goddess of revolution

Chapter 891 One Kun and Li Qi set up the flag again at the beginning

Chapter 891 A Kun and Li Qi set up the flag again at the beginning

"The Aeronautical Engineering Bureau is only doing the finalization review of the aircraft, and it has also expanded the staff for you, and the missiles and torpedoes have also been allocated. How can there be so much pressure?"

Li Qi felt that Help was just acting like a baby...

After the establishment of the Red Federation, the original scientific research and engineering systems have been adjusted.The Science and Technology Engineering Committee under the Fei Gong was changed to the National Science and Technology Engineering Committee, and several engineering bureaus such as transportation, aviation, and automation were established.

These engineering bureaus are no longer responsible for specific research and development work, but undertake demand research, results review, and finalized production coordination.

Except for weapons projects such as materials, engines, guns and missiles, which are still undertaken by the National Research Institute, other engineering research work has been handed over to the corresponding communes and guilds.

For example, the Shark Fighter is a work produced by the Air Sea Guild of the Aviator Commune. Of course, the main configuration was actually finalized by Li Qi, and they just perfected the details.But with this experience, the male shark modification plan they completed independently is very reliable.

The jet modification of salmon and sardine was also handed over to the corresponding guild after bidding, and the modification of monkfish, manta ray and puffer fish transport aircraft were also responsible for each guild.

In addition to the stereotype review, the Aeronautical Engineering Bureau also manages research assets such as the Magic Wind Tunnel, so that all guilds can make full use of these assets to promote technological development.

As for aircraft such as narwhals, fin whales, blue whales, black whales, and gray whales, which are close to small airships, they are still hosted by the airship research institute separated from the mobile fortress.When the research institute takes over the research project of the Kun-class airship, this level of aircraft will also be handed over to the Pilot Commune.

"Chief Cardinal, everyone can clearly see the air battle in the crying sand sea. Although the male shark and the horned whale can defeat even the super avatar, everyone is still not satisfied. The experience of the 28122 horned whale has been criticized by many people from the beginning to the end. , think that the Engineering Bureau has a lot of problems in the demand research and finalization review.”

Help was about to cry: "If you put the work of the Kun-class airship on us again, I doubt whether I can withstand such pressure."

Li Qi said indifferently: "It's easy to be a critic if you don't have a threshold. Whoever criticizes let him build one and take a look."

Help said with a strange expression: "They can make it, and it's all from the Aviator Commune. There are hundreds of narwhal improvement plans and even new-style airship plans that have been handed over in the past few days."

Li Qi choked, forgetting his own characteristics, everyone is a designer under his interest.

Of course, most of the solutions are built behind closed doors, and there is still a lot of shortage in technical understanding and experience, but this is also a vivid interpretation of "the wisdom of the people is infinite" and "the masters are among the people".These people will bring new blood to various guilds, or form guilds themselves, seize any opportunities and rise in one fell swoop.

Seeing that Help's head really showed signs of Mediterraneanization, Li Qi was a little moved.

The Aeronautical Engineering Bureau is like an old hen. Starting from the original salmon electric fan, it has created a whole set of aviation industry from scratch, and Help has made great contributions.

Help shouted that he couldn't bear the pressure anymore, and it seemed that the pressure was really great.Putting all aircraft, whether military or civilian, in one unit for management, the workload is second to none, and the responsibility is indeed extremely heavy.

"Don't worry, the Kun-class airship is still only in the proof-of-concept stage. And the central government is considering separating the development and management of civilian and military aircraft, and setting up an aviation equipment bureau under the Legion Committee to take over the work of military aircraft."

Li Qi asked Help: "At that time, the Aeronautical Engineering Bureau will only be responsible for civil aircraft. Whether you stay in the Engineering Bureau or go to the Equipment Bureau depends on your wishes."

"Do you want to dismantle the Engineering Bureau?"

Help froze, then stretched his arms, as if trying to protect the entire table: "No! We can take care of both sides! Civilian and military use cannot be separated!"

All of a sudden he was relieved of stress...

"Help," Li Qi said with a smile: "You are also an academician of the Academy of Engineering. You are very clear about the huge difference in research and design between civilian and military applications. Don't confine yourself to your small circle. You don't have to go to the Equipment Bureau if you don't want to. Civilian aircrafts The future is great, and the scale will definitely far exceed military aircraft by then."

