goddess of revolution

Chapter 892 The Magician's Path of Truth and Cynthia's Three Wishes

Chapter 892 The Magician's Path of Truth and Cynthia's Three Wishes

On the outskirts of King Hadran's capital, in front of the dilapidated palace and the weed-grown Temple of Lady Ye, there were ripples in the air, and two figures, one tall and one short, squeezed out.

The candlelight in the temple was flickering, people were flickering, and the low voice of prayer converged into the background sound like the chirping of insects.

"It's Prayer Day again," the short man said in a still immature voice, "These guys are really annoying. Now that you know I'm sleeping and they bother me, aren't you afraid that I'll get angry? What do you think they are?" What do you think?"

The tall one said in a slightly hoarse and magnetic voice: "When have you heard the prayers of believers, Ma'am? I pray every day and you never paid attention to me."

This voice is naturally Hathaway, she is the same as the incarnation of Lady Ye, Cynthia, who is wearing a robe and hood.

It was a casual remark, but Hathaway suddenly became interested. After all, this matter has a lot to do with her in the future.

"You are the god of origin, and you don't rely on the power of faith. But without the power of faith, you can't have the power and magic of the god of faith, let alone the layout. Is it really okay to ignore the prayers of believers like this? ?”

The petite girl walked towards the temple with her hands behind her back, her tone as leisurely as her footsteps: "Set up an automatic delivery... oh, just respond. I won't respond, the power of the night will automatically respond. Isn't mortals praying to the gods for power? "

Hathaway was stunned, quickly followed, and then asked: "But many extraordinary people who have obtained the power of the night don't believe in you."

Ms. Ye stepped into the hall and passed through the body of the kneeling prayer, as if it was a phantom.

But she is not a phantom, nor is the praying phantom, it is just a dislocation in space.This is the Temple of Lady Ye, even if it becomes ruins, as long as the night is shrouded, it is still within the reach of her divine power, so naturally she has great supernatural powers.

Ms. Ye stepped onto the altar, her figure overlapped with the statue, and the statue crumbled into mud.

She stood high on the altar, and her voice began to become ethereal: "All souls who believe in the dark night and yearn for the dark are believing in me. I am with the night, and I am the night."

Hathaway also walked among the prayers. She came under the altar, looked up at the incarnation of Ms. Ye who was sitting like a city god, and said with a smile, "Ma'am, do you admit that you are an evil god?"

"Evil God?"

Ms. Ye curled her lips and said, "When I was born, how could there be any difference between good and evil? On the contrary, I am the patron saint of mortals. The day is too hot and the light is too glaring. Mortals can only breathe in the dark and feel at ease in the dark." ..."

Hathaway immediately focused on it, thinking she could hear more inside stories, but Ms. Ye changed the topic: "Okay, let's continue. I am stronger here, and I should be able to handle your topic."

The goddess of origin actually let out a helpless sigh: "It's unbelievable, the topics that you mortals tinkered with actually required me to use all my strength."

A smug smile floated on Hathaway's face. The avatar almost collapsed before, but the result was wrong, which made Ms. Ye very embarrassed.

Originally, the problem of Tarin Misia was also to be solved, and Ms. Ye asked her to take the teleportation back to this Ms. Ye Temple, where she continued to calculate.

"Ma'am, let's change the calculation method..."

Hathaway said: "You can attach a wisp of will to my mind and act according to my thoughts. When I need to calculate, you can use the power behind that wisp of will to do the calculation, tell me the result, and then Follow me to the next session. Don't step over my will, and don't pry on what's next."

"I suspect that the mistake is due to your attention. You said before that there is no unique truth in the world of Finn. If you follow different paths, you will find different truths. When you calculate for me, you are actually involuntarily To create your own truth naturally conflicts with my subject, which seeks the truth of mortal... no, magicians."

Ms. Ye nodded: "It makes sense, this makes me look forward to it even more..."

Hathaway said again: "Ma'am, don't try to control my body again, I will resist."

Ms. Ye picked her nostrils embarrassingly: "No, no, I will control myself."

Hathaway stood under the altar, closing her eyes in silence, and Ms. Ye stared at her, her figure began to blur.It seems to be connected to another vast world, and her avatar is just a tentacles of that world reaching here.

The situation in the hall became extremely strange. The candlelight was pressed back to the candlestick little by little, but the light did not weaken, but became brighter, but it could not be projected further around.

The hall is not so dark that you can't see your fingers. The figures of those praying people appear in another form, but not through the light, but some kind of water-like ripples, which are constantly changing, making them appear more three-dimensional and clear than under the light. .

The prayers became louder, and these night believers couldn't see Lady Ye and Hathaway. In their space, the statue of the god was still standing on the altar, but they sensed the surge of the power of the night, which made them extremely happy .

Hathaway's form is even brighter. Yes, although it is not presented in the form of light, but in the "field of vision" composed of various perceptions, especially soul perception, she has completely become a colorful small world.This small world was shaking violently, changing rapidly, and never had a stable shape.

A moment later, the vibration of "Hathaway's Small World" penetrated the space barrier created by the divine power, driving those prayers and making their figures follow this frequency.

