goddess of revolution

Chapter 1080 Shipbuilding Frenzy, Dormant Laborers' Guild

Chapter 1080 Shipbuilding Frenzy, Dormant Laborers' Guild

Rachel's fluffy big feet were covered with slime rubber shoes, stepping on the muddy road, making a sound of crackling and creaking, very rhythmic.

The feet are another sensory organ of halflings, which is one of the reasons why halflings have higher perception than other races.However, since Rachel stepped on three pieces of shit one after another in a street less than [-] meters away three years ago, he gave up this advantage. At that time, he just came to work in the airship workshop here.

The air was filled with a burnt smell, which was the waste gas from burning inferior magic oil in the magic furnace.You can't smell it when there are only one or two, but there are thousands of magic furnaces running in the entire Fleet City at the same time. Even if the city's enchantment circle is running all the time, it is difficult to dispel the exhaust gas that is smoldering on the ground and underground. .

Most of the low-level citizens of Fleet City, whether they are slaves, indentured workers, or contract workers, live underground.It's not because it can save building materials, but because it allows workers to reach the berth in the canyon faster, so that they don't have to compete for roads in a plane.

Even though Rachael was used to the smell, she was always worried that her alveoli would burn at any time.Instructor Drizzt said that long-term breathing of such exhaust gas will cause the alveoli to lose their toughness, the blood to lose vitality, cause various diseases, and accelerate aging.

Thinking of her mentor, Rachel's heart warmed up, and her pace quickened.

Walking past the buildings made of various wooden and iron plates, and passing through the crowd of halflings, goblins, humans, half-elfs, and mixed-race dwarves, Rashael turned into an alley.

At the end of the alley is a clump of huge tree roots. Under the dim light of the slime light, one can vaguely see the sapling logo engraved on the thickest tree root, which is the emblem of the goddess of sprouting.

This is a sprout temple, of course, only on the surface.

After three short knocks and one long knock on the door, an old half-breed dwarf opened the door. He glanced at Rashaer warily, then looked behind him a few times before letting the door open.

The old dwarf said, "You are half an hour late, and the meeting is almost over."

Rachel sighed: "A floating ship was lifted off the berth today. You should know that it's very difficult to get out at that time."

He said again with high spirits: "And during the ascension ceremony, the deacon announced some things, which are very important!"

The old dwarf nodded: "Many people know that the instructor changed the agenda of the meeting to discuss this matter."

Following the old dwarf, he turned a few times in the tunnel-like space and came to a spacious underground space.Forty or fifty people are surrounding a half-elf, discussing in high spirits.

"Mosmut's manpower is seriously insufficient, and he can't complete the order of the empire!"

"Strictly divide the construction period, overtime or failure to meet the standard will be considered a breach of contract, turning us from indentured workers into slaves. He thinks he can make us work overtime and work harder for him by intimidation? Don't think about it!"

"This is the moment of struggle, we must unite to strike!"

"Just a strike? We should unite slaves and contract workers, burn his slipway, and support the revolution of the Red Federation!"

"Ahem, everyone came to Fleet City not to make a revolution, but to earn money to live. Although Mosmoot raised the requirements and extended the working hours, he still increased the subsidy, which was doubled compared to before. "

"Yeah, the revolution is too radical, and it will attract crusade from the empire and even the Holy See. Our goal is to fight for better treatment for everyone. I don't think any resolution can deviate from this direction."

Sure enough, the meeting was coming to an end, and now they were arguing over the resolution. Rachel regretted that he was not the first to report the situation.

He and these people came from various berths in Fleet City, and most of them were low-level workers in the Mosmoot airship workshop.They are flexible in mind, good at expressing, know how to win over other workers, and have the spirit of resistance. They gradually unite with their mentors and become the "underground foremen" of Fleet City.

Among the crowd was a half-elf. He looked very old, his temples were gray, his forehead was full of wrinkles, and the skin on his hands was like tree bark. For half-elfs, this was a condition that would only happen if they were at least a hundred years old.But his eyes were clear, as pure as a child's.No one can look at him, and I always feel that what I see in those eyes is myself covered in filth.

