Chapter 685
He glared at Qin Luo viciously, gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely beat you in the next grass track!"

Grassland, it will be a pure horse race. The 1800-meter circular track is not short or long. The competition on this track will no longer be the jumping ability of the horses, but the explosive power of the racing horses.

As long as the horse race is explosive enough, it can run from the starting point to the finish line without any hindrance or rest.

win?Hearing Derek's words, Qin Luo showed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

It is absolutely impossible to beat him who owns the system.

However, Qin Luo didn't say it out, he was afraid of hitting Derek when he said it out.

"I wish you good luck." Qin Luo shrugged his shoulders and replied indifferently.


With a cold snort, Derek turned around and walked towards the starting point of the track without the slightest nostalgia.

The grass track is actually a hard track, but a layer of lawn is added on top of the dirt, and obstacles during the period are removed.

Stamping on the pedals and grabbing the saddle, Derek flipped onto the horse's back.

I have to say that the No. 1 horse chosen by Derek is indeed a rare good horse.

Even after the obstacle course just now, he has recovered to his original state now, his legs are strong, he is firmly kicking the ground, his breath is short and rhythmic, his head is lowered, and he can send out at any time!

"Bang!" The roar of the starting gun broke the tranquility of the equestrian field.

Derek rushed out while driving the racehorse.

His speed is very fast, he has already run dozens of meters in the blink of an eye.

Derek took the horse's speed to the limit.

At this speed, he only needs to spend 2 minutes to run the entire track.

Da Da Da~
The loud horseshoes sounded in everyone's ears, and at that moment Derek's roar resounded through the sky.

Accompanied by the howling of the man and the horse, their speed became faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, I have run 1000 meters!
According to common sense, running 1000 meters is a burden for horse racing, and it is also a burden for riders.

Usually around 1000 meters, the rider will reduce the speed to buy himself a short rest time.

But Derek didn't. He looked at the track intently, his body bent, almost lying on the horse's back.

Their speed is getting faster and faster!

This scene completely dumbfounded the melon-eating audience in the stands.

Their faces were terrified, their eyes were dean, and their entire faces were full of expressions of disbelief.

They have a premonition, they have a premonition that two records will be broken today?

Thinking of this, they swallowed in unison.

The reason why a record is called a record is very simple, because it represents the pinnacle of a sport and represents that it has not been broken for a long time.

But now, Qin Luo has set a new record in the sand field, and now Derek will set another cruising record.

"Da da da!" Derek steered the racehorse past the key point.

The counter stops counting momentarily.

108 seconds 36.This is the time the timer freezes.


Glancing at the timer, Derek let out a long sigh of relief.

This result is infinitely close to the performance of the last Olympic gold medalist.

It's impossible for Qin Luo to break through!
Thinking of this, Derek turned his gaze back to Qin Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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