goddess of revolution

Chapter 1081 Shipbuilding frenzy, Red Federation National Manufacturing Center

Chapter 1081 Shipbuilding frenzy, Red Federation National Manufacturing Center

In the core area of ​​Beta City, there was a long line in front of the portal leading to the Zeta area, and everyone's face was full of eagerness, as if they would miss some important event if they didn't hurry up.

The door frame of the portal is full of two-dimensional "ship girl" images, which is actually a "painful door".The beautiful ladies and sisters are COS narwhals, big narwhals, killer whales, black whales, gray whales, fin whales, shadow whales and chicks. They also have navy and air force paints in dark blue and light gray. Pedestrians distribute promotional materials.

Watching this scene, Help, director of the Equipment Engineering Bureau of the Legion Committee, Catamon, director of the Aviation Bureau of the Science and Technology Industry Committee, and Harlem, director of the Military Industry Bureau of the National Manufacturing Center, all covered their faces in unison.

"His Majesty Xia An can really do it. The Pilot Commune was misled by him. Many pilots have made the interface of the main control Void Spirit like this."

"Now is the Era of the Ethereal. From airplanes to warships, the Ethereal is the core, and anthropomorphism is inevitable. After all, from the Ethereal to the Wisdom, the real soul is missing."

"The portable Void Spirits that the navy provides to officers and soldiers have formal establishments. In the future, new warships will enter service as master Void Spirits instead of equipment."

Following the team's advance, the three senior managers of the Red Federation's military industry muttered in low voices.

Pedestrians before and after were also discussing in low voices, and the topics were related to but completely different from the three bureau chiefs.

"Kenny, aren't you on the late shift? What are you doing running there at this time?"

"The operating system of the robotic arm has been updated again. I'm afraid that what I learned in the training center before will become outdated, so go over and familiarize yourself with it first. By the way, where are you going? Why can't I see your class number."

"Hey, I'm going to the supply tower to do the final stage of integrated wiring inspection."

"It's too much, we can only install equipment on the outside and knock on the skin, but you get into the finished battleship!"

"Who made you think that the wiring was too troublesome and only took the manipulator operation certificate. When I get the assembly certificate again, I can be a supervisor and yell at you."

"Are you going to work as a civil servant in the manufacturing center? The flower shop is no longer in business?"

"It's just talking, but I really want to join the mechanical commune in the future. If I don't have extraordinary strength, I will have to rely on professional certificates in this field. By then, my wife will take care of the flower shop business haha."

Most of the people crowded in front of the portal are going to the military division of the national manufacturing center. They are not full-time workers, but they have received corresponding training and can take on secondary jobs.

The battle to defend the Heart of the Silver Moon has begun, and the army is expanding rapidly, requiring the construction of a large number of fighter planes and warships.Zhiling Chenguang and the automatic production line alone are too busy. Chilian released the labor demand through the service center, and a large number of people entered the factory to make up for the manpower gap.

These people are all civilians, because they are still in the era of the old and new, unlike the new generation of the Red Federation, who can have extraordinary powers as adults.They usually do the most ordinary jobs in various industries in society, receive various part-time education in their spare time, and can take on various jobs that do not require extraordinary strength.

For civilians, the basic guarantee is to protect them from freezing and starvation and to have a minimum of dignity.People are afraid of comparison. Who wouldn't want to be able to eat and clothe better, live more comfortably, and be respected by others?

There are different ways to live a better life. In other countries and places, plundering, exploiting and cheating by status, relationship, power or wisdom are naturally shortcuts, and labor is just the stupidest and slowest way.But in the Red Federation, labor is the most important and the fastest way.

A civilian with a family of four can get four units of living space (27 cubic meters per unit) in Chilian, eat magic bread so not many people eat, and satisfy everyone to take a hot bath every day, and the space is ventilated Constant temperature and other aspects to ensure the electricity needed for the comfort of life.In addition, there is a living allowance of nearly one hundred red silver coins.

The red silver coin is a smaller unit than the red coin. It cannot be cashed in and cannot be converted into contribution points. It can only be used to buy daily necessities such as food and clothing.One hundred red silver coins are enough for four people to eat hot food every day, and they can also eat meat every now and then.