Gradually, the figure of a praying man couldn't bear the shock and disintegrated into specks of light dust.

Another one, another one...

There were about [-] night believers in the hall. When half of them collapsed, the depths of the world shook. The vibration of Hathaway and the night believers disappeared suddenly, and their figures froze at this moment.

The light reappeared, and everything returned to its original state, but time also stagnated, and even the candles froze.

The vast world on the altar shrank into a phantom, rose behind the avatar, and condensed into a phantom.

He vaguely saw that it was a woman with silver-white hair like a waterfall, blue eyes like a sea, and she was extremely beautiful.

If it is not here and now, everyone will think that it is the goddess of ice and snow or Ms. Yue.

"This is not the wisdom that Fein's world can breed by itself, so she must have brought it from there."

She whispered quietly: "It's still something from that world. I thought she had a better choice, but in the end... I have failed so many times."

"Sure enough, as I expected, it's unreliable to pin your hopes on her. Such a result, if it didn't happen to her first, is enough to explain the problem."

"The previous world shock was because she was building the foundation of the world, that is to say, she was looking for someone to do the same thing as Hathaway, but she actually fell behind. What stopped her?"

"By the way, the observer effect..."

She laughed lowly: "It seems that she hasn't completely crossed the barrier of the unity of man and god, she will fall into a big fall."

Xu Ying looked at Hathaway who was fixed like a sculpture, and his tone was extremely complicated: "So should I do it myself, or let Hathaway try?"

After being silent for a long time, Xu Ying shook his head: "There are also concerns about this road, I can't bet on myself. If something goes wrong, I can start all over again. At worst, the dark age will reappear."

The phantom dissipated, the light and shadow swayed, and time resumed.

Hathaway slowly opened her eyes, with blue light spewing out from her eyes, her face was confused and bewildered at first, and gradually became joyful, until her face twitched and became extremely ferocious.


Hathaway raised her head and laughed wildly. The laughter echoed in the hall, causing piles of fly ash to fly up from the ground, covering the half of the night believers who had fallen to the ground.

"Reserve, Hathaway," Ms. Ye coughed and said, "You look like you have been raped by a whole tribe of ogres for three days and three nights."

The laughter stopped abruptly, Hathaway stared at the avatar, and sighed: "I'm in such a mood that I don't care about you."

The avatar asked curiously: "Did you get the result?"

Hathaway nodded solemnly: "Yes, ma'am, I found magic particles..."

After speaking, the tone became frantic again: "Wrong! It's all wrong! What primordial magic power, what dragon language magic, elf magic, all wrong! The magic net? It's a big mistake! Magic has to start all over again! I, Hathaway, will reweave it!"

The incarnation kept saying: "Stop! Stop, stop! Don't patronize and yell, just give me a rough talk. You know that I can only see the world from the perspective of gods. I can't directly see what you found."

Hathaway took a deep breath, and said slowly: "The truth I discovered will eventually defeat the gods, I mean the gods of faith now."

"It's very complicated to talk about it roughly. I'll start with... time and space are also woven by magic particles. Yes, ma'am, time and space are not continuous, and can be divided into countless very small particles."

Hathaway's explanation was profound and complicated, but the wisdom of the gods was infinite, and she understood it quickly.

"Everything in the world, including space and time, is composed of a number of magic particles..."

"These magic particles are divided into several types. They cannot exist alone, but form a stable structure through various combinations..."

"Those tangible and qualitative magic particles constitute natural matter, and those invisible and intangible particles exist not only in natural matter, but also in time and space. They are interrelated with the soul..."

"The soul is also a type of magic particle, so it can affect other types of magic particles, manifesting as extraordinary power..."

Hathaway interrupted the summary of the avatar, and said excitedly: "From the so-called primordial magic to the current magic net magic, they are all using this connection roughly and vaguely."

"They can only go deep into the level of elements such as earth, wood, water, wind, fire, light and darkness, time and space, and soul. They don't know the so-called elements, but they are just the macroscopic presentation of the movement of magic particles..."

"The runes they invented based on the elements are just conjectures and delusions about the connection of particles, and then through the combination of runes, they use meaningless connections like witch doctors to create magic..."

"That's why they have so many failures, that's why they don't know how to create a magic, but get another magic..."

"The magic net's understanding of magic has not penetrated to this level, at least the goddess of magic has not penetrated to this level. Therefore, he cannot strictly control the application of magic, so he is indifferent to the gods stealing the magic net and turning it into their own divine power network. Because he can't control it at all..."

"The magic net is huge, and it is related to every soul... No, every particle in every soul moves with other particles. The goddess of magic is not worthy to be called the master of the magic net..."

"When I find out all the magic particles, find out all the combinations of particles, use particles and particle combinations as the basic runes, and rewrite the rules of magic, how great such magic will be!"

The avatar coughed and said, "Hathaway, after all, this is only the truth of the magician, and I feel that you seem to have some doubts about the calculation of the last link."

Hathaway frowned slightly: "There are indeed some deviations, there seems to be some unknown connection between the particles..."

She said proudly again: "However, the specific value is very small and can be ignored completely. And I guess it is the interference caused by you, as long as you set a parameter to correct it."

