Chapter 649 Close the door

The control area of ​​the confidential unit?
Didn't everyone say that Kyushu Technology repeated the operation at the end of the Soviet Union and sold technology?Is this still in the secret unit?

Oh, the lining can be bad, but the face is still important.

As one of the real power leaders of the Neon Semiconductor delegation, Ichiro Watanabe rolled his eyes.

He waved at the staff member who blocked them.

"Hey, hey, Arnold, we are a representative member of the Neon Semiconductor Alliance. I hope it will be convenient for you to inform the president of your company."

Of course, this person handed over a small stack of papers very skillfully.

But unexpectedly, when he stretched out his hand, what he brought was...

"Stop and turn off! Put your hands on the steering wheel! Others put their hands on their heads!!!"

"Stop and shut down! Stop し て extinguish fire する......!!!"

A group of people are either the second generation of chaebols or technical executives. Where have they seen such a battle?

In an instant, many black fire sticks appeared in the field of vision, and there were countless people staring at him outside the car window.

Ichiro Watanabe looked at the uniforms on these people, feeling nervous and puzzled.

"Masaka? Are they not wearing military uniforms or uniforms?"


The guards around the Kyushu Science and Technology Park don't wear regular uniforms. They often change into uniforms woven from high-tech fabrics developed by the Titan Star Department.

Of course, the situation was simultaneously fed back to the security department of Kyushu Technology in real time.

After investigating the gang and finding out that the identity of the team was indeed related to the Neon Semiconductor Company, An Hetang immediately reported to Gu Qingpang.

Boss Gu won't get used to hearing people like Neon Semiconductor doing things so abruptly.

"If you say that you don't cooperate, you don't cooperate. Do they have that foundation? Do they have a reserve of technical personnel? The official letter was also pushed, and the cooperation was also rejected. Now they are going to come to the door to force the palace?
Tell them that we can't spare technical personnel to assist other companies, and if you want to cooperate next time, please apply early. "

When the boss spoke, An Hetang naturally followed suit, and he also felt that these neon people really had a brain circuit problem.

The cooperation that has been publicly rejected, actually wants to come to force the palace?

If you get rejected after joining the company, do you still have to do some kind of sit-in?
Not only rude, but shameless!
After receiving the official notification from Kyushu Technology, Ichiro Watanabe and his team were also stunned.

"Baga! Arrogant! We have worked so hard to get here, and they turned us away! How vulgar!!!"

"We are Mitsubishi Heavy Industries! Kyushu Technology dare to refuse our cooperation?!"

"Korean Korean stars can get cooperation, but we can't?! This must be their conspiracy!!!"

The chaotic noise in the lounge made Ichiro Watanabe uneasy.

But he didn't dare to stand up and tell these people to shut up at this time.

In the small representative team of Neon Semiconductor, Mitsubishi Zaibatsu, Sumitomo Consortium, Fuji Group and other giant companies have sent senior management or descendants of family elites to plate gold.

Now, some noisy people have this background.

With the economic development of Neon, the total assets of the four major chaebol groups have exceeded 60% of the domestic economy of Neon. If these people are offended, Ichiro Watanabe feels that he may disappear inexplicably after returning to China.

It's just that, as one of the leaders of this operation, he was named by a respectable old man.

"Watanabe-san, you have been working in the semiconductor industry for many years, and you have a friendship with some high-level members of Kyushu Technology's semiconductor department. I think the time has come."

After knowing the attitude of Kyushu Technology, the leader of the neon semiconductor representative team will naturally play a role.

Ichiro Watanabe knew very well that the reason why he was able to get into such a position was entirely because his contacts might play a vital role at certain critical moments.

He stood up without hesitation, bowed to the senior, and said, "Hi! I'll contact him right away. With his current status in Kyushu Technology, he can at least give us considerable convenience."

"Very well, I believe that after this operation is successful, you will get the reward you deserve."



Kyushu Science and Technology's semiconductor department park occupies a very large area, but it does not appear empty when people come and go.

With the cooperation with Hansung Semiconductor on the agenda, more and more employees and R&D personnel began to work more busy.

Every day, people from other partner companies of Daxia come here to discuss cooperation, and those who have already negotiated cooperation will send R&D teams to study.

Of course, all of this is highly confidential. The companies that can know and participate in the carbon-based semiconductor 2.0 project are the roots that have gone through layers of screening.

Without exception, all the people who saw the huge carbon-based semiconductor blueprint plan for the first time were as shocked as seeing alien technology, and then blushed and geared up, thinking about doing something big.

As the director of the semiconductor department, Li You couldn't stay in the laboratory to conduct experiments during this period of time. He needed to stand up and start arranging various matters.

As an executive who has participated in the development and discussion of the entire technical system, there is indeed no one more suitable for this job than him.

The entire chip industry chain is extremely complicated. For example, Xuzhou Bokang Information Chemical Company, which has just left, has a name that looks like a medical company, but it is engaged in the production and development of high-end photoresists. For this kind of friend, it is naturally Strong alliance.

Rongcheng in September is still a bit sultry.

Li You looked at the blue sky outside the window, but his mood was very comfortable.

Although the company's reputation on the surface has been slandered a lot, the construction of the carbon-based chip industry is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be a former colleague.

Thinking of the time when he was working at TSMC, the other party shirked responsibility and dumped the blame on certain jobs, and he looked tired.

"If it wasn't for the high salary to support my family at that time, I would have quit a long time ago. It's really a snake and a stick."

With complaints, Li You hung up the phone and blocked the number.

"Didn't I set up a whitelist call? How can I still call in?"

With some doubts, he suddenly realized after a while: "Oh, in order to invite more former colleagues over, so the work contacts are all on the white list."

"Sorry, the user you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later..."

Hearing the "beep" busy tone on the phone, Ichiro Watanabe looked stunned.

Someone beside him was urging: "Watanabe-san, have you got in touch? We can go to see the panda after we have talked about it earlier."

"There is also a military division's temple in Rongcheng, we can go to worship."

A cold sweat broke out.

Watanabe Ichiro turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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