goddess of revolution

Chapter 901 Face Slapping: 1 Face and 3 Slaps, Romulus is the 1st Difficult

Chapter 901 Face-Slapping Situation One-Face Three-Hit, Romulus is the Hardest

In the middle of Brad Kingdom, the hills divide the land into fragments, the tall pine forests have sparse branches and leaves, and the lingering clouds make this land look particularly depressing, just like Romulus' mood at the moment.

It wasn't the environment that affected him, Brad had always been that way.When Romulus first arrived in Brad, he was still in high spirits. He defeated the Northern Legion of the Dawn Empire three days ago, and even felt that the sky in Brad was actually clear.

But now, fragmentary signs made his mood turn sour a little bit.

After looking up at the sky for a while, after confirming that the irritable guy in front of him had calmed down a bit and felt his own pressure, Romulus lowered his head and turned his gaze on his face again.

"Callaghan, I said before marching into Brad, to win here, in addition to fighting bravely on the battlefield, things outside the battlefield are equally important, such as treating the Brad people well."

Romulus said in a cold tone: "Do you think what I said is wrong, so you put it behind you and ignore it?"

Earl Callahan bowed his head under the gaze of the emperor, still unconvinced: "We are doing it, I have tried my best to restrain my subordinates, and asked them not to beat, scold or kill Brad people, just pretend not to see them gone."

"But contact is unavoidable. In the beginning, there were a lot of Brad people who followed us to fight against the Legion of the Dawn Empire, but those people...how should I put it..."

Callahan is a big bastard, he twisted his face and thought for a while before finding the right words: "The temper is too explosive, they are mutated bastards, some have hair on their faces, some have fangs and red eyes Yes. Our people are wary of them, they think they are being treated as monsters and start to get angry, aren’t they monsters?”

"Just like the previous decisive battle, after the fight, many Bled people came to search for the corpses. Our people just drove them away. The action may be a bit rude, but they didn't intend to kill them. They actually regarded us as the enemy. Let's get started."

"These guys don't know how to be thankful at all! Without us, they are still hiding in XZ under the siege of the Dawn Empire, and they don't even have the courage to emerge from the hole! Now they are repaying their favor and dare to fight us!"

Romulus looked at him for a while, and sighed, "Callaghan, is that really all that? Just because there was some conflict over the spoils on the battlefield, and dozens of Brad people were killed?"

Callahan's brow was sweating, but he persisted for half a second before he said sharply, "Your Majesty, there are indeed many things to do..."

Romulus' Eternal Serenity is not only used to smash enemies, but also falls on the heads of those who deceive him.There is a special hall in the palace of Teros, in which the heads of those who have been opened are showing the tragic end of the "deceitful king" to all the subjects.

So Callahan poured beans out of the bamboo tube and said everything.

Seeing the Brads trailing behind, they caught them and put them in cages like monsters. Callahan explained that this was to ensure the safety of the legion.

Passing through the village and town of Bled, eating the food of the locals broke his stomach, and he was arrested and tortured for interrogation.In the end, he had to kill the mutated werewolf, which was forced self-defense.

Because it was rumored to be a vampire's lair, the "righteous people" in the team clamored and gathered in small groups, and finally developed into a brigade with guns and towed artillery, and even called for aircraft support, killing hundreds of Brad people in the entire crypt .

No way, who made those people really be vampires...

Veins popped up on Romulus' forehead, and his meticulous control was only limited to the flight and magic artillery units. What happened to the infantry corps below could only be controlled by the staff of the Imperial Legion Headquarters through the magic communication equipment that was popularized to the brigade level. master.

Of course, this can't be said to be backward. Compared with the marshal and king of Siferne, it is completely different from heaven and earth.Those people only have a general idea of ​​how many people and what equipment there are in the legion under their command. They can't do much except give orders when, where, and who to fight. After all, it is still the aristocratic system of vassal lords in the old era.

But the reality made Romulus feel that he didn't have enough control. To be honest, he wished he could see exactly what every team and even every soldier was doing.