At this time, Hathaway was filled with a powerful aura, and the power of legend overflowed her body involuntarily, causing the light and shadow of the entire hall to sway slightly.

The avatar said with satisfaction: "I have used so much energy, but fortunately it was not in vain..."

She pointed behind Hathaway: "Look, I sacrificed all the believers here just to calculate your questions."

Hathaway turned her head and looked, her eyes jumped several times.

The avatar smiled and said, "These are dozens of innocent souls, and the price is not cheap."

Hathaway calmed down and shrugged: "This is your business, ma'am, and it has nothing to do with me."

The avatar asked: "As long as it is a transaction, no matter what the consequences are, it has nothing to do with you?"

Hathaway nodded as a matter of course: "Is it related?"

The avatar laughed and said, "Very good..."

She patted her face and said, "Now, while I still have enough strength, let's deal with the matter of Taring."

Faint smoke overflowed from the body, condensing into a blurry phantom above the girl, and said in a voice similar to Hathaway's: "I have told her what happened, you can repeat it to her to complete this transaction."

The girl's pupils were blurred for a while before she could focus. She stared blankly at Hathaway below, and exclaimed, "You are Her Majesty the Holy Maiden!"

This weak temperament, this hesitant appearance, naturally turned back to a mortal Cynthia. She didn't know what she had experienced during this period of time, and thought she was cleaning the temple.

"I had a dream. I dreamed that Ms. Ye told me..."

Cynthia got off the altar and saluted Hathaway.

There is a secret method to identify the followers of Ms. Ye, and Hathaway deliberately showed the power of divine grace, so that the girl recognized her at a glance.

Hathaway said directly: "If the lady is saying, I need your body, and for this I must erase your soul, then he is right."

She stared at the girl whose eyes were wide open and her face paled in an instant, without any pity on her face: "Of course, I will pay the necessary price for this, as long as it is not something that even the gods can't do, I can do whatever I want. help you finish."

The girl's expression turned solemn, she lowered her head and thought seriously.

After a long time, she raised her head and asked timidly, "I have... three wishes, is it okay?"

Hathaway smiled and said, "It doesn't matter how much, just tell me."

The girl said firmly: "The first wish is, if possible, to tell me what Your Highness wants to do with my body. I hope to make the world a better place, so that everyone can live a peaceful and happy life day."

The phantom above the girl swayed, as if about to say something but held back.

Hathaway pondered for less than a second, and said calmly: "I can't tell you the specific situation, but you can know that your body will become a great existence and make the world a better place."

"Really? Great!"

The girl was relieved, even smiled happily, and continued: "The second wish is..."

Her tone became extremely panicked: "Can I... go to the lady's kingdom of God as a petitioner?"

The phantom above her head shook even more, but because it blocked the girl's perception, she didn't sense it.

Hathaway looked up at the phantom, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and said in a voice that deliberately highlighted the charm and magnetism: "I will convey your request to Ma'am, this request is not too much, I think he will agree. "

The girl was so excited that she knelt down: "Thank you, my lord! Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

The virtual image above his head is covering his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from making a certain sound.

Hathaway continued to ask, "What about the third wish?"

The girl shook her head vigorously: "I'm too greedy. If these two wishes can come true, I will be very satisfied."

Hathaway said: "No, just now you said that you have three wishes, and I agreed to it, and the transaction is established, and you cannot go back on your word."

The girl gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Actually, it's a very small matter. I just want...father, mother, brother, sister, brother, and sister to live their lives in peace."

Hathaway asked in a teasing tone: "Doesn't it include good friends and boys you like?"

The girl lowered her head, her voice was also low and inaudible: "If... if possible, include."

Hathaway sighed: "Cynthia, you are really... a person who is easily satisfied."

She said in a formal tone like a proclamation: "Your three wishes, I swear in the name of Ms. Ye and Hathaway Ted, will definitely be fulfilled!"

"Praise my lord..."

"Thank you, Your Highness..."

The girl kowtowed to Hathaway, and her body froze as soon as she kowtowed.

The phantom dropped a faint smoke, which penetrated into the girl's body.The translucent red fruit figure peeled off from the body and rose slowly.The happy smile solidified on the fuzzy face is the soul of the girl Cynthia.

Xu Ying muttered in a strange tone: "I was touched, how can there be such a kind and simple soul among my believers?"

When speaking, Xuying waved his hand, and the girl's soul scattered light dust, which merged into the billowing smoke.

"Unfortunately, I don't need a petitioner. For you, this moment is the end, there is no eternity."

Xu Ying sighed: "At first I wanted to make it into a soul bead and keep it by my side, but when I saw this soul, I thought of another... stupid guy, it's quite annoying, forget it."

Hathaway watched Cynthia's soul dissipate, and seemed to want to ask something, but the words changed: "What's next?"

Xu Ying said: "Take out your tower spirit, and let me lead it to fuse with this body."

He smiled lowly: "From this step onwards, it's a huge gamble, Hathaway, are you ready?"

Hathaway pursed her lips, took out a gemstone that shone with white light, and smiled: "I didn't prepare myself for a way out."

(End of this chapter)

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