goddess of revolution

Chapter 1007 The decisive weapon arrives, Super Thor's Hammer!

Chapter 1007 The decisive weapon arrives, Super Thor's Hammer!
In the sky above Valentine, two Red United planes dragged two lavender flames intertwined in the night sky, followed by dense blue flames, which were at least thirty imperial airships.

One looked like a cricket without legs, and the other was a cannonball with a pair of X-wings on it.Both planes have a translucent light gold barrier extending from the body, modifying the body to meet aerodynamics, and can easily tear the air, faster than the airship with a more "scientific" aerodynamic shape behind it.

Relying on this "enchantment shell" technology, the Red Federation can already ignore the conventional body configuration of the aircraft.Even in the "air layer" [-] kilometers below the main plane, if you put a large block into the sky, you can repair a shell that can adapt to various aerodynamic environments such as supersonic speeds, and you can flexibly adjust it according to your needs. The airplanes of the family commune have all kinds of strange shapes.

The technical basis of this "enchantment shell" is the physical protective barrier of the Dawn Empire floating ship. With the support of micro-magic and ethereal technology, and the powerful wind tunnel group of Chilian to provide testing guarantees, it was originally used to resist The enchantment of physical attack has evolved into an enchantment shell that can adjust its shape.

Such an outer shell naturally retains the defensive ability of the shield. The two planes were hit by magic missiles from time to time, causing ripples on the airframes, occasionally condensing a white crystalline area, but none of them penetrated the outer shells and harmed the airframes.

As the top stars of the Pilot Commune, Hassan and Genil disrupted the situation above Valentine with two planes. At least one-third of the imperial spaceships in the sky were chasing them, and the magic missiles were as dense as water. Fog over them.

"How many fishbone missile seekers have these guys smuggled!"

"My Magic Stove is almost overloaded! Stop pulling monsters, start fighting!"

"Wait! The Black Shark is not in place yet, so we rely on our own radar to lock and easily be interfered!"

"No amount of interference can disturb the lock-on of the micro-magic fluctuations. The hit rate can be reduced to 60.00% at most, and a group of three shots is enough!"

"Okay, okay, my hands are itchy for a long time, I've bumped into these guys for three or four years, it's time to educate them!"

"Quick! The empire's airships are also dispatched!"

The two fighter jets sprayed out faint smoke trails from the left and right. The new fishbone missiles were guided by the three-in-one radar of optics, spirits and micro-magics, and pulled out a full arc that was completely invisible to the naked eye at night, moving up and down toward the rear. shoot.

Groups of orange flames exploded densely, one after another flying boats broke through the flames, fighting bravely to be the first, leaving behind some colleagues who were broken or even turned into pieces.

Higher up in the air, the light and shadow of the barrier of the imperial airship could be seen faintly, the brighter blue light was flickering, and the naval guns began to fire.

Compared with three or four years ago, these floating ships have not changed much in appearance, but the artillery fire they fired is more violent.Each shot blasted a blue light group with a radius of hundreds of meters in the air, and the magical reaction caused was enough to swallow the full output power of a legend.

Hassan's cricket fighter was hit by a bombardment, and the fighter's barrier shell suddenly condensed a large piece of crystallization, and the body inside exploded with a dark golden arc, which is a sign that the lattice armor has suffered a high-intensity attack.

"The cannons of the imperial warships are so powerful! Those damn magicians!"

Hassan lowered the altitude in a hurry, and Genil's X-wing fighter kept up with the cover.The two-machine formation escaped from the bombardment range of the floating ship and joined the friendly forces who had just arrived. Their mission has been completed.

"Yo, those guys from the Detonator Action Force are here again."

Seeing the friendly information in his field of vision, Hassan muttered, "Haven't they earned enough contribution points yet?"

Jenier said: "Maybe there are not enough people, and the action is too hasty. The fourth-level combat qualifications organized by our commune are only 500 people. There are thousands of people in the Empire who can fly airships. What are they?" All are missing, but there is no shortage of people.”

Suddenly, passionate shouts sounded in the public channel...

"We're here to save Deckard!"

"We will not leave our comrades behind!"

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

"Not one less!"

Hassan and Genil were silent for a while, then they also shouted.

"Not one less!"

