goddess of revolution

Chapter 900 The Theresia Chapter of Slapping the Face

Chapter 900: Theresia's Slap in the Face
In the hall on the top floor of the Emperor's Castle, Theresia in the white... no, blood dress and golden crown is sitting in the golden topaz.A number of shining golden wires hang down from the top of the hall, penetrate the crystal and connect to the throne, pulling up two light wings like bead curtains.

There was a row of people kneeling on the high platform, and the phantom of the empress paced slowly in front of these people.

"This is a serious publicity accident..."

The queen's tone was very flat, but her words were so severe that one of them shrank like a shrimp.

"Of course it was deliberate. The Battle of Brad ended two hours ago, and it was deliberately postponed for an hour. It was broadcast at the same time as I released the return announcement, which is to deliberately damage my authority and the image of the empire."

"Modwin, although you can't manage the Tradewind Network like you manage the United Network, you have already obtained the right to supervise. No matter what the reason is, which link caused it, you are responsible."

"Your Majesty, please punish me! Even the soul annihilation villain has no complaints!"

Curled up was Mordwin, Minister of Propaganda of the Dawn Empire. He kowtowed hard, making the floor rattle.

The queen shook her head: "What's the use of punishing you..."

Her tone was still indifferent: "You did a good job in the past, go on. I don't want to use my strength on such trivial matters. You should check it out and deal with it properly."

Mordwin almost crawled out of the hall backwards, which made the remaining people even more stressed, and one of the gray-bearded old men was sweating on his forehead.

"Okay, let's all get up..."

The queen greeted them: "Tell me first, how to solve the problem of Romulus."

The old man wiped his sweat and said: "Your Majesty, our floating fleet has not yet recovered, and the legions that have been formed before have also been sent to Remaco and Kevin. If these two forces cannot be mobilized, I am afraid... ...think of another way."

The old man was Tiwendes Tangus, who had just been appointed Minister of Military Affairs, the former Grand Duke of Tangus, brother of Chaboni Tangus, Commander of the Empire Floating Fleet, legendary paladin, and former media tycoon.

"Kevin Twain is not a qualified commander. Putting him in Hadron is just delaying him with his familiar relationship with Li Qi."

"Remaco-Suchdon can't leave Kester, or Romulus will turn that feigned attacking force into the main attack, from Redstone to Norton, and then to Tangus, dividing the empire in two."

Although the queen's voice and momentum were similar to those in the past, when she mentioned the names of the two people, her tone seemed very unfamiliar.

The bishop and the ministers held their breaths nervously, not daring to say a word.

They still don't know what the situation of the current empress is.But one thing they understand is that the queen in front of them will never treat them as tolerantly as before.

"Your Majesty, please be careful..."

Brintto couldn't help but said: "Judging from Hathaway-Ted's performance today, although she was suppressed by His Majesty, the discovery of magic particles did greatly increase the strength of her and the magician, and also made her face I have more bargaining power with His Majesty, so the magician..."

The queen waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about magicians. They only rely on the law of mortal strength. It's not that I can't deal with Romulus, it just takes a little time."

"Judging from the situation of the Battle of Bled, Romulus did not get the new airships and aircraft of the Red Federation," said Duke Tangus. The formed Second Flying Corps can completely defeat Romulus' flying troops."

Brinto's face changed drastically: "Absolutely not! That is the power to defend Valentine, and Romulus will never let go of the opportunity to surprise Valentine from the air!"

Baudouin seldom agrees with Brinto, and at this time he also agreed: "No matter what conspiracy Romulus plans, it is doomed to fail. But even if he breaks a brick of the Emperor's Castle, it will be a disaster." An unforgivable crime."

The queen has already made up her mind: "The airship can leave most of Valentine's guards, plus the legend of the empire is enough. And the defense facilities of the Emperor's Castle are extraordinary, even if it is the airship on Li Qi's side and Even jet fighters can’t get there.”

"Move three airships, and two-thirds of the magical fighters to Brad, under the command of Chaboni, to support Eldhiros and protect the sky for him."

Charboni Tangus, who had lost the entire floating fleet, was taken aback for a moment, then kowtowed in ecstasy and gratitude to accept the order.

"This is your last chance, Charbonne..."

The queen said: "If you still disappoint me, go directly to the Kingdom of God."

Chaboni said loudly: "Never fail His Majesty's trust!"

The queen ordered again: "Tiwendes, draw some useful people from the local legion, form the legion and send it to Brad."

