Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 650 European Semiconductor

Chapter 650 European Semiconductor

The current international situation is complicated, and Neon’s domestic aging problem is still serious. However, the interest groups that Neon’s companies have invested in for decades are not as vulnerable as the experts say.

In the "2020 Science and Technology White Paper" released by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology two years ago, those projects that were picked up and continued to work on have also played some initial role in the development of the past two years.

Well, generally I feel that my foundation has been established and I can undertake the role of high-end semiconductor manufacturing.

However, this time the neon semiconductor team came back in defeat, and added fuel to the story by saying that they had suffered all kinds of grievances in Daxia, but it caused an uproar among the chaebols of the major groups.

The bonus of engineers and the determination of industrial policies need to be maintained by industry confidence and continuous industrial upgrading.

Neon has a solid foundation in high-end manufacturing, but over the years with the sudden emergence of other competitors, this foundation has become thinner and thinner, and sometimes even had to use counterfeiting to cover up technical embarrassment.

This time Daxia and his party were crowned "the greatest shame of Neon Semiconductor in the 21st century" by the industry.

But what else?

In the face of Kyushu Technology's lack of face, apart from complaints within the neon semiconductor industry, they dare not show "the slightest disrespect".

Even when a beautiful reporter from "Asahi Shimbun" interviewed the "main person in charge" of this operation, Watanabe Ichiro, the defeated general expressed apology: "Kyushu Technology is working hard for Hanxing, Nvidia, Intel and other companies. Technical assistance, genius の imperial talent Mr. Gu is obsessed with research and development.

However, the senior executives of the semiconductor department of Kyushu Technology and I have had a long conversation and negotiation. When the time is right, our semiconductor industry will also usher in new and cross-age technologies like Korea’s Korean stars. "

As soon as this report came out, the confidence of the neon semiconductor industry was greatly boosted!
Many Nihong netizens said very rationally: "Jiuzhou Technology is a company with a responsible person. Our cooperation invitation is too late, so the delay is understandable."

"Thank you for your hard work, we will surely return to the top!"

"Koryo Korean stars have been showing off their skills for 20 years, let us charge later~"

After saving public opinion, Tokyo University, Osaka University, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Tohoku University, Hitachi Corporation and other research institutes and factories. With professors from various universities and technicians from research institutes and factories, on projects related to semiconductor devices, materials, and technologies, Launched the familiar "government-industry-academia" trinity scientific research system,
However, the United States, Korea, and Xiaori, these people who live a good life in Xiaori, seem to have forgotten a powerful group.

Dividends across Europe have also been eroded...

Small European countries have been at the top of the run list in recent decades, with fewer people, more land, a better environment, and welfare so good that people feel that life is meaningless and choose to kill themselves.

But did they pick up this heavenly enjoyment for no reason?

Did they struggle with their own hard work and integrity?
Nor is it.

So how did you save this wealth, which is so rich that you can distribute money at will and provide free medical care for all?

Murder and set fire to the gold belt, repair the bridge and repair the road without corpses.

Under the brilliance of the Industrial Revolution, there is war, plunder, and the first mover takes advantage.

The behemoth of capitalism has already eaten its way into the cage.

Sulla, who was born in a German aristocrat, is the chairman of the European Commission. As a well-established European elite, her husband is a teacher at Stanford University.

In the era of European integration, some people say that this is a strong alliance, but it can also be said to be another concentration of capital industries, and under the force majeure of this concentration, the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker.

In a capitalist society, the weak are bound to be exploited and become victims of concentrated development.

The basic services and social welfare that can be provided by these countries with stagnant or even backward economic development are naturally deteriorating.

As people's lives get worse and worse, they will naturally turn from left to right, and take protecting their own economic development as the top priority.

For example, Italy, which has been stagnant, won more than [-]% of the votes in the new round of elections in its Guojia.

In Germany, where the economy is still booming, the old elite CDU was able to stabilize the situation and get the most votes.

If Europe is regarded as a whole, then Germany and France are undoubtedly the ones who have benefited the most from the whole, while Italy, Bulgaria and other countries are the victims of being exploited.

However, although the EU is one in name, it has no real balancing mechanism, and it has not fulfilled the setting of transfer payments, which is the strong support the weak.

It is not easy for countries with stagnant or even regressing development, while countries such as Germany and France, which are developing well, are not as good as they appear.

In terms of technology, companies in Asia, North America and other regions are crazily overtaking.On the economic front, debt is high.

In the ever-changing situation, semiconductors, as the jewel in the crown of the secondary industry, naturally entered the key list of European industrial development.

Since the preparation last year, the long-planned "European Chip Solution" by European semiconductor companies and relevant departments was finally officially announced on September [-]th, stimulated by various factors.

According to the plan, European Semiconductor plans to invest more than 1050 billion euros to boost the European chip industry to reduce dependence on other Guojia and regional companies. The goals include strengthening research on smaller and faster chips.

It even called out to increase the proportion of global production capacity to 2030% in 20, establish and strengthen advanced chip design, manufacturing and packaging innovation capabilities...

Although this is not the first time that Europe has "self-rescued" the European semiconductor industry, it is definitely the most powerful one.

Enterprises from 19 European countries have jointly formulated a development plan with relevant institutions and departments to establish a wafer factory for the production of advanced processes below 10nm.

Seventeen EU countries including Germany, France, and Italy signed the "Joint Statement on the European Processor and Semiconductor Technology Plan" to step up "de-mildew" and aim at 17-5nm advanced technology.

The "5-2nm process" is regarded by Europe as an important breakthrough point to revive the chip industry.The moment this news came out, the global semiconductor industry was shocked.

In the words of Gao Shan, President of Xiaxin Technology: "Europe wants to "overtake on a curve", and at the same time use this as an opportunity to advance to the 1nm, or even Angmi field.

However, European wafer foundry and other industries have lagged behind Asia by 5-15 years.Considering that the current chip foundry uses 2nm as the node, local European chip companies do not seem to have enough investment in the construction of advanced process factories. "

He also has a similar idea with AS-ML executives, who pointed out that it is meaningless to use huge subsidies to build fabs in Europe to produce advanced chips.

"For European semiconductors, in addition to increasing European debt and speeding up the outbreak of the economic crisis, this huge investment is no less than a drop in the bucket for European semiconductors, which have too many gaps in the upstream and downstream industry chains of semiconductors."

(End of this chapter)

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