He always felt that if he didn't stare directly, his subordinates would deviate from the direction at any time, and it turned out to be true.

"Your Majesty, to be honest, I don't think there is anything wrong with this!"

Seeing that Romulus was obviously angry, Callahan twisted his neck and said, "Your Majesty is the descendant of Tudor, we swear to follow His Majesty to the death, complete the unfinished business of Emperor Tudor, and let the glory of mortals shine on Finn! Mortals are Humans have no part in those monsters! Who would trust someone who is not human?"

"Those Bled people have turned into monsters! Werewolves will go berserk, and vampires will drink blood. Don't we clean them up and let them take illusions? Oh, there are still remnants of orcs here, let alone them , killed those three human nations in the north and almost wiped out their species!"

"Although the Dawn Empire is our enemy, I think we did the right thing! Just because we are fighting the Dawn Empire doesn't mean we recognize that Brad people are of the same kind!"

Glancing at Romulus' expression, the vulgar man added: "This is not my personal opinion. Your Majesty, please ask the soldiers, everyone thinks so!"

"To shut up!"

Romulus stopped drinking in a bit of embarrassment, and he and even Emperor Tudor would be held accountable if he continued.

Although he is determined to inherit the great emperor's cause, it does not mean that he agrees with all the great emperor's propositions.On the issue of "what races should mortals include", he felt that the emperor was a bit narrow-minded, and the failure at the beginning may have nothing to do with this.

But since he raised the banner of the great emperor, even if he pays attention to suppressing this aspect, he can't step on the righteous title of "mortals are human beings", and he agrees with it deep in his heart.

Other races... Half-elves and halflings can barely be counted, anyway, humans don't have much resistance to these two races.

As for elves...

A strange figure suddenly appeared in his heart, and Romulus said in his heart that the elves are not mortals, they are higher than mortals, an intelligent race that humans must respect and admire.

After all, Fein is no longer there, only the "last elf" Qili is left.

"Do ideas matter?"

Romulus reprimanded with a straight face: "We fight, in order to win, we must rely on wisdom, cover up our intentions, and use various strategies and techniques..."

Callahan frowned and muttered: "Didn't we swarm the Northern Legion of the Dawn Empire before? Is this also... wisdom?"

Romulus gritted his teeth, pretended not to hear, and continued: "How to get along with the Bled people is also a battlefield. No matter how weak the Bled people are, they will cause various changes. Let our environment and changing circumstances.”

Of course, he couldn't say that he was afraid of being reprimanded by Qili. In fact, he was worried that this matter would affect his relationship with the Red Federation, so he felt something was wrong and called Callahan to reprimand him.

Callahan frowned even tighter: "What change? The Dawn Empire will think that our treatment of the Brad people is... cold enough, which suits their appetite, so why not quit Brad altogether?"

With a clatter, the flail fell into Romulus' hands, and the cold gray light flowed on the bronze hammer head.

Romulus said angrily: "When I say nothing, I just ask you, why don't you take my words to heart? Don't you carry them out seriously?"

Callahan knelt down and said resolutely: "I understand! I will strictly restrain my subordinates, and kill anyone who dares to attack the Brad people again!"

Tell you not to make Brad an enemy, and you treat them like a master?
Are you out of your mind or on purpose?
Romulus said coldly: "As long as I have the result, I will kill whoever because of the incident of the Brad people affects the entire battle situation and the environment of the empire!"

Callahan shuddered and didn't dare to speak anymore, he knew the emperor was serious.

The matter of the Bled people is not a crucial event, and those who died before will die.Romulus also felt that those people were aliens. Although he was a little sympathetic, he didn't go to the point of punishing anyone for it. Just beating Callahan was enough.

His focus now wasn't even on Brad, but on the Three Kingdoms and Norton.

