The Kyushu Science and Technology Aerospace Department has joined forces with the Titan Star Department, the Semiconductor Department, and the Special Equipment R&D Center to carry out extraterrestrial sample storage, analysis, and research. Amidst the comments from netizens and various applications from space agencies of various countries, the work has slowly begun. prelude.

Engineers may enter the Anxi base for actual operations. Or perform remote operations through the spiritual realm ecosystem.

But this souvenir from the far side of the moon has already been targeted by countless companies and institutions before the cabin is launched.

Li Jian sent a collection file to Gu Qing through an encrypted channel.

This is a document that Zhou Yi, director of Jiuzhou Science and Technology Aerospace Department, and others have not had access to.

Gu Qing lay on the rocking chair in the office, enjoying the gentle breeze, and clicked on the collection file.

[NASA: Your company's lunar soil samples come from lunar areas that have not been sampled by NASA. They are expected to provide valuable information on the geological history of the moon and the Earth-Moon system. We apply for samples (research) and we will ensure that our research personnel have equal research opportunities with scientists around the world. 】

After all, NASA is the largest organization among the currently public aerospace organizations on this planet.

After reading this NASA application document, Gu Qing looked helpless.

The content of the document is translated as follows: NASA wants "sufficient" samples from the back of the moon. After its own experiments, it does not rule out submitting an application for research data to Jiuzhou Technology. It also requires Jiuzhou to provide some samples or public data for NASA to "reference." , to facilitate their follow-up work.

"The greatest value will be realized. The greatest value of your existence is to prove that the glory of NASA before is real. Otherwise, if you, a group of arrogant people, land on the moon again, you will not know whether it is the sorrow of the moon or us. Human sorrow."

After sighing, Gu Qing gave the approval for the application.

[We, Jiuzhou Technology, are a technology manufacturing company committed to providing better and smarter lives for global users. Their request seems like robbing our company secrets. Some companies in Britain used illegal means to crack it illegally. , using our company’s technology.

Reject the application and at the same time ask the Ministry of Justice to sort out the legal provisions related to the moon landing project, not only for our country, but also for the national and local space agencies of the United States, Britain, Germany, Polar Bear and other countries. 】

After rejecting NASA's application, Gu Qing gave instructions on the application documents of several other important space agencies.

The lunar rock, lunar soil, and lunar ice samples collected from the back of the moon are of extremely important significance for understanding the composition characteristics, rock types, mineral components, and chemical composition of the sampling area. Moreover, because of the interaction between lunar surface materials and the solar wind, the lunar surface materials interact with the solar wind. Research on the soil formation mechanism is also of great significance.

After all, although it seems that vegetables cannot be grown in lunar soil at present, this kind of thing is only based on the current level of scientific research. With the development of scientific research technology and the in-depth study of lunar soil, it is actually possible to improve soil bags and grow plants. , complete the "greening" of the moon.

If the collected samples contain lunar anorthosite material, the early history of the moon can be studied. If there are maria basalts, it will be of great value to the study of lunar volcanism and even thermal history.

December 1026, 12, Xiayin celestial calendar, Blue Star Christmas Eve.

This day is also called Christmas Eve, that is, Christmas Eve. Traditionally, many Christians will attend midnight masses or gatherings on Christmas Eve, usually held in churches, to mark the beginning of Christmas Day.

Some churches even hold candlelight services earlier in the evening, usually with a dramatization of the Nativity story and a feast.

Jiuzhou Technology’s lunar exploration module landing on the moon is a major event in the field of aerospace scientific research, but for ordinary people, this is just a topic for daily chat, but for their lives, the impact of the lunar exploration module landing on the moon , it will take years or even decades to bring about earth-shaking changes.

Just like thousands of years ago, Taoist priests in ancient Daxia pursued immortality and refined elixirs from various materials. Many of the alchemy products they produced were products that influenced the entire era.

In order to seek longevity, the King of Huainan made tofu, one of the products of alchemy, which is the main source of plant protein for many people.

Gunpowder, the culprit behind the explosion of alchemy furnaces, was the prelude to world development and war.

On this night, at 12:12 in the morning, the official account of Jiuzhou Technology forwarded the latest announcement from the "small account" of Jiuzhou Technology Aerospace, and commented: "Thank you for your hard work, scientists, engineers, and technical staff. Enterprise users and consumer users who use our Jiuzhou technology products, without your support, we cannot bring these treasures out of the Moon Palace.

By the way, let me make an advertisement. On January 1027, 1, Xiayin celestial calendar, our company will hold a new product launch conference, hoping to bring you a better and high-quality smart life. "

The first reaction of all netizens who saw this news was that Jiuzhou Technology was about to release a new product!

That is a week later.

For a time, the term "Jiuzhou Technology Conference" quickly shot up, directly trampling on topics such as Christmas Eve and Christmas.

However, the news that followed suppressed the entry [Jiuzhou Technology Conference], making it only second in the district bureau.

That is, the official account of Daxia News also forwarded the latest announcement from the "small account" of Jiuzhou Technology Aerospace, and commented: "The world will change because of this..."

Launch vehicle experts from the First Academy of the Daxia Aerospace Group and academicians from the Daxia Academy of Engineering were awakened in the middle of the night.

Those who have meetings have meetings, and those who take medicine take medicine.

In the early morning, the Daxia Morning News reported the news about the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Aerospace Department, and an official academician said in an interview with reporters: "In the past, the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Aerospace Department used our Daxia Aerospace Group It was launched by the JZ-404 series of rockets jointly developed with Kyushu Technology. But to lift the Kyushu lunar exploration module and send it to the sky and to the moon, the initial JZ-404 rocket was not powerful enough and was not powerful enough, so We jointly developed a more advanced JZ-404 modified rocket."

If the speech of this top industry leader is just the beginning, then when Li Jian, the chief engineer of Jiuzhou Science and Technology Aerospace Engineering, was interviewed by reporters, his serious and peaceful expression and the content of his words were... Let all the audiences in Daxia feel refreshed.

"The lunar exploration mission carried out this time should have been five years ago."

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