Chapter 1677 Cultural Logic

“Only by understanding them and learning from them can we analyze technical dilemmas from the cultural roots.

Many people used to think I was crazy, but now it seems that I am not crazy. "

“Jiuzhou Technology’s technology uses many philosophies of Daxia culture, including Yin and Yang, Five Elements, Two Instruments, Four Symbols, Liuhe, Bagua, as well as the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic, the Book of Changes, the Tao Te Ching, and the Yin Fu Jing. "

"The De Dao Jing is a work written by the ancient pre-Qin scholars of Da Xia before they split up. It is also an important source of Taoist philosophical thought... and the Yin Fu Jing is also the quintessence of Taoist thought in ancient Da Xia.

'Yin Fu' has been interpreted by ancient scholars of Daxia as: 'Yin means dark night; Fu means harmony'. Just like when night falls and everything is silent, the timing of doing things at this time coincides with the destiny of heaven, hence the name Yin Fu. Although this scholar's explanation is not wrong, it fails to touch on the deeper meaning of this concept.

The ancient people of Daxia divided the materials in the world into five categories: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The relationship between them is mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing..."

These Western elites never dreamed that they would refuse many important meetings and take all kinds of risks to attend a top-secret meeting. They would sit honestly in their seats and listen to a top Western engineer and scientist. They explained various classics and cultural thoughts of ancient Taoism in Daxia.

But at this moment, in order to become the closest collaborators with Rosen Technology and obtain Rosen Technology's technology to defeat Kyushu Technology, they could only sit on their seats and listen attentively with a serious look on their face, even with an expression of devotion!

Rosen himself was writing and drawing on a blackboard just like the teacher in Daxia.

“This idea of ​​mutual generation and mutual restraint and the idea of ​​Tai Chi Yin and Yang Fish are the technical logic of the core framework of Jiuzhou Technology’s password lock.

But everyone should be aware that wood creates fire, but too much wood will suppress the fire and then extinguish it. Fire defeats metal. If metal is stronger than fire, it will also destroy metal.

"Yin Fu Jing" says: Heaven, it causes all things to come into being and causes all things to disappear, which is a natural principle.

In Jiuzhou Technology's product protection locks, whether it is hardware protection locks or software protection locks, there is a program similar to Daxia Dao running. If we want to break the protection of Dao Dao, we must pretend that our program It has become the same existence as the official program of Jiuzhou Technology, which requires the application of the following theoretical knowledge..."

'Mutual generation' means mutual generation, that is, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood. 'Xiangke' means mutual harm as mentioned before: wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, fire overcomes metal, and metal overcomes wood.

Heaven and earth are the thief of all things; all things are the thief of man; man is the thief of heaven and earth. If the three types of theft are properly adapted, heaven, earth and people will be at peace.

When did these Western elites seriously listen to the traditional culture of Daxia?

Moreover, the knowledge of Yin-Yang, Five Elements, and the Three Trigrams of Bagua are very top-notch philosophical thinking even in Daxia culture.

The fortune tellers in Daxia only used these philosophical thinking and the rules observed by the ancients to make calculations. These fortune tellers have exhausted their efforts and dare not even say that they have discovered the secrets of the sky.

Moreover, Dr. Rosen used Daxia Mandarin and the tone of Gu Qing’s speech throughout the speech. Even if there were translators doing simultaneous translation, because Daxia language has too many refined meanings, Dr. Rosen often spoke more than a dozen words, and the translation The personnel have to speak hundreds of words before they can barely make the general meaning clear.

There were even many ancient Taoist vocabulary in Daxia, but these translators didn't know how to translate them at all, so they had to bite the bullet and transliterate them. Due to various reasons, only a few business elites with yellow skin and faces in these large and small conference rooms could barely hear what Dr. Rosen said.

But asking them to explain the content is a waste of time and they have no idea what the specific content is.

In the continuous exchanges, everyone finally understood what Dr. Rosen meant.

Probably, in a backward country like Daxia, there are people who are counterattacked by diaosi because of "digging ancestral graves".

Jiuzhou Technology's system locks, software locks, and technical protection settings on the hardware, as well as the logic of its program operation, are mostly technologies derived from these philosophical theories in ancient Daxia.

When no one could understand what Dr. Rosen was explaining, other people in the conference room also started their own "communications". After all, it was too few to gather so many "like-minded" friends for a gathering.

"Relying on this complex idea, Daxia Jiuzhou Technology actually surpassed us in the space field? Unbelievable."

"Back then I read a book called "Unsolved Mysteries of the World", and it was recorded in it that the ancient people of Daxia had actually had contact with aliens, and even the ancient people of Daxia had a way to enter the world. They named the technology of the other world 'cultivating to become an immortal'. As long as you become an 'immortal', you can go to a different world called 'Heaven', or another dimensional world, a dimensional space."

"Is Gu Qing really an alien? He pretended to be a Daxia race just to teach the Daxia race this technology of entering another world to the Daxia race again?"

"Damn it! We also have myths and legends, why are our gods false, but the gods of Daxia are real?!"

"I'm just wondering why Jiuzhou Technology's technology is so cross-generational. If we follow this theory, Jiuzhou Technology's technology is alien technology! Have we been competing with alien companies?!"

In a certain small conference room, there was a senior Uncle Sam wearing a black suit. After listening to the report of the assistant next to him, he nodded slightly and said: "We don't want to delve into the facts that have been established.

But we want to know to what extent have the engineers and scientists of Jiuzhou Technology advanced their science and technology?

To what extent are Daxia officials involved? "

What truly reflects the true industrial level of a big country is not the cars running on the street, but metallurgical equipment, thermal power equipment, hydraulic turbine units, nuclear power, photovoltaics, high-speed rail, electric wheel dump trucks, ultra-high voltage power transmission and transformation equipment, and large-scale offshore oil. Equipment, aircraft carrier, docking station, Tiangong laboratory...

But now, the official display of Daxia has made Uncle Sam afraid to take action easily.

Are the frictions and gaps between Jiuzhou Technology and Daxia officials really as real as they found out?

Or are they acting on each other?

(End of this chapter)

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