The half-elf said in a ambiguous and hoarse low voice: "Yes, the purpose of our guild is to help everyone live a better life, not to let everyone use flesh and blood to block the magic gun. Life is precious. Neither your own nor anyone else's should be taken away by violence."

Rachel's eyes were slightly moist. The mentor is always so kind and patient. It's no wonder he can unite so many people with different opinions into one rope.

The "guild" mentioned by the instructor is the true face of the Sprout Temple, the Fleet City Laborers' Guild.

This guild was established as early as four or five years ago. At that time, it was also called the "Fleet Canyon Mutual Aid Association".

Three years ago, "Mentor" Trizzt came here from the Forgotten Forest.He is the low-level priest of the Goddess of Sprout. Because of his belief in healing the wounded regardless of the enemy or himself, he was declared a fallen person by the Sprout Church of the empire.

He treats injuries here, and at the same time conveys the belief of "no slavery, no violence, no distinction between each other", and is respected by more and more people.Many people have become his followers, including the Mutual Aid Society and Rachel.

The followers gradually became dissatisfied with restricting their activities to the teachings of the Sprout Goddess and mutual aid actions, so they reorganized this mutual aid association into the "Fleet City Laborers' Guild".They hope to fight for the rights of the workers in this city through a more formal and organized form.

Two years ago Rachael had smashed his arm with a heavy object on the slipway, and the overseer threw him out on the street to die.The workers took him to find a mentor, who gave him a new life and a direction in life.

What the mentor emphasizes is the consensus of the guild, but Rashael feels that at this time, it is not enough to just emphasize the consensus. This is an excellent opportunity!

Although the halfling is small, he has a loud voice: "To win the treatment, we must fight! Of course we can't use too drastic means, but we must let the overseers and even Mosmut know our strength!"

"I think a strike is a very good means! If our 47 berths are united, how much money will Mosmoot lose if we just delay one day? If he can't hand over enough floating ships on time, he will lose his head." !"

"We want to strive for higher treatment! At least to the level of the Zolder Workshop! We want better meals, better accommodation conditions, and necessary guarantees, such as medical fees for injuries and illnesses! "

"We also have to cancel the ten-year long contract, allowing us to freely choose the workshop..."

"These are the conditions I discussed with the workers on the berth. If it is to fight for such conditions, most of the workers are willing to advance and retreat together!"

"It's a reasonable request, and one Mosmoot can afford. It won't make him feel he has no choice but to use violence to suppress us."

The halfling was thinking about this all the way, and he spoke in an orderly manner, which made many slipway representatives nod subconsciously.

But after all, there are many people with mixed hearts. Those who are well paid, especially those from the Zolder Workshop, do not agree with the strike, because their treatment is not bad, at least in comparison.

Representatives from the slave class believed that they should find a channel to contact the Red Federation, and conduct a thorough struggle against magician rulers like Mosmut and Zold.It is best to destroy the slipway, help the Red Federation win the war, and at the same time strive for their own liberation.

"Take your revolution and get out! We came to Fleet City to live a better life, not to fight and kill with you!"

"Those who don't want to risk their lives to fight are cowards! Your end will only be to be enslaved by magicians forever! Those magicians who only have Jin Pu'er in their eyes and have no lives at all, should not be left behind, and all of them should be killed!"

The two sides quarreled, making Rachel extremely irritable.

He hated those "revolutionaries" more than those who were content with the status quo.That's right, he came here to live a better life, even if it was a struggle, he was measured and strategic.It is definitely not what he wants to fight against each other as life and death enemies.

He sought the mentor's statement: "Teacher, you should talk..."

The half-elf Drizzt coughed, and knocked the staff on the floor in his hand. After only two knocks, the argument died down.

Facing dozens of pairs of expectant eyes, Fei Gong, political commissar of the Forgotten Forest Liberation Army, director of the Redstone Underground Working Group, "Falling Priest of the Sprout Goddess", and president of the Fleet City Laborers' Union, Cui Zite said calmly: "Strike is a good thing. We must pay attention to controlling violence and not let the conflict escalate, so that the two sides cannot sit down and talk, and the original intention of the strike will not be realized.”

After being recognized by the mentor, the "strike faction" headed by Rachael cheered happily.Those who are content with the status quo do not feel that there is too much loss. After all, they can enjoy the benefits with the trend, but the revolutionaries are furious.