"Don't believe it, the scale of military aircraft is always limited, and the space for civilian aircraft is larger. I predict that within three years, the number will start at [-], and the types will be hundreds of thousands."

Help was in a trance, he subconsciously remembered the situation when he was separated from the mobile fortress project.

At that time, he was only in charge of the research on the traffic boats of the Mobile Fortress, and was picked up by Li Qi to study the propeller planes, and inadvertently laid down a big aircraft country.

Hearing now that Li Qi said that compared with the future of civilian aircraft, this big country is just a small garden, so he couldn't help but feel agitated.

"I'm going to the Equipment Bureau!"

Help said firmly: "The design of fighter planes and warships is related to the safety of the officers and soldiers, and whether the crimson light can shine on Finn! No matter how heavy the pressure is, who else can bear it except me?"

Then his tone became a little unnatural: "As for the engineering bureau, since it's a new business, let's leave it to the young people. I think Catamon is pretty good."

You have arranged it properly in the blink of an eye!
The matter of the Equipment Bureau was not the top priority. In short, after being "enlightened" skillfully by Li Qi, Help relieved most of the pressure and talked with Li Qi about various tasks.

"Everyone has various opinions on the jetting of salmon and sardines, but everyone thinks that when facing low-speed targets or performing non-time-sensitive tasks, the advantages of propeller fighters are still obvious."

"We are conducting a joint demonstration with the legion and the aviation team to see if we can develop a jet attack aircraft that can mount torpedoes on the basis of the salmon. The jet sardine can be changed into a light fighter, and it can be matched with the male shark."

"Simplify the Thunderjet jet engine and change it into a light version. Install two sets for salmon and one set for sardines, which can form a monthly production scale of [-] units. Within two months, a team can be assembled, plus the expansion to the size of the team With the male shark, we will have more confidence in fighting the Dawn Empire."

Help's focus is still on the upcoming full-scale attack on the Dawn Empire, which is also promoted by the impatient legion and air force, and Li Qi is noncommittal about this.

He just poured Helpel's cold water from another angle: "We are about to make a major breakthrough in the research of the truth of the world and the nature of extraordinary power. By then, there will be comprehensive innovations in fighter planes, engines, and weapons. At this time, hurry up! It doesn't make much sense to do a remodel."

Help shuddered, and said with a solemn expression: "The theory of micro-devils?"

Li Qi nodded, and Help also nodded: "If this is the case, there is indeed no need to rush to remodel, continue to produce the existing models, and still have a technological advantage over the Dawn Empire."

Weiji's micro-magic communication has been put into practical use. Although Help is not an academic researcher, as a top expert in the engineering field, he still has a sense of professionalism.

"Let's look forward to a longer-term future," Li Qi said, "For example... the Kun-class airship..."

Speaking of this, Help became more interested. He pushed away the blueprints, lit up the workbench, and projected a three-dimensional perspective view of a battleship.

He also asked curiously, "Is there really such a thing as Kun?"

Li Qi coughed, thinking that this kind of web game advertisement only exists in the earth world... Oh no, does the thing in the myth exist in the Finn world? How the hell do I know?

This is not when I was thinking about the name. I was having a headache. It should not only conform to the naming principle of "fish flying in the sky, but birds running on the ground", but also appear bigger and stronger than a whale. Kun, evolution depends on swallowing", did he have any inspiration?
He said perfunctorily, "This...kun is probably another name for the sea monster Leviathan by the Eastesthians."

"A Leviathan?"

Help nodded repeatedly: "Mighty and powerful, it really fits the image of this floating ship."

Li Qi looked at the perspective drawing that looked exactly like a squid, and wondered how it fits.

Weeping sand sea air battle crushed the newly-emerged airship to the ground. I believe that neither the Dawn Empire nor the Luoluo Empire will develop airships as the core of their armed forces.

The Red Federation is unswervingly developing airships, and the mobile fortress project has not yet been disbanded. Their next goal is to make the 30-ton mobile fortress really fly.

Before that, they decided to settle a small goal first and let the [-]-ton floating ship fly.