Including the Detonator Operation troops who came into battle again, the "civilian armed forces" of the Flying Home Commune mobilized the air power of the entire Dawn Empire.The airship mercenaries of the Zhentarim Society, the local airship troops of various kingdoms and regions, the airship troops directly under the Empire stationed in Redstone and other areas, and the Valentine's Air Defense Force all participated in the battle to intercept the pilots.

In a battlefield of tens of thousands of kilometers, more than 500 fighters and more than 2000 airships fought in teams. At the end of this burning cloud of thousands of miles, nearly a hundred fighters broke into a place only tens of kilometers away from the Emperor's Castle. The Great Wall's floating fleet also had to be dispatched.

The empire has a main fleet in Redstone and North Kandas, and it will take several hours or even half a day for them to arrive. Only the escort fleet directly belonging to the Emperor's Castle is dispatched here.

Nearly [-] floating ships ranging from Baron to Earl class are distributed at altitudes between [-] and [-] kilometers. The low ones support the airship troops, and the high ones defend against the Red Federation Navy.

The Red Federation classified airships and some airships as "Navy", while the other part of airships and land-based aircraft were classified as "Air Force". This made the Dawn Empire quite puzzled.However, the empire still understands that the so-called "Red Alliance Navy" should be the most threatening air power.

They have no concept of how strong this force is. In recent years, the empire and the Red Federation have been immersed in development, and the real power is hidden behind numerous barriers and disguises.

Now they finally have an intuitive impression...

Judging from the response speed and defense strength of the imperial army, they should have tried their best.However, the large-scale invasion of the Aviator Commune alone overloaded the empire's air defense detection system, and there was no room left to monitor the poor devil's airspace over a thousand kilometers away.

They didn't notice at all that when the fighter planes of the Flying Home Commune moved, the new "navy" of the Red Federation had already approached Valentine from an altitude of thousands of kilometers under the cover of the "camouflage whale", projecting a sharp arrow. one strike.

The male shark fleet descended from the zenith, and used more than 400 shark spines and thousands of fishbone missiles to wash away the imperial airship guarding the high altitude.

It was late at night at this time, looking up at the night from Valentine's ground, the Venus was shining brightly and flickering fiercely, as if the gods were fighting.

Countless subjects of the imperial capital were watching the battle situation in the night like a celebration. No one issued a war warning to them. Most of them, of course, were civilians. They really thought it was a celebration.

Valentine has already activated the protective barrier. In order to avoid harming the citizens, the Red Federation fighters did not enter the barrier to fight.But the missiles that were shot, the fragments of the airship, and the shock waves from the airship's guns were still oscillating the barrier, making the fireworks in the night sky even more brilliant.

The dense missiles fired by the male shark fighter jets caused the citizens of Valentine to applaud excitedly, and many people are still applauding.

At this time, the garrison troops of the imperial capital and the troops of the Holy See of Order had just been organized, and they marched around the imperial capital and began to control this chaotic situation.

These guards and the armed personnel of the Holy See knew that Valentine and even the Emperor's Castle were being attacked by the Red Federation and fell into a huge crisis.

Those with lavender trails in the sky are Red Alliance fighters, and those with blue trails are imperial airships.In the higher sky, that dot of blue light is the floating ship of the empire.

As soon as the guards and the Holy See soldiers set off, they were horrified to see that the blue star in the sky was swallowed by dots of golden light, and the golden star dragged by the purple light quickly descended, like an eagle pounced on a flock of birds, and the imperial airship that was chasing away the Red Alliance fighters crashed into all directions. .

These Venus are faster and more flexible than the previous Red Alliance fighters. After dispelling the flying boats, they rushed towards the center of Valentine, the Crown God Castle of this era on the main plane. Ripples exploded on the barrier.

Following Venus, several small airships descended at a much slower speed. They had already defeated the defense line of the Empire's airships with a more violent and brighter firework.

These small floating ships shot out several lavender light beams, blasting out pieces of crystals on the already turbulent barrier of the Emperor's Castle.

What else was shot out by several small airships, and they were quietly pasted on the crystallization area. If you look carefully, they are Rubik's cubes that are not as big as a human head, intertwined with purple and gold colors.

The barrier rippled, pushing the divine power to rapidly shrink the crystallization area.The Rubik's Cube bounced off piece by piece and turned into an octagonal frame, which also expanded rapidly, breaking holes in the barrier.

A moment later, the divine power collided with the Rubik's Cube frame, bursting out pieces of golden light.At this time, the opening was so big that male sharks and even those horned whales could pass through the opening and enter the interior of the Emperor's Castle.

