February 1027nd, Xiayin celestial calendar.

Although it is not the dragon raising its head in the lunar calendar of Daxia, as the Spring Festival approaches, many practitioners in chemistry and physics-related industries have learned the news through various channels.

There was even a chemistry teacher who smiled and said to his senior high school students: "You are lucky this year. Unlike in previous years, you have to do questions about various product materials of Jiuzhou Technology. This year, you should be able to steadily answer a question about new elements.

This element is called [雛] pronounced [hé]..."

Students have long been accustomed to news about new elements developed by Jiuzhou Technology.

The bolder students raised their hands and asked, "Teacher, Jiuzhou Science and Technology reports so many new materials every year. We update teaching materials and teaching aids every year. What is the [雛] element used for?"

The chemistry teacher was not angry. Instead, after writing the names of the elements on the blackboard, he clicked on the multimedia display screen of the blackboard. While flipping through the latest announcements released by Jiuzhou Technology, he explained to his students: "This element [釛hé], according to the official report of Jiuzhou Technology, it was collected from an area several meters deep on the moon.

Of course, considering the reason for the formation of the moon, scientists from Jiuzhou Science and Technology have also speculated that there may be [雛] elements distributed in the deeper layers of the crust of our blue star, but no one has mined this element for so many years, so I think this is very It may be a specialty of the moon.

[雛] The meaning of the Daxia Chinese character for element is also very appropriate - gold.

This article from Jiuzhou Technology briefly introduces that adding this element to some special materials will greatly improve the material's pressure resistance and temperature resistance.

In fact, I guess, teacher, this element plays an extremely important role in improving and reinforcing the fields of new energy vehicles, public transportation equipment, experimental equipment, and aerospace.

It's just that the collection of this element is a bit difficult, and there is almost no distribution on the moon's surface. According to previous surveys by other countries on the front of the moon, it is possible that the [雛] element only exists a few meters deep on the back of the moon.

So far, the only country that has the ability to detect and excavate samples in this area is Daxia.

I hope that next time the lunar exploration rover sent up by the Daxia Aerospace Group can find out for us..."

The teacher spoke with emotion in his tone.

Because when he was studying, the textbooks and teaching aids were all about the "first" feats of countries such as polar bears and NASA. Although his own Daxia also had achievements, from a horizontal comparison, he was still in the exploratory and learning stage.

Now, a private enterprise in our own country can achieve such results.

Touching his mechanical prosthetic right arm, the chemistry teacher became even more motivated with emotion.

"Students, today we are going to learn a new element chapter!"

Jiuzhou Technology has been implementing a small profit but quick turnover strategy for ordinary residents of Daxia with bionic mechanical prostheses. If labor costs are included, there is actually a slight loss. Therefore, these ordinary teachers and skilled workers can enjoy the benefits that overseas rich people have to queue up for. Bionic mechanical prosthetic services await. Regarding the research and development of nuclear fusion, Jiuzhou Technology remains secretive.

The reason why the existence of the [雛] element was announced is simply because Gu has never been a "villain".

NASA, Polar Bear Aerospace, and the European Space Agency, the three famous space agencies in Blue Star, only paid a few glances at the [雛] element. After knowing the general function of the [雛] element, they skillfully sent letters to apply for samples. Hope to experiment together too.

After receiving the negative rejection from Jiuzhou Technology, Polar Bear Aerospace was neither angry nor sighing. After all, in their view, these were the trophies of Jiuzhou Technology, and they naturally had the right to handle the distribution of these trophies.

On the other hand, NASA and the European Space Agency, two organizations, have created Jiuzhou Technology in a strange way.

The former said that Jiuzhou Technology was selfish and unwilling to share materials, which delayed everyone's space planning. The latter had some reservations because Jiuzhou Technology had previously provided shared footage for moon shots, and just acted like a weakling. "Begging" means: "I hope Jiuzhou Technology can consider the difficulty of developing Blue Star's aerospace industry and provide a sample for all aerospace agencies around the world.

After all, a 5KG sample is enough for the world's leading aerospace agencies to separate and study. "

Under the leadership of Gu Qing, Jiuzhou Technology has never resorted to moral kidnapping. In the face of friendly academic and technical exchanges, although they declined, they also promised to give "gifts" in the future; in the face of these unscrupulous guests, they all clearly refused, and even paid the technical licensing fees required for some aerospace products and Jiuzhou Technology to the outside world. The prices of materials sold have been increased.

It is March 1027rd, in Xiayin celestial calendar.

With the technical support and financial investment from Jiuzhou Technology engineers and Daxia Panda Electronics, Cloud Jiulong Big Data already has the world's largest underground server base.

The K1 helmet, Lingjing lander, Titan processor and other equipment are connected through Jiuzhou Technology's planetary Internet and Lingjing ecological server. Therefore, as long as Gu Qing is willing, he can know everything about Blue Star Internet, but other computer experts at Blue Star cannot. Break through the heavy protection of big data in the cloud and explore the hidden information data of this virtual world.

Now Lingjing Ecology has developed virtual world projects related to entertainment and life such as street stalls, supermarkets, film, television, singing and dancing KTV, etc., under the joint efforts of various private tycoons and business talents.

These real people immersed in the virtual world will provide the most realistic and excellent neurofeedback data for Jiuzhou Technology's spiritual realm ecological server, and conduct constant testing for the spiritual realm ecology to optimize any possible physical and chemical bugs.

"Mr. Gu, Dr. Liu invited you over. He said that his side is ready." A female assistant wearing black-rimmed glasses and a rose-colored face knocked on the door of the president's office and said to Gu Qing.

Gu Qing did not take his eyes away from the information in front of him. He just nodded and said, "I understand. I will be there in twenty minutes."

After hearing Gu Qing's reply, this female assistant with a unique temperament did not stay in the office for too long, but turned and left.

A minute later, Gu Qing read the last twenty pages of the report and then stretched.

"I didn't expect that with the support of various resources, the device could be built in more than two months. Although the technical routes are different, this result will probably surprise the experts who came to observe the Xia Ke Academy and they will not be able to sleep tonight. .”

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