goddess of revolution

Chapter 1008 The Queen's Body Is the Real Peak of the Battle

Chapter 1008 The Queen's Body Is the Real Peak of the Battle
This Super Hammer of Thor was noticed by the opposite side just as it was being assembled. Magic cannons, magic missiles and all kinds of magical magic were blasted over. A large number of priests and paladins who were sent by angels rushed out. A cover, trying to destroy this thing, although I don't know what it is, but I know it's great just by looking at it.

The problem is that there are all the witches gathered here, as well as most of the heavy weapons, two big horned whales and a small group of male sharks for special cover.

Fei Ni unfolded her [-]-ton crystal titanium shield, pulled up a group of thorn fortresses, and temporarily formed a defensive network to firmly block the bombardment of the Super Thor's Hammer.

The horned whales and male sharks blew up the enemy commandos, and those tall and sacred icons were given special attention, and less than one-third of them could break through the firepower net.

Then they had to bear the attack of Tina and the accusers. Tina's thousand-ton scythe was supported by the accuser network organized by the accusers, and became a death impact launcher.Crystal light arcs tens of meters wide shot out continuously, bombarding the crowd and holy statues, and golden shadows of winged angels rose up.

Only those priests who firmly believe that the soul of a mortal belongs to the gods can bear the hostage of angels and heroic spirits.But no matter how firm the belief is, the soul of a mortal will always have the nature of insisting on oneself, and it is this nature that is aroused by the death-killing power, thereby destroying the enemy's body or divine descent.

The enemy who lost their body not only suffered a great drop in strength, but also their confidence was shaken and their fighting spirit was slackened. Some turned around and fled, but a considerable part continued to advance bravely.This proves that their beliefs are either firm enough to lose themselves, or they believe in the Goddess of Order with their rational self.

They were greeted by giant armored rolls, giant armored black bears, grizzlies, brown bears, wolves of various colors and giant eagles, and even gigantic werewolves and bats all over the sky. At the end of the team, a giant quail was still using a spinning top-like magic guide Weapon rubbing lightning bolts.

These free people have the support of the free people network pulled up by the chief instructor Karin, and they can finally have fun.

The painting style on the scene changed drastically. If you look at it separately, you would think it was a demon tide invading Finn.It's just that the situation is completely different from the epic chapters eulogized by mortals. Those human warriors who were wrapped in golden light and spoke for kindness and justice were beaten flying everywhere, and the sky was full of blood.

These old-fashioned witches made a move, and the less advanced witches like Leitana and Oresa didn't have a chance to make a move.Oresa has also become a key target, and everyone is afraid of her sharpness in stealing the head.

By this time, the operation team led by Hrizar finally moved this big guy...

The rear half of the gun barrel buzzed and vibrated, and a circle of lavender light overflowed, which was the effect of the forbidden magic field.The divine power of the sub-plane where the Emperor's Castle is located is so active that it disturbs the barrier of the main plane, and the energy level of this magic-forbidden field has also reached an unprecedented level.

There was a loud bang, and everyone's perceptions were misplaced. In their blurred vision, they could vaguely see a circle of blazing flames in front of the muzzle of a huge silencer, as if a small sun was exploding right in front of them.

The thick orange beam of light pierced through the barrier of thorns erected by Fei Ni, blasted on the gate between the God of Knights and the God of Law colossus, broke through a gap several meters wide, and shot under the long steps of white jade.

The power of this cannon is first shown on one's own people...

The barrier of thorns exploded, and dozens of holy shields of thorns fell to the ground and screamed. Fei Ni was no exception, but what she cried was: "It's so disgusting! Is this what it feels like to be pregnant?"

The barriers are all one-way, and will be destroyed by the power exerted inside. There is only one reason, and that is that the impact of magic power is too violent.

Then came the others, even the shield that Li Qi propped up was cracked, and the invisible impact stirred the soul, causing the brain and stomach to turn over.

Li Qi yelled in the channel that was so disturbed that it was full of noise: "Hrizar! You didn't install the magic destroyer!?"

Hrizar vomited, still pushing the pot: "We put the simplest one at the end, but it has not been built yet. His Majesty Xiaohong said before that we will do whatever it takes, so we..."

Xiaohong's phantom is distorted, and she takes the opportunity to pretend to be dead.

With the Super Thor's Hammer as the center, everyone within a radius of at least one kilometer was swept away by the violent magic shock.The giant bear, werewolf, vampire and vampire who were beating up the clerics of order in front fell to the ground and twitched together with the enemy. Even the horned whale and male shark covering in the air lost control and crashed into a ball.The lattice floor laid out by Xiao Hongsu collapsed in large pieces, and many people fell down again.

"Don't tell me this thing works on us!"

Aurora roared: "That's too embarrassing!"

Co-author, what you are worried about is the image problem...

However, Li Qi was also surprised that the cannon was indeed sharp and directly pierced through the gate, but there was no reaction after that.

Was it an armor-piercing round?
Just as he stood firm, another violent wave swayed away.