Greta volunteered to persuade the three northern countries to surrender, and Romulus was very grateful and looking forward to it.Although I know that this woman has the support of Youxiang Remnants, but as long as I have the heart of a great emperor, why not make the best use of it?
What happened to Norton gave him a headache. The Arcanist fleet was sent out by the puppet on his own initiative, and he was very angry about it.Not only because of self-assertion, but also because the God Puppet Association actually assembled a whole fleet.Are these arcanists truly fearless, or are ignorant ones fearless?

Just now, he also received a self-satisfied report from the leader of the God Puppet Association, saying that he will soon subdue all the magicians in Norton, turn that place into a country of arcanists, and then dedicate it to the emperor. I hope that the emperor will seal that place to the taste of the puppet society.

If the puppet really subdued the magician, he would have a very... very headache.

The Northern Legion of the Dawn Empire retreated to King Brad's capital for defense. Their equipment was not too backward. They had already popularized magic guns, but their concept of war was still very backward.In the previous battle, the Northern Legion actually lined up in a dense formation, beating drums and marching toward themselves.A few magical chariots mixed with the magic beast cavalry and maneuvered on the flanks.

Seeing the other party's behavior at that time, Romulus himself laughed and burst into tears.

Coupled with the serious shortage of the opponent's air power, the battle was like an exercise.At the cost of less than a thousand casualties, the Holy Will Empire defeated the opponent's army of 6 to [-] people, at least half of them were wiped out.

According to the information obtained by the spies, the Northern Legion is still in a state of licking its wounds in a daze, and the reinforcements from both sides of the open space of the Dawn Empire will take more than ten days to arrive.Romulus felt that taking advantage of this critical moment to deal with Norton's affairs was the top priority. As for the Northern Legion, as long as it was something decided on the battlefield, he had nothing to worry about.

Rush to Norton, restrain the Arcanist, and include the actions of the Arcanist in his own name, so as to prevent the Arcanist from going to the step of establishing a country by himself, and also prevent the empire from having to meet with the god puppet after reaching that step A bad situation for a breakup.Romulus would never accept compromising with an Arcanist.

Many of his subjects were reminding Romulos to pay attention to the reappearance of mortal Theresia and regain control of the Dawn Empire as empress. Naturally, Romulus was not worried at all.

That empress must be a fake!

As for the real situation, he was a witness at the scene. The mortal Teresia died completely and left a daughter for Li Qi.

That is just an illusion created by the Goddess of Order who wants to directly rule over mortals. Since it was forged by the gods, it must not have the real wisdom of mortals. Everything will only be considered from the perspective of the gods, so why worry about it?
So he decided to return to the imperial capital and take a small Dragon Soul Fleet to Norton.

After training Callahan, Romulus returned to his big tent and explained to his subordinates all the affairs after he left.

At this time, the communication officer came to report, and Romulus was overjoyed. He ignored half of what he had said, and left his subordinates to go to the back tent.

Looking at the astonished people, the communications officer smiled and said in a low voice, "It's His Royal Highness Qili from the Chilian."

The subordinates let out a long cry, no wonder, even Miss Twins, who has not yet ascended to the position of queen, would not surprise their emperor so much that he lost his composure.

In the communication room covered by the secret barrier, Romulus greeted Qili with a wide smile.

"About what you told Li Qi, it's a pity that we can't follow up."

Qi Li started with his proposal to split Don Fern equally: "You don't have to hide it from you, something happened on our side, we must shrink and give priority to solving our own problems."

"This is really... a pity..."

Romulus quickly suppressed his smile. He initially mentioned the plan because he was worried that the Red Federation would interfere with it, or that he would grab territory on his own, so he wanted to talk to the Red Federation about the division of spheres of influence.

The result of defeating the Northern Legion greatly boosted the confidence of Romulus, and the Dawn Empire didn't have many decent troops on its books. Some of Romulus' subordinates complained that this division would make the Chilian cheaper.After all, looking at the situation in front of us, it will only take three to five months to seize the entire territory of the Shuguang Empire.

Now that the Red Federation has withdrawn by itself, Romulus is naturally overjoyed.

"Also, I have received some news from here..."

When Qili turned around, Romulus' heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, Qili talked about the Brad people.

