Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 1613 2 Blossom Live Broadcast

When Jiuzhou Technology notified member companies and institutions of the mission information through the Lunar Development Science and Technology Association, the mobile phones of these assistants and relevant department heads of Jiuzhou Technology were immediately buzzed with calls.

It just so happens that these calls are not the kind of malicious software calls similar to "calling you", but calls from the management of various companies and institutions with considerable power.

So they can only answer calls one by one after working hours.

"Huh?? We are not cooperating with the Chang'e project. The Chang'e project is organized and implemented by our official space agency in Daxia. However, the Chang'e project is our first lunar probe to carry out unmanned lunar surface sampling and return. We are also very excited. , because this is an example of the success of our predecessors, proving that existing technology can achieve this task."

"Well, this is indeed the lunar exploration project of our Jiuzhou Science and Technology Lunar Landing Project, and it is also one of the most complex and difficult tasks of our Jiuzhou Science and Technology Space Department. We naturally hope to achieve Daxia's second unmanned lunar sample return , to assist scientific research on the origin and evolution history of the moon, and to make greater contributions to our Lunar Development Science and Technology Association, to Daxia, and to the scientists and engineers of Blue Star."

Subsequently, the official website of Jiuzhou Technology also announced some specific information on internal projects of the company’s aerospace department that can be disclosed.

Jiuzhou lunar exploration machinery, developed by Jiuzhou Science and Technology Special Equipment R&D Center, Jiuzhou Aerospace Department, Jiuzhou Titanium Satellite Department, Jiuzhou Space Technology Research Institute...

Launch rocket JZ-404 modified carrier rocket...

Chief designers: Gu Qing, Li Jian, Ye Meng, Liu Tangzheng.

The launch mission is organized and implemented by the Jiuzhou Aerospace Department, and is specifically composed of the overall project and five major systems including detectors, launch vehicles, launch sites, measurement, control and recovery, and ground applications.

Because it was detailed enough, everyone clearly understood the fact that Kyushu Technology did not engage in smoke bombs this time, nor did it engage in slogan shouting like other countries, but directly started to do it!

Under Gu Qing's arrangement, Jiuzhou Technology's core management, core engineers, and technical staff were not allowed to leave the country for a short period of time, and security guards were added to all public project specific personnel.

Even the phone calls are strictly limited to a certain number and time. Although family calls are not included in the calculation, at this critical moment, many people are living in seclusion. Even if they call their family members and children, they must be concise and to the point. Communication is minimal.

The purpose is not to expose his specific coordinates and not to reveal company secrets during verbal conversations.

And the reason for making it public is entirely because of being upright.

News from the Daxia Jiuzhou Science and Technology and Aerospace Department is that on November 1026, 11, the Jiuzhou lunar exploration project detector products will arrive at Hainan International Airport on a Y-5 aircraft.

And when it was November 11rd of the Xiayin celestial calendar, an even more exciting news came in the business field.

Managers of Jiuzhou Technology's mobile device department told reporters: "Well, we have actually been researching and developing the Jiaolong mobile phone. However, developing a truly epoch-making product does not mean just making up various definitions or taking other aspects of the supply chain port. It can be obtained through product integration.

So we are still in the process of research and development and optimization, and it is not the PPT style that everyone calls it.

Well, that’s right, some of the technologies in our company’s lunar exploration project will be reflected in the next new product launch conference held by our mobile device department.

What Mr. Gu said about letting users learn to save money has led to many users suffering from deposit dependence. Is it true that they are only willing to save money but not spend? Hahaha, in fact, I personally think that our Daxia’s concept of saving money is quite good. It is appropriate to save some money appropriately for emergencies. If you consume in advance, once you encounter something that requires money, When you have no money in your pocket, you have no choice but to borrow more loans. This is a swamp that is very easy to fall into.

However, you can rest assured that the next generation mobile device product of our mobile device department will definitely not disappoint you, nor will it make the wallets of ordinary users suffer. Although some media reporters are already circulating in the market what screen and what screen we use. Camera, but trust us, this time it will definitely be a generational work.

Just like what our Mr. Gu once said, 'The future has arrived'. "

It is launching a lunar probe and releasing new products. Although 1026 is not completely over yet, Jiuzhou Technology has occupied the hot search for more than three months.

Although this is a little better than the previous situation where Kyushu Technology dominated the rankings, the improvement is very limited.

Netizens are like celebrating the New Year at this time, talking and interacting like crazy on Internet social platforms. Even Gu Qing’s own official account gets tens of thousands of @@s every day. After all, the Jiuzhou community is spread across most countries in the world. and regional super Internet community platform.

Moreover, there are no so-called walls in the Jiuzhou community. Users from each country and region who want to browse posts from other countries and regions can generally browse easily and casually. Only some user accounts that believe in religion or have special ethnic beliefs will be subject to restrictions. Partially controlled content restrictions, AI smart programs will ensure that these users cannot see pictures, videos, and relatively straightforward provocative texts that challenge their beliefs.

On November 1026, 11, a netizen posted in the Jiuzhou community.

The content of the post is very simple, just a picture and a text explanation.

"I heard that the detector products of the Kyushu Lunar Exploration Project will arrive at Hainan International Airport on the Y-20 aircraft. My family, I am squatting at the Hainan International Airport now. Tips and attention will be paid to pick up the plane and not get lost!"

The accompanying picture is a photo of the airport.

And when you click on the poster's personal homepage, you can see that he is indeed wandering around the airport and live broadcasting.

"I heard that after arriving at the airport, the equipment will be transported by road to the Daxia Wenchang Space Launch Site. Look at the big brothers in uniforms over there. This is definitely to clear the way."

When this poster was live broadcasting, the live broadcast room was already packed with people, and the barrage was so intensive that it would make many big V Internet celebrities envious.

"Zhou Cao, host, are you serious?"

"Fuck you, don't film official personnel. A live broadcast studio just filmed them, and then they were warned by the platform and even banned from broadcasting."

"Owner Niubi, why are you so stubborn?!"

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