After the Weeping Sand Sea air battle, the Red Federation snatched many wreckages of imperial warships from the mouths of sandworms and desert scavengers.The wreckage of those regular battleships is not of much value, but the two escort airship motherships have aroused great interest in the mobile fortress project.

They felt that after the research of the cubic floating furnace was completed, the first type of floating ship that should be built was this kind of space carrier.

Of course, the mothership of the Chilian is definitely not an empty shell with less than [-] tons of temporary work like the Suguang Empire, which has no functions other than airships.

The planned "Chao Kun" has a total weight of [-] tons, is loaded with [-] fighters of various types, and is equipped with supply stations like fin whales.The speed is [-] kilometers per hour, the concealment performance is enhanced, and the ceiling can reach more than [-] meters.

With the addition of an escort and support team composed of whale-class airships, a Chaokun formation can rule the sky of a country.Equipped with corresponding land combat forces, the air and space fleet will initially take shape.

It's not that no one has mentioned building warships equipped with cubic magic cannons, but can cubic magic cannons hit targets thousands of kilometers away?Can it control millions of square kilometers of airspace?
Obviously, the space carrier is king.

The only problem now is that the research progress of the cubic floating furnace is too slow, and the difficulty is precisely related to Vicky's research.

The cube magic cannon uses the flame array with the simplest structure and the highest efficiency after tens of thousands of years of tempering. The interference and deviation that appear after the cubes are stacked can be eliminated by the coherence technology.

Floating crystals and even nuclear crystals carry the floating operation, and then stack them again. The interference and deviation are so large that they cannot be solved at all.

After stacking a certain number of multi-phase floating furnaces, the interference and deviation will be very large, so we can only take the square route.To be able to support a huge body of [-] tons, the square is not enough, and the cubic is necessary, but the square-level stacking has not been successful yet.

If the micro-magic theory is really settled, we can know how this kind of interference and deviation is caused, and then we can solve it with a target.

Li Qi was full of distracting thoughts, Help stared at the perspective view for a while, and muttered: "But I think this thing looks more like a king squid..."

You finally discovered Huadian, blind student!
Hull held Li Qi and discussed Kun with great interest, but Li Qi was completely perfunctory.

As You Zan said, once the micro-magic theory is settled, Chilian's magic-guiding technology has to be sorted out from the beginning, even if it can't be said to be overthrown.

So it doesn't matter what the discussion is about.What to do at this time can only focus on existing technology and equipment.

In the field of vision, several drafts were also sent by the guys from the legion committee. They proposed four offensive routes.

One is very traditional, which is to go to Hadron, without occupying any land or accepting population. The goal is to snatch all magic resources and corresponding talents.It would be even better to snatch Ariel back.She is the Holy Maiden of Order now, maybe she can twist the Goddess of Order through her?

The other one is more targeted, going straight from Weeping Sand Sea to Redstone, and then into Norton, pulling all the magicians of Norton over.More than 400 magic towers have been erected there, and magicians are tinkering with all kinds of magic techniques there, which is a bit like the Silicon Valley with the sharpest rice grains in the earth world.

The third one is relatively partial, to liberate Benuin, which is naturally influenced by Leitana.Bennuin has a small population, and its resources have not been developed much. Relatively speaking, it is a subsistence allowance program with the least investment and the lowest risk.

The fourth is the most daring, directly driving Valentine from the air, with the goal of destroying the Emperor's Castle, creating maximum pressure on the Dawn Empire, and fundamentally shaking the Dawn Empire's rule.

Except for the fourth one which is too radical and must be rejected, the other three routes are all good choices.

Li Qi felt that it would not be too late to make a choice after a few more days of delay, when Xiaohong and Vicky made progress.

"From the magic gun to the micro-magic theory, the leap is really big, and it has always been smooth."

After replying that they could do troop formation in advance, Li Qi was very emotional.

"Through this journey, Datong beliefs and scientific theories and methods are the fundamental golden fingers, and a certain goddess has only played the correct function until now."

At this time, Li Qi was full of confidence, and had no doubt that Chilian was about to win the crown of world truth and the essence of extraordinary power.

A trace of distracting thoughts slipped by in a trance, but Li Qi didn't care.

It feels like... raising the flag again?
(End of this chapter)

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