This kind of life is the dream of common people in Fein's world, but in the Red Federation, people with sound limbs and a clear mind who live this kind of life dare not go out, because it is too embarrassing.

With a living space of one hundred cubic meters, even if the floor pressure is two meters, that is, a house of fifty square meters is too crowded for a family of four...

It takes only a few days to eat a meal of fresh vegetables and meat. The complexion on the face is obviously different from that of the person who eats the meal, not to mention the cooking skills and the attention to drinks such as tea, coffee, and fruit wine. In the basic topics of people...

I wear clothes and pants woven by automatic looms. Not only are the fabrics rough, but the colors and styles are also the most simple and concise. Standing on the street, everyone will be concerned and ask if they have encountered any trouble...

In this kind of "minimum living security" family, the children are taken care of by the school, and there is no difference between them, so the adults are embarrassed to show up.

But as long as you work, even if it is just sweeping the streets, the situation will be different.

The cleaners in various cities work eight hours a day and have forty contribution points a month.Drivers who drive public buses get [-] contribution points a month.Adding a residential unit only requires two to three hundred contribution points.

The training centers organized by the service center and various communes and guilds are all free of charge. If you spend two or three hours a day to participate in the training, you can get an entry certificate for another profession in two or three months.At that time, even if you stay in the training center as a part-time lecturer, you will still have dozens of contribution points every month.

Cleaning workers are one of the most basic jobs for civilians who have no skills, and most civilians will change to more advanced jobs within a year.Among them, machinery manufacturing is the industry with the most categories and the most personnel.The average monthly income of 120 contribution points is enough for a family of four to live a decent life.Part-time work is better than full-time manual labor.

The large group of civilians crowded here today are indeed here for contribution points, but not just for contribution points.

For civilians who do not have extraordinary strength and cannot join the army and engage in other high-level jobs, perhaps there is no concept of serving the country.But defending the country is defending their own life. They understand this simple truth, and what they can do is to do their part with labor.

The National Service Center of the Red Federation issued a total of 20 national manufacturing jobs, but nearly 60 people competed.Many people have jobs that are easier and have higher incomes, and there are even many extraordinary people, which shows the support of the people of the Chilian.

Many people in the crowd are still discussing their own signatures. Every part of every fighter plane and every warship, including every piece of skin, will have a digital signature that provides quality tracking. Driven by the literary and artistic propaganda department, this signature has developed into a Such a glorious record has become a highlight that attracts everyone to participate in labor.

Wrapped in such an atmosphere, the three directors came to the Zeta area through the portal. When they were in the vast forbidden area, their hearts were still filled with hot breath.

"The central government always has the foresight, and every step can pave the way for future development."

Sitting on the repulsion car, Help said with emotion.He is also the most qualified person to express this kind of emotion. When the Chief Cardinal and Blue Dragon took him to start the exploration of the aviation industry together, the current situation may have been expected.

Of course, let’s not mention the aircraft that pioneered the aviation industry. Every time he remembered the shape of that thing, Help couldn’t help coughing.

"It's not forced..."

The junior Catamon finally has the courage to stand on a high ground and look at the business: "Ignore those scattered workshops, just count the Redstone Fleet City, the Zhentarim Society, the Angel City in Sachdon, and the Holy Steps in Valentine. City, and the flying boat area of ​​Lion King City, there are close to 200 million people in the Dawn Empire engaged in the construction of flying boats and warships, which is almost half of the population of our Chilian."

"We also rely on intelligence, automatic production lines, auxiliary mechanized production, and advanced design concepts, manufacturing processes, and production management to allow less than 20 workers to surpass the Suguang Empire in terms of production efficiency."

Harlem added: "Only one-tenth of the 20 workers are full-time. The rest are all part-time."

Maxine Harlem was originally a famous figure at the same time as Mikhail, but since Harlem invented the magic machine gun, his interest has shifted from the magic gun to the mechanical field, and later quit the scientific research institution and founded The mechanical commune.

After the development of the machinery commune was on the right track, he returned to the national department and participated in the preparation of the national manufacturing center, with the goal of creating a mechanical processing system that specifically serves the overall needs of the country.

