goddess of revolution

Chapter 902 Face Slapping: 1 Face and 3 Slaps, You Are Killing Yourself

Chapter 902 Face-Slapping Situation One Face-Slapping Three Times, You Are Killing Yourself

an hour ago...

This aviation base named "Tom's Ferry", or "Ferry" for short, is extremely busy with people coming and going.

The "ferry" is located in the original Highland Kingdom on the west coast of the Inner Sea. Although its purpose is only to transfer Bled immigrants, it actually undertakes many tasks.

There is a temporary resettlement camp of the Chilian Immigration Administration in the base, where the immigrants first receive the necessary investigation, training, and pre-alienation treatment, that is, to stabilize their mutation status, and then send them to the Shenyun Plateau by transport plane.

There are thousands of immigrants here at all times, plus the staff of the Immigration Administration, the guards of the Red Union Guard, the public security of the Ministry of Public Security, and the staff of the Red United Air Force, this "ferry" has a population of tens of thousands. city ​​of.

There are quite a few Bled people among these people. They have all eliminated the "negative symptoms of alienation" and become official nationals of the Red Federation.

The so-called "alienation negative symptoms" means that when changing from human form to werewolf, you will lose your mind, only the natural wildness of wolves, or when you become a vampire, you can't restrain your thirst for blood.

After eliminating such symptoms, these Brad people will still turn into werewolves and vampires, but they will not be controlled by nature and desire, and lose their minds.

This is Karin's credit. The Flesh Research Institute used her blood samples to cultivate a purification serum that can neutralize the power of the ancestors in the blood of the Brad people.But it's just neutralization, not complete dispersal, and the Brad people still can't turn back to ordinary humans.After all, the power of the Yuanzu comes from the root of blood, just like Karin.

The FCC also organized study groups among the Bled people to promote their belief in patriarchalism.The Brad people who came to work at the ferry basically joined the study group, and the key members were basically red superhumans from the departments of pain, death, and justice.

Not only do they work in the immigration bureau, the police force and the public security, but they are also active in the air force.Whether it is for the cause of patriarchal liberation or helping fellow Brads, they are full of energy and energy.

At the airport in the center of the base, upon receiving the news that the Emperor of the Holy Will's fleet would arrive in an hour, the staff became busy.In a small building next to the airport, a man and a woman were whispering in a room that was not luxuriously furnished but extremely comfortable and warm.


The man said: "This flight is over, we can no longer fly together, everyone already knows, you should understand."

The woman said lazily in Brad's accent: "I know that pilots and assistants cannot be relatives and lovers, I understand."

She kissed the man's forehead: "But your next assistant must not be a woman."

The man smiled and said, "Let's...get married, I'm already thinking about how to decorate our wedding room."

"You are not the way to propose marriage..."

The woman laughed and said, "Even if you are so poor that you don't have a ring set with gemstones, and you can only wear a straw ring for me, you have to kneel down."

The man scratched his head and said, "I'm not poor. Although I don't work for a long time, I can be considered a high earner in the Red Federation."

He still wanted to say something, such as what kind of ring to buy, what kind of gemstones to set, but the woman suddenly lowered her head and opened her mouth, biting his neck.

The playful little canines turned into long fangs, piercing into blood vessels.

The man's body began to twitch, and a pale golden light glowed in his hand, but it never condensed into a spell and landed on the woman.

He rolled his eyes and limp in the woman's arms.

The bloody woman stared blankly at the unconscious man, two lines of tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry honey, I have to do something for my parents, my younger siblings..."

"I don't want to hurt you..."

"Thank you for accompanying me through the last period of my life..."

"Thank you for guiding me to see the truth of fate and giving me the strength to face the pain."

"It's a pity that I can't go on with you. I am from Brad, and I have a mission that I must fulfill."

The woman muttered, and then covered her mouth to keep herself from crying.

She reached out and pressed a ball of pale golden light into her body, which calmed her down.

After wiping off the blood from her mouth and body, she put on the one-piece flight suit marked with the rank of "Apprentice Co-pilot" and left the room. After closing the door, she hung the sign "Do Not Disturb" on the door lock.

The woman is not pretty, but she is very young. The flight suit makes her look heroic and show a little beauty.When she walked out of the small building dedicated to the rest of the air crew of the aviation team, the staff who came and went greeted her warmly.

She smiled back at everyone, including the airport guards, and walked towards a monkfish transport plane with a dark gray livery, the left and right wings folded vertically, and the long wings on the back pointing directly at the sky.

Ankangyu's ground security check nodded to her, and didn't follow the procedure to ask her where the driver was, and opened the door for her directly.

Stepped from the passenger seat to the main driver seat and sat down, someone behind him asked, "Is there any problem?"