The long white jade steps below the fortress suddenly erupted like a volcano, hundreds of meters thick like a torrent of lava gushing out, instantly breaking through the high wall guarded by the goddess of nobles and the god of documents on the side, the fort around the two statues also burst apart, and countless human bodies To be drawn into a flame that seems to burn everything to ashes.

Looking at the side of the long steps, the branch hall that guarded the crown of the tree like branches and leaves collapsed, Xiaohong, Li Qi and the witches shouted at the same time: "Missed -!"

"Too much interference!"

Hrizar shouted: "The calculation power of the built-in computer is not enough!"

Li Qiyi gritted his teeth and greeted in the channel: "Let's go!"

"What do you care about?"

Xiao Hongsu came back to life: "Come on, Sisi!"

The fragrant witches like Insmis and Hefidous responded crisply and began to connect to the Sisi network.Although there are fears on each of the pretty faces, they are more determined and brave.

The super Thor's Hammer's fire-controlling spirit is connected to the Sisi network, eliminates space interference through the source magic field, and locks on to the palace on the top of the fortress.The giant cannon returned to its position and the shells were loaded. Everyone didn't care about the impact of magic power. They either blocked the enemy or helped to prepare.

The other party seemed to be stunned by this shot, or was doing calculations, but there was no effective response.

As if in a palace submerged in the clouds, the body of Theresia sitting upright swayed, and the golden light in her eyes shone, which was a sign of the interweaving of divine thoughts and mortal thoughts.

"The avatar of the god can't stop such an attack, I should avoid it!"

"I still need me to do more important things. I must continue to sit here and preside over the gathering of divine power."

"Their weapons will destroy me!"

"No, that's not their purpose, they just want to win me."

"That would also mean my... disappearing."

"For me, as long as this body exists, no matter who I am, it will obey my will."

"I must sacrifice..."

"I can not be reconciled……"

"I don't care..."

This Theresia slowly closed her eyes, and tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.When he opened his eyes again, there was no trace of hesitation, only endless firmness and indifference.

The golden light overflowed from the high platform, passed through Teresia's body, gathered into a thick beam of light, penetrated the ceiling, and sank into the endless sky.

On Teide Island, tens of thousands of miles away, on the top floor of the tallest building in the Magic Tower, two figures, one tall and one short, jumped out of the portal, and the taller one dragged a corpse with half of its head missing.

The corpse was wrapped in a layer of swimming shadows, without bleeding, it looked like a gel coat, and was still shrinking, emitting a faint pink light dust.

"It will take some time to get rid of the divine power of Huanyue," said the short haired girl, "Fortunately, Ms. Huanyue's will has not been on the throne for a long time, and her control over the divine power is not deep enough, so it doesn't take much effort."

"Should I make this thing into cucumber or ham sausage? In short, it has to be convenient to eat, and you can have some at that time."

The tall black-haired one was naturally Hathaway, she gritted her teeth and said, "Ma'am, you can just dirty yourself, don't pull me in!"

After removing the magic tool for concealment, Hathaway sighed: "Xiao Hong and Li Qi are too risky, I think they will suffer a lot this time, I don't believe that the Goddess of Order will let them overthrow the God Emperor Fort."

Ms. Ye, who was manipulating Cynthia's body, opened her mouth and sucked the corpse into her mouth like a jelly. This was only for temporary storage and not for eating. She shook her head and said, "The goddess of order can't stop them. I have already got the news from Taling , The fleet and fighter planes of the Red Federation are besieging Valentine, and their main fleet will have to rush there in a few hours, and the day lily will be cold by then."

Hathaway was stunned: "No way, is it true that Li Qi and the others are really going to seize the dominion of the main plane?"

Ms. Ye continued to shake her head: "I didn't say that, I just said that the Goddess of Order can't keep that clone, unless she moves the resources used in Heavenly Mountain."

She smiled again and said, "However, what's interesting is that your other judgment should be right. Xiao Hong and that Li Qi will definitely suffer a lot."

Hathaway was puzzled: "Isn't this contradictory?"

Ms. Ye threw her body on the sofa, shook her thin legs and said, "Of course there is no contradiction. Think about it carefully. What is the real purpose of Xiao Hong and Li Qi's raid on the Emperor's Castle?"

Hathaway sat across from Ms. Ye, crossed her legs dignifiedly and thought seriously, then snorted: "Not to mention anything else, at least Li Qi is aiming at using that clone to revive Theresia."

Ms. Ye smiled and said: "That's right, Xiaohong should have the same purpose, not only cutting off the goddess of order's direct rule over the Dawn Empire, but also gaining a powerful mortal like Theresia. If Li Qi is Liao Hua, Trey Shia is Kong Ming."

Hathaway's face darkened: "Xiaohong can really get the reborn Theresia, and most of the Dawn Empire will be in her hands. What's the difference between this and getting the right to rule the main plane?"

Ms. Ye tilted her head and looked at her: "She and Li Qi will not get what they want. Think about it, that body is a clone made by the goddess of order, and the soul that can match the clone must be made with some powerful artifact. Order Will the goddess lose control so easily?"