Male sharks and great horned whales jumped out of the octagonal openings in the sky, causing the battle on the second plane of the Emperor's Castle to stop suddenly.

The first sequence of the Red Federation has been bombarded by the fortress called "Crown of Order" for a long time, relying on the barriers organized by the witches to support them.During this period of time, they also used the remaining technical equipment to make several counterattacks, taking over Xia'an's troops and weakening several outlying positions.

However, the enemy they faced was a battle group after all, not a dungeon boss, and their combat power was not at the same level.Even large-scale equipment is at the level of divine power batteries, not micro-magic engines. Compared with equipment equipped with element furnaces, it is equivalent to pistols against rifles or even machine guns.

The appearance of male sharks and horned whales greatly boosted the morale of the fighters in the first sequence. Although the opponent quickly resumed their attacks, the density and rhythm of the artillery fire were significantly lower than before, and their morale was significantly lowered.

On the crystal cabin, Xiaohong Xuying pretended to be relieved: "It's steady... If I don't come again, I'm afraid I'll have to unravel the coffin."

Li Qi is also a big rock settled in his heart, and he has enough time to take stock of the situation on the battlefield.

Then he saw the question: "Where is Romulus?"

Not only Romulus, but those including Sardar and Kane have not yet appeared.

"It should have fallen into the depths, the turbulent flow of the void didn't disappear all at once."

Xiao Hongsu said: "The space of the subplane is reorganized, and my lattice plane does not extend to all places. Even if they know the correct direction, they still have to spend time drilling holes and climbing walls."

After counting the male sharks and horned whales that rushed in, Xiao Hongsu asked again: "It's hard to fight like this. In the third stage of this blasting operation, isn't there any decisive weapon that will determine the world at once?"

Li Qi nodded and said: "Of course there is, but it is not a decisive weapon, and it is impossible to determine the universe at once. The real decisive weapon is on the side of the Goddess of Order. If He learns the trick of the Void Dragon God on the Gale Cliff , Open an opening on the main plane, lower the clone, and bring the clone from the god together, and we're done."

"He dare not!"

Xiao Hongsu snorted disdainfully: "If He really wants to do this, how much strategic reserves will he have to spend? He will wait 100 years before repairing Tiantang Mountain!"

"Besides, if he can open his mouth, I can cast Muen-Xiva down! Alishan can also pull in, plus Xia An and that one, and the army of wild angels I prepared to fight him directly Battle of Gods!"

In the order camp, besides the goddess of order, there are only three dragon gods, storm gods, law gods, and knight gods left to fight.

Li Qi did the math, the God of Silver Dragon was paddling, and the avatars of the three Gods of Storm, Law and Knight were all seriously injured.Based on Xiao Hongmang's fighting strength, it should be no problem to hold the goddess of order. Alishan, Xia An, and the one who hold off three of the six powerful thugs are left with three.

There is a witch with complete body and main force, four or five hundred warriors whose combat power is not weaker than the legends of the old times, and more than one hundred thousand mad angels (in the past few years, Xiaohong has accumulated tens of thousands of mad angels through various channels), More importantly, there are also male sharks and horned whales. They dare not try to defeat the three newborn gods, but they can hold them no matter what.

In short, Li Qi felt that his power was already on the same scale as the opponent's, unless the Goddess of Order completely abandoned the repair project of Tiantian Mountain, or let the Gods go to the main body.

Aurora said in a bold tone: "If this is the final battle, that would be great!"

She looked at Li Qi and lowered her voice: "If I win the battle, I can study with peace of mind... umm..."

Li Qi covered her mouth before she finished speaking. Knowing that you have been worrying about fertility issues, you are already planning to build a fertility commune and prepare to become a fertility goddess, but don't set up a flag here.

Karin said leisurely: "The Goddess of Order cares most about eternal order. Repairing Mount Paradise and occupying the apex of order and goodness in Finn's world is her foundation. She will never gamble on this matter."

"Yes, His Highness Qili and I have also discussed this issue..."

Romulus' voice suddenly sounded: "His Royal Highness Qili said that even if the goddess of order gives up the Dawn Empire, as long as the church of order can continue to absorb resources from the main plane, the difference is that the number will be much smaller. This is just a slight delay in progress. The situation Not too bad."

"So, I'm sure that Goddess of Order won't put all her eggs in one basket here."

