Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 1611 The Age of Great Conflict

Amid the commotion, unrest began in some areas.

It's just that local residents in the two major economies and other mainstream economies do not have the "opportunity" to experience it first-hand, so many people in Blue Star have ignored this phenomenon.

However, employees working in industries and projects such as foreign trade, futures, military industry, and medical care are getting busier day by day.

Big events happen every day on Blue Star, but they cannot change the essential needs of human beings for food and security.


"Artemis 4" will still be carried out as planned in September 1028 of the Xiayu celestial calendar.

This mission is the second manned lunar landing plan. Four astronauts will station in the "Gateway" lunar orbiting space station and carry out a lunar surface landing in due course.

Although this is a plan announcement that has been delayed, delayed, and delayed again, this time many people clearly saw that the NASA director was not as relaxed as before, but had a serious look. He would take some measures to achieve his goal. Any measure means.

Within half a month, Blue Star’s two largest economies have both released their latest official plans for the moon landing project.

And the time is so close, it’s almost the rhythm of you singing and me coming on stage.

Many companies and institutions are also keenly aware of the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air.

"Daxia and the United States both have the technical strength and ammunition reserves to place mushroom bombs around the world, so their competition may focus on this moon landing project. Whoever successfully lands on the moon will become the hope of the Blue Star people.

For our investment project this time, we will not invest for the time being. We will first put it in gold to preserve its value. When the results are about to come out, we will then cash it out and then transfer it to the party that successfully lands on the moon. "

"It seems that the aerospace industry will usher in the greatest development next year and the year after that. Now it is a raging fire cooking oil, but I don't know whether NASA will succeed or Daxia will succeed. If Daxia's aerospace department really succeeds, , we may need to consider increasing investment in the Yan Stock Exchange."

"A while ago, Daxia officials, together with corporate organizations such as Jiuzhou Technology and Xiawei Technology Company, jointly established the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association. It seems that they are preparing to gather Daxia's scientific research advantages to land on the moon in one fell swoop."

Before the change comes, the sense of urgency of the crisis has made many international capitals think about how to hoard enough assets before the change, and then after the winners and losers are divided, they can take out the resources and assets they can call and jump to the dining table. Eat the cake.

There are even some large capital forces that are already thinking about how to make a profit while the two clams are fighting.

But it is undeniable that in addition to investing in stable precious metals such as gold, many capitals are also collecting information on various aerospace companies, institutions, and technology manufacturing-related enterprises related to the moon landing project, and have begun to invest in them.

As long as these companies are good enough, they will receive investment and support from their respective authorities. It can be said that it is a business that will never lose money in the short term.

Although many capital groups want to invest money in Suiren Company, the representative of Jiuzhou Technology, but after the moon landing competition came, Suiren Company's stock has not risen as fiercely as before. After seeing the current real numbers, With a market value of 10 trillion Suiren Company, no matter how large a capital group is, they are a little frightened. Of course, there are also many forces that do not want their domestic capital and international capital to go to the markets of the two major forces to spend money, and they have also come up with their own moonshot plans.

The first is Polar Bear’s “Moon” program. At the end of August, the Polar Bear Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) announced that it was preparing to land a lunar rover and collect more lunar surface samples before the summer lunar calendar year 1028.

Although it did not talk about the time plan for the official manned moon landing, it was revealed in words that "it is being arranged to complete relevant preparations within three years." This is a huge amount of information.

Within a month, the three major players all came up with their own plans.

When the first day of September came, Indo also came up with its own manned space plan and "Moonship" plan.

According to reports from the Indo Space Research Center, Indo's first manned space flight project, the "Jagangyang" project, is under intensive preparation and is expected to be completed in Xiayin 1028, and will involve three astronauts. It was launched into low-Earth orbit and stayed in space for a week.

And before 1030 years of the Xiayin celestial calendar, the Moonship project will be completed and Indo astronauts will be sent to the moon.

A force that has not yet truly realized the manned space mission dares to shout the slogan of manned spaceflight and moon landing at this time. Although the courage is commendable, it also has a real impact on other forces and institutions.

In mid-September, the Neon Island Nation took out the agreement signed with Uncle Sam NASA that year and said: "We have already officially joined the 'Artemis' program, and our astronauts have also successfully participated in the NASA aerospace program and successfully entered. International Space Station. Our Neon Aerospace Research and Development Agency (JAXA) also plans to send an unmanned probe to the moon for exploration in Xiayu 1027.

In the foreseeable future, when NASA successfully lands on the moon, Neon will become the second Blue Star force to complete the milestone of manned moon landing. "

When the person in charge of the Neon Island Country said this, the expression on his face that he was proud to sign the contract and advance and retreat with NASA not only made the netizens of Daxia laugh, but also made the people of the Neon Island Country laugh. Local netizens made wild complaints.

"Can we carry out the moon landing project ourselves?! We can also independently carry people to the moon!"

"We can go to the moon if we want to! Why cooperate with others!"

"A developing country like Daxia dares to go to the moon by itself. We are already a developed country. Why don't we choose to go to the moon by ourselves?!"

"What kind of cooperation is this? Can our astronauts really land on the moon? I suspect that our investment in moon landing is for those companies listed on the US stock market."

The local netizens of Neon Island Country are not as "ignorant" as they were at the beginning. On the platform of Jiuzhou Community, they have seen a lot of news that is completely different from what they have come into contact with in their own country, and many people have begun to reflect and wake up.

The European Space Agency's (ESA) lunar exploration program is similar to Neon Semiconductor's. Some projects are developed independently, while others are formed in cooperation with other countries, especially NASA.

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