Simply put, this is a super factory.All kinds of mechanical equipment, military equipment, and basic production and living materials that the country needs, regardless of individual needs, are all completed by this super factory.

When Harlem was training at Central, he was really excited to hear about this ambitious goal.When it was actually put into practice, it encountered countless problems. Fortunately, with the advancement of virtual spirit technology, difficulties were overcome one by one. In his eyes, the prospects described by the Chief Cardinal were no longer The vast star realm, but the stars clearly visible in the night.

At the beginning, the Cardinal mentioned concepts such as "Industry [-]", "Smart Manufacturing" and "Simplified Manufacturing", saying that the National Manufacturing Center was just an attempt.And it is not only an attempt in the direction of productivity, but also an attempt in the direction of production relations, and now Harlem also understands it.

"Industry is a whole set of links, from raw materials to semi-finished products, to parts, and finally to products, which are circulated to people and finally realize its value. Among all the links, what is the link where people can exert the greatest value?"

"Knowledge allows us to discover more and better raw materials, wisdom allows us to invent more convenient tools and better craftsmanship, human nature allows us to discover more needs, and ideals... the ideals that make everyone happier are the ideals. The purest, most powerful, and most correct impulse."

"In comparison, we can clearly see that the place where people can exert the greatest value in industry is not to participate in production, but to invent tools and improve processes based on ideal discovery needs."

"So, the most ideal situation for people to maximize their value is that people only need to create. What people need and what ideas they have, the manufacturing center will turn it into a product and a reality. People don't have to care about the intermediate production links, it It can even be self-adjusted, improved and evolved based on people’s choices in efficiency, cost and directions at all levels.”

"To do this, we must bring all the production links together to become a transparent background board. Everyone can use it in a legitimate and reasonable way, and it is not permanently owned by any person or organization."

"This is not only a high-level presentation of productivity, but also a high-level presentation of production relations. It is a necessary feature of the development of a Datongist society to an advanced stage..."

"Now we are still in the initial stage, so we are just exploring. However, I believe that even if this ideal is only initially realized, the productivity advantage we have is enough to crush the enemies of the old era, and we are far ahead of the enemies that will inevitably rise in the future. "

Recalling the chief cardinal's prophecy, it was still difficult to understand at that time, but now Harlem's heart is clear.

At the same time, a raging flame was ignited in his heart. The defense of the silver moon before him was also a severe test for the national manufacturing center.It is only the most basic task to provide enough and good enough equipment for the army to meet the needs of the army to win this war.Through this war, let the national manufacturing center integrate other scattered production links, not only let the Red Federation improve its productivity, but also make the production relationship clearer. This is the real victory.

At least, after this war, the national manufacturing center can open up various communes and serve as a unified background board to support production activities at all levels of the entire country.

While Harlem secretly examined his goals, the other two directors were also discussing their goals.

"Old man Hook yelled not to use pure main gun battleships. He didn't even want the six-turret plan of the killer whale. He insisted on the four-turret plan, which smashed my desk. There was going to be a deviation in the restricted area battle, and he alone couldn't handle it." take responsibility."

"If the killer whale is equipped with a secondary hammer of destruction, it is also possible to remove the two double-linked [-] electric coil guns and replace the missiles and torpedo shafts."

"The standard Hammer of Destruction hasn't been tested yet, the Hammer of Secondary Destruction... How can there be that time."

"How about giving it to the energy release commune? That's right, the commune that was separated from the infrastructure commune and researched BoomBoom all day long."

"Those goblins!? Catamon, you have to limit your jokes!"

"After the infinite joint model is successfully verified on the floating fortress and the first Arrow Kun, we have made another big step forward in the energy control level. At this time, the commune will follow up and do more detailed applications."

"Then the situation of the decisive battle must be stabilized. We can't let the technological risk be so great that it will affect the progress of the war!"

"Speaking of... where shall we go first, Jian Kun?"

"No, let's go with Harlem to see the horned whales and killer whales, they are still the main force at the beginning of the decisive battle."

The repulsion vehicle turned into the tunnel and entered the underground slipway of the military industrial division of the National Manufacturing Center.