"Romulus, you once said that you should not only inherit the will of the Great Emperor, but also correct the mistakes he made..."

After sending the information, Qi Li said in a tone like teaching an apprentice, "But what you are doing now is not like this, I didn't ask you to talk about the equality of all spirits like Chilian here, even Kobolds treat everyone equally, but don’t go to extremes and kick away the forces that can be united and won, which will make your path narrower and narrower.”

Romulus was stunned, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He suppressed his unhappiness, and said with a smile: "About this matter, what a coincidence, I was reprimanding my subordinates just now. You also know that they have a single mind, and their attitude towards Bled people is the same as that of aliens." , it is inevitable that there will be some... small problems."

Qi Li nodded: "I also believe that this is not out of your original intention, but there is a problem with the control of the legion. Well, anyway, we have been cooperating on the immigration of Brad, and I will send some people to help you deal with it." Brad business."

This is a good thing. With people from the Red Federation, there is no need for the Legion of the Holy Will Empire to deal directly with the Bled people.

However, Romulus still hesitated subconsciously, which came from the emperor's hesitation.

The Empire of the Holy Will is in charge of fighting, and your Red Federation is in charge of dealing with the Bled people. So when Bled is defeated, who owns this place?

"Hey, are you still worried that we will usurp the fruits of your war?"

Qili saw through his thoughts at a glance, and said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, this is just a part of the immigration project. Since you don't recognize the Bled people, let them all move to our side."

Romulus was about to agree directly, but a distracting thought still flashed through his mind.

He wanted his subordinates to say that he was valuable even if he was a different kind, and that he was a good slave.

If he persisted, his subjects would naturally not continue to object, but they would all have tacit and ambiguous smiles on their faces.

Just like the smiles on the faces of the communication officer and those subordinates just now...

In the end, he said: "It's a good plan. I will discuss it with the ministers as soon as possible."

Qi Li tilted her head and looked at him for a while, then suddenly sighed: "Romulus, I feel that you are now... the road seems to be a bit off."

The unhappiness in Romulus' heart became even worse, although at the same time there was also a sense of joy, His Highness Qili really treated him as a disciple.

"Please speak, Your Highness, I am listening."

While bowing his head respectfully, the unhappiness turned into scorching air, circling in his chest.

The Holy Will Empire is already a big empire. After defeating the Aurora Empire and occupying Valentine, do you still think that the red path is correct, and Li Qi is your satisfied disciple?

"Don't be like this, I'm not your real mentor..."

Qili sighed: "Just as a friend, I remind you."

Romulus felt sour, she really thought I was inferior to Li Qi!

Qili continued: "The struggle of mortals is just a small chessboard in Finn's world changes, and there is a bigger chessboard on top of this chessboard. Naturally, we defy the gods in strategy, but in tactics Pay attention to."

"You are now going deep into the Dawn Empire, and it seems that you have somewhat ignored the power of the Goddess of Order at the level of gods. This is very inappropriate. It is best to be cautious. Whether it is military or political, don't be too... Radical, after all, you It’s not yet Tudor the Great.”

If it was before, Romulus would seriously reflect on these words, but now, he feels that Qili seems to want to slow himself down, and then...

Let Li Qi slow down and shine before him?

"Thank you for your guidance, Your Highness, I will think about it seriously."

When Romulus said this, the tone was very reluctant, but Chili lowered her head and couldn't hear clearly.

Then he had an idea, raised his head and said enthusiastically: "Since Your Highness wants me to cooperate with the Red Federation to transfer Brad people, why not come to me to preside over this matter?"

At that moment, Qili's eyes widened.

She faltered and said: "Li Qi is busy with other things, I have to help him sit down, I really can't get away..."

"He should be independent!"

Romulus' anger finally had a reason to pour out: "He relies on you for everything! Isn't it thanks to His Highness that the Red Federation can develop to this day? Why does he use you like a current person!?"

Qili lowered her head and covered her face: "This...you have misunderstood..."

