
When hearing Gu Qing's question, Liu Xiangjun and other laboratory staff swallowed in unison.

This is a more important moment than signing a paper. In a sense, this is an important moment that can definitely be included in history books, physics textbooks, chemistry textbooks, and leave a mark in history.

Liu Xiangjun looked at his colleagues, but shook his head very sincerely.

"We had just successfully developed the technology in the virtual laboratory, and we violated the technical research alarm. Then, under the protection of the chief engineer and the head of the branch, we were arranged to be protected in the lobby.

So we haven't discussed this matter yet. If we number it according to the experimental material, jzhcl25213#1234, this number would be too long. "

When Gu Qing learned about this situation, he shook his head and said with a smile: "This is an important record that will go down in history and go into textbooks. You should come up with a name together, and I won't do it for you.

But your idea is also good. It is not good if the name is too long. Students will definitely complain in their hearts when they memorize the key points of knowledge. "

Gu Qing's words relaxed the serious atmosphere in the laboratory a lot.

Liu Xiangjun and others also began to discuss seriously.

"This is a high-temperature material that controls nuclear fusion. It is also very helpful in dealing with the large number of neutrons released in fusion reactions. How about naming it 'Youjia'?"

"Tsk, your naming method is too unprofessional. In the past, when giving Chinese names to international elements, they always used one Chinese character to represent them. In order to make the naming systematic, the elements always used different meanings to represent the different meanings of the elements at room temperature. Physical states, such as 'qi' means gas, 氵 means liquid, stone and gold mean solid non-metals and metals respectively. Therefore, when giving Chinese names to elements, we still have to use single characters."

"I suddenly remembered that when I was reading the information before, there was a rule explanation: 'Yan' means fire, and '舛' means two feet, which means walking. This is the state in which we humans often see wandering light in cemeteries. , this light is exactly the phosphorus element of the element symbol P. Therefore, the Chinese name was chosen as the sound symbol '粦', plus the meaning symbol 'stone', indicating that it is a non-metallic solid.

If you want to use 'excellent' or 'good', you should also follow this rule. "

In addition to those who stick to the rules, another experimenter said: "It's not like we didn't name it with the name of the inventor or the local name of the country where it is located. The element is scientific, but the naming is humanistic. Every solution has advantages and benefits." The disadvantage is that we follow the rules too much, and we are not writing eight-legged essays!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes subconsciously turned to Gu Qing.

Gu Qing also spread his hands. "What are you looking at me for? This is your glory and should be in your own hands."

As we all know, Mr. Gu has always been a "pragmatist" who is indifferent to fame and wealth and only cares about practical benefits.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally focused their attention on Liu Xiangjun, the head of the laboratory.

Liu Xiangjun noticed the gazes of his colleagues and took a deep breath.

He said: "Since it is so important to nuclear energy engineering, and has troubled us humans for so long, and can open the key to the next era for us, I have a suggestion, name it '釛'"

The Chinese character, pinyin is hé, meaning 'gold'.

For us in Great Xia, and for all human beings, it is the gold of the next era. "

釛hé? Liu Xiangjun wrote this word in his hand, and everyone was chanting it. Someone suddenly slapped his head and said, "What a good name! Promethium element, do you remember it? The symbol is Pm, the atomic number is 61, it is a radioactive One of the rare earth elements of the lanthanide series. There are 17 known isotopes and 4 isotopes. The most important of them is 146Pm, which is extracted from uranium fission products or irradiated with neutrons to 147Nd.

In the past, my input method was typing correctly, but when I entered it, it became incorrect. "

Because Liu Xiangjun personally gave the name, no one else had any objection.

In other words, when some people were just explaining the rules, they were afraid that the person in charge of their own laboratory would not understand the rules and come up with a name that would make people laugh. Then their brilliant experimental results would be covered by some bad rumors. , not beautiful either.

Some experimenters were even thinking hard, wondering whether to create a word and use it.

In normal times, this outrageous idea would definitely not work.

But developing materials that are extremely important for nuclear fusion, such an important matter, naturally has no taboos.

Even officials will support this decision.

Gu Qing waited for everyone in the laboratory to discuss for a long time and made sure they had no other objections. Then he came over and asked, "Are you sure?"

Liu Xiangjun looked around at the people around him, then nodded and said: "It's confirmed, it's the moon. It comes from the moon. Maybe there may be branches deeper in the crust of our blue star, but after all, for us, it belongs to the gold of the next era. .

I just don’t know if the word hé is still used internationally to name some elements that we don’t know about. "

Gu Qing doesn't have a penchant for naming. Even many of the internal technologies that are important enough to easily create a listed company with a market value of tens of billions are all codenamed using the first letter of Pinyin plus numbers.

He put this word into Jiuzhou Search and searched it with the highest authority account.

Then he nodded and said in deep thought: "The word hé has indeed been used by some people to name elements, but it was only for unimportant small projects, and they even couldn't remember the project themselves.

In addition, there are some reported typos. In this world, you can rest assured that our Jiuzhou Search should not have any big problems. Databases in many professional fields are not as detailed as our Jiuzhou Search’s professional database. "

With Gu Qing's assurance, Liu Xiangjun's worries immediately dissipated.

Other experimenters were also mumbling the name of this new element, gesturing with their hands at the words written by the person in charge.

But before they could react, Liu Xiangjun seemed to have made up his mind and said: "Then let's choose this name. I have another suggestion. Instead of explaining and labeling it in other languages, just use our Daxia Chinese character "釛" and pinyin "hé" to label.”

Words are the carrier of culture.

Liu Xiangjun has been following Gu Qing for a long time. He knows what kind of person his boss Gu is. He is very good, but he also "rejects" foreign culture and only selectively learns.

Of course, he himself is such a person.

There is a kind of confidence in Chinese culture deep in my bones.

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