I couldn't see her flapping her wings clearly. frequency.

Ying Li looked at me in surprise and was speechless for a moment.

Little Ella also covered her mouth, and Deborah stared round the lake.

Only Katerina praised me and said, "Oh, she flies so fast!"

"She is... the harpies?" Kalancuo asked me suspiciously, probably only the orcs living on the Pai Plateau would know the harpies on the Night Wolf Cliff.

And Yingli asked me nervously: "No, this is a succubus, Jijia, you keep a magic pet, have you reported it to the magic union?"

The imperial people hated these low-level demons no less than the black magic hermitage that was hidden deep in Green. Generally, after finding traces of the demons, they would dispatch the law enforcement team of the magic guild. It is composed of elite magicians from previous magic academies, and they will conduct a series of investigations on these demon creatures.

The reason why Ying Li was nervous was because he was worried that I would be entangled by those members of the law enforcement team. Once I was entangled for interrogation, things would become very troublesome.

"She was originally a harpy with royal blood... She became like this after she was rescued by the Schindki University scholar, and she was registered at the Academy of Magic." I briefly said Daisy to everyone. Borah's tortuous history.

Little Ella pointed to Deborah's flying posture in the distance, and said loudly: "She caught it, and Deborah caught that bokka pheasant!"


Ying Li and I sat on the grass by the lake, quietly looking at the sparkling lake.

On the beach not far away, little Ella and Deborah were roasting the quokka pheasant, puffs of blue smoke were rising, and the air was still filled with the smell of burning bird feathers.

Ying Li pointed to the forest by the lake and said, "It's so beautiful and quiet here."

Her eyes became very clear, and she looked at me with a smile: "I want to build a small wooden house over there and live there for a while, and when you arrive in Vashki, send someone to notify me."

"Okay, I'll let Kalanzo arrange some orcs to help you build a beautiful wooden house!" I said.

Unexpectedly, Yingli refused.

She said to me, "Becky and Helena and I can build the log cabin ourselves."

I hesitated for a moment, considering whether to persuade her to return to the imperial capital, my eyes chased hers.

Yingli dodged my gaze, hesitating a little.

In the end, I still couldn't help it, and said to me in a panic: "...don't persuade me, you know, I don't want to reject you, but I just want to be quiet, I need a little space between Manda and I, and I need a little space." Time, we both need to calm down."

Looking at the lake in the distance, she said to me: "She always thinks that she can give me the best. In her eyes, those beautiful things are what I need most, but she never asks me. idea."

Then, she said weakly: "James told me himself, he promised me, I can freely choose my future life..."

I think this is probably what she has been insisting on in her heart...

(End of this chapter)

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