"It was His Highness who helped me find the inheritance of the Great Emperor! It was His Highness who inspired me to step into the legend! It was His Highness who gave me the initial guidance and allowed me to survive the initial hectic days after the establishment of the empire."

Romulus said proudly: "Compared to Li Qi, I think I am more qualified to be your disciple!"

"If you're talking about the national teacher, the emperor teacher or something, then it's exempt..."

Qili smiled wryly and said, "I believe you don't want to be told behind your back how sacred this empire is, whose will it is implementing, and whether it is an empire after all."

Romulus choked, he naturally understood what Qili meant.

He found an elf to give him an idea for the emperor. Is this empire still a holy human empire?

Since it is the elves who make up their minds, is it still the will of Romulus that this empire implements?
Everyone knows that this elf, who is like the incarnation of the god of beauty, is the saint of Lady Scarlet. She came to rule the empire. Wouldn't this empire become a vassal of the Red Federation?

He secretly sighed, he respected Qili so much, and indeed aroused criticism from his subordinates.

Who made His Royal Highness Qili the embodiment of beauty, or just an elf?
Qili took the opportunity to say: "Okay, let's leave it to the person in charge to negotiate about the Brad people. Don't take those words too seriously, after all, I don't know much about your current situation. .”

Are you starting to distance yourself from me?

If you don’t understand, then come and understand!
Romulus' heart is even more sour...

He reluctantly held up a smile: "I just want to go back to the empire, and then transfer to... Kester to deal with some matters. If possible, I would like to talk to His Royal Highness Qili face to face."

Afraid of Qili's evasion, he hurriedly said: "I think the matters between me and Chilian are not limited to Bled people, and many cooperations can be deepened. Since Li Qi is not here, can you talk to me face to face for him? ?"

Qili pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I really need to talk to you."

The beautiful face disappeared together with the pair of pink and pointed ears, and Romulus was very disappointed for a long time.

The anticipation of meeting His Royal Highness Qi Li cheered him up. After explaining to his subordinates, he took his "Golden Tree" landline, escorted by a squadron of Sardine fighters, and flew to the immigration base on the west coast of the Inner Sea.

The relationship between the Holy Will Empire and the Chilian is indeed inextricably linked. The reason why Romulus wants to fly to the immigration base is because the Chilian has very complete aviation facilities there, and the next stop is the Wolf Fort base in Yinpine District. Same.

Not only is the facility perfect, the route has undergone a long-term cruise, and the observation system along the way is also very sound, which can monitor the whereabouts along the way to avoid accidents.

Romulus didn't like teleportation. Arcanists didn't have any achievements in teleportation technology. They all borrowed teleportation technology from magicians. The subspace involved had a lot to do with the goddess of commerce. He didn't want to leave such a loophole.

Anyway, it's very convenient to fly now, and it's okay to spend a little more time.

From this point of view, he is very grateful to the Chilian. Without the technical assistance from the Chilian, he can only ride a dragon, and it takes at least two days to fly from here to Wolfsburg.His plane was refitted from a monkfish transport plane. Although the speed was only four to five hundred kilometers per hour, it was twice as fast as the giant dragon and the dragon soul ship.

It was noon when we set off, and when we landed at the immigration base, it was not time for dinner.

The plane was only here to refuel and replenish water, and Romulus did not get off the plane.

He was rubbing his forehead and yelling, he forgot to bring back a gift for Tewin Ribbon, when the captain's panicked call suddenly came from the cockpit: "What are you doing!? Don't you see us here? Stop!"

Romulus was stunned, and when he entered the cockpit, he saw a dark gray monkfish gliding towards this side, only a few tens of meters away.

It was the transport plane of the Red Federation, and it flew over the sky of the empire with the Brad immigrants every day, and everyone turned a blind eye to it.

"I feel a strong power fluctuation!"

The arcanist's attendant rushed over from behind, opened the arcane barrier and shouted at the same time: "Your Majesty, be careful—!"

As soon as the voice fell, the blue light bloomed, filling the entire field of vision of Romulus, and at the same time the world was turned upside down, as if the world had collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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