The Minister of Military Affairs also hurriedly saluted, sighing slightly in his heart,

Although this queen is indeed a mortal body, she no longer has mortal emotions.In the past, although Teresia has done a lot of things like sacrificing a small number of people to preserve the overall situation, every time she does it, she will struggle and suffer in her heart. How can she not even frown like now? one time.

"Magician, continue according to the current scale and rhythm," the queen snorted, "Hathaway thought that magic particles could condense the magician's power and change the world, but they didn't know that our magic can also change the world." world."

"But I still need time, about half a month. Before that, I don't want to see a small group of enemy soldiers and a plane appear in the sky of Valentine..."

Just as Xu Ying was saying this, he suddenly stopped. At the same time, the golden icicles on the high platform penetrated into the thread, and the golden light shone more intensely.

"Norton... the Zhentarim..."

After a while, the empress sneered in a very humane way: "That's why I say magicians are unreliable."

The subjects looked at each other, and the queen explained patiently.

She just got the information from Norton's magic towers that Romulus not only launched an attack in the two directions of Kester and Brad, but also took advantage of the destruction of the Empire's floating fleet and the weak air power, directly crossed the red Shi, shot at Norton.

It was the God Puppet Fleet of the Luo Luo Empire who took the shot. They flew directly to Norton in an old-fashioned airship that was small and slow compared to the empire's airship.It wasn't to attack Norton, but to negotiate a deal with Norton's magicians.

The magician organization called "Zhentarim Society" is pulling people everywhere, and they want to organize most of Norton's magicians together to negotiate with arcanists, hoping to sell them for a good price.

It's a pity that they are not careful enough, and many communications are carried out through the joint communication network.Although it was concealed, to the empress, it was still the same as sending a message in plain text. Once she grasped a little bit, she understood the whole situation.

"Magicians are indeed heretics!"

"They are as devoid of faith as arcanists!"

"Your Majesty should issue divine punishment, and punish these magicians severely and quickly, otherwise other magicians will follow suit!"

The subjects spoke one after another, and the projection of the queen was still pacing back and forth unhurriedly.

After pondering for a long time, the queen said: "I will solve this matter, and you all focus on gathering strength."

Her tone became strange, and she repeated what she had just said: "That's why I said that magicians are unreliable."


In the conference room of the Pantheon in Beta City of Chilian, another meeting was held. There were only three participants, Qi Li, Xia An and QB.

On the wall were all kinds of Internet news sorted out by the Intelligence Bureau. Xia An said: "If the Chief Cardinal had opened the market, the odds of betting on the victory of the Dawn Empire should be so high now, right?"

QB floated in mid-air with his flippers on his back, pacing: "Yeah, even Norton's magicians are ready to move. If we made a move earlier, these magicians would definitely switch to us. In this way, whether it's my side The endless mages, or the fate mages on Vicky's side, the number will be greatly expanded."

Xia An frowned: "I can't think of a scene where a magician bows to an arcanist. The former always regards the latter as a magic thief or a lunatic. Either he hates it or looks down on him at all."

QB said, "The reason is very simple. I was cornered by the Goddess of Order. Most of Norton's magicians are retail investors. For example, the Zhentalin Club they organized has only one magic tower and has taken some loans. Tanu, the Goddess of Order is going to shave oil on them again, they can only eat magic bread every day, can they survive without changing their employers?"

Qili ignored them, and just stared blankly at the mid-air. There was nothing there, but in the enhanced field of vision, there was a figure in a white dress and a golden crown, which made her heartbroken.

Teresia, revived...

Three days ago, this Teresia announced via the Internet that she was back in power, and Qili saved the video of that time in her personal assistant, so she could take a look at it when she had nothing to do.

Xia An and QB also explained to her that This Teresia is just a "meat puppet" made by the goddess of order with the avatar of the archangel. The soul inside is simulated and directly controlled by the will of the goddess of order.

The Goddess of Order has indeed achieved the unity of man and god, but it is not the equality of will between man and god that Theresia wanted.Instead, the gods bowed their knees, modeled part of their will on the remnants of Theresia's will, and simulated it as a mortal heart, trying to implement the eternal order into mortals on the basis of understanding mortals.

From this point of view, the Goddess of Order did inherit Theresia's will, but for Theresia who had fully realized before she died, this was definitely not what she wanted to see, because it was an effort doomed to failure.

