When the "miscellaneous people" left, Gu Qing told Luo Jiazhao, the head of his rocket company, "The head office will adjust some of your rocket branch's business, researchers, research laboratories, and research projects. You should understand. "

How could Luo Jiazhao object when he heard this?

He immediately nodded and responded: "Our rocket branch focuses on rocket projects. If there are too many messy projects, it will not only slow down our project progress, but also waste the company's resources.

Good steel is used on the blade, and the hand of the hand will never be as destructive as the fist. "

Although Li Lun, the chief engineer of Rocket Engineering, was also there, and although Luo Jiazhao had once painted a pie for the rocket company one after another to Chief Engineer Li, at this moment, Luo Jiazhao was also sincere.

Even his own mood has not calmed down.

When Gu Qing, Liu Xiangjun and others left and went to the laboratory of the power system department, the middle-aged man was still muttering in his heart: "Didn't we agree to develop the power system and develop power? How do we use nuclear fusion? Did you get it done?

Just develop a technology that transcends the times. You have also developed the miniaturization of nuclear fission. Why did the Xia Academy of Sciences miss you 'fish that slipped through the net'?

Alas, now, the company is leaving a group of elite engineers again. "

Although he knew that the head office would definitely provide "compensation" and that his branch would definitely not be able to keep this big treasure, Luo Jiazhao still couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

After all, it is no exaggeration to say that this is the key to mankind entering the next stage.

What kind of dog AI is, in the face of nuclear fusion, it is really useless.

The scale of the power system R&D laboratory is not large, even compared with the nuclear test department of the Titan Star Department, just like the difference between first-tier and fifth-tier cities.

But that is only a spatial difference in scale. Wherever Gu Qing looked, the equipment, technical protocols, and material specifications were all the same as those of the Titan Star Department. The only difference was in the stock and usage of materials. The Titan star part is so luxurious.

"Director Zhang and my mentors were also very optimistic about my experimental ideas, so when I left the Titan Star Department and came to the Rocket Branch, they sponsored me with some resources.

In addition, other over-standard equipment was redeemed by points from our laboratory, and some of it was borrowed from the laboratory. "

Liu Xiangjun explained from the side.

At this time, he looked a little nervous.

Because only people who have worked within Jiuzhou Technology for a long enough time know how strict the hierarchy is within the company. Some equipment and technical data cannot be accessed or owned by the parties without sufficient authority. If someone violates the company's internal regulations at will, The consequences of the rules and regulations are definitely difficult for people to bear easily, and other people may even have other joint and several liabilities.

Gu Qing knew that the other party was worried about this matter, so he shook his head and said: "Don't worry, everything you do is recorded in Haizhi and Tiangong. I was just lamenting that the layout here is somewhat similar to our original laboratory."

Hearing Gu Qing's comforting words, Liu Xiangjun also sighed with emotion: "I didn't deliberately arrange it this way. It's just that when I first came to Jiuzhou Technology, my mentor led a group of us to learn how to develop nuclear energy in this environment. use……"

Gu Qing did not rush Liu Xiangjun to introduce the technique, but patiently waited for the other party to express his emotions and occasionally gave emotional feedback.

If it is in other technology companies, having the right direction does not mean that this company can produce excellent products, but in Jiuzhou Technology, having the right research and development direction, it means that excellent products will definitely be manufactured.

The more critical the moment, the more cautious Gu Qing becomes.

Although it is said that those who make big things happen without hesitation, small details often bring many different feedbacks to people, causing things to develop in other directions. When Liu Xiangjun reacted, he felt a little ashamed.

After all, we are all adults, and this kind of emotional thing should not happen at work.

Afterwards, he put away his emotions and began to report to Gu Qing the details of his discovery and experiment of nuclear fusion.

While Liu Xiangjun was reporting, Gu Qing's eyes would fall on the lunar materials in the laboratory from time to time.

The 10KG of lunar backside material originally produced seems to be still missing.

If you dig a few meters into the moon's underground, you can get materials that are important for optimizing the materials of nuclear fusion devices. If you dig deeper and collect more materials, even tons of materials, can you get more materials, including Materials that play an important role in other projects, including nuclear energy?

"The moon is so fascinating."

With emotion in his heart, after listening to Liu Xiangjun and others' experimental report, Gu Qing opened the laboratory's spiritual realm ecological experiment server.

After logging into his own account and loading the data package provided by Liu Xiangjun, he used his advanced permissions to add several highly realistic virtual experimental rooms.

The time for conducting experiments is somewhat "boring".

But when Gu Qing was conducting experiments, he had to constantly add data to the database of the Lingjing Ecological Experiment Server, so he seemed quite busy.

Liu Xiangjun watched his boss Gu become busy, not only not eating nor drinking, but even not bothering to take a look at the high-energy aerospace food, the admiration in his heart did not weaken in the slightest because of his achievements.

He even felt that he had gained a lot while following Gu Qing in conducting experiments...

"Could it be that Mr. Gu himself had this idea at the beginning? But because of limitations in technology and materials, he had to shelve this idea?"

This little thought was hidden deep in Liu Xiangjun's heart.

One night passed suddenly.

Gu Qing no longer needs as much sleep every day as he did before.

When the sun finally broke through the blockade of night and appeared in the sky, he just clicked on data save.

"With this new material fused with new elements, the nuclear fusion reaction device can fully adapt to extremely high temperatures and pressures. Under this extremely high temperature and pressure, helium-3 atoms fuse with deuterium atoms (an isotope of hydrogen) Together, the huge energy released can completely help us humans take a step forward.

Although our human scientists have been conducting massive research and development in recent decades, some experts even assert that it is impossible to see the application of controllable nuclear fusion technology for at least 10 years.

I didn’t expect that you would be able to achieve a breakthrough before ten years are up.

Director Liu, do you and your team have a name for this new element? "

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