Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 1676 Dr. Rosen’s Changes

Chapter 1676 Dr. Rosen’s Changes

I don’t know how long it took, but when some grumpy elite executives showed displeasure, finally, a new picture was displayed on the closed-circuit monitor in the middle of each conference room.

It was a perspective of a solid wooden round table and a heavy curtain, with an elite wearing a mask and tuxedo suit facing the camera.

Then, a sound came from the stereo.

"Everyone is welcome to take the risk and personally participate in this secret meeting. Please rest assured about the security of this building. Daxia, Jiuzhou Technology, and Polar Bear will not be able to enter the meeting site without any movement, let alone There are hackers who can break into our conference network."

After a brief introduction and "appeasement", this elite did not go through the process of introducing big names like the hosts of business meetings. Instead, he bowed respectfully to everyone, and then said: "After several years of arduous exploration, , Rosen Technology Company finally cracked the software lock and hardware lock of Jiuzhou Technology with everyone’s full support! ""

Just this sentence caused a drastic change in the atmosphere of all the conference rooms on site.

The information about the people in these conference rooms is very complicated, and even their status in the relevant industries is different, but they all have the same identity - they are all investors in Lawson Technology!

When Lawson Technology was unable to break the protection programs installed by Jiuzhou Technology on various products, Uncle Sam and the Boston Capital conglomerates, although they did not say anything, had already had doubts in their hearts, and even failed to deliver what they had promised every quarter. support resources.

It is precisely because of this situation that Rosen Technology took advantage of the original agreement and began to cast a net around the world to seek cooperation (taking advantage of investors).

Because Jiuzhou Technology’s reputation is so great, and Rosen Technology’s reputation in the “industry” is not small, and Rosen Technology has indeed achieved substantial breakthroughs, in the “fund-raising” operation facing global capital , Lawson Technology has received support from billions of dollars. Of course, this is also due to the appreciation of Daxia’s official currency "Xia Yuan", which has led to the depreciation of currencies such as the US dollar and the euro.

As a figure once promoted by the Western technology community to compete with Gu Qing of Kyushu Technology, Mars Krypton certainly also has "strong support" for Rosen Technology.

"Do you know the news? When did it happen?"

"Hey friend, stop wearing a mask, we are all investors in Rosen Technology, and it looks like we are going to get rich!"

"As long as we can crack the technology of Jiuzhou Technology, how can those farmers in Daxia, who have not experienced the industrial revolution, be as efficient as us!?"

When he heard the news from the host, Mars Krypton even felt that his heartbeat skipped a few beats.

"It was indeed a correct decision to invest in Rosen Technology. Let those assets be moved to Daxia's company and repent in hell! How dare you take advantage of the situation and charge such a high handling fee!"

The top NASA engineer next to him also shouted in surprise: "What? Jiuzhou Technology's confidentiality technology has been breached? How long did it take? How come we didn't know?"

Ma Si Krypton listened to the various complaints from these people, but he suppressed it forcefully and began to take a deep breath.

In addition, other elite executives in this large conference room were also whispering and asking each other.

There were many people in the on-site conference room wearing masks or masks, but he could hear the voices of many familiar people in the conversation.

The state of discussion did not last long. Soon, the host started the next process.

"Next, let's invite the founder of Rosen Technology, Dr. Rosen, to explain to us their latest achievements and the follow-up product cooperation that everyone is most concerned about." When Dr. Rosen appeared on the display screen, everyone in the conference room A sigh of relief.

In their impression, Dr. Rosen was a thin middle-aged man wearing a white lab coat, but what appeared in front of them at this moment was a man with black hair and deep features, but his brain was a little larger than that of ordinary people. A "big-headed middle-aged man".

In addition, Dr. Rosen's skin color is also very strange. It is not too white due to not being exposed to the sun all year round, nor is it the skin color of a Caucasian person, but a white color with a hint of dark yellow.

Looking at the whole person makes people feel very weird.

Especially when the doctor pushed his glasses with his hands, careful people noticed that the color of Dr. Rosen's pupils seemed to have changed.

It is impossible for an engineer-scientist who spends his whole life working in a laboratory to do plastic surgery and hairdressing projects. There is no doubt that there must be a hidden secret behind Dr. Rosen's huge changes.

But that's not what surprised everyone the most. What surprised everyone the most was that the words that Dr. Rosen spoke made them immediately think of a young man from a distant eastern country.

"Everyone is welcome to take the risk and come to participate in this shareholder meeting of our Rosen Technology. I am Rosen Gu, the founder of Rosen Technology."

The voice is exactly the same as Gu Qing, the founder of Jiuzhou Technology!

And hearing what he meant, Dr. Rosen also changed his name. He now has the same surname as that Gu Qing! ?


At this time, Ma Si Krypton and others realized that the other party's hair color and skin color were imitating Gu Qing, right?

"Did Dr. Rosen also refer to the method of experiential actors getting into the character's heart? Only by synchronizing with the mind of Gu Qing, the founder of Jiuzhou Technology, can he break through the many chains set by the other party?"

Mars Krypton murmured to himself.

But this did not prevent him from continuing to listen to Dr. Rosen's "product explanations."

SpaceX and Tesla are in great need of new technological power.

Even if the Dr. Rosen in front of him said that his cracking technology was obtained from the devil in hell, Mars Krypton would choose to cooperate with him.

He wants to defeat Jiuzhou Technology! Defeat Gu Qing! Crush these rubbish companies like BYAT and Lingpao!

Dr. Rosen seemed to know everyone's reaction. He smiled and shook his head and explained: "Please rest assured that I am still a normal human being with a healthy mental state. All the changes in my body are for scientific research."

As he spoke, Dr. Rosen started to say like a missionary in the church: "Bactria has a long, ancient and glorious history. Since the beginning of Pangu, they have been preaching that man can conquer nature, but he must reconcile with heaven and earth. The theory of harmonious coexistence.

If we want to conquer Kyushu Technology's top technology that can be called a different world, we must get close to them. "

(End of this chapter)

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