"If it's the original plan, I'm really not confident..."

The woman put on the helmet, pressed her hand on the flight control board, activated the flight control nucleus, and said lightly: "If it's just a taxi, you can do it."

"Then don't go," said the man, "You are still young..."

The woman said coldly: "Now is not the time to argue. I'm just talking about the theory. In fact, I can't do it without me. Do you have the authority to control the flight?"

The man choked, and then sighed softly.

"To be honest, I'm not sure it's the right thing to do..."

The man said: "This will hurt the Chilian. They are all...good people."

Another woman screamed: "A good man won't cooperate with a devil! Romulus killed my whole family! He is more cruel than Sylvie!"

Another man's voice said, "We've come to this point, we can't turn back."

This is a middle-aged man with a square face and big ears, and he is upright.

"You still say that you are hurting the Red Federation. We are members of the Red Federation, and we are reserve members of the Communist Party of China."

"What we do is not purely revenge, keep that in mind."

"We are using our own lives to leave a wound on the Red Federation and the Holy Will Empire. Although it is not fatal, it can remind each other of the wound."

"We want to remind the Red Federation that the Holy Will Empire is a reactionary force that will be overthrown after all. We want to remind the empire that the Red Federation and them will not go hand in hand forever."

"This wound may be insignificant, but it has far exceeded what we can do with our own strength. In the past, we would at most make some meaningless shouts, and we would not even be able to spit in the enemy's face."

"Now... pray! Pray to our little red! May she bless us!"

The man smiled bitterly and said, "I know her old man won't listen, so we just ask for peace of mind."

There were still people behind him, and they bowed their heads and muttered silently at the same time.

While praying, a magic vehicle approached the plane with a full load of cargo. The man said with relief, "Here comes the stuff."

The shrill woman said: "Can such a large weight not kill him?"

The female co-pilot who was checking the status of the plane said: "It's good to be able to kill, but do you think this weight can kill the existence of the Chief Cardinal? Romulus, the Chief Cardinal, and Your Highnesses are all equally powerful. exist."

"At least one leg can be blown off..."

The screaming woman said bitterly: "That's enough, just relying on us zero-level trainees, we can hurt the legend and the emperor of the Holy Will Empire, and there is nothing to regret."

"This is not due to the few of us," said the middle-aged man. "Many compatriots are helping us, and they are actually the ones we are hurting."

The young female co-pilot turned on the aircraft's communicator, and the base console was issuing a control message: "Golden Tree Formation 10 will arrive in 10 minutes, and takeoff and landing will be prohibited after [-] minutes. Relevant units are at their positions..."

"There are still four and ten minutes..."

The middle-aged man said: "This batch of slime dynamite is made locally, and its stability is much worse than ours. Recharge it when there are only 10 minutes left."

Everyone, including the female co-pilot, nodded solemnly.At this time, the magic vehicle also climbed into the cabin along the springboard, and the young man in the uniform of the ground crew unloaded bags of slime explosives in the vehicle.


The blue light engulfed the field of vision, and the violent impact engulfed all perception.

The arcane barrier disappeared in an instant, and the arcanist screamed and went to the sky with the plane debris.

Just as the Arcanist yelled, the tattered small wooden shield jumped into Romulos' hands and stretched into a huge tower shield.

The violent impact hit the shield surface, causing ripples on the extended light shield.

Romulus roared, and the gray light overflowed from his body, erupting on the light shield, resisting this frenzied force.

Then his feet were empty, and he fell to the ground, and countless fragments smashed down, burying him including his shield and body.

After a while, the smoke and dust from the violent explosion faded slightly, and a large pit with a diameter of 80 meters and a depth of more than ten meters appeared in the center of the airport at the Ferry Base. All kinds of debris sprayed radially around the pit.

Whether it was the Divine Will Empire guard fleet that was very close to the explosion site, or the Red Federation ground crew that was farther away, looking at this big pit and the disappearing emperor's landline, they all felt intense cold flowing from the tailbone to the top of the head.

At the edge of the pit, debris flew flying, and Romulos stood up. Although he was not injured, his clothes were torn and his face was covered in ashes, looking extremely embarrassed.

He coughed out several mouthfuls of smoke and looked around: "Where are people? Is there anyone alive?"

No one responded, making his face turn from gloomy to livid.

At this time, the emperor's guard on another monkfish rushed over, protecting the emperor in panic.

The captain of the guard glanced around, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty! Use teleportation to withdraw quickly, it is obvious that the Red Federation wants to murder you!"

"Don't talk nonsense..."

Romulus said angrily: "They really want me to die. No matter what, Li Qi has to bring a few witches and a large group of hell barbarians to do it. Now this is a joke!"