On the gravel wasteland where Tongtian Tower can be seen from a distance, six giant towers are distributed in a semicircle several kilometers apart. There are eight eye-catching white rectangular signs under each giant tower. Some signs are opened, which are similar to underground machines. The installation of the library gate.

There is another world under the door, far from the scale of the underground hangar.They are all huge slipways with a depth of 300 meters, a length of nearly [-] meters, and a width of [-] meters.

Component processing plants are distributed around the underground berth. Most of the berths are 70-meter-long horned whales, and a few are more than 100-meter-long killer whales. Even the 200-meter-long Jiankun-class floating ship can lie on On the slipway.

However, Arrow Kun is in another more secret place in Zeta District, which is made by Zhiling Chenguang and full-time workers. This is a work area that can be participated by part-time workers.

Six giant towers, 48 ​​slipways, not even half of the Dawn Empire Fleet City, but nearly ten warships can be launched here every day.There are warships hovering at the top of several giant towers, connected to the giant towers through long supply bridges.

The repulsion cars of the three directors entered the berth through a special passage, and the repulsion rail car with several carriages together carried the workers and stopped on the other side of the berth to replace the original workers.Here is a shift change, construction day and night.

The slipway in the center is connected to the surrounding component processing yards through a huge track. You can’t see the scaffolding or the workers climbing up and down. The lights around and on the zenith are as dense as stars, converging into a light that is brighter than daytime. , illuminating every detail of the berth.

The huge mechanical arm is like a steel demon crawling out of the ground, assembling the components together from several directions until it presents the overall outline of the battleship.A number of mechanical arms ranging from thin to human arms to several meters thick are busy around the battleship.There is a person operating the rear or bottom of each or both robotic arms.

The entire slipway is covered by a layer of enchantment, in which the extraordinary power of a specific field can be used.Some mechanical arms pull components, some weld components together with magic, some hoist equipment such as node furnaces, floating furnaces, jet engines or turrets into battleships, and some assemble magic circles and lay skins.

At least hundreds of mechanical arms work around the battleship, and many processes are carried out at the same time without interfering with each other.In the console above the berth, the virtual spirit server receives the virtual spirit sensing device of each mechanical arm, as well as the massive information sent back by the floating cameras traveling in every corner, automatically matching with the manufacturing process explored by Zhiling Chenguang , jumping out from time to time represent the completion of the progress of the green dots, as well as the red dots with problems, and the yellow dots with unknown conditions.

The job of the supervisor is to stop the red and yellow dots, trace back the operation process, find and analyze problems.Of course, most of the time it is just a reminder afterwards, the operator himself can receive a warning at the same time, and the supervisor will issue instructions to him relying on comprehensive information and personal experience.

Counting the components processing plant on each berth, there are close to a thousand personnel.For the current Chilian, such intensive human labor is a complete setback, but if the mechanical arm is completely operated by the Void Spirit, the large amount of uncertain information and instructions in the battleship construction process will slow down the efficiency instead. The situation is much better.

Only in this way can we achieve the terrifying efficiency of only four or five days for each warship from the scattered parts to the final launch.

The workers were concentrating on the operation. When they came in, they all suffered a mass cleansing spell, and those who felt in a bad state drank a sip of the pain-diluting holy water.Although there is a margin in each process, the processing can be suspended, but if the margin is not used together, the warship can be launched several hours earlier, and in the labor competition with the slipway as the unit, it can also earn contribution points and honors.

The three directors patrolled all aspects of the berth to solve all kinds of problems they had piled up on hand.The slipway where they stayed, the killer whale has entered the stage of internal installation.On the gangway extending into the hull from the side, a number of officers and soldiers in dark blue navy uniforms came in and out, most of their legs seemed to be equipped with springs, and they were extremely excited.

"Great, I finally have a killer whale..."

A short-haired female officer was sitting on the windy bridge without portholes, patting the armrest of the captain's seat wrapped in foam cloth, her face brimming with happiness.

Turning his eyes to the officers and soldiers coming and going on the gangway, his expression became gloomy again.

She covered her face and muttered: "Two-thirds of the recruits, how will we fight this battle..."

(End of this chapter)

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