Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 1623 "Christmas News"

But Li Jian just made the beginning, and then did not explain it, but continued: "In fact, when we conducted flight tests, we experienced tens of thousands of failures, but after every failure, our team would gather together, Solve the problem.

Twenty hours before launch, the lunar exploration rover and other equipment in the lunar exploration module were already being charged. The lunar exploration module, which weighs 11 tons and is more than 8 meters tall, is among all lunar landing projects in the world. It can be said to be an out-and-out big guy, and it is not only the heaviest among the current global space probes, but also the one with the most complex system.

This detector has a total of five parts. From bottom to top, starting from the part that docks with the rocket, they are the orbiter, which has a returner in the belly of the orbiter, then the lander, and the cargo compartment, which is the top The ones are ascenders and some special equipment.

The lunar exploration mission involves the relative relationship between our blue star and the moon. In fact, there are only 1026 days in the entire year 5 where such conditions are available, including the location of the launch, which determines the most appropriate time to launch the rocket. .

Due to time constraints, the mission's core sampling project on the far side of the moon only has a few days to complete. No matter how much remaining energy the lunar exploration module has, no matter how many samples are stored in the cargo compartment inside the lunar exploration module, the lunar exploration module's ascender must rise within the planned standard time, and the orbiter has been traveling around the moon. Docking, so that the samples collected by the lunar exploration rover can be smoothly put on the shuttle bus back to our Blue Star.

For this lunar sample collection, we chose two methods, one is to drill with the drill bit of the lunar exploration module and the lunar exploration rover, and the other is to use the lunar exploration rover's picking equipment to extract from the surface.

Specifically, drilling is to drill into the lunar surface between two meters and six meters deep to collect samples. In this process, the drilling equipment can obtain lunar soil, lunar rocks and lunar rocks from different lunar surfaces to different depths below the lunar surface. Some metallic substances may be present.

Surface retrieval means shoveling soil and digging ice on the lunar surface. Speaking of which, the lunar sample surface retrieval technology all comes from the sweeping robot technology of our Jiuzhou Technology Titanium Department. After years of exploration and optimization, our company’s sweeping robots have now It is a powerful smart home product that integrates sweeping, mopping, air purification, liquid treatment, pollutant treatment and other cleaning related tasks. At the new product launch conference in a week, there will also be a display of sweeping robots using new technologies. . "

Li Jian may be the first aerospace engineer to advertise in the morning news column.

But what he said was not off-topic, and after this sentence, he went on to talk about the most important content.

"The former polar bear used an unmanned probe to successfully drill and bring back lunar soil, weighing more than 300 grams. NASA in the United States brought back 382 kilograms of lunar soil samples during the Apollo program, and the Daxia Aerospace Group's Chang'e 1.731 Brought back kilograms of samples.

When the engineers of Daxia Aerospace Group communicated with us before, they mentioned a special situation, that is, we should not limit the weight and volume of calibration sample collection too much, because when they originally designed the project, they referred to the information published by NASA. The density of the lunar soil was therefore designed as a mission standard of 2 kilograms. However, when the lunar exploration module landed on the moon and began to collect samples, it was discovered that the data originally disclosed by NASA was wrong. The actual density of the lunar soil was smaller than the published one, so the same Under the volume, the mass decreases, and 2 kilograms becomes 1.731 kilograms.

Fortunately, we believed in the engineering team of Daxia Aerospace Group and left enough margin when designing the Jiuzhou lunar module. So this time our Jiuzhou lunar exploration project brought a total of 5 kilograms to our Jiuzhou technology, which is Five kilograms of lunar samples. The sampling process is also based on the lunar environment data provided by Daxia Aerospace Group engineers, because during the robot's autonomous sampling process, the program needs to test and learn the lunar environment, and then it can make equipment such as the lunar exploration module and lunar exploration rover better mission accomplished.

Carbon-based chips performed extremely stably in this mission, so in the future, Jiuzhou Technology will regard carbon-based chips as a first-level aerospace technology and will not open carbon-based chip technology to ordinary cooperative companies. "

5 kilograms of samples. Even when the reporter heard the sample data, he was extremely surprised and asked: "This should be the lunar mission with the most samples collected by all Blue Star space agencies. How will these samples be processed next?" ?”

When he heard this question that had been arranged in advance, Li Jian knew that the time to allow his company to advertise had passed, and he had to "follow the script" next.

“The company’s processing of lunar soil can be divided into three parts and three uses.

The three parts are that most of the samples will be placed at our Jiuzhou Technology research base in Xinke District, Rongcheng, Daxia, for scientific research. The other part was donated to the Daxia Academy of Sciences Observatory and Daxia Aerospace Group to thank them for their selfless help. In addition, some of the processed moon rocks will be preserved in Hunan Shaoshan.

As for the three purposes, the first purpose is also the most important purpose, scientific research. The lunar samples we collected this time include lunar soil, lunar rocks, lunar ice, and a small number of metallic minerals and special substances. Of course, we have only completed the classification of 3 kilograms of samples, and there are still two kilograms of samples left. I don’t know how many surprises it will give us.

The second use is that part of the processed lunar soil will be placed in the Daxia Museum, Chengdu Museum and Jiuzhou Museum, so that all scientific researchers and ordinary tourists can enter the museum and observe the physical objects of another planet at close range. Instead of looking at photos and videos.

For the third purpose, our Jiuzhou Technology will donate part of the lunar soil to partner companies and institutions in accordance with international conventions and previously signed cooperation agreements to help partner companies and institutions understand the differences of the moon more quickly and help them develop aerospace. technology and cultivate aerospace talents. "

This is Jiuzhou Technology’s arrangement for lunar samples. In general, it is basically the same as the way Daxia Aerospace Group handled it before, but the specific implementation details are different.

At the end of the news, the host recited the content of a poem: "Thirty-eight years have passed, and in a blink of an eye. I can go up to the nine sky to catch the moon, and I can go down to the five oceans to catch turtles, and return with laughter and triumph. Nothing is difficult in the world. , as long as you are willing to climb.”

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