Chapter 686 Sweaty BMW
"Professor Qin, it's your turn..." Derek said with a smile.

Regarding Derek's slightly provocative words, Qin Luo smiled faintly. He stretched out his hand to lead the racehorse, and slowly came to Derek and asked with a smile, "Student Derek, do you know why I chose the racehorse No. 17?" ?"

Why?I know a ghost!
"What does Professor Qin want to say?" Derek said in a cold voice.

"The reason I chose him was not because of its good jumping ability, but because of its full explosive power." Qin Luo continued.

explosive force?
Derek's eyes narrowed suddenly, and his eyes flicked back and forth on the racehorse.

With a slender body and underdeveloped muscles, except for the relatively long Achilles tendon, there is nothing outstanding. He really didn't find any explosive points for such a horse race.

Maybe that's what people who don't know horses think, Derek thought.

"From what point does Professor Qin see that he is full of explosive power?" Derek asked.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone including Caroline.

Not only Derek wanted to know, but they also wanted to know.

"Bloodline." Qin Luo said.

Derek's eyelids twitched, he stretched out his hand to beckon to his companion, and asked, "Where is the origin of this horse?"

"This is a horse that the school brought back from Central Asia a year ago. I heard it is a prairie horse."

Prairie horse lineage?hehe……

Is this considered blood?
"Professor Qin, can you explain in detail?" Derek said with a smile.

"I don't know if you've heard of the sweaty BMW?" Qin Luo asked with a smile.

"Professor Qin, you don't mean to say that the horse in front of you is a bloody horse?" Derek asked with a smile.

Sweat BMW?

One of the top ten famous horses in the world. It is produced in Turkmenistan. It is one of the oldest horse breeds in the world. It has long limbs, thin skin, strong strength and strong endurance. It is one of the best racehorse breeds.

However, due to the scarcity of bloody BMWs, most of them are kept by rich people as entertainment pets, and few people are willing to use them as racing horses.

Is this horse in front of me a bloody BMW?

Not to mention that Derek didn't believe it, and neither did anyone else.

Qin Luo stroked the mane on the horse's back and said with a smile: "Of course he is not a pure sweat horse, but he has the blood of sweat horse."

"Professor Qin's conclusion from there?"

Without further ado, Qin Luo took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped it lightly on the horse's shoulder.

In the next second, dots of red appeared on the paper towel.

Sweat and blood!

At this moment Derek's face was ashen.

He never imagined that the racehorse in front of him, which he judged to be an inferior horse, actually had the blood of "Blood Horse".

After a while, Derek finally regained his composure, and a doubt kept circling in his mind.

Since this horse has the pedigree of a bloody BMW, why does he behave so badly in normal times?

Not even an ordinary horse without any blood.

"I want to ask Professor Qin a question." After hesitating for a moment, Derek finally asked: "Why did he behave so badly before?"

Hearing Derek's words, Qin Luo smiled slightly and said: "There is an old saying in China, a scholar dies for his confidant!"

"Not only people, but also animals. Bole looks after horses, and horses also look after Bole."

After saying this, Qin Luo turned over and jumped on the horse, and walked on the track.

"..." Behind him, Derek fell directly to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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