"According to the timeline of the lunar landing project we originally set, the day when we set foot on the moon is not far away."

Gu Qing's words rippled in everyone's hearts.

Having reached his current position, even Zhang Tianhao, who was still immersed in following Teacher Gu, studying and working, is no longer as "innocent" as before.

They all have their own ambitions and wishes. After years of study and work, they have all found their own direction.

To break the global hegemony, this task has been mostly completed, and only the last step is left.

When Gu Qing ended the connection in the online conference room, Zhang Tianhao, Li Jian, Lin Jinli, Luo Song, Chu Ci, Li You, Zhang Yantai, Zhang Benyu, Zhan Kunhu, Zhou Wu, Zhang Quanhai and others did not turn around to do their own thing. However, they all fell into deep thought invariably.

This meeting was different from other previous meetings. Mr. Gu no longer just talked about technology or international relations, but shared his own ideas.

"It turns out that Mr. Gu was so depressed before because he was really worried about us and the future of mankind. After all, once the third war begins, it is very likely that the fourth battle will be fought with wooden clubs and bows and arrows."

"Moon exploration, moon landing, and finally the construction of lunar bases and lunar cities are not only our hope, but also the best insurance measure for the future of our humanity?"

"Energy, materials, and gravity issues. If we want to live stably on the moon, we must consider these projects. It seems it is time to add more subjects to ourselves."

"Those old guys from the Daxia Aerospace Group may never have the courage of Mr. Gu to build a lunar city in their lifetime. What a distant but important project."

Li You and Zhang Yantai, the heads of Jiuzhou Technology's semiconductor department, who were originally discussing technical issues in the same office, looked at each other and smiled.

"Lao Li, I think there should be no other problems with our negotiation this time."

Li You looked at the unshaven middle-aged man in front of him with bloodshot eyes, subconsciously thinking of his family, and then nodded with a smile.

"The 3-nanometer process of carbon-based chips has roughly completed several key technologies. Since your quantum chip is short of people, then take it. But one thing I want to make clear is that when they go to work in your quantum chip department, they will be subsidized Of course, their close relatives have already moved to the employee community of our semiconductor department, so you still have to arrange holidays for these engineers.

I don’t want to meet children in the park asking me where their parents are. "

Hearing that Li You agreed to this, Zhang Yantai laughed twice.

Then he promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect the benefits and vacation arrangements of these elite semiconductor engineers. Even if they are unwilling to take vacations, I will give them mandatory vacations."

At this point, Zhang Yantai paused for a moment before confirming: "Of course, I will also give full consideration to the progress of their project and will never let them be suddenly arranged to leave while they are still busy with the project.

The psychological quality of these elite engineers and scientists is sometimes fragile and easy to misunderstand. For example, those engineers who went to the Korean Peninsula to help Han Xing Electronics develop our Kyushu Semiconductor silicon-based chip technology were fascinated by several female celebrities. If the alarms on their bodies hadn't noticed that there was something wrong with their physical condition, I'm afraid they will fall into other people's traps. You should also take a normal rest during the holidays. Just eat, drink and have fun everywhere. How can you find good people in those dark places? "

"It's good that you know. Anyway, I agree to the personnel changes, but you have to be able to convince them yourself. After all, forceful melons are not sweet."

"Hahaha, you've got a different idea. I'm afraid you don't know how many people in the semiconductor department want to join our quantum chip project. Mr. Gu often comes to visit. Didn't he give you advice a few times before?

How about the light source solution? I can guarantee that as long as the light source is solved, our subsequent quantum chips will definitely enter the fast lane of development and complete the design and production process of quantum chips at the leapfrog level within two years. "

Hearing his old friend mention the light source, Li You waved his hand. "Whatever pot is not open, go ahead and do your work. Don't worry about the light source. It is impossible for the engineer of the light source project to appear on the personnel transfer list."

"Tch, I'm still keeping a hand here. If you don't have one, there won't be one. I'll look for it myself. Among the tens of thousands of elite semiconductor engineers in our department, we can always find a few elites among the elites."

After getting a satisfactory answer from Li You, Zhang Yantai left the office with satisfaction.

After meeting with his assistant, he subconsciously snapped his fingers and ordered: "Let's go back to the office. We will get busy later."

The assistant had no doubt that he was there and followed closely behind him holding the tablet.

I don’t know if the action of snapping fingers is contagious. Anyway, since the founder of Jiuzhou Technology, Gu Qing, snapped his fingers, many top managers of Jiuzhou Technology will also snap their fingers from time to time.

After Zhang Yantai had Li You's authorization, when he returned to the office, with the help of Haezhi, he opened the list of semiconductor department personnel that he had searched over and over before, and also discovered a large list of elite semiconductor engineers that he had never seen before.

"My dear, this is simply a mess. Only Asakusa has no horseshoes. I used to think that our semiconductor department was already the top semiconductor organization in the world, but compared with the elites on this list, it used to be, This is now..."

As a practitioner in the semiconductor industry, Zhang Yantai knows that Intel Corporation in the West currently has a total of 120,000 ordinary employees, of which only more than 2,000 can be called elite engineers. There are also just over 3,000 NVIDIA elite engineers.

The reason why NVIDIA has more elite engineers than Intel is because NVIDIA has also been engaged in AI and big data intelligence in the Western market in recent years. It has surpassed Intel in the limelight, so it can afford to support so many elite engineers.

But at this moment, on the display screen in front of Zhang Yantai, the bearded deputy director of the semiconductor department of Jiuzhou Technology saw a total of 200,000 people!

Among them, there are fully 20,000 truly elite engineers who have passed the Jiuzhou Technology Registered Semiconductor Engineer Examination!


“I heard that elite engineers from abroad want to take the exam to become registered engineers, but there is only one chance of success.

Why did so many people appear in our semiconductor department? "

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