Having said that, the cool breeze is still blowing in his heart. He is also on the same plane as more than a dozen elites from the staff department. These people are not high in strength, but their brains are very good. Several of them are military gods. Followers of Mary.Relying on these people, he was able to control the legions in two directions far away thousands of miles away, and now they are all dead here.

"Hurry up and save people!"

Romulus greeted the guards and saw the people from the Red Federation rushing over. He probably wanted to join hands. He then ordered: "Go and stop the people from the Red Federation. I don't want to see them now!"

His tone was extremely low: "I will wait, I believe someone will explain to me soon, if not..."

He gritted his teeth: "We have to fight on two fronts."

Rubbing the ring on his hand, purple light overflowed, and Romulus' figure gradually faded.

This is the teleportation ring he used to prevent accidents, and now he has to use it.


An hour later, Romulus and Qili met again in the communication room of the Imperial Palace of the Holy Will Empire.

Qili sighed: "I'm really... I'm so sorry. After I learned about this, I immediately started to investigate. Only after I got a definite result, can I have the face to see you."

Romulus looked much more relaxed at this time, waved his hand and said: "Your Highness, don't blame yourself so much, I also know that something must have happened, maybe it was even the trick of the Dawn Empire. It's just that the scene was chaotic at the time, I had to leave first."

He operated the trade wind network, received the documents sent by Qili, and said in a calm tone: "So what's going on?"

What's going on, you have to ask yourself...

In the trade wind communication room of the Pantheon in Beta City, Qili murmured in her heart.

An hour ago, when she learned that Romulus had been attacked at the ferry base, and the plane was blown to pieces, she and the top officials of the Fei Communist Party were shocked.

The report from the ferry base was that a Red United transport plane carrying a large amount of magic explosives crashed into the Romulus plane and exploded before it hit it.If it really hit, judging by the explosion scene, it was at least ten tons equivalent, and even Romulus could not be unscathed.

Qili immediately asked the Intelligence Bureau to send out manpower, and directly sent it to the base to investigate the situation, and the results came out soon.

All kinds of clues are almost left by the murderer on purpose. It seems that he is unwilling to allow the Red Federation to spend time investigating. It is done by Bled people, and some grassroots members who have joined the Fei Communist Party did it.

They colluded with some Brad guards at the base, and even used the name of the base to order a large amount of explosives from the local Magic Explosives Workshop.The original plan was to fly to Troos to blow up the palace. Unexpectedly, Romulus flew over and started directly at the base.

Knowing what happened, three thoughts popped up in Qili's mind at the same time.

Romulus, you did it to yourself...

Fuck, magic explosive technology has spread so widely...

It's left-leaning putschism again, it's a pity these guys who are brave enough to sacrifice but have no brains...

After sorting out the information, Qili came to Romulus with a headache at the same time.

Romulus is not a narrow-minded person, but now, as the emperor, he feels that he has shouldered a heavy mission. If this happens, he will not let it go.

It is impossible to turn against the Chilian, but how can the lion open his mouth, for example...

At that time, I felt a chill, and I didn't dare to think about it.

"Your Highness... Is your Chilian's control over your subordinates so loose?"

Romulus scanned the report quickly, and said with an unchanged expression: "It's so easy for them to get so many magic explosives, and they hit me when I flew to the base, killing my Three attendants and twenty staff officers, it doesn't make sense anyway."

The corner of Qili's mouth twitched, and she couldn't refute Romulus' words.

But she was also muttering to herself, it's just a civil aviation base, it has no military use, and you like to transit there.

Of course, these words cannot be exported, which means that the Red Federation does not take the emperor Romulus seriously.

"We don't want something like this to happen..."

Subconsciously, she used a perfunctory tone.

"Your Highness!"

Romulus interrupted her: "Please forgive me for being rude, isn't it inappropriate to rely on the Trade Wind Network for such an important matter?"

The emperor of the Holy Will Empire, tall and handsome with golden hair... No, the handsome blond guy stared at Qi Li for the first time: "His Royal Highness Qi Li, I hope you can come here to explain the situation in person. This has nothing to do with my personal wishes, but has to do with The principle of reciprocity between the Holy Will Empire and the Red Federation."

The familiar chill came back to me...

Qi Li secretly gritted her teeth, but maintained her elegant demeanor, and said with a smile: "This...Of course, I'm just going to give a brief explanation now. Of course, I will come over and talk to you face-to-face about the specific compensation matters."

"I'm looking forward to it." Romulus suppressed the corners of his mouth to prevent it from curling up. Qi Li clearly saw Romulus's efforts, and heard him say: "The compensation is only a matter of details, and the key lies in the sincerity of Her Highness Qi Li. "

At the end of the communication, Qili raised her brows high and cursed bitterly: "Romulus, you are looking for your own death!"

(End of this chapter)

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