"This is the end of today's meeting, Rachel, you came late, but you performed very well."

The mentor announced the end of the meeting, and praised Rachael, causing the halfling to glance around happily.

"You guys stay here..."

The mentor left those revolutionaries behind, and Rachael and the other representatives understood that this was to persuade them.

After the others left, Triszt said to those worker representatives who advocated a complete revolution: "I have some connections. Even if I can't contact the Red Federation, I can help you escape to a place where you can breathe free air."

The representatives were still not reconciled: "Why don't you ask Chilian to come over? Aren't they going to liberate slaves and lead mortals to pursue happiness?"

Trizt sighed: "This is the hinterland of the empire, and it is also an important base for the production of airships. When the Red Federation comes here, it means a big battle. Even if it is only a single shot from the main gun of the battleship, it will make the whole world go to war. The city is in ruins."

"Even if the fleet is not used, as long as the Chilian comes here to compete for the workers who can build the floating ship, do you think the empire will be merciful and let the Chilian take away the workers?"

The representatives were speechless. It was obvious that the empire would simply destroy the city. Empress Theresia did such a thing back then.

After all, with the hope of gaining freedom, the representatives no longer insisted on making a revolution in Fleet City.

After these representatives left and confirmed that there was no monitoring, the remaining apprentice, that is, the old dwarf, asked, "Director, are you really only afraid of hurting other innocent people by preventing them from making a revolution here?"

"From the overall situation, defending the Heart of Silver Moon is our most important task at this stage. Countless soldiers are ready to sacrifice for it. Even if there are some risks, as long as the city can be paralyzed, we can Weaken the strength of the imperial fleet. Not only can our soldiers shed less blood, but it will also give us more confidence in winning the defense battle."

Treszt straightened his body, no longer the old look he had before.

He has been leading the "guerrilla revolution" in the Forgotten Forest for four years. Three years ago, he discovered that the communication between the Forgotten Forest and Redstone was getting closer. The two gradually formed a pattern of manpower, raw materials and magic industry. , Expand the guerrilla zone to Hongshi, change the means of purely armed struggle, and make underground work an important part of the revolutionary cause.

After being approved by the central government, Triszt set up an underground stronghold in Fleet City to observe and analyze the conditions of the working class, while looking for and cultivating suitable revolutionary seedlings.

He nodded to the old dwarf and said, "Your opinion is not wrong to set the defense of Silver Moon as the highest point of the pattern."

"But the final node of our Datongism cause is not the outcome of a war. The victory of the Silver Moon Heart Defense is only a phased victory. Losing does not mean that everything is over."

"So, the central government considers our work from a larger perspective."

"Fleet City only builds small and medium warships for the imperial fleet, and has no decisive impact on the decisive battle. What is being bred here, in the view of the central government, will have a greater impact in the future."

"That's why the central government's resolution is to guide the workers to fight while trying not to cross stages and do more radical things, which will trigger the full involvement of the empire and the Holy See of Order."

"Those seedlings with high determination and firm will, we try our best to take them out..."

Trizt sighed again: "You heard just now that even if most people fight, their goal is to make the magician capitalists make concessions. They don't accept the overall revolutionary idea of ​​the Red Federation, because there is still room and possibility for the magician capitalists to make concessions. "

"This is in line with human nature. We don't need to condemn them for being weak. And the revolutionary process in the world has not yet reached that stage. Most people will not support us."

"From the point of view of the stages of revolution, these magician capitalists may, together with the workers, resist the enemies who have not yet withdrawn from the stage of history. In the coming period, our primary task is still to completely sweep the old era into history Garbage dump."

The old dwarf suddenly nodded, and thoughtfully said: "I really can't wait to see such a change..."

Drizzt smiled and said, "Didn't you just say that? The victory of this decisive battle is a huge turning point, soon."

[Recommend the new book Niu Shu Huo Shu, I have seen a lot of people who have traveled through time and become eunuchs, have you watched yourself being cut?Indeed, Seven Fleas' new book "The Most Powerful Man in the Heavens" will take you to experience Governor Chu's journey of searching for "chicken"!Tens of thousands of changes every day, so you can eat a lot! 】

(End of this chapter)

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