He walked over to salute Xiao Hongsu, then greeted the witches, and said regretfully, "His Highness Qi Li still hasn't come, she must be presiding over something very important."

"Uh... yes, it's very important." Li Qi hurriedly said, "I'm still worried about you, as long as you're fine."

Romulus and Li Qi clapped their arms on the shoulders, and said in admiration, "I'm fine. I was separated from everyone when Longde squeezed out of God's Domain. Before, I and your warriors fought against Longde, the God of Law, and I had to Say, we are equal on both sides in strength and determination against divine oppression, and I have seen hope."

Leia next to her was eating, when she heard "Hope", she turned around and asked, "Look for me, what's the matter?"

Li Qi rubbed his daughter's blond hair: "Your Majesty Luo Luo is talking about dawn..."

Leya and Xiao Hongsu said in unison: "Hope/Dawn~It's not Dawn/Hope!"

Li Qi and Romulus looked at each other and smiled, of course the latter's smile was a bit self-pitying.

Romulus turned his head and looked around: "I still have some subordinates who haven't arrived...it shouldn't be..."

Leitana said: "The side next to His Majesty...cough cough, that Princess Bailong fought the God of Storms with me before, she should be fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, a section of stone wall floating in the air in the distance burst open, and a white dragon crashed down onto the lattice plane with several Red Alliance fighters.


Bailong got up and shook his wings, and shouted proudly: "I said that it's fine to just bump into it!"

Seeing Romulus, Bailong was even more excited: "Your Majesty! You are safe now! I am so worried!"

She seemed to be immersed in some kind of extreme joy: "Just now we were fighting against the God of Storm! God of Storm! We even drew with Him!"

Seeing that there was another person on her back, Romulus coughed and said, "Restrain yourself and turn back into a human being."

Bailong was startled, and then realized that Sardar was still on him.

The smoke dissipated, she changed back into a human form, and ran towards Romulus, her buttocks tightened, and she fell to the ground with a person, and was crushed underneath.

The witches exchanged strange glances and carefully moved to the side. Li Qi froze in place, trying to suppress the urge to cover his face.

When the two got up, they saw a wire connecting the two, and the parts were still so... Romulus involuntarily twitched the corners of his mouth.

He is not a narrow-minded person, but like this, it seems a bit too ugly.

Bailong pulled back the wire, glared at Sardar bitterly, ran to Romulus and said eagerly: "I, he, and they were in a bad situation at the time, and I had to help them, so..."

Li Qi was right next to him, and the battle was still going on. Even if Romulus had something to say, he wouldn't say it now. He waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, don't say it."

This indifferent posture made Bailong terrified, and tears came into his eyes. Li Qi saw it very keenly, and coughed to remind his personal attendant: "Sardar, explain clearly to His Majesty the Emperor."

After all, Romulus is the dragon knight of the white dragon. No matter from the perspective of ancient tradition or the relationship between the two parties, it is always inappropriate for others to ride the white dragon.Even if the situation forces you to ride someone else's dragon/woman, you have to explain it yourself.

Sardar responded, and bowed his head to Romulus: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, our strength was exhausted at that time. Galathion...the lady happened to have a divine power battery on her body, and it was too late to remove it for use, so for the time being... ...uh, cooperated a bit."

Not to mention Li Qi, Aurora, Fini, Tina and other witches who are familiar with Sardar all looked at them in surprise. How did this Sardar become so reliable?
Aurora thought of something, nodded and said, "This is the power of love."

After getting along with Rui Luoer for so long, he was really trained.

Romulus also recognized Sardar, looked at Bailong, and thought that the two of you can always get together.

It doesn't matter how Sardar explains it, as long as there is a gesture of explanation.

A trace of shadow swimming in Romulus' mind was dispelled, and he was about to respond friendly, Sardar said again: "By the way, Your Majesty, I suggest you change the seat, that kind of seat is not suitable for long-term riding, and there is no support on the waist. Uncomfortable. Fortunately, Jia Laxien... the lady is very considerate, and even adjusted my posture for me, making me very comfortable..."

Li Qi stopped him in a bit of embarrassment, although it was too late: "Sardar! Shut up!"

Sardar scratched his head in confusion, so he backed away. Li Qi looked at Romulus, smiled wryly and said, "That guy...you know, he's just...a fool, don't bother with him."