"Xiao Hong and Li Qi are the heroes who snatched the soul gem from the devil's head and stuck it on their own foreheads."

Hathaway's expression softened: "In other words, the body of the Empress Dawn is now the final battlefield for both of them?"

She was nervous again: "But these two guys, especially Li Qi, are always unexpected. Will they have something we don't know about?"

Ms. Ye smiled mysteriously: "Is there any other basis that can defeat Theresia's will? She will once again become one with God. This is the plan of the Goddess of Order."

"Maybe it wasn't planned that way at first, but with such an opportunity, He will definitely not let it go. How can a soul created with a divine weapon be as reliable and powerful as the original version?"

Hathaway was very skeptical: "After what happened to Youxiang, even if Teresia's soul is preserved, will she go back to the old way?"

Ms. Ye sighed: "Haini, don't underestimate the power of the gods to control the souls of mortals. Even if she doesn't want to, she will... be involuntary at that time. This is also my worry for you. You want to keep Misia alive." It is too difficult to have a symbiotic relationship with your soul."

Hathaway was frowning, and there was a jingle above her head, which was her tower spirit reminding her.

After digesting a lot of information, Hathaway frowned even deeper.

She said bitterly: "The Goddess of Order issued an order through the Queen to all registered magicians of the Mage Union, requesting that corresponding resources be provided, and all preparations will be completed by noon tomorrow..."

"The list is really exhaustive, magic metals, magic media and materials, magic crystals, magic crystals, all kinds of soul crystals and artifacts. This amount, tsk tsk, is it going to make me bankrupt? There are even pure and qualified ones Soul, this is talking about babies, right?"

"He wants to scrape the last layer of land on the main plane and prepare to run away?"

Ms. Ye shrugged her shoulders: "No matter how great the odds are, we have to be prepared to prevent the Shuguang Empire from being taken over by the Red Federation, and he will lose the most important wheat field."

Hathaway's hatred was even worse: "He also openly threatened that if he didn't give it, he would be the enemy of Paradise Mountain, and warned us magicians that there would be no more Storm Islands in this era."

Ms. Ye held her chin and looked at her: "Then are you going to give it?"

Hathaway was discouraged, and said helplessly: "Aren't we just at a critical moment? If you don't give up, you are asking for trouble? Before Misia becomes a god, I can only endure it."

Ms. Ye nodded solemnly: "It is indeed necessary to endure. He will not lose that clone, nor will he lose the Dawn Empire."

"Competing for strength on the main plane or in a special environment, mortals may have a chance to defeat the gods. But in the battle for the ownership of the soul, the gods will not be defeated by mortals. I know this very well."

Hathaway's eyes flashed, but she didn't say anything.

In the second plane of the Emperor's Citadel, the Super Thor's Hammer roared again.

The three god statues on the huge pillar moved, and the knight, the god of law and the storm lowered their clones again, trying to block the cannon.

The thick flame penetrated the clone of the God of Storms, leaving behind a layer of orange flame, which burned the clone violently, causing him to howl in pain, and his figure faded rapidly.

The flames smashed down the statue of Lady Joy and shot into the void.

The shot didn't miss, the space where the fortress was located was distorted by divine power, but relying on Sisi's calculations, Super Thor's Hammer still locked the highest hall through the source magic field.

The fireworks rippled violently on the barrier surrounding the entire fortress, pieces of crystals cracked before they condensed completely, and the white jade steps were vaguely seen cracking, and the highest hall fell from the clouds.

The golden light gushes out like viscous gold liquid, quickly repairing the barrier.

The avatars of the knight and the god of law almost burned, protecting the barrier together.

The huge statues of other gods broke free from the pillars, and rushed towards the Red Federation soldiers with a large amount of rubble and smoke.

Li Qi, who was about to charge in with the witch and the soldiers, screamed inwardly. Although the cannon hit a vital point, the opponent's counterattack was even more violent. If he couldn't rush in in one go, things would be troublesome.

Two small figures suddenly jumped down from the male shark, and a petite figure threw lattice Rubik's cubes at the statues.The Rubik's Cube stretches into a web, knocking down the idols like a taser, enveloping them.

Another smaller figure rushed between the knight and the god of law, and instantly swelled up like an inflatable... QB.

The huge QB slapped the two god clones away with his flippers, and jumped onto the barrier. His huge belly opened a big hole, disintegrated into pieces of octagonal light plates, and then assembled into a rapidly rotating vortex.

The end of the whirlpool's belly penetrated the barrier, slammed into the hall, and rolled up in front of Li Qi and the others.

I heard the QB yelling: "Only witches and legends can enter! Hurry up!"

That petite figure also fell down, it was Vicky, patted her chest and said, "Finally we're here."

Li Qi didn't say much, hugged Leia, and led the witches into the vortex.

A crystal capsule flew up automatically, and Xiao Hongsu Xuying who was sitting on it shouted: "Wait, don't leave me!"

(End of this chapter)

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