If it is really so easy to achieve the unity of man and god, why did Kaim dig out the heart of Kaim, the core of the throne, and throw it into the mortal world?The one who got Kaim's heart was Hirschfus, the Demon Lord of Despair, maybe it was deliberately arranged by Kaim.

Even so, I still want to see it, after all, it is Teresia...

Qili was looking at the beauty greedily, recalling her voice and smile, while Xia An and QB next to her were already pinching over whether the Arcanist and the Magician could get along.

Qili slapped the table angrily: "I don't remember any meeting, did you come here to catch fish!?"

Xia An let go of QB's paw, and QB moved his beak away from Xia An's head, laughing dryly at the same time.

"Our space lattice technology is separated from the micro-magic theory by many layers. It is too difficult to analyze layer by layer." QB complained: "Actually, just to understand the formula will burn everyone's head dizzy. It’s too difficult if it’s not a destiny mage.”

Xia An also shouted: "We are all art workers, and it is too reluctant for us to switch to science and engineering all at once."

Qili was not polite, and said to QB first: "Since the path and direction are so clear, let's work hard! Is a house the same as an abandoned house? Even a street coder is working hard every day. Cells! Every word readers read means at least one of the company's wives is dead!"

Then he said to Xia An: "This is not a thing like tilting your head and comparing scissorhands! What cuteness experts, think about how hard those Kesils have put in to make a film that can be shown off on the Internet! Cuteness is art, but also technology ! It’s not art without technology! The Mona Lisa still has the golden ratio..."

QB and Xia An bowed their heads in shame, and said in unison: "I accept..."

It is indeed difficult to go back and urge the "students" of my department to work hard.

QB hugged his fins and palms, and Xia An hugged his arms, both of them fell into hard thinking, thinking about how to make their team understand the micro-magic theory as soon as possible.

At this time, Morquinn, the former prince of Brad Kingdom, sent a message. This person has been managing Brad's immigration affairs.

"His Royal Highness Qili?"

After connecting, seeing Qili's beautiful face, Morquin raised his hand to cover his eyes, and asked with a look of being blinded: "I'm looking for the chief cardinal..."

"The chief cardinal is performing tasks on the plane of the kingdom of God, and I will act as my agent for all affairs." Qili said that there was no wave in her heart: "Is it important to report via video?"

Morquinn said embarrassedly: "Uh... I'm not used to communicating with thoughts. You see, this is the way it is now. If I use thoughts, I will definitely write a long list of words that are so beautiful that my eyes can't see them." Class text."

Didn't this come out with your mouth?
So are you like some Brad people, because your mind is affected by your blood, you have the potential to become a red guard, or are you deliberately flattering yourself with a strange angle?

Qili hoped it was the former, she said helplessly: "Get to the point!"

"Oh, that's right..."

Morquin said: "Romulus attacked Brad five days ago, defeated the Legion of the Dawn Empire three days ago, and has established a firm foothold in Brad."

"People who are still in Brad sent me messages through a special channel, saying that Romulus' treatment of Brad people is even more cruel than Sylvie, which has aroused strong resentment from Brad people."

"I have collected some definite evidence from various aspects, and I want to hand it over to the Chief Cardinal, hoping that he can negotiate with Romulus."

Qili was very surprised, how could it be?Didn't Romulus enter Brad as a liberator?

"In the beginning it was indeed..."

Morquin sighed: "After defeating the Legion of the Dawn Empire, I probably felt that there was no need to cover up my position, so I exposed it."


Qili suddenly realized, yes, stand!

Romulus inherited the will of Tudor the Great, and Tudor the Great was an out-and-out racist.

Most of the Bled people have now become werewolves or vampires. In the eyes of Romulus, they are basically aliens.

When Li Qi talked to him about the transshipment of Brad's immigrants, he excused that he was afraid of causing Theresia's dissatisfaction, so that the Chilian could only build a transshipment station outside the Rollo Empire. The real reason may be that he hates these Heterogeneous.

"I have friendship with Romulus, you can talk to him directly, you send me the information."

Whether speaking for the Brad people or reminding Romulus not to go to extremes, Qili felt that this matter must be interrogated.

While reading the information sent by Morquinn, I heard Xia An say: "Since platelets can be wives, why can't numbers with the root sign equal to a loli, Zhengtai or Yujie? This is easier to understand!"

QB patted the table and sighed, "I think it's time for us to start a rectification movement. If it's the anti-Soviet, the first one to sue is the evil god Xia An..."

(End of this chapter)

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