Romulus' originally froze smile melted away, and he smiled naturally: "Of course, it's nothing, don't take it to heart."

My stomach was still muttering when I was talking, even if I have to care about it, I have to weigh it myself.

If I remember correctly, His Royal Highness Qili turned against Theresia because of this idiot.

Bailong stood beside Romulus and said timidly, "Your Majesty, do you really...don't mind?"

Romulus glanced at her and said angrily, "This is a battlefield, anything can happen, what is this?"

Bai Long was relieved, and soon there was a deep sorrow.

So, in your heart, am I just a mount whose head is ridden by others?
"I'm coming……"

Xiao Hongsu yelled, announcing the end of the small theater.

The male shark fleet is driving the airship, and the horned whales are bombarding the magic cannons on the fortress and high walls.The narrow space of the subplane makes it difficult for them to take advantage of their speed and maneuverability, and they are almost fighting each other head-on.

A horned whale slowed down over the team, the hatch opened and dropped a long cylinder that at first glance was thought to be a bomb.

The cylinder shone with purple light. It was a special space lattice container. The legendary level of fluctuation made Xiao Hongsu feel the difference at once. It must contain the big killer prepared by Li Qi.

The cylinder was wrapped in a large group of transparent jelly just before it hit the ground. The jelly did not bounce when it hit the ground, but stuck to the ground like snot, and the jelly absorbed all the force of the fall.

At the same time, a group of people also jumped out of the hornwhale's side hatch, and they landed slowly while controlling the magic weapons.

The gelatin decomposed into smoke, and the team skillfully disassembled the container, took out the large machines inside, and began to assemble them.

Of course, Romulus will not always care about the matter of Bailong and Sardar, and asked Li Qi curiously: "What is this?"

Li Qi said vaguely: "Super Thor's Hammer..."

Romulus said in surprise: "Hey, is it one level stronger than the Thor's Hammer used by the Hell Plane Army?"

Li Qi nodded and said, "Yes... just finished the test, there is only this one prototype, let's try it out."

It is easy to say on the mouth, but the hair is in the heart.

If this big killer doesn't work, it can only be piled up with human lives.

Theoretically speaking, this Super Thor's Hammer is more than one level stronger than Thor's Hammer.

This is Thor's Hammer plus the cube pyroblaster used by Mobile Fortress Fleitenhaus!
Use Thor's Hammer to fire a 460mm caliber magic steel cannonball. The moment the cannonball exits the chamber, a cube-level Pyroblast is added to the magic circle at the muzzle position.

There is a legendary level Void Spirit in charge of the time axis, which can ensure that the spell is added accurately to the microsecond level. The power carried by the shells, Li Qi feels that even the clone of the goddess of order would not dare to bear it, and the power density has definitely reached the main plane. The limit that can be accommodated is even more unimaginable in terms of scale and strength.

At this time, the male shark fleet had already expelled the airship, and was bombarding the positions and forts together with the horned whale.Missiles, machine guns, and torpedoes fell on the turret and high walls of the crown of order, blasting out dense light balls, but only shook some rubble.The firepower of the counterattack was extremely fierce, and crystals condensed on every male shark and every horned whale.

Surrounding the fortress, on the huge pillars that raised the high walls to build the fort, the statues of gods were all shining with their own gods, obviously corresponding gods were providing divine power.

This fortress, which has consumed all the assets left by the loyal court, is indeed indestructible.If it was in the old era, it would be like the kingdom of the gods, and it would never be touched by mortals.

Now, it will be tested with the most powerful weapon made by mortals since the empire of magic.

The team that followed Super Thor's Hammer was a researcher at the Magic Cannon Research Institute of the Mobile Fortress Project, led by Hrizar, and with the help of the soldiers, it was quickly assembled.

Looking up at the nearly three-story building and the giant cannon supported by the rails, Xia An was gearing up: "Shoot, aim at the gate..."

Xiao Hongsu and the witches also urged: "Shoot!"

Romulus clenched his fists and looked at Li Qi expectantly: "Shoot!"

Leia in her arms was about to open her mouth, but was covered by Li Qi's slap: "No swearing!"

Then he waved at Khrizar: "Fire!"

 Sorry, I made another update today...

  I dare not post a single chapter to explain...

  It is guaranteed that there will not be such a high frequency of two-in-one in the future...

  In addition, there are scheduled trips on November [-], and there will be three days and one update every